20 research outputs found

    Using noun phrases extraction for the improvement of hybrid clustering with text- and citation-based components. The example of “Information Systems Research”

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    The hybrid clustering approach combining lexical and link-based similarities suffered for a long time from the different properties of the underlying networks. We propose a method based on noun phrase extraction using natural language processing to improve the measurement of the lexical component. Term shingles of different length are created form each of the extracted noun phrases. Hybrid networks are built based on weighted combination of the two types of similarities with seven different weights. We conclude that removing all single term shingles provides the best results at the level of computational feasibility, comparability with bibliographic coupling and also in a community detection application

    Origin and emergence of entrepreneurship as a research field

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    This paper seeks to map out the emergence and evolution of entrepreneurship as an independent field in the social science literature from the early 1990s to 2009. Our analysis indicates that entrepreneurship has grown steadily during the 1990s but has truly emerged as a legitimate academic discipline in the latter part of the 2000s. The field has been dominated by researchers from Anglo-Saxon countries over the past 20 years, with particularly strong representations from the US, UK, and Canada. The results from our structural analysis, which is based on a core document approach, point to five large knowledge clusters and further 16 sub-clusters. We characterize the clusters from their cognitive structure and assess the strength of the relationships between these clusters. In addition, a list of most cited articles is presented and discussed

    Research in emerging fields: Who takes the lead?.

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    In the present piece we study research performance and collaboration of the European Union and the most active countries in emerging topics that have been identified in a dynamic cluster analysis of selected Web of Science Subject Categories in the period 1999-2008.

    Estudio comparativo sobre la visualización de redes de co-words a través de los descriptores del Science Citation Index y de Medline

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    Cantos Mateos, Gisela; Zulueta, María Ángeles; Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín; Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida. Estudio comparativo sobre la visualización de redes de co-words a través de los descriptores del Science Citation Index y de Medline. Atas de I Congresso ISKO Espanha e Portugal / XI Congresso ISKO Espanha, Oporto (Portugal), 7 a 9 de novembro 201, p. 173-189Objetivos: El presente estudio se centra en la investigación desarrollada en España sobre células madre comprendida entre los años 1997 y 2010. El objetivo fundamental consiste en la comparación de las líneas de investigación que ofrece el análisis de distintos tipos de descriptores, según su naturaleza documental, a partir de su aparición conjunta en los documentos. Material y Métodos: Las fuentes utilizadas han sido las bases de datos del Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E) y Medline, empleando para el estudio el mismo conjunto documental. El análisis aplicado ha consistido en la representación y visualización de las relaciones que se establecen entre los términos de indización. De un lado, se han empleado los descriptores utilizados por el SCI para indizar sus documentos: KeywordsPlus (KW+) y Keywords Author (KWA) y de otro, los descriptores MeSH utilizados por Medline. Las herramientas utilizadas para la visualización han sido el software Pajek, en combinación con el algoritmo PathfinderNetwork (PfNET) para la simplificación de las relaciones y el software VOSviewer.Resultados y Discusión: se han recuperado 3.078 documentos. A partir de ellos, en función del tipo de descriptor seleccionado, se han obtenido distintas imágenes sobre la investigación española en células madre entre 1997 y 2010. La visualización más clara y completa es la que ofrecen los descriptores KW+, permitiendo detectar hasta un total de seis líneas de investigación. La visualización de los KWA, por su parte, ofrece una imagen más diluida de las líneas de investigación, reflejando, sobre todo, la investigación de carácter más básico. Finalmente, la representación de las relaciones de los descriptores MeSH también se aproxima, sobre todo, a los estudios de carácter más básico. Conclusión: la comparación de las visualizaciones ha permitido determinar que los descriptores KW+ son la unidad de análisis más adecuada a la hora de realizar un análisis temático sobre un domino científico.Peer reviewe

    Improved lexical similarities for hybrid clustering through the use of noun phrases extraction

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    Clustering of hybrid document networks combining citation based links with lexical similarities suffered for a long time from the different properties of these underlying networks. In this paper we evaluate different processing options of noun phrases extracted from abstracts using natural language processing to improve the measurement of the lexical component. Term shingles of different length are created from each of the extracted noun phrases. We discuss twenty different extraction-shingling scenarios and compare their results. Some scenarios show no improvement compared with the previously used single term lexical approach used so far. But when all single term shingles are removed from the dataset the lexical network has properties which are comparable with those from a bibliographic coupling based network. Next, hybrid networks are built based on weighted combination of the two types of similarities with seven different weights. We demonstrate that removing all single term shingles provides the best results at the level of computational feasibility, comparability with bibliographic coupling and also in a community detection application

    Web-Based Inquiry in Science Learning: Bibliometric Analysis

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    Web-based inquiry is an intermediary medium that supports broad sharing of data and ideas, in visualizing, analyzing, and offering knowledge integration. This study aims to analyze the scope of scientific research related to web-based inquiry using bibliometric studies starting from the last 10 years. Database information is obtained from Scopus indexed papers, via the Publish or Perish application. Based on the search and selection results, 65 articles were obtained which were then reviewed with Zotero and processed with the VOS viewer. The analysis used is based on the title area, according to web-based inquiry in supporting science education research. Overall, this study provides information regarding research opportunities in science learning with web-based inquiry, especially during this pandemic. This research also illustrates the publication opportunities in various countries that have a high interest in the topic of inquiry. The mapping of the bibliometric results also supports the scientific explanation between the theory and the evidence of probability. Therefore, the literature is expected to be a reference for further science research

    Investigación española en células madre (1997-2010). Localización y evolución de las principales líneas de investigación a través de los KeyWords Plus

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    •Objective: To render and analyze the evolution and dynamics of the main research lines in the Spanish scientific output on stem cells between 1997 and 2010. •Material and Methods: We retrieved the documents from the Science Citation Index (SCI). The units of analysis were the descriptors KeyWords Plus (KW +). The tools used for visualization have been software Pajek combined with Pathfinder Network (PFnet), and VOSviewer software. This study analyzes the period includes between 1997-2007, and the evolution of the research into three sub-periods: 1997-2001, 2002-2006 and 2007-2010. •Results and Discussion: The results of the full period locate up to six main research lines. In the first period, there is a strong presence of the descriptors that represent documents related to hematology and oncology. However, the other research lines do not begin to be clearly detected until the second period. Here,we can locate clusters of descriptors related to hematopoietic stem cell research, others related with the generation, proliferation and differentiation of stem cells and finally, alternate associated to an emerging cluster of neural progenitor cells. The results show that the weight of these latter groups make them more evident in the last period. •Conclusion: The visualization of the relationships between the KW + has yielded two complementary images of the situation and evolution of Spanish research on stem cells. The methodology has identified areas of research both consolidated and emerging, intuiting the development of a thematic domain over time. The visualization software complement each other quite well, matching in the identification of the main research lines and in the location of the most influential descriptors

    What is going on in entrepreneurship research? A bibliometric and SNA analysis

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    Entrepreneurship is a highly dynamic and fast-growing academic research field with a long intellectual tradition. It attracts scholars with different backgrounds and theoretical frameworks, and with different levels of analyses and methodological orientations. But where is the field headed next? What is going on in entrepreneurship research? The purpose of this paper is to take stock of the current research in the field, to map it using bibliometric methods and social network analysis (SNA), and to offer directions for future research. Bibliographic coupling analysis (BCA) is used in this study, due to its ability to unveil current trends and future priorities as they are reflected at the forefront of research (i.e., active research fronts). Data were collected from the WoS, comprising 5,393 peer-reviewed journal articles published in 273 journals and containing 470,262 cited references. The results provide an overall perspective of the research in the field, identifying 16 different research fronts. We believe that this study significantly contributes to the entrepreneurship field by revealing the advancement of the literature and some of the most active research fronts in this domain, providing insights not previously fully grasped or evaluated by previous literature reviews