87 research outputs found

    Social media mining under the COVID-19 context: Progress, challenges, and opportunities

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    Social media platforms allow users worldwide to create and share information, forging vast sensing networks that allow information on certain topics to be collected, stored, mined, and analyzed in a rapid manner. During the COVID-19 pandemic, extensive social media mining efforts have been undertaken to tackle COVID-19 challenges from various perspectives. This review summarizes the progress of social media data mining studies in the COVID-19 contexts and categorizes them into six major domains, including early warning and detection, human mobility monitoring, communication and information conveying, public attitudes and emotions, infodemic and misinformation, and hatred and violence. We further document essential features of publicly available COVID-19 related social media data archives that will benefit research communities in conducting replicable and repro�ducible studies. In addition, we discuss seven challenges in social media analytics associated with their potential impacts on derived COVID-19 findings, followed by our visions for the possible paths forward in regard to social media-based COVID-19 investigations. This review serves as a valuable reference that recaps social media mining efforts in COVID-19 related studies and provides future directions along which the information harnessed from social media can be used to address public health emergencies

    Identification of Online Users' Social Status via Mining User-Generated Data

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    With the burst of available online user-generated data, identifying online users’ social status via mining user-generated data can play a significant role in many commercial applications, research and policy-making in many domains. Social status refers to the position of a person in relation to others within a society, which is an abstract concept. The actual definition of social status is specific in terms of specific measure indicator. For example, opinion leadership measures individual social status in terms of influence and expertise in an online society, while socioeconomic status characterizes personal real-life social status based on social and economic factors. Compared with traditional survey method which is time-consuming, expensive and sometimes difficult, some efforts have been made to identify specific social status of users based on specific user-generated data using classic machine learning methods. However, in fact, regarding specific social status identification based on specific user-generated data, the specific case has several specific challenges. However, classic machine learning methods in existing works fail to address these challenges, which lead to low identification accuracy. Given the importance of improving identification accuracy, this thesis studies three specific cases on identification of online and offline social status. For each work, this thesis proposes novel effective identification method to address the specific challenges for improving accuracy. The first work aims at identifying users’ online social status in terms of topic-sensitive influence and knowledge authority in social community question answering sites, namely identifying topical opinion leaders who are both influential and expert. Social community question answering (SCQA) site, an innovative community question answering platform, not only offers traditional question answering (QA) services but also integrates an online social network where users can follow each other. Identifying topical opinion leaders in SCQA has become an important research area due to the significant role of topical opinion leaders. However, most previous related work either focus on using knowledge expertise to find experts for improving the quality of answers, or aim at measuring user influence to identify influential ones. In order to identify the true topical opinion leaders, we propose a topical opinion leader identification framework called QALeaderRank which takes account of both topic-sensitive influence and topical knowledge expertise. In the proposed framework, to measure the topic-sensitive influence of each user, we design a novel influence measure algorithm that exploits both the social and QA features of SCQA, taking into account social network structure, topical similarity and knowledge authority. In addition, we propose three topic-relevant metrics to infer the topical expertise of each user. The extensive experiments along with an online user study show that the proposed QALeaderRank achieves significant improvement compared with the state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, we analyze the topic interest change behaviors of users over time and examine the predictability of user topic interest through experiments. The second work focuses on predicting individual socioeconomic status from mobile phone data. Socioeconomic Status (SES) is an important social and economic aspect widely concerned. Assessing individual SES can assist related organizations in making a variety of policy decisions. Traditional approach suffers from the extremely high cost in collecting large-scale SES-related survey data. With the ubiquity of smart phones, mobile phone data has become a novel data source for predicting individual SES with low cost. However, the task of predicting individual SES on mobile phone data also proposes some new challenges, including sparse individual records, scarce explicit relationships and limited labeled samples, unconcerned in prior work restricted to regional or household-oriented SES prediction. To address these issues, we propose a semi-supervised Hypergraph based Factor Graph Model (HyperFGM) for individual SES prediction. HyperFGM is able to efficiently capture the associations between SES and individual mobile phone records to handle the individual record sparsity. For the scarce explicit relationships, HyperFGM models implicit high-order relationships among users on the hypergraph structure. Besides, HyperFGM explores the limited labeled data and unlabeled data in a semi-supervised way. Experimental results show that HyperFGM greatly outperforms the baseline methods on individual SES prediction with using a set of anonymized real mobile phone data. The third work is to predict social media users’ socioeconomic status based on their social media content, which is useful for related organizations and companies in a range of applications, such as economic and social policy-making. Previous work leverage manually defined textual features and platform-based user level attributes from social media content and feed them into a machine learning based classifier for SES prediction. However, they ignore some important information of social media content, containing the order and the hierarchical structure of social media text as well as the relationships among user level attributes. To this end, we propose a novel coupled social media content representation model for individual SES prediction, which not only utilizes a hierarchical neural network to incorporate the order and the hierarchical structure of social media text but also employs a coupled attribute representation method to take into account intra-coupled and inter-coupled interaction relationships among user level attributes. The experimental results show that the proposed model significantly outperforms other stat-of-the-art models on a real dataset, which validate the efficiency and robustness of the proposed model

    Mapping (Dis-)Information Flow about the MH17 Plane Crash

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    Digital media enables not only fast sharing of information, but also disinformation. One prominent case of an event leading to circulation of disinformation on social media is the MH17 plane crash. Studies analysing the spread of information about this event on Twitter have focused on small, manually annotated datasets, or used proxys for data annotation. In this work, we examine to what extent text classifiers can be used to label data for subsequent content analysis, in particular we focus on predicting pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian Twitter content related to the MH17 plane crash. Even though we find that a neural classifier improves over a hashtag based baseline, labeling pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian content with high precision remains a challenging problem. We provide an error analysis underlining the difficulty of the task and identify factors that might help improve classification in future work. Finally, we show how the classifier can facilitate the annotation task for human annotators

    Detecting Mental Distresses Using Social Behavior Analysis in the Context of COVID-19: A Survey

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    Online social media provides a channel for monitoring people\u27s social behaviors from which to infer and detect their mental distresses. During the COVID-19 pandemic, online social networks were increasingly used to express opinions, views, and moods due to the restrictions on physical activities and in-person meetings, leading to a significant amount of diverse user-generated social media content. This offers a unique opportunity to examine how COVID-19 changed global behaviors regarding its ramifications on mental well-being. In this article, we surveyed the literature on social media analysis for the detection of mental distress, with a special emphasis on the studies published since the COVID-19 outbreak. We analyze relevant research and its characteristics and propose new approaches to organizing the large amount of studies arising from this emerging research area, thus drawing new views, insights, and knowledge for interested communities. Specifically, we first classify the studies in terms of feature extraction types, language usage patterns, aesthetic preferences, and online behaviors. We then explored various methods (including machine learning and deep learning techniques) for detecting mental health problems. Building upon the in-depth review, we present our findings and discuss future research directions and niche areas in detecting mental health problems using social media data. We also elaborate on the challenges of this fast-growing research area, such as technical issues in deploying such systems at scale as well as privacy and ethical concerns

    Assessing the social impacts of extreme weather events using social media

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    The frequency and severity of extreme weather events such as flooding, hurricanes/storms and heatwaves are increasing as a result of climate change. There is a need for information to better understand when, where and how these events are impacting people. However, there are currently limited sources of impact information beyond traditional meteorological observations. Social sensing, which is the use of unsolicited social media data to better understand real world events, is one method that may provide such information. Social sensing has successfully been used to detect earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, wildfires, heatwaves and other weather hazards. Here social sensing methods are adapted to explore potential for collecting impact information for meteorologists and decision makers concerned with extreme weather events. After a review of the literature, three experimental studies are presented. Social sensing is shown to be effective for detection of impacts of named storms in the UK and Ireland. Topics of discussion and sentiment are explored in the period before, during and after a storm event. Social sensing is also shown able to detect high-impact rainfall events worldwide, validating results against a manually curated database. Additional events which were not known to this database were found by social sensing. Finally, social sensing was applied to heatwaves in three European cities. Building on previous work on heatwaves in the UK, USA and Australia, the methods were extended to include impact phrases alongside hazard-related phrases, in three different languages (English, Dutch and Greek). Overall, social sensing is found to be a good source of impact information for organisations that need to better understand the impacts of extreme weather. The research described in this project has been commercialised for operational use by meteorological agencies in the UK, including the Met Office, Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Combating Attacks and Abuse in Large Online Communities

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    Internet users today are connected more widely and ubiquitously than ever before. As a result, various online communities are formed, ranging from online social networks (Facebook, Twitter), to mobile communities (Foursquare, Waze), to content/interests based networks (Wikipedia, Yelp, Quora). While users are benefiting from the ease of access to information and social interactions, there is a growing concern for users' security and privacy against various attacks such as spam, phishing, malware infection and identity theft. Combating attacks and abuse in online communities is challenging. First, today’s online communities are increasingly dependent on users and user-generated content. Securing online systems demands a deep understanding of the complex and often unpredictable human behaviors. Second, online communities can easily have millions or even billions of users, which requires the corresponding security mechanisms to be highly scalable. Finally, cybercriminals are constantly evolving to launch new types of attacks. This further demands high robustness of security defenses. In this thesis, we take concrete steps towards measuring, understanding, and defending against attacks and abuse in online communities. We begin with a series of empirical measurements to understand user behaviors in different online services and the uniquesecurity and privacy challenges that users are facing with. This effort covers a broad set of popular online services including social networks for question and answering (Quora), anonymous social networks (Whisper), and crowdsourced mobile communities (Waze). Despite the differences of specific online communities, our study provides a first look at their user activity patterns based on empirical data, and reveals the need for reliable mechanisms to curate user content, protect privacy, and defend against emerging attacks. Next, we turn our attention to attacks targeting online communities, with focus on spam campaigns. While traditional spam is mostly generated by automated software, attackers today start to introduce "human intelligence" to implement attacks. This is maliciouscrowdsourcing (or crowdturfing) where a large group of real-users are organized to carry out malicious campaigns, such as writing fake reviews or spreading rumors on social media. Using collective human efforts, attackers can easily bypass many existing defenses (e.g.,CAPTCHA). To understand the ecosystem of crowdturfing, we first use measurements to examine their detailed campaign organization, workers and revenue. Based on insights from empirical data, we develop effective machine learning classifiers to detect crowdturfingactivities. In the meantime, considering the adversarial nature of crowdturfing, we also build practical adversarial models to simulate how attackers can evade or disrupt machine learning based defenses. To aid in this effort, we next explore using user behavior models to detect a wider range of attacks. Instead of making assumptions about attacker behavior, our idea is to model normal user behaviors and capture (malicious) behaviors that are deviated from norm. In this way, we can detect previously unknown attacks. Our behavior model is based on detailed clickstream data, which are sequences of click events generated by users when using the service. We build a similarity graph where each user is a node and the edges are weightedby clickstream similarity. By partitioning this graph, we obtain "clusters" of users with similar behaviors. We then use a small set of known good users to "color" these clusters to differentiate the malicious ones. This technique has been adopted by real-world social networks (Renren and LinkedIn), and already detected unexpected attacks. Finally, we extend clickstream model to understanding more-grained behaviors of attackers (and real users), and tracking how user behavior changes over time. In summary, this thesis illustrates a data-driven approach to understanding and defending against attacks and abuse in online communities. Our measurements have revealed new insights about how attackers are evolving to bypass existing security defenses today. Inaddition, our data-driven systems provide new solutions for online services to gain a deep understanding of their users, and defend them from emerging attacks and abuse

    Credibility analysis of textual claims with explainable evidence

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    Despite being a vast resource of valuable information, the Web has been polluted by the spread of false claims. Increasing hoaxes, fake news, and misleading information on the Web have given rise to many fact-checking websites that manually assess these doubtful claims. However, the rapid speed and large scale of misinformation spread have become the bottleneck for manual verification. This calls for credibility assessment tools that can automate this verification process. Prior works in this domain make strong assumptions about the structure of the claims and the communities where they are made. Most importantly, black-box techniques proposed in prior works lack the ability to explain why a certain statement is deemed credible or not. To address these limitations, this dissertation proposes a general framework for automated credibility assessment that does not make any assumption about the structure or origin of the claims. Specifically, we propose a feature-based model, which automatically retrieves relevant articles about the given claim and assesses its credibility by capturing the mutual interaction between the language style of the relevant articles, their stance towards the claim, and the trustworthiness of the underlying web sources. We further enhance our credibility assessment approach and propose a neural-network-based model. Unlike the feature-based model, this model does not rely on feature engineering and external lexicons. Both our models make their assessments interpretable by extracting explainable evidence from judiciously selected web sources. We utilize our models and develop a Web interface, CredEye, which enables users to automatically assess the credibility of a textual claim and dissect into the assessment by browsing through judiciously and automatically selected evidence snippets. In addition, we study the problem of stance classification and propose a neural-network-based model for predicting the stance of diverse user perspectives regarding the controversial claims. Given a controversial claim and a user comment, our stance classification model predicts whether the user comment is supporting or opposing the claim.Das Web ist eine riesige Quelle wertvoller Informationen, allerdings wurde es durch die Verbreitung von Falschmeldungen verschmutzt. Eine zunehmende Anzahl an Hoaxes, Falschmeldungen und irreführenden Informationen im Internet haben viele Websites hervorgebracht, auf denen die Fakten überprüft und zweifelhafte Behauptungen manuell bewertet werden. Die rasante Verbreitung großer Mengen von Fehlinformationen sind jedoch zum Engpass für die manuelle Überprüfung geworden. Dies erfordert Tools zur Bewertung der Glaubwürdigkeit, mit denen dieser Überprüfungsprozess automatisiert werden kann. In früheren Arbeiten in diesem Bereich werden starke Annahmen gemacht über die Struktur der Behauptungen und die Portale, in denen sie gepostet werden. Vor allem aber können die Black-Box-Techniken, die in früheren Arbeiten vorgeschlagen wurden, nicht erklären, warum eine bestimmte Aussage als glaubwürdig erachtet wird oder nicht. Um diesen Einschränkungen zu begegnen, wird in dieser Dissertation ein allgemeines Framework für die automatisierte Bewertung der Glaubwürdigkeit vorgeschlagen, bei dem keine Annahmen über die Struktur oder den Ursprung der Behauptungen gemacht werden. Insbesondere schlagen wir ein featurebasiertes Modell vor, das automatisch relevante Artikel zu einer bestimmten Behauptung abruft und deren Glaubwürdigkeit bewertet, indem die gegenseitige Interaktion zwischen dem Sprachstil der relevanten Artikel, ihre Haltung zur Behauptung und der Vertrauenswürdigkeit der zugrunde liegenden Quellen erfasst wird. Wir verbessern unseren Ansatz zur Bewertung der Glaubwürdigkeit weiter und schlagen ein auf neuronalen Netzen basierendes Modell vor. Im Gegensatz zum featurebasierten Modell ist dieses Modell nicht auf Feature-Engineering und externe Lexika angewiesen. Unsere beiden Modelle machen ihre Einschätzungen interpretierbar, indem sie erklärbare Beweise aus sorgfältig ausgewählten Webquellen extrahieren. Wir verwenden unsere Modelle zur Entwicklung eines Webinterfaces, CredEye, mit dem Benutzer die Glaubwürdigkeit einer Behauptung in Textform automatisch bewerten und verstehen können, indem sie automatisch ausgewählte Beweisstücke einsehen. Darüber hinaus untersuchen wir das Problem der Positionsklassifizierung und schlagen ein auf neuronalen Netzen basierendes Modell vor, um die Position verschiedener Benutzerperspektiven in Bezug auf die umstrittenen Behauptungen vorherzusagen. Bei einer kontroversen Behauptung und einem Benutzerkommentar sagt unser Einstufungsmodell voraus, ob der Benutzerkommentar die Behauptung unterstützt oder ablehnt