771 research outputs found

    Digital LED Pixels: Instructions for use and a characterization of their properties

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    This article details how to control light emitting diodes (LEDs) using an ordinary desktop computer. By combining digitally addressable LEDs with an off-the-shelf microcontroller (Arduino), multiple LEDs can be controlled independently and with a high degree of temporal, chromatic, and luminance precision. The proposed solution is safe (can be powered by a 5-V battery), tested (has been used in published research), inexpensive (∼ 60+60 + 2 per LED), highly interoperable (can be controlled by any type of computer/operating system via a USB or Bluetooth connection), requires no prior knowledge of electrical engineering (components simply require plugging together), and uses widely available components for which established help forums already exist. Matlab code is provided, including a ‘minimal working example’ of use suitable for use by beginners. Properties of the recommended LEDs are also characterized, including their response time, luminance profile, and color gamut. Based on these, it is shown that the LEDs are highly stable in terms of both luminance and chromaticity, and do not suffer from issues of warm-up, chromatic shift, and slow response times associated with traditional CRT and LCD monitor technology

    A history of the use of quantitative tools and techniques in business.

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    http://www.archive.org/details/historyofuseofqu00moorU.S. Navy (U.S.N.) author

    High-Performance Heterogeneous Computing with the Convey HC-1

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    Unlike other socket-based reconfigurable coprocessors, the Convey HC-1 contains nearly 40 field-programmable gate arrays, scatter-gather memory modules, a high-capacity crossbar switch, and a fully coherent memory system

    The Godfather of Modern Political Consulting: Matthew Reese

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    Matthew Reese, a professional political consultant from West Virginia, worked on numerous major campaigns in the latter part of the twentieth century and transformed the profession. Scholars have studied and written about the increasing role of professional political consultants since their emergence in the mid twentieth century, but no scholarship has been dedicated to Matthew Reese. This analysis of Reese and his legacy examines the impact that he has had on political consulting from serving in a key advisory role for John Kennedy’s 1960 West Virginia Primary campaign, to creating his own political firm, being the first to use computer software to assist in data collection and campaign and leaving behind an impressive pedigree of consultants that continue to use similar methodology today

    Study of Various Motherboards

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    Data systems elements technology assessment and system specifications, issue no. 2

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    The ability to satisfy the objectives of future NASA Office of Applications programs is dependent on technology advances in a number of areas of data systems. The hardware and software technology of end-to-end systems (data processing elements through ground processing, dissemination, and presentation) are examined in terms of state of the art, trends, and projected developments in the 1980 to 1985 timeframe. Capability is considered in terms of elements that are either commercially available or that can be implemented from commercially available components with minimal development

    Thoughts on finding the right computer buddy: a moveable feast.

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    The burgeoning supernova of medical information is rapidly overtaking the practicing physician's envelope of comprehension. More physicians by necessity are turning to automated resources as a means of amplifying the information they need to know while, at the same time, reducing the volume of technical pollution. Computers are capable of being a silent partner at your side as you talk with your patient--ready to cut to the quick and retrieve the latest information for the particular clinical problem at hand. Computers can be considered an extension of the brain. In a sense, they are silicon-based "life" forms. Virtuosity is learned from them as familiarity is gained--the same as becoming acquainted with a human stranger. This article is about one physician's solution to the problem of too much information. It's unabashedly anecdotal but we hope the reader will glean some hints while navigating through the realms of cyberspace

    Data systems elements technology assessment and system specifications, issue no. 1

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    The ability to satisfy the objectives of future NASA Office of Applications Programs is dependent on technology advances in a number of areas of data systems. The technology of end-to-end data systems (space generator elements through ground processing, dissemination, and presentation, is examined in terms of state of the art, trends, and projected developments in the 1980 to 1985 timeframe. Capability is considered in terms of elements that are either commercially available or that can be implemented from commercially available components with minimal development

    Comunicações com câmara para aplicações de platooning

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    Platooning is a technology that corresponds to all the coordinated movements of a collection of vehicles, or, in the case of mobile robotics, to all the coordinated movements of a collection of mobile robots. It brings several advantages to driving, such as, improved safety, accurate speed control, lower CO2 emission rates, and higher energy efficiency. This dissertation describes the development of a laboratory scale demonstrator of platooning based on optical camera communications, using two generic wheel steered robots. For this purpose, one of the robots is equipped with a Light Emitting Diode (LED) matrix and the other with a camera. The LED matrix acts as an Optical Camera Communication (OCC) transmitter, providing status information of the robot attitude. The camera acts as both image acquisition and as an OCC receiver. The gathered information is processed using the algorithm You Only Look Once (YOLO) to infer the robot motion. The YOLO object detector continuously checks the movement of the robot in front. Performance evaluation of 5 different YOLO models (YOLOv3, YOLOv3-tiny, YOLOv4, YOLOv4-tiny, YOLOv4-tiny-3l) was conducted to assess which model works best for this project. The outcomes demonstrate that YOLOv4-tiny surpasses the other models in terms of timing, making it the ideal choice for real-time performance. Object detection using YOLOv4-tiny was performed on the computer. This was chosen since it has a processing speed of 3.09 fps as opposed to the Raspberry Pi’s 0.2 fps.O platooning é uma tecnologia que corresponde a todas as movimentações coordenadas de um conjunto de veículos, ou, no caso da robótica movel, a todas as movimentações coordenadas de um conjunto de robots móveis. Traz várias vantagens para a condução, tais como, maior segurança, um controlo preciso da velocidade, menores taxas de emissão de CO2 e maior eficiência energética. Esta dissertação descreve o desenvolvimento de um demonstrador de platooning em escala laboratorial baseado em comunicações com câmera, usando dois robôs móveis genéricos. Para este propósito, um dos robôs é equipado com uma matriz de Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) e o outro é equipado com uma câmera. A matriz de LEDs funciona como transmissor, fornecendo informações de estado do robô. A câmera funciona como recetor, realizando a aquisição de imagens. As informações recolhidas são processadas usando o algoritmo You Only Look Once (YOLO) de forma a prever o movimento do robô. O YOLO verifica continuamente o movimento do robô da frente. A avaliação de desempenho de 5 modelos de YOLO diferentes (YOLOv3, YOLOv3-tiny, YOLOv4, YOLOv4-tiny, YOLOv4-tiny-3l) foi realizada para identificar qual o modelo que funciona melhor no contexto deste projeto. Os resultados demonstram que o YOLOv4-tiny supera os outros modelos em termos de tempo, tornando-o a escolha ideal para desempenho em tempo real. A deteção de objetos usando YOLOv4-tiny foi realizada no computador. Esta escolhe deveuse ao facto de o computador ter uma velocidade de processamento de 3,09 fps em oposição aos 0,2 fps da Raspberry Pi.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe