10 research outputs found

    Perceived ease and use of Electronic Information resources by Undergraduates of private University in Oyo state, Nigeria.

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    Purpose: University libraries are investing huge amount of money to provide useful and accessible information services to users in electronic format to enhance learning and research activities. In order to justify the investment made on electronic information resources, this study examined awareness, perceived ease and use of EIR by undergraduate students of private university in Oyo state, Nigeria. Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive survey design with a study population of 2,171 undergraduate students. Multi-stage sampling technique was used for selecting the sampled respondents for the study. Questionnaire was used for data collection which was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson product moment correlation. Findings: The findings revealed that EIR was perceived to be complex, non-flexible and not easy to use. More so, the use of EIR does not meet the information needs of the students. The major challenge faced by student when using EIR was found to be frequent power cut with 75% respondent rate. The finding also revealed a positive relationship between perceived ease and use of EIR at (p=0.00; p<0.05). Study Conclusions and policy recommendations: The study concluded that the students perceived EIR as complex and not flexible to use. Therefore, the study recommended that libraries should do more by providing technical support and training to ensure optimal use of EI

    Awareness and use of electronic journals by postgraduates in two Federal Universities in South West, Nigeria

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    This study examined awareness and use of electronic journals by postgraduates of Obafemi Awolowo University and University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Random sampling technique was used to select postgraduates from four faculties (Arts, Science, Social Science and Education) from the aforementioned universities. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample of 400 postgraduates. Frequencies and percentages were used for data analysis. Findings revealed that postgraduates were aware of electronic journals databases the library holds and they wereutilized mainly for research work. The study revealed that postgraduates were highly skilled in searching and retrieving of electronic journals but encountered some difficulties such as incessant power outage, slow internet connectivity and download delay among others. It was recommendedthat a standby generating set should be provided to cushion the effect of erratic power supply and that user education/ training on a regular basis should be carried out in order to increase usage of electronic journals. Keywords: Electronic journal, Access, Use, Postgraduates, University

    Awareness and Use of E-Journals by the Research Scholars and Faculty Members in the Department of Political Science of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh: A Study

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    Electronic-journals are playing an essential role in today’s digital world for higher academic education and institutions. The aim of the study was to ascertain the level of awareness and use of e-journals by the research scholars and faculty members in the department of political science of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. A well structured questionnaire was prepared for the research scholars and faculty members of political science to gather data related to the use of e-journals. The study revealed that most of the research scholars and faculty members were aware of e-journals and largely uses them for reference purposes in their research work. The results shows that majority of the respondents of both type prefer electronic form of journals. Majority of research scholars (62%) and faculty members (73%) in the department preferred pdf format for reading e-journals. It was also found that lack of training and slow downloading were the main hurdle in the proper utilization of e-journals. The present study suggested that more access terminals should be provided to the research scholars and faculty members and user orientation programmes should be introduced to enhance the e-journal service effectively and efficiently in the department of political science of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

    Pemanfaatan Jurnal Elektronik yang Dilanggan Undip oleh Dosen sebagai Referensi Penelitian Skema Riset Pengembangan dan Penerapan

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang pemanfaatan Jurnal yang dilanggan Undip oleh dosen sebagai referensi penelitian dalam skema riset pengembangan dan penerapan pada masa pandemi covid-19. UPT Perpustakaan Undip sebagai pengelola e-Resources Undip tidak dapat mengetahui jumlah dosen yang mengakses. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemanfaatan Jurnal yang dilanggan Undip oleh dosen sebagai referensi penelitian dalam skema Riset Pengembangan dan Penerapan pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif untuk menunjukkan pendekatan dengan memahami dan mengeksplorasi pada penyelidikan ilmiah. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara tak terstruktur dan dokumentasi. Tujuh orang informan dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis data domain, dengan teknik ini peneliti berhasil mengungkap bagaimana para dosen memanfaatkan aplikasi Jurnal yang dilanggan Undip yang telah disediakan oleh universitas. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dosen telah mengeksplor database e-journal internasional yang disediakan aplikasi Jurnal yang dilanggan Undip dan memanfaatkannya sebagai referensi dalam proses penulisan proposal, laporan dan juga luaran penelitian skema Riset Pengembangan dan Penerapan. Dosen menemukan literatur-literatur yang relevan untuk referensi penelitian skema Riset Pengembangan dan Penerapan

    Students' satisfaction with the availability of e-resources, infrastructure, staff commitment and students involvement in colleges of education in Northeastern Nigeria

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    The study attempted to examine the students‘ satisfaction with the availability of eresources, students‘ satisfaction with the availability of infrastructure, students‘ satisfaction with the staff commitment and students‘ involvement in using the e-resources in Colleges of Education in Northeastern Nigeria. This is a descriptive correlational study and using questionnaires as the instruments. The study covers 5 colleges of education, and only NCE level 3 students were involved in Northeastern Nigeria, which gives the total population (N) of 439. Out of 439 students population, 406 were chosen samples and convient sampling technique. The SPSS version 22 was used to run the analysis. Descriptive analysis was used to determine the level of students‘ satisfaction with the availability of e-resources is moderate (M = 2.75; SD= 0.57), student‘s satisfaction with the availability of infrastructure is low (M =1.09; SD= 0.56), students‘ satisfaction with the staff commitment is moderate (M = 3.11; SD= 0.71) and the students‘ involvement in using the e-resources is also at a moderate level (M = 3.10; SD= 0.70). An independent sample t-test was conducted to compare the difference in students‘ satisfaction with the availability of e-resources based on gender. The findings show that there is no significant difference in the mean scores for males (M=2.31; SD= 0.68) and that of females (M=2.31; SD= 0.69); t (406) = 3.42, p =.001. The analysis shows that there is a significant difference in age groups on students‘ satisfaction with the availability of e-resource (F (2, 403) = 11.109, p = .000). Therefore, the Post-Hoc Multiple comparison test based on Tukey HSD indicated a significant difference between the respondents in age groups of 18 – 24 year (M = 2.53, p.05); and COE Biu (M = 2.55, p< .05). Also, the findings indicated that there is a weak and significant relationship between students‘ satisfaction with the availability of e-resources and infrastructure in colleges of education (r= .192, p<.05); there is a medium and significant relationship between students satisfaction with the availability of e-resources and staff' commitment in colleges of education (r = .455, p < .05); and there is a medium and significant relationship between students‘ satisfaction with the availability of e-resources and students‘ involvement in Colleges of Education (r = .430, p <.05). However, based on the findings of this study, there is a need to improve the students‘ satisfaction with the availability of e-resources in Colleges of Education in Northeastern Nigeria. Also, the needs to improve the students‘ satisfaction with the availability of infrastructure, students‘ satisfaction with the staff commitment and students‘ involvement in using the e-resources among students in Colleges of Education in Northeastern Nigeria in order to meet up with the needs and demands of the students

    Use of electronic journals by academic staff at Strathmore University.

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    Strathmore University subscribes to electronic journals with the aim of providing library users a variety of information resources to use in teaching, learning and research. Library users receive training in the use of e-journals through information literacy and library user training programs. In addition, users have access to computers fully connected to the internet. Despite this, the use of ejournals by lecturers at Strathmore University is below the librarians’ expectations. The researcher was motivated by this to carry out a study to establish why Strathmore University lecturers do not make maximum use of these electronic journals. The aim of the study was to investigate the use of electronic journals by lecturers at Strathmore University; and ascertain the extent to which their information needs were met by these journals. The objectives of the study were to; determine the use of e-journals by lecturers in teaching and research; find out whether lecturers at Strathmore University were aware of the availability of ejournals in their libraries; establish whether the available e-journals were meeting the information needs of lecturers at Strathmore University; find out whether lecturers at Strathmore University had adequate skills to use in accessing ejournals; establish the perception of lecturers at Strathmore University towards electronic journals; establish the level of ICT support infrastructure available at the university; establish the challenges lecturers at Strathmore University encountered in using e-journals; and establish the possible solutions to the challenges faced by lecturers in using e-journals. The study was based on the Horizontal Pyramid Model by Ndubisi and Jantan (2003). The population of the study comprised Strathmore University lecturers. Purposive sampling techniques were used in the study. Data was collected using face to face semi-structured interviews, observation and documentary analysis. It was analysed using descriptive statistics and content analysis. Tables and charts were used to give more detailed presentation and analyses. The study established that most lecturers are aware of the existence of e-journals in the university. The e-journals available meet the information needs of lecturers. Most lecturers at Strathmore University did not have adequate skills to use in accessing e-journals. It was found that lack of skills, low bandwidth, work overload, and publishers' embargos, among others, are some of the challenges lecturers faced in using e-journals. Among the recommendations included the establishment of information literacy programs to train lecturers to access and use e-journals. Libraries should also improve the e-journals' databases’ user interface to eliminate the complexity that exists in various databasesStrathmore Universit

    Critérios para avaliação da gestão de periódicos científicos eletrônicos sob a ótica do capital intelectual

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, Florianópolis, 2014.A propagação de novos títulos de periódicos científicos nas diversas áreas do conhecimento tem sido preocupação dos profissionais que se interessam pela qualidade da informação científica, quer sejam autores, editores, publicadores, serviços de indexação, centros de documentação, bibliotecas e, de maneira especial, pesquisadores (usuários da informação). No processo de formação da revisão de literatura observou-se, que as pesquisas sobre o tema periódico científico eletrônico ainda não abordaram a visão de Capital Intelectual (CI) como forma de avaliar sua gestão. Este trabalho propõe critérios para avaliar a gestão dos periódicos científicos eletrônico utilizando a abordagem de CI. Foi utilizada uma metodologia matemática híbrida com a integração dos métodos Fuzzy Delphi (FDELPHI) e Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP). O FDELPHI foi utilizado para levantar os fatores críticos (critérios/subcritérios) presentes na gestão dos periódicos científicos eletrônicos. O método FAHP foi aplicado para calcular os pesos relativos dos critérios/subcritérios selecionados que afetam a sua gestão. Os resultados apontaram que o Capital Humano foi apontado como um dos aspectos que mais (60%) influencia na gestão de um periódico. Quantos aos critérios os que mais influenciam são: Normalização dos artigos; Qualidade dos artigos; Conhecimento dos envolvidos; Reconhecimento pelo trabalho dos referees e colaboradores; Trabalho em equipe; Acurácia das informações publicadas e Visibilidade. Assim com esse trabalho espera-se contribuir para o melhoramento da gestão de periódicos científicos eletrônicos e proporcionar vantagens competitivas.Abstract : The spread of new scientific journal titles in different areas of knowledge has been a concern to professionals who care about the quality of scientific information, whether they are authors, editors, publishers, indexing services, documentation centers, libraries, and in a special way, researchers (information users). In the formation process of literature review, it was noted that the research on electronic scientific journal topic has not addressed yet the vision of Intellectual Capital (IC) as a way to assess their management. This work proposes criteria to evaluate the management of electronic scientific journals using the IC approach. A hybrid mathematical methodology with the integration of Fuzzy Delphi (FDELPHI) and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy process (FAHP) was used. FDELPHI was used to raise critical factors (criteria/sub-criteria) present in electronic scientific journals management. The FAHP method was applied to calculate the relative weights of the criteria/sub-criteria selected that affect their management. The results indicated that the Human Capital was appointed as one of the aspects that most (60%) influences the management of a periodical. Regarding criteria, the most influential ones are: Article normalization; Article quality; Knowledge of those involved; Recognition for the work of referees and contributors; Teamwork; Accuracy of published information and Visibility. So, this work is expected to contribute to improvement in the management of electronic scientific journals and to provide competitive advantages

    The use of electronic resources by postgraduate students and academics at the Graduate School of Business and Leadership, Westville Campus, University of KwaZulu-Natal.

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    Master of Information Studies. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg 2015.Advancements in technology have altered the way information is accessed and have forced academic libraries to shift to digital information. With this rapid pace of change, comes the need for academic libraries to meet the demands of researchers for better access to library resources by providing an effective way to retrieve, store and consume information. This involves harnessing information technologies to the process of teaching, learning and research to enable users to access information beyond the walls of the library. The purpose of this study was to understand academics’ and postgraduate students’ awareness of e-resources, which e-resources were mainly used, how they are accessed and the barriers faced in accessing them. The study further investigated whether academics utilise e-resources in the process of teaching, learning and research. The Graduate School of Business and Leadership (GSB&L) is based at the Westville Campus, UKZN and many of their users consist mainly of part-time students and contract staff. Together with part-time study emerges the concept of convenience and time constraints which are critical factors for users who have limited time to find resources. The study population consisted of 20 academics and 700 postgraduates from the GSB&L. All academics were included in the study and with the postgraduate students stratified random sampling was used to obtain a sample size of 250. A questionnaire was employed as the data collection instrument and distributed to 20 academics, 25 postgraduate diploma, 190 masters and 35 doctoral students. Sixteen academics responded giving a response rate of 80% while 140 questionnaires were returned from the students giving a response rate of 56%. The findings of the study revealed that the vast majority of academics (87.5%) and postgraduate students (84.3%) used e-resources and were aware of the existence of these resources. The study indicated the problems respondents encountered when using e-resources. These problems included “Limited off-campus access”, “Not sure which database to choose”, “Password requirements”, “Slow internet connection” and the need for training in the use of e-resources. Respondents also indicated some main advantage of accessing e-resources such as “Easy/faster access”, “Currency of information” and “Emailing, saving and printing results”. The e-resources that were considered very important by academics included EbscoHost, Science Direct and e-Journals. Postgraduate students also indicated similar results with EbscoHost, Google Scholar, Proquest and e-Journals. When establishing the purpose for academics’ use of e-resources, results shows that a large majority of academics indicated that they used e-resources for “research” (81.3%) and “teaching” (81.3%). Most academics (81.3%) found information about e-resources by accessing the library webpage while postgraduate students mainly found information from lecturers (31.4%), from the library webpage (28.6%) and via library user education programmes (20%). This study found that the most serious problem faced by 32.1% of postgraduate students was “Limited off-campus access”. This confirmed the finding of this study that most students do not come to the library physically to access e-resources but instead used the off-campus access. Results indicated that a majority (81.3%) of academics accessed-books that UKZN libraries subscribes to. However results from postgraduate students revealed that 32.9% accessed e-books while 52.1% did not access e-books. The results of the study indicated that while most of the respondents were aware of e-resources, there was a need for further training to advance their skills when using e-resources. Recommendations based on the findings of the study were presented and these included the need for UKZN Libraries to conduct intensive and more focussed training programmes for both academics and postgraduate students at GSB&L, in addition these training programmes should be made compulsory for all postgraduate students and be included as part of their lectures. Further recommendations included improving the awareness of current and new resources either by sending email alerts, user guides or advertising such on the university website. Finally, suggestions for further research were given

    The adoption and use of peer reviewed electronic journals by academics at selected Zimbabwean state universities.

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    Ph. D. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg 2014.The study investigated the adoption and use of peer reviewed electronic journals by academics at selected Zimbabwean State Universities. The investigation grew out of the realisation that despite several efforts that were made by different university libraries in Zimbabwe to enhance access to peer reviewed electronic journals, the use of such journals among academics remained very limited. Specifically, the study determined the level of awareness of peer reviewed electronic journals by academics, established academics‟ extent of use of the resources, assessed the attitudes and perceptions of academics towards the resources, determined factors that influence the behaviour of academics in Zimbabwean State Universities towards the resources, and investigated the strategies used by state universities libraries in Zimbabwe to promote use of peer reviewed electronic journals by academics. The study was underpinned by the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) whose constructs of Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, and Facilitating Conditions and moderating factors of gender, age, experience, and discipline proved valuable to the tackling of research questions and analysis of data. The study embraced both the positivist and interpretivist paradigms and adopted the quantitative and qualitative approaches within a survey research design. The population consisted of 794 academics from three state universities in Zimbabwe: National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE), and Midlands State University (MSU). The population also included 24 professional librarians from the same universities who were all considered as respondents for the study. The sample size for academics was 363. Data were collected by questionnaires from academics and interviews from professional librarians. The overall response rate was 58.4% for academics with 212 questionnaires being returned out of the 363 that were sent out whereas 22 professional librarians were interviewed out of the targeted 24. Quantitative data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and qualitative data were processed using the Nvivo package. The study found that while the majority of academics in the three universities were aware of the existence of peer reviewed electronic journals in their institutions they did not have intimate knowledge and awareness of the resources. The study also established that the majority of academics at Zimbabwean State Universities had adopted electronic journals but their level of use was low as measured by the number of articles consulted per week, frequency of use, and the major source of information for academics. Attitudes and perceptions of academics towards peer reviewed electronic journals were generally on the positive side with many academics regarding the resources as important for their work. However, academics in Zimbabwe were frustrated by many barriers that militated against their use of electronic journals. The study also found that state universities libraries in Zimbabwe depended on a number of strategies to promote use of electronic journals. However, there were weaknesses in the way these strategies were implemented as they were largely not personalised. The study also established the best fitting UTAUT model, isolating Performance Expectancy and Facilitating Conditions constructs as the most crucial determinants of adoption and use of peer reviewed electronic journals in Zimbabwe. The study recommended establishment of strong and fluid communication channels between university libraries and academic faculties as this would result in effective induction processes that would enhance the awareness of peer reviewed electronic journals by academics. Universities were urged to review the information they were giving to academics to determine its relevancy and adequacy in generating in-depth awareness of electronic journals. Universities were also urged to employ more personalised marketing and promotion strategies to augment the broad based strategies they were using. The use of social media in promotion was also emphasised. Top administrators of universities were encouraged to take a leading role in encouraging use of electronic journals. University libraries were urged to review the model they use to subscribe to peer reviewed electronic journals and embrace one that enables more access to full text electronic journal articles and facilitate participation of academics in selection of resources. Universities were urged to eliminate all forms of barriers that militate against the use of electronic journals by academics and institute continuous training programmes to improve the skills of users. Universities were also encouraged to increase research funding as this had the effect of improving usage of peer reviewed electronic journals