8 research outputs found

    Faith in the Algorithm, Part 1: Beyond the Turing Test

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    Since the Turing test was first proposed by Alan Turing in 1950, the primary goal of artificial intelligence has been predicated on the ability for computers to imitate human behavior. However, the majority of uses for the computer can be said to fall outside the domain of human abilities and it is exactly outside of this domain where computers have demonstrated their greatest contribution to intelligence. Another goal for artificial intelligence is one that is not predicated on human mimicry, but instead, on human amplification. This article surveys various systems that contribute to the advancement of human and social intelligence

    Nutzungsstatistiken elektronischer Publikationen

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    Einer der Vorteile des Open-Access-Publizierens wird in der erhöhten Sichtbarkeit der Dokumente gesehen. Damit verbunden ist die Annahme, die erhöhte Sichtbarkeit führe im Vergleich zu kostenpflichtig zugänglichen Dokumenten auch zu einer verstärkten Nutzung der Open-Access-Dokumente. Zugleich wird angenommen diese verstärkte Nutzung sei die Ursache der bei Open-Access-Dokumenten erhöhten Zitationshäufigkeiten. Abgesehen von Open Access fallen aber generell beim Zugriff auf elektronische Dokumente Nutzungsdaten an. Diese Nutzungsdaten können über Webserver- oder Linkresolver-Logs erhoben werden. Dieser Beitrag konzeptionalisiert Nutzungsstatistiken nicht allein als Prädikator für spätere Zitationshäufigkeiten oder —raten, sondern auch als Indikator, der die von Zitationen abweichenden und alternativen Auswirkungen einer Publikation ausdrückt. Werden Nutzungsdaten für statistische Auswertungen herangezogen, müssen typische Verzerrungen (wie z.B. automatisierte Zugriffe) beseitigt werden, um Interoperabilität zu erreichen. Im Idealfall können aus einem bereinigten Rohformat Nutzungsstatistiken nach verschiedenen Standards bzw. Konventionen (wie z.B. COUNTER, IFABC) erstellt werden. Die Aggregation und der Austausch der Daten verschiedener Server können über offene Schnittstellen - mit besonderem Augemerk auf die Deduplizierung von Dokumenten und Nutzern - erfolgen. Neben der Modellierung alternativer Impact-Maße sind mit erhobenen Nutzungsdaten auch Anwendungen wie etwa Recommender-Systeme, Austausch mit anderen Diensten oder als Unterstützung bei Portfolio-Entscheidungen möglich

    Design implications for task-specific search utilities for retrieval and re-engineering of code

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    The importance of information retrieval systems is unquestionable in the modern society and both individuals as well as enterprises recognise the benefits of being able to find information effectively. Current code-focused information retrieval systems such as Google Code Search, Codeplex or Koders produce results based on specific keywords. However, these systems do not take into account developers’ context such as development language, technology framework, goal of the project, project complexity and developer’s domain expertise. They also impose additional cognitive burden on users in switching between different interfaces and clicking through to find the relevant code. Hence, they are not used by software developers. In this paper, we discuss how software engineers interact with information and general-purpose information retrieval systems (e.g. Google, Yahoo!) and investigate to what extent domain-specific search and recommendation utilities can be developed in order to support their work-related activities. In order to investigate this, we conducted a user study and found that software engineers followed many identifiable and repeatable work tasks and behaviours. These behaviours can be used to develop implicit relevance feedback-based systems based on the observed retention actions. Moreover, we discuss the implications for the development of task-specific search and collaborative recommendation utilities embedded with the Google standard search engine and Microsoft IntelliSense for retrieval and re-engineering of code. Based on implicit relevance feedback, we have implemented a prototype of the proposed collaborative recommendation system, which was evaluated in a controlled environment simulating the real-world situation of professional software engineers. The evaluation has achieved promising initial results on the precision and recall performance of the system

    Uma ferramenta unificada para projeto, desenvolvimento, execução e recomendação de experimentos de aprendizado de máquina

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    Orientadores: Ricardo da Silva Torres, Anderson de Rezende RochaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Devido ao grande crescimento do uso de tecnologias para a aquisição de dados, temos que lidar com grandes e complexos conjuntos de dados a fim de extrair conhecimento que possa auxiliar o processo de tomada de decisão em diversos domínios de aplicação. Uma solução típica para abordar esta questão se baseia na utilização de métodos de aprendizado de máquina, que são métodos computacionais que extraem conhecimento útil a partir de experiências para melhorar o desempenho de aplicações-alvo. Existem diversas bibliotecas e arcabouços na literatura que oferecem apoio à execução de experimentos de aprendizado de máquina, no entanto, alguns não são flexíveis o suficiente para poderem ser estendidos com novos métodos, além de não oferecerem mecanismos que permitam o reuso de soluções de sucesso concebidos em experimentos anteriores na ferramenta. Neste trabalho, propomos um arcabouço para automatizar experimentos de aprendizado de máquina, oferecendo um ambiente padronizado baseado em workflow, tornando mais fácil a tarefa de avaliar diferentes descritores de características, classificadores e abordagens de fusão em uma ampla gama de tarefas. Também propomos o uso de medidas de similaridade e métodos de learning-to-rank em um cenário de recomendação, para que usuários possam ter acesso a soluções alternativas envolvendo experimentos de aprendizado de máquina. Nós realizamos experimentos com quatro medidas de similaridade (Jaccard, Sorensen, Jaro-Winkler e baseada em TF-IDF) e um método de learning-to-rank (LRAR) na tarefa de recomendar workflows modelados como uma sequência de atividades. Os resultados dos experimentos mostram que a medida Jaro-Winkler obteve o melhor desempenho, com resultados comparáveis aos observados para o método LRAR. Em ambos os casos, as recomendações realizadas são promissoras, e podem ajudar usuários reais em diferentes tarefas de aprendizado de máquinaAbstract: Due to the large growth of the use of technologies for data acquisition, we have to handle large and complex data sets in order to extract knowledge that can support the decision-making process in several domains. A typical solution for addressing this issue relies on the use of machine learning methods, which are computational methods that extract useful knowledge from experience to improve performance of target applications. There are several libraries and frameworks in the literature that support the execution of machine learning experiments. However, some of them are not flexible enough for being extended with novel methods and they do not support reusing of successful solutions devised in previous experiments made in the framework. In this work, we propose a framework for automating machine learning experiments that provides a workflow-based standardized environment and makes it easy to evaluate different feature descriptors, classifiers, and fusion approaches in a wide range of tasks. We also propose the use of similarity measures and learning-to-rank methods in a recommendation scenario, in which users may have access to alternative machine learning experiments. We performed experiments with four similarity measures (Jaccard, Sorensen, Jaro-Winkler, and a TF-IDF-based measure) and one learning-to-rank method (LRAR) in the task of recommending workflows modeled as a sequence of activities. Experimental results show that Jaro-Winkler yields the highest effectiveness performance with comparable results to those observed for LRAR. In both cases, the recommendations performed are very promising and might help real-world users in different daily machine learning tasksMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    Personalization and usage data in academic libraries : an exploratory study

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    Personalization is a service pattern for ensuring proactive information delivery tailored to an individual based on learned or perceived needs of the person. It is credited as a remedy for information explosion especially in the academic environment and its importance to libraries was described to the extent of justifying their existence. There have been numerous novel approaches or technical specifications forwarded for realization of personalization in libraries. However, literature shows that the implementation of the services in libraries is minimal which implies the need for a thorough analysis and discussion of issues underlying the practicality of this service in the library environment. This study was initiated by this need and it was done with the objective of finding answers for questions related to library usage data, user profiles and privacy which are among the factors determining the success of personalized services in academic libraries. With the aim of finding comprehensive answers, five distinct cases representing different approaches to academic library personalization were chosen for thorough analysis and themes extracted from them was substantiated by extensive literature review. Moreover, with the aim of getting more information, unstructured questions were presented to the libraries running the services. The overall finding shows that personalization can be realized in academic libraries but it has to address issues related to collecting and processing user/usage data, user interest management, safeguarding user privacy, library privacy laws and other important matters discovered in the course of the study.Joint Master Degree in Digital Library Learning (DILL