62 research outputs found

    Motivating Students to Learn: Is There a Difference between Traditional Books and e-Books?

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    Electronic books have been identified as a current trend in education and are being increasingly adopted by students as their textbook format of choice. However, limited studies on electronic books as a learning tool exist. Thus, this pilot study compares the use of e-books and traditional books as a learning tool in an undergraduate classroom on undergraduate students’ motivation


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar asam basa berbasis pendekatan scientific untuk siswa SMK program keahlian keperawatan dengan metode Four Steps Teaching Material Development (4S TMD). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Development Research (DR) yang terdiri dari tahap Design, Develop, dan Evaluation dengan model pengembangan bahan ajarnya menggunakan 4S TMD yang terdiri dari tahap seleksi, strukturisasi, karakterisasi, dan reduksi didaktik. Pendekatan scientific yang digunakan yaitu: mengamati (observing), menanya (questioning), mengumpulkan data (experimenting), mengasosiasi (associating), dan mengkomunikasi (communicating) yang diadopsi menjadi keterampilan scientific. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu format validasi tahap seleksi, format validasi tahap strukturisasi, format validasi tahap karakterisasi, format validasi reduksi didaktik, angket kelayakan bahan ajar dan format keterpahaman. Uji keterpahaman dilakukan pada siswa SMK program keahlian keperawatan sedangkan uji kelayakan diberikan kepada guru kimia di SMK Nusa Bhakti Bandung dan beberapa dosen ahli di lingkungan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Karakteristik bahan ajar asam basa yang dikembangkan bersifat self instructional, stand alone, adaptive dan user friendly; 2) Keterpahaman bahan ajar oleh siswa sebesar 89.07% (tinggi); dan 3) Kelayakan bahan ajar sebesar 95% (sangat layak) memenuhi kriteria penilaian buku teks pelajaran berdasarkan standar BSNP artinya bahan ajar ini sangat layak digunakan.;This study aims to develop a teaching material of acid base through scientific approach by using the Four Steps Teaching Material Development (4S TMD) method for nursing program in Nusa Bhakti Vocational School . The development method used is 4S TMD which consists of selection, structuring, characterization, and didactic reduction. The scientific approach used are: observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating. The instruments used in this study are the validation form of the selection stage, the validation form of the structuring stage, the validation form of the characterization stage, the didactic reduction validation form, the feasibility of teaching material, and the comprehension form. The comprehension test was carried out on students of nursing program, and the feasibility test of teaching materials was given by teaching material expert lecturers in the Chemistry Education Study Program, Postgraduate Indonesian Education University and state high school chemistry teachers in Nusa Bhakti Vocational School Bandung. The results of the study show: 1) The characteristics of acid base teaching materials developed are self instructional, stand alone, adaptive dan user friendly; 2) Understanding of teaching materials by students is 89.07% (high); and 3) The feasibility of teaching materials is 95% (very feasible) fulfilling the criteria for the assessment of lesson text books based on BSNP standards, meaning that the teaching materials are very suitable to use

    An Examination of the Relationship between Visual Fatigue Symptoms with Flicker Value Variations in Video Display Terminal Users

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    In most sensitive occupations such as nuclear, military and chemical industries closed circuit systems and visual display terminals (VDTs) are used to carefully control and assess sensitive processes. Visual fatigue is one of the factors decreasing accuracy and concentration in operators causing faulty perception. This study aimed to find out a relationship between visual fatigue symptoms (VFS) of Flicker value variations in video display terminal (VDT) operators. This cross-sectional study, conducted in 2011, aimed to examine visual fatigue and determine the relationship between its symptoms and visual flicker value changes in 248 operators of VDTs in several occupations. The materials used in this study were a visual fatigue questionnaire of VDTs and a VFM-90.1 device. Visual fatigue was measured in two stages (prior to beginning to work and 60 min later). The data were analyzed by SPSS11.5, using descriptive statistics, paired t-test, simple and multiple linear regressions, correlation and recognition coefficients. Then regression equations of changes in flicker value depending on the changes in the main domains and the changes in final score before the questionnaire were obtained. Paired t-test indicated significant differences in the mean score of visual fatigue symptoms and the mean score of flicker value between the two stages, respectively (P ≤ 0.001). Simple and multiple regressions of flicker value variations, for the last visual fatigue changes in questionnaire score and the four main domains of the questionnaire were obtained R2 = 0.851 and R2 = 0.853, respectively. Correlation coefficient in the above tests indicated reverse and significant relationships among flicker value changes with changes in questionnaire score and visual fatigue symptoms. Diagnosing the first symptoms of visual fatigue could be an appropriate warning for VDTs operators in sensitive occupations to react suitably, in behavior and management, to control or treat visual fatigue and prevent errors efficiently

    An examination of association of visual fatigue symptoms with flicker value changes in video display terminal operators

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    Background and aims: In the majority of sensitive occupations, such as nuclear, military, chemical, etc, closed circuit systems and visual display terminals (VDTs) are used to control and monitor sensitive processes. Visual fatigue is one of the factors that decreases operators’ precision and awareness and makes the reception of visual data from VDT erroneous. This study was aimed to exanimate the association of visual fatigue symptoms with flicker value changes in video display terminal operators. Methods: This cross-sectional study aimed to examine visual fatigue and to determine the association between its symptoms and visual flicker value changes in 248 operators of VDTs in several occupations was conducted in 2011. The instruments that have been used in this study were a visual fatigue questionnaire of VDTs and a VFM-90.1 device. Visual fatigue was measured in two stages (prior to beginning to work and 60 min later). The data were analyzed using SPSS, descriptive statistics, paired t-test, simple and multivariate linear regression, Pearson correlation, recognition coefficient (R2) and regression equations of changes in flicker value depending on changes in the main domains and changes in final score for the questionnaire were obtained. Results: Paired t-test indicated significant differences in the mean score of visual fatigue symptoms and the mean score of flicker value between two stages respectively (P< 0.001). Simple and multivariate regressions were obtained, respectively for the last visual fatigue changes in questionnaire score (R2 = 0.923) and the four main domains of the questionnaire (R2= 0.924). Correlation coefficient in the above testes indicated on inverse and significant association of flicker value changes with changes in questionnaire score and visual fatigue symptoms. Conclusion: diagnosing the first symptoms of visual fatigue could be an appropriate warning for VDT operators in sensitive occupations to react suitably, in behavior and management, to control or treat visual fatigue and prevent errors efficiently

    Understanding the reasons that hinder mobile e-book use of university mathematics students

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    This study determined the issues related to usage of mathematics mobile e-book and how these issues affected the learning process of the participants. The study used qualitative case study design. Eight postgraduate Mathematics students from Abstract Algebra research group from a local public university in Malaysia were interviewed and observed. The data were analysed in terms of content analysis and descriptive analysis. The findings showed that, utilitarian, affective and cognitive reasons affected the learning activities of the participants negatively. It is concluded that, this study contributed in terms of expanding readers understanding on the reasons that demotivates the usage of mobile e-books and how it's dampen the learning process of the participants

    E-papír alkalmazások kutatása az oktatásban

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    Exploring the influence of utilitarian, cognitive and affective factors on the use of e-books via handheld mobile devices: a review

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    Electronic books (e-books) can be read via dedicated e-book readers and multipurpose handheld mobile devices such as iPads and iPhones. Certain factors influence the use of academic e-books via these handheld mobile devices. The aim of this paper is to systematically review the factors which influence the use of e-books via handheld mobile devices for academic purposes in higher learning institutions. Two search strategies were used to identify the relevant literature of the studies reviewed. At the first stage, electronic databases and journals such as Emerald, Scopus, ProQuest, SpringLink, Science Direct, Wiley Online Library, Academic Search Premier, Communication and Mass Media Complete and Education Research Complete and ERIC were used to search for the relevant articles. Furthermore, journals pertaining to technology in education were searched individually to identify more relevant papers. The keywords used for the search were acceptance, adoption, use, electronic book, handheld mobile devices, e-reader, iPad, PDA and iPhone. At the second stage, snowballing method was used to identify the relevant articles by extracting them from the bibliography of key articles cited in this paper. An article was used for this review if it met three pre-determined criteria. The findings show that utilitarian, cognitive and affective factors influence the use of e-books via handheld mobile devices. However, not many articles explore the influence of affective factor on the use of academic e-books via handheld mobile devices. This systematic review is able to identify the main contributing factors that influence the use of e-books via handheld mobile devices. This review may guide e-book designers, publishers, aggregators and authors to develop e-books which are tailored to the consumers’ needs

    Screen Book Versus Printed Book: A Comparative Study on the Influence of Students Perceived Learning at six semesters on English department in University of Muhammadiyah Gresik

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    Learning media is needed in education. Books are one of the important media. In higher education, variations of the book began to be introduced in the form of printed book (traditional) and screen book (electronic). At the University of Muhammadiyah Gresik in the English department, the two book formats are taught from the first semester to sixth semester. Student learning styles and learning outcomes are also influenced by the book and the format of what books are read by students. This is preceded by the learning felt by the students on what kind of book format is preferred. In this study, researchers look for differences in likes or lessons perceived&nbsp; by students&nbsp; to&nbsp; screen&nbsp; books&nbsp; and&nbsp; printed&nbsp; books&nbsp; at&nbsp; higher&nbsp; levels&nbsp; of education. The sample of this study is 50 students consisting of 23 students from the morning class and 27 students from the afternoon class. Sample is taken by purposive sampling technique to facilitate the researcher to find the right subject with criterion according to this research. Data collection used in this study using questionnaires with Likert scale grading 4 points. Some statements to be answered by respondents in the form of affective questions about their feelings or perceived in learning are often referred to as self-report measure. The Z test is used to test the research hypothesis as it relates to this type of comparative study and to find out the accepted or rejected null hypothesis. The results of this study indicate that there is no significant difference between screen book and printed book on students perceived learning. This means that the two natural groups, morning class and evening class, both prefer the printed book because of the tacticle interaction factor. Of the two classes have a fondness for the screen book but not significant. Then, it can be conclude that in this study null hypothesis is accepted. &nbsp


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    Nowadays technology became an affective and worthy tool for learning and acquisition of knowledge. Although e-books have many facilities and tools which motivate children to read and develop their reading skills, most of the early childhood institutions in Oman are not using e-books for teaching children. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the difference between using e-books and printed books to motivate kindergarteners to read and enhancing their understanding of the text. This study compares between experimental group which use e-books and control group which use printed books. Findings show that there are no significant differences between the two groups with regard to motivation. However, children who read from paper books got better scores in the comprehension test. The study concludes with some future recommendations.  Article visualizations