350 research outputs found

    Enkele aspecten van de kinderurologie

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    Rede, uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van gewoon hoogleraar in de kinderurologie aan de Faculteit der Geneeskunde van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam op woensdag 19 september 197

    Cost of illness in the Netherlands

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    Health care professionals, policy makers and politicians have urgent needs for systematic information about national health care expenditure. The study Cost of Illness in the Netherlands has been performed for the third time and presents information about the relationship between health care use, measured as costs, and what matters most: the health of the population. Previous studies reported cost of illness estimates for the years 1988 en 1994. This study provides a comprehensive overview of Dutch health care costs in 1999. Total health care costs were attributed to health care sectors and providers, diseases, age groups and gender. The results of this analysis can be used for answering questions such as: 'On what type of health care do we spend our money?' And: 'how are these costs distributed among various illnesses and diseases?' But also: 'how much money do we need for healthcare in the future and for resolving waiting lists?' Researchers and policy makers may use the information of this study as a tool to explore the desired future characteristics and volumes of the Dutch health care system.In Nederland werd in 1999 ongeveer 36 miljard euro aan gezondheidszorg uitgegeven. Dat bedrag zal de komende jaren stijgen onder invloed van toenemende medische mogelijkheden en de vergrijzing van de bevolking. Om vast te stellen of al dat geld zo goed mogelijk wordt besteed, moet eerst bekend zijn waar dat geld precies aan wordt besteed. Dit rapport geeft een antwoord op die laatste vraag. Beschreven wordt hoe het zorggebruik van de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg in 1999 was verdeeld over ziekten, mannen en vrouwen, verschillende leeftijdsgroepen en zorgsectoren. Ook wordt beschreven hoe de kosten van de gezondheidszorg zich in de afgelopen jaren hebben ontwikkeld, en hoe zij zich in de toekomst naar verwachting zullen ontwikkelen. In dit rapport wordt tevens een eerste aanzet gegeven om de kosten ook te verdelen naar risicofactoren achter de ziekten. Verder wordt een vergelijking gemaakt met andere kosten van ziektenstudies uit binnen- en buitenland. Voor de interpretatie van verschillen tussen KVZ-cijfers wordt een algemene checklist van 10 punten gepresenteerd. Tenslotte worden de uitkomsten in een breder perspectief geplaatst door een vergelijking van de kosten met andere gevolgen van ziekte zoals sterfte, ziekteverzuim en arbeidsongeschiktheid

    Guidelines on uncomplicated urinary tract infections are difficult to follow: perceived barriers and suggested interventions

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    Contains fulltext : 88451.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Urinary tract infections (UTI) are among the most common health problems seen in general practice. Evidence-based guidelines on UTI are available, but adherence to these guidelines varies widely among practitioners for reasons not well understood. The aim of this study was to identify the barriers to the implementation of a guideline on UTI perceived by Dutch general practitioners (GPs) and to explore interventions to overcome these barriers. METHODS: A focus group study, including 13 GPs working in general practices in the Netherlands, was conducted. Key recommendations on diagnosis and treatment of uncomplicated UTI were selected from the guideline. Barriers to guideline adherence and possible interventions to address these barriers were discussed. The focus group session was audio-taped and transcribed verbatim. Barriers were classified according to an existing framework. RESULTS: Lack of agreement with the recommendations, unavailable and inconvenient materials (i.e. dipslides), and organisational constraints were perceived as barriers for the diagnostic recommendations. Barriers to implementing the treatment recommendations were lack of applicability and organisational constraints related to the availability of drugs in pharmacies. Suggested interventions were to provide small group education to GPs and practice staff members, to improve organisation and coordination of care in out of hour services, to improve the availability of preferred dosages of drugs, and to pilot-test guidelines regionally. CONCLUSIONS: Despite sufficient knowledge of the recommendations on UTI, attitudinal and external barriers made it difficult to follow them in practice. The care concerning UTI could be optimized if these barriers are adequately addressed in implementation strategies. The feasibility and success of these strategies could be improved by involving the target group of the guideline in selecting useful interventions to address the barriers to implementation

    Indicaties, behandeling en resultaat van foleykathetercystostomie bij kleine huisdieren: zes gevallen

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    Indirect cystostomy is performed to provide urinary diversion in animals with urinary obstruction. Tube cystostomy is a relatively easy technique for rerouting the urine outflow. Four cats and two dogs underwent tube cystostomy with a foleycatheter. The six cases are discussed in a retrospective study. All patients had miction problems due to lower urinary tract disease. The main complication was urinary tract infection. Home care after tube cystostomy was minimal

    Prevention of clinical urinary tract infections in vulnerable very old persons

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    Urinary tract infections (UTI) are among the most frequently reported infections among older persons. UTI not only causes several days of illness but may have more severe consequences, such as a decline in functioning, as well as delirium, dehydration, urosepsis, hospitalization, or even death. Annually, 20% of all older persons visit their general practitioner for a UTI and about 50% of the residents in long-term care facilities (LTCF) get a UTI. This thesis describes the possibilities for and the effects of the prevention of UTI in vulnerable very old persons. The first part of this thesis investigates the effect of infections on functioning and explores which vulnerable very old persons would benefit most from UTI prevention. The second part of this thesis describes the results of the CRANBERRY study. A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled multicentre trial in LTCF. This study investigates the effectiveness and costs of cranberry capsule use in the prevention of clinical UTI.UBL - phd migration 201