263 research outputs found

    Partial multinode broadcast and partial exchange algorithms for d-dimensional meshes

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    Caption title. "Revision of January 1992."Includes bibliographical references (p. 24-26).Supported by NSF. NSF-ECS-8519058 Supported by ARO. DAAL03-86-K-0171by Emmanouel A. Varvarigos and Dimitri P. Bertsekas

    Scalable Realtime Rendering and Interaction with Digital Surface Models of Landscapes and Cities

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    Interactive, realistic rendering of landscapes and cities differs substantially from classical terrain rendering. Due to the sheer size and detail of the data which need to be processed, realtime rendering (i.e. more than 25 images per second) is only feasible with level of detail (LOD) models. Even the design and implementation of efficient, automatic LOD generation is ambitious for such out-of-core datasets considering the large number of scales that are covered in a single view and the necessity to maintain screen-space accuracy for realistic representation. Moreover, users want to interact with the model based on semantic information which needs to be linked to the LOD model. In this thesis I present LOD schemes for the efficient rendering of 2.5d digital surface models (DSMs) and 3d point-clouds, a method for the automatic derivation of city models from raw DSMs, and an approach allowing semantic interaction with complex LOD models. The hierarchical LOD model for digital surface models is based on a quadtree of precomputed, simplified triangle mesh approximations. The rendering of the proposed model is proved to allow real-time rendering of very large and complex models with pixel-accurate details. Moreover, the necessary preprocessing is scalable and fast. For 3d point clouds, I introduce an LOD scheme based on an octree of hybrid plane-polygon representations. For each LOD, the algorithm detects planar regions in an adequately subsampled point cloud and models them as textured rectangles. The rendering of the resulting hybrid model is an order of magnitude faster than comparable point-based LOD schemes. To automatically derive a city model from a DSM, I propose a constrained mesh simplification. Apart from the geometric distance between simplified and original model, it evaluates constraints based on detected planar structures and their mutual topological relations. The resulting models are much less complex than the original DSM but still represent the characteristic building structures faithfully. Finally, I present a method to combine semantic information with complex geometric models. My approach links the semantic entities to the geometric entities on-the-fly via coarser proxy geometries which carry the semantic information. Thus, semantic information can be layered on top of complex LOD models without an explicit attribution step. All findings are supported by experimental results which demonstrate the practical applicability and efficiency of the methods

    Aspects of k-k-Routing in Meshes and OTIS Networks

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    Aspects of k-k Routing in Meshes and OTIS-Networks Abstract Efficient data transport in parallel computers build on sparse interconnection networks is crucial for their performance. A basic transport problem in such a computer is the k-k routing problem. In this thesis, aspects of the k-k routing problem on r-dimensional meshes and OTIS-G networks are discussed. The first oblivious routing algorithms for these networks are presented that solve the k-k routing problem in an asymptotically optimal running time and a constant buffer size. Furthermore, other aspects of the k-k routing problem for OTIS-G networks are analysed. In particular, lower bounds for the problem based on the diameter and bisection width of OTIS-G networks are given, and the k-k sorting problem on the OTIS-Mesh is considered. Based on OTIS-G networks, a new class of networks, called Extended OTIS-G networks, is introduced, which have smaller diameters than OTIS-G networks.Für die Leistungfähigkeit von Parallelrechnern, die über ein Verbindungsnetzwerk kommunizieren, ist ein effizienter Datentransport entscheidend. Ein grundlegendes Transportproblem in einem solchen Rechner ist das k-k Routing Problem. In dieser Arbeit werden Aspekte dieses Problems in r-dimensionalen Gittern und OTIS-G Netzwerken untersucht. Es wird der erste vergessliche (oblivious) Routing Algorithmus vorgestellt, der das k-k Routing Problem in diesen Netzwerken in einer asymptotisch optimalen Laufzeit bei konstanter Puffergröße löst. Für OTIS-G Netzwerke werden untere Laufzeitschranken für das untersuchte Problem angegeben, die auf dem Durchmesser und der Bisektionsweite der Netzwerke basieren. Weiterhin wird ein Algorithmus vorgestellt, der das k-k Sorting Problem mit einer Laufzeit löst, die nahe an der Bisektions- und Durchmesserschranke liegt. Basierend auf den OTIS-G Netzwerken, wird eine neue Klasse von Netzwerken eingeführt, die sogenannten Extended OTIS-G Netzwerke, die sich durch einen kleineren Durchmesser von OTIS-G Netzwerken unterscheiden

    Progress Report : 1991 - 1994

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    Book of Abstracts of the Sixth SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing

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    Book of Abstracts of CSC14 edited by Bora UçarInternational audienceThe Sixth SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing, CSC14, was organized at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France on 21st to 23rd July, 2014. This two and a half day event marked the sixth in a series that started ten years ago in San Francisco, USA. The CSC14 Workshop's focus was on combinatorial mathematics and algorithms in high performance computing, broadly interpreted. The workshop featured three invited talks, 27 contributed talks and eight poster presentations. All three invited talks were focused on two interesting fields of research specifically: randomized algorithms for numerical linear algebra and network analysis. The contributed talks and the posters targeted modeling, analysis, bisection, clustering, and partitioning of graphs, applied in the context of networks, sparse matrix factorizations, iterative solvers, fast multi-pole methods, automatic differentiation, high-performance computing, and linear programming. The workshop was held at the premises of the LIP laboratory of ENS Lyon and was generously supported by the LABEX MILYON (ANR-10-LABX-0070, Université de Lyon, within the program ''Investissements d'Avenir'' ANR-11-IDEX-0007 operated by the French National Research Agency), and by SIAM

    Routing on the Channel Dependency Graph:: A New Approach to Deadlock-Free, Destination-Based, High-Performance Routing for Lossless Interconnection Networks

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    In the pursuit for ever-increasing compute power, and with Moore's law slowly coming to an end, high-performance computing started to scale-out to larger systems. Alongside the increasing system size, the interconnection network is growing to accommodate and connect tens of thousands of compute nodes. These networks have a large influence on total cost, application performance, energy consumption, and overall system efficiency of the supercomputer. Unfortunately, state-of-the-art routing algorithms, which define the packet paths through the network, do not utilize this important resource efficiently. Topology-aware routing algorithms become increasingly inapplicable, due to irregular topologies, which either are irregular by design, or most often a result of hardware failures. Exchanging faulty network components potentially requires whole system downtime further increasing the cost of the failure. This management approach becomes more and more impractical due to the scale of today's networks and the accompanying steady decrease of the mean time between failures. Alternative methods of operating and maintaining these high-performance interconnects, both in terms of hardware- and software-management, are necessary to mitigate negative effects experienced by scientific applications executed on the supercomputer. However, existing topology-agnostic routing algorithms either suffer from poor load balancing or are not bounded in the number of virtual channels needed to resolve deadlocks in the routing tables. Using the fail-in-place strategy, a well-established method for storage systems to repair only critical component failures, is a feasible solution for current and future HPC interconnects as well as other large-scale installations such as data center networks. Although, an appropriate combination of topology and routing algorithm is required to minimize the throughput degradation for the entire system. This thesis contributes a network simulation toolchain to facilitate the process of finding a suitable combination, either during system design or while it is in operation. On top of this foundation, a key contribution is a novel scheduling-aware routing, which reduces fault-induced throughput degradation while improving overall network utilization. The scheduling-aware routing performs frequent property preserving routing updates to optimize the path balancing for simultaneously running batch jobs. The increased deployment of lossless interconnection networks, in conjunction with fail-in-place modes of operation and topology-agnostic, scheduling-aware routing algorithms, necessitates new solutions to solve the routing-deadlock problem. Therefore, this thesis further advances the state-of-the-art by introducing a novel concept of routing on the channel dependency graph, which allows the design of an universally applicable destination-based routing capable of optimizing the path balancing without exceeding a given number of virtual channels, which are a common hardware limitation. This disruptive innovation enables implicit deadlock-avoidance during path calculation, instead of solving both problems separately as all previous solutions