117 research outputs found

    Automated Workarounds from Java Program Specifications based on SAT Solving

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    The failures that bugs in software lead to can sometimes be bypassed by the so-called workarounds: when a (faulty) routine fails, alternative routines that the system offers can be used in place of the failing one, to circumvent the failure. Existing approaches to workaround-based system recovery consider workarounds that are produced from equivalent method sequences, automatically computed from user-provided abstract models, or directly produced from user-provided equivalent sequences of operations. In this paper, we present two techniques for computing workarounds from Java code equipped with formal specifications, that improve previous approaches in two respects. First, the particular state where the failure originated is actively involved in computing workarounds, thus leading to repairs that are more state specific. Second, our techniques automatically compute workarounds on concrete program state characterizations, avoiding abstract software models and user-provided equivalences. The first technique uses SAT solving to compute a sequence of methods that is equivalent to a failing method on a specific failing state, but which can also be generalized to schemas for workaround reuse. The second technique directly exploits SAT to circumvent a failing method, building a state that mimics the (correct) behaviour of a failing routine, from a specific program state too. We perform an experimental evaluation based on case studies involving implementations of collections and a library for date arithmetic, showing that the techniques can effectively compute workarounds from complex contracts in an important number of cases, in time that makes them feasible to be used for run-time repairs. Our results also show that our state-specific workarounds enable us to produce repairs in many cases where previous workaround-based approaches are inapplicable.Fil: Uva, Marcelo Ariel. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; ArgentinaFil: Ponzio, Pablo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; ArgentinaFil: Regis, Germán. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; ArgentinaFil: Aguirre, Nazareno Matias. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; ArgentinaFil: Frias, Marcelo Fabian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Towards scaling up DynAlloy analysis using predicate abstraction

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    DynAlloy is an extension to the Alloy specifi cation language suitable for modeling properties of executions of software systems. DynAlloy provides fully automated support for verifying properties of programs, in the style of the Alloy Analyzer, i.e., by exhaustively searching for counterexamples of properties in bounded scenarios (bounded domains and iterations of programs). But, as for other automated analysis techniques, the so called state explotion problem makes the analysis feasible only for small bounds. In this paper, we take advantage of an abstraction technique known as predicate abstraction, for scaling up the analysis of DynAlloy specifi cations. The implementation of predicate abstraction we present enables us to substantially increase the domain and iteration bounds in some case studies, and its use is fully automated. Our implementation is relatively e cient, exploiting the reuse of already calculated abstractions when these are available, and an "on the fly" check of traces when looking for counterexamples. We introduce the implementation of the technique, and some preliminary experimental results with case studies, to illustrate the benefi ts of the technique.VI Workshop Ingeniería de Software (WIS)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI


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    It has been proved to be very useful and necessary to give formal specifications of software systems to be developed. The specifications should help to avoid the necessity of creating prototypes by offering direct executability. A useful specification language aiming the description of abstract data types - while maintaining abstractness - should also support the representation of states of objects, as well as support the transformation of declarative specifications into efficiently executable code. The present paper is intended to give an informal description of a specification language aimed to offer the features discussed above. Although the development of the language has mainly been motivated by the object-oriented language (OMOHUNDRO, 1993), it is intended to function as a specification formalism at a much broader field

    Structured specifications for better verification of heap-manipulating programs

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    Abstract. Conventional specifications typically have a flat structure that is based primarily on the underlying logic. Such specifications lack structures that could have provided better guidance to the verification process. In this work, we propose to add three new structures to a specification framework for separation logic to achieve a more precise and better guided verification for pointer-based programs. The newly introduced structures empower users with more control over the verification process in the following ways: (i) case analysis can be invoked to take advantage of disjointness conditions in the logic. (ii) early, as opposed to late, instantiation can minimise on the use of existential quantification. (iii) formulae that are staged provide better reuse of the verification process. Initial experiments have shown that structured specifications can lead to more precise verification without incurring any performance overhead.

    NRDC Data Steward

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    Often it is difficult for the public to access real research data for information or to work with it to perform research activities. One of the obstacles that potential researchers encounter is finding the data sources to import data to begin fundamental analysis for their research. There are numerous organizations in the world that share research data, but only with some limited access to the public. Nevada Research Data Center (NRDC) is one such organization that holds and records research data every day. The research data and results are unstructured data which can be in the form of huge data sets, videos, photographs, etc. Providing larger access to NRDC data will help more people gain knowledge and possibly perform academic research activities. One of the solutions for enabling online access to the public is to build a repository to save and share NRDC research data and results. The proposed NRDC Data Steward is a web application that provides access to the repository which allows the public to view, download, and share the research data which can be used for performing academic research activities and knowledge sharing. A public user can also contribute to the application by adding/uploading research information that will contribute to the research data and its results, which in turn would help other users. This thesis presents the software specification, design, and prototype implementation of the NRDC Data Steward web-based application. The thesis also provides background on related data forms, describes NRDC Data Steward development tools, presents feedback on the application obtained from several software developers who participated in a testing session, and suggests directions for future work

    Towards scaling up DynAlloy analysis using predicate abstraction

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    DynAlloy is an extension to the Alloy specifi cation language suitable for modeling properties of executions of software systems. DynAlloy provides fully automated support for verifying properties of programs, in the style of the Alloy Analyzer, i.e., by exhaustively searching for counterexamples of properties in bounded scenarios (bounded domains and iterations of programs). But, as for other automated analysis techniques, the so called state explotion problem makes the analysis feasible only for small bounds. In this paper, we take advantage of an abstraction technique known as predicate abstraction, for scaling up the analysis of DynAlloy specifi cations. The implementation of predicate abstraction we present enables us to substantially increase the domain and iteration bounds in some case studies, and its use is fully automated. Our implementation is relatively e cient, exploiting the reuse of already calculated abstractions when these are available, and an "on the fly" check of traces when looking for counterexamples. We introduce the implementation of the technique, and some preliminary experimental results with case studies, to illustrate the benefi ts of the technique.VI Workshop Ingeniería de Software (WIS)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Verification of Pointer-Based Programs with Partial Information

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    The proliferation of software across all aspects of people's life means that software failure can bring catastrophic result. It is therefore highly desirable to be able to develop software that is verified to meet its expected specification. This has also been identified as a key objective in one of the UK Grand Challenges (GC6) (Jones et al., 2006; Woodcock, 2006). However, many difficult problems still remain in achieving this objective, partially due to the wide use of (recursive) shared mutable data structures which are hard to keep track of statically in a precise and concise way. This thesis aims at building a verification system for both memory safety and functional correctness of programs manipulating pointer-based data structures, which can deal with two scenarios where only partial information about the program is available. For instance the verifier may be supplied with only partial program specification, or with full specification but only part of the program code. For the first scenario, previous state-of-the-art works (Nguyen et al., 2007; Chin et al., 2007; Nguyen and Chin, 2008; Chin et al, 2010) generally require users to provide full specifications for each method of the program to be verified. Their approach seeks much intellectual effort from users, and meanwhile users are liable to make mistakes in writing such specifications. This thesis proposes a new approach to program verification that allows users to provide only partial specification to methods. Our approach will then refine the given annotation into a more complete specification by discovering missing constraints. The discovered constraints may involve both numerical and multiset properties that could be later confirmed or revised by users. Meanwhile, we further augment our approach by requiring only partial specification to be given for primary methods of a program. Specifications for loops and auxiliary methods can then be systematically discovered by our augmented mechanism, with the help of information propagated from the primary methods. This work is aimed at verifying beyond shape properties, with the eventual goal of analysing both memory safety and functional properties for pointer-based data structures. Initial experiments have confirmed that we can automatically refine partial specifications with non-trivial constraints, thus making it easier for users to handle specifications with richer properties. For the second scenario, many programs contain invocations to unknown components and hence only part of the program code is available to the verifier. As previous works generally require the whole of program code be present, we target at the verification of memory safety and functional correctness of programs manipulating pointer-based data structures, where the program code is only partially available due to invocations to unknown components. Provided with a Hoare-style specification ({Pre} prog {Post}) where program (prog) contains calls to some unknown procedure (unknown), we infer a specification (mspecu) for the unknown part (unknown) from the calling contexts, such that the problem of verifying program (prog) can be safely reduced to the problem of proving that the unknown procedure (unknown) (once its code is available) meets the derived specification (mspecu). The expected specification (mspecu) is automatically calculated using an abduction-based shape analysis specifically designed for a combined abstract domain. We have implemented a system to validate the viability of our approach, with encouraging experimental results

    Preliminary Design of JML: A Behavioral Interface Specification Language for Java

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    JML is a behavioral interface specification language tailored to Java(TM). Besides pre- and postconditions, it also allows assertions to be intermixed with Java code; these aid verification and debugging. JML is designed to be used by working software engineers; to do this it follows Eiffel in using Java expressions in assertions. JML combines this idea from Eiffel with the model-based approach to specifications, typified by VDM and Larch, which results in greater expressiveness. Other expressiveness advantages over Eiffel include quantifiers, specification-only variables, and frame conditions. This paper discusses the goals of JML, the overall approach, and describes the basic features of the language through examples. It is intended for readers who have some familiarity with both Java and behavioral specification using pre- and postconditions

    Predicting problems caused by component upgrades

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 89-93).This thesis presents a new, automatic technique to assess whether replacing a component of a software system by a purportedly compatible component may change the behavior of the system. The technique operates before integrating the new component into the system or running system tests, permitting quicker and cheaper identification of problems. It takes into account the system's use of the component, because a particular component upgrade may be desirable in one context but undesirable in another. No formal specifications are required, permitting detection of problems due either to errors in the component or to errors in the system. Both external and internal behaviors can be compared, enabling detection of problems that are not immediately reflected in the output. The technique generates an operational abstraction for the old component in the context of the system, and one for the new component in the context of its test suite. An operational abstraction is a set of program properties that generalizes over observed run-time behavior. Modeling a system as divided into modules, and taking into account the control and data flow between the modules, we formulate a logical condition to guarantee that the system's behavior is preserved across a component replacement. If automated logical comparison indicates that the new component does not make all the guarantees that the old one did, then the upgrade may affect system behavior and should not be performed without further scrutiny.(cont.) We describe a practical implementation of the technique, incorporating enhancements to handle non-local state, non-determinism, and missing test suites, and to distinguish old from new incompatibilities. We evaluate the implementation in case studies using real-world systems, including the Linux C library and 48 Unix programs. Our implementation identified real incompatibilities among versions of the C library that affected some of the programs, and it approved the upgrades for other programs that were unaffected by the changes.by Stephen Andrew McCamant.S.M