17 research outputs found

    Unsupervised segmentation evaluation measures for parameter optimization in indicator-Kriging

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    This work investigates the performance of four unsupervised evaluation measures for the optimization of the user-defined parameter in the indicator-Kriging segmentation algorithm (Oh and Lindquist 1999). We focus on the application of this algorithm to micro-computed tomography (µCT) scans of porous media. Because ground truth segmentations were required for the set of test images, simulated 3D images were created based on the image acquisition in µCT, starting from segmentations of real µCT-scans. The tested unsupervised evaluation measures were the intra-class variance, Otsu's parameter, Zeboudj's parameter and the grey value contrast. The intra-class variance proved to be the most efficient at selecting an optimal segmentation parameter

    An Alarm System For Segmentation Algorithm Based On Shape Model

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    It is usually hard for a learning system to predict correctly on rare events that never occur in the training data, and there is no exception for segmentation algorithms. Meanwhile, manual inspection of each case to locate the failures becomes infeasible due to the trend of large data scale and limited human resource. Therefore, we build an alarm system that will set off alerts when the segmentation result is possibly unsatisfactory, assuming no corresponding ground truth mask is provided. One plausible solution is to project the segmentation results into a low dimensional feature space; then learn classifiers/regressors to predict their qualities. Motivated by this, in this paper, we learn a feature space using the shape information which is a strong prior shared among different datasets and robust to the appearance variation of input data.The shape feature is captured using a Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) network that trained with only the ground truth masks. During testing, the segmentation results with bad shapes shall not fit the shape prior well, resulting in large loss values. Thus, the VAE is able to evaluate the quality of segmentation result on unseen data, without using ground truth. Finally, we learn a regressor in the one-dimensional feature space to predict the qualities of segmentation results. Our alarm system is evaluated on several recent state-of-art segmentation algorithms for 3D medical segmentation tasks. Compared with other standard quality assessment methods, our system consistently provides more reliable prediction on the qualities of segmentation results.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 2019 (10 pages, 4 figures

    On the evaluation of background subtraction algorithms without ground-truth

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. J. C. San Miguel, and J. M. Martínez, "On the evaluation of background subtraction algorithms without ground-truth" in 2013 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2013, 180 - 187In video-surveillance systems, the moving object segmentation stage (commonly based on background subtraction) has to deal with several issues like noise, shadows and multimodal backgrounds. Hence, its failure is inevitable and its automatic evaluation is a desirable requirement for online analysis. In this paper, we propose a hierarchy of existing performance measures not-based on ground-truth for video object segmentation. Then, four measures based on color and motion are selected and examined in detail with different segmentation algorithms and standard test sequences for video object segmentation. Experimental results show that color-based measures perform better than motion-based measures and background multimodality heavily reduces the accuracy of all obtained evaluation results.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Government (TEC2007- 65400 SemanticVideo), by Cátedra Infoglobal-UAM for “Nuevas Tecnologías de video aplicadas a la seguridad”, by the Consejería de Educación of the Comunidad de Madrid and by the European Social Fund

    Segmentation of liver, its vessels and lesions from CT images for surgical planning

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cancer treatments are complex and involve different actions, which include many times a surgical procedure. Medical imaging provides important information for surgical planning, and it usually demands a proper segmentation, i.e., the identification of meaningful objects, such as organs and lesions. This study proposes a methodology to segment the liver, its vessels and nodules from computer tomography images for surgical planning.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The proposed methodology consists of four steps executed sequentially: segmentation of liver, segmentation of vessels and nodules, identification of hepatic and portal veins, and segmentation of Couinaud anatomical segments. Firstly, the liver is segmented by a method based on a deformable model implemented through level sets, of which parameters are adjusted by using a supervised optimization procedure. Secondly, a mixture model is used to segment nodules and vessels through a region growing process. Then, the identification of hepatic and portal veins is performed using liver anatomical knowledge and a vein tracking algorithm. Finally, the Couinaud anatomical segments are identified according to the anatomical liver model proposed by Couinaud.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Experiments were conducted using data and metrics brought from the liver segmentation competition held in the Sliver07 conference. A subset of five exams was used for estimation of segmentation parameter values, while 15 exams were used for evaluation. The method attained a good performance in 17 of the 20 exams, being ranked as the 6<sup>th </sup>best semi-automatic method when comparing to the methods described on the Sliver07 website (2008). It attained visual consistent results for nodules and veins segmentation, and we compiled the results, showing the best, worst, and mean results for all dataset.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The method for liver segmentation performed well, according to the results of the numerical evaluation implemented, and the segmentation of liver internal structures were consistent with the anatomy of the liver, as confirmed by a specialist. The analysis provided evidences that the method to segment the liver may be applied to segment other organs, especially to those whose distribution of voxel intensities is nearly Gaussian shaped.</p

    Avaliação de critérios de heterogeneidade baseados em atributos morfológicos para segmentação de imagens por crescimento de regiões

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    Avalia-se neste trabalho o impacto de se considerar atributos morfológicos na formulação do critério que governa o crescimento de regiões na segmentação de imagens. Para tanto, uma extensão do algoritmo de segmentação multiresolução proposto por Baatz e Schäpe (2000) foi proposta e implementada, permitindo que se testassem critérios derivados de diferentes atributos morfológicos. O estudo valeu-se de um método supervisionado para medir numericamente a qualidade da segmentação. O resultado ideal da segmentação foi representado por um conjunto de segmentos de referência delineados manualmente para três recortes de imagens Quickbird-2. Para cada critério testado, os valores ótimos para os parâmetros do algoritmo de segmentação foram determinados por um processo estocástico que procurou minimizar a discrepância entre as referências e o resultado de cada segmentação. Uma análise tanto quantitativa quanto qualitativa dos resultados indicou inequivocamente que a inclusão de atributos morfológicos no critério de heterogeneidade, que decide a fusão entre segmentos adjacentes no processo de crescimento de regiões, pode resultar numa substancial melhoria da qualidade da segmentação. O artigo realça ainda a importância de se adotar atributos morfológicos apropriados para cada classe de objetos e tece considerações que orientam a escolha destes atributos


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    Avalia-se neste trabalho o impacto de se considerar atributos morfológicos na formulação do critério que governa o crescimento de regiões na segmentação de imagens. Para tanto, uma extensão do algoritmo de segmentação multiresolução proposto por Baatz e Schäpe (2000) foi proposta e implementada, permitindo que se testassem critérios derivados de diferentes atributos morfológicos. O estudo valeu-se de um método supervisionado para medir numericamente a qualidade da segmentação. O resultado ideal da segmentação foi representado por um conjunto de segmentos de referência delineados manualmente para três recortes de imagens Quickbird-2. Para cada critério testado, os valores ótimos para os parâmetros do algoritmo de segmentação foram determinados por um processo estocástico que procurou minimizar a discrepância entre as referências e o resultado de cada segmentação. Uma análise tanto quantitativa quanto qualitativa dos resultados indicou inequivocamente que a inclusão de atributos morfológicos no critério de heterogeneidade, que decide a fusão entre segmentos adjacentes no processo de crescimento de regiões, pode resultar numa substancial melhoria da qualidade da segmentação. O artigo realça ainda a importância de se adotar atributos morfológicos apropriados para cada classe de objetos e tece considerações que orientam a escolha destes atributos

    Framework for near real time feature detection from the atmospheric imaging assembly images of the solar dynamics observatory

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    The study of the variability of the solar corona and the monitoring of its traditional regions (Coronal Holes, Quiet Sun and Active Regions) are of great importance in astrophysics as well as in view of the Space Weather applications. The Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) provides high resolution images of the sun imaged at different wavelengths at a rate of approximately one every 10 seconds, a great resource for solar monitoring . Today, the process of identifying features and estimating their properties is applied manually in an iterative fashion to verify the detection results. We introduce a complete, automated image-processing pipeline, starting with raw data and ending with quantitative data of high level feature parameters. We implement two multichannel unsupervised algorithms that automatically segments EUV AIA solar images into Coronal Holes, Quiet Sun and Active Regions in near real time. We also develop a method of post processing to deal with fragments in a segmented image by spatial validity based compact clustering. The segmentation results are consistent with well-known algorithms and databases. The parameters extracted from the segments like area closely follow the solar activity pattern. Moreover, the methods developed within the proposed framework are generic enough to allow the study of any solar feature (e.g. Coronal Bright points) provided that the feature can be deduced from AIA images

    Sample supervised search centric approaches in geographic object-based image analysis

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    Sample supervised search centric image segmentation denotes a general method where quality segments are generated based on the provision of a selection of reference segments. The main purpose of such a method is to correctly segment a multitude of identical elements in an image based on these reference segments. An efficient search algorithm traverses the parameter space of a given segmentation algorithm. A supervised quality measure guides the search for the best segmentation results, or rather the best performing parameter set. This method, which is academically pursued in the context of remote sensing and elsewhere, shows promise in assisting the generation of earth observation information products. The method may find applications specifically within the context of user driven geographic object-based image analysis approaches, mainly in respect of very high resolution optical data. Rapid mapping activities as well as general land-cover mapping or targeted element identification may benefit from such a method. In this work it is suggested that sample supervised search centric geographic segment generation forms the basis of a set of methods, or rather a methodological avenue. The original formulation of the method, although promising, is limited in the quality of the segments it can produce – it is still limited by the inherent capability of the given segmentation algorithm. From an optimisation viewpoint, various structures may be encoded forming the fitness or search landscape traversed by a given search algorithm. These structures may interact or have an interplay with the given segmentation algorithm. Various method variants considering expanded fitness landscapes are possible. Additional processes, or constituents, such as data mapping, classification and post-segmentation heuristics may be embedded into such a method. Three distinct and novel method variants are proposed and evaluated based on this concept of expanded fitness landscapes