633 research outputs found

    Parsing Argumentation Structures in Persuasive Essays

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    In this article, we present a novel approach for parsing argumentation structures. We identify argument components using sequence labeling at the token level and apply a new joint model for detecting argumentation structures. The proposed model globally optimizes argument component types and argumentative relations using integer linear programming. We show that our model considerably improves the performance of base classifiers and significantly outperforms challenging heuristic baselines. Moreover, we introduce a novel corpus of persuasive essays annotated with argumentation structures. We show that our annotation scheme and annotation guidelines successfully guide human annotators to substantial agreement. This corpus and the annotation guidelines are freely available for ensuring reproducibility and to encourage future research in computational argumentation.Comment: Under review in Computational Linguistics. First submission: 26 October 2015. Revised submission: 15 July 201


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    Tohoku University博士(情報科学)thesi

    Argumentation models and their use in corpus annotation: practice, prospects, and challenges

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    The study of argumentation is transversal to several research domains, from philosophy to linguistics, from the law to computer science and artificial intelligence. In discourse analysis, several distinct models have been proposed to harness argumentation, each with a different focus or aim. To analyze the use of argumentation in natural language, several corpora annotation efforts have been carried out, with a more or less explicit grounding on one of such theoretical argumentation models. In fact, given the recent growing interest in argument mining applications, argument-annotated corpora are crucial to train machine learning models in a supervised way. However, the proliferation of such corpora has led to a wide disparity in the granularity of the argument annotations employed. In this paper, we review the most relevant theoretical argumentation models, after which we survey argument annotation projects closely following those theoretical models. We also highlight the main simplifications that are often introduced in practice. Furthermore, we glimpse other annotation efforts that are not so theoretically grounded but instead follow a shallower approach. It turns out that most argument annotation projects make their own assumptions and simplifications, both in terms of the textual genre they focus on and in terms of adapting the adopted theoretical argumentation model for their own agenda. Issues of compatibility among argument-annotated corpora are discussed by looking at the problem from a syntactical, semantic, and practical perspective. Finally, we discuss current and prospective applications of models that take advantage of argument-annotated corpora

    Explainable Argument Mining

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    Computational Argumentation for the Automatic Analysis of Argumentative Discourse and Human Persuasion

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La argumentación computacional es el área de investigación que estudia y analiza el uso de distintas técnicas y algoritmos que aproximan el razonamiento argumentativo humano desde un punto de vista computacional. En esta tesis doctoral se estudia el uso de distintas técnicas propuestas bajo el marco de la argumentación computacional para realizar un análisis automático del discurso argumentativo, y para desarrollar técnicas de persuasión computacional basadas en argumentos. Con estos objetivos, en primer lugar se presenta una completa revisión del estado del arte y se propone una clasificación de los trabajos existentes en el área de la argumentación computacional. Esta revisión nos permite contextualizar y entender la investigación previa de forma más clara desde la perspectiva humana del razonamiento argumentativo, así como identificar las principales limitaciones y futuras tendencias de la investigación realizada en argumentación computacional. En segundo lugar, con el objetivo de solucionar algunas de estas limitaciones, se ha creado y descrito un nuevo conjunto de datos que permite abordar nuevos retos y investigar problemas previamente inabordables (e.g., evaluación automática de debates orales). Conjuntamente con estos datos, se propone un nuevo sistema para la extracción automática de argumentos y se realiza el análisis comparativo de distintas técnicas para esta misma tarea. Además, se propone un nuevo algoritmo para la evaluación automática de debates argumentativos y se prueba con debates humanos reales. Finalmente, en tercer lugar se presentan una serie de estudios y propuestas para mejorar la capacidad persuasiva de sistemas de argumentación computacionales en la interacción con usuarios humanos. De esta forma, en esta tesis se presentan avances en cada una de las partes principales del proceso de argumentación computacional (i.e., extracción automática de argumentos, representación del conocimiento y razonamiento basados en argumentos, e interacción humano-computador basada en argumentos), así como se proponen algunos de los cimientos esenciales para el análisis automático completo de discursos argumentativos en lenguaje natural.[CA] L'argumentació computacional és l'àrea de recerca que estudia i analitza l'ús de distintes tècniques i algoritmes que aproximen el raonament argumentatiu humà des d'un punt de vista computacional. En aquesta tesi doctoral s'estudia l'ús de distintes tècniques proposades sota el marc de l'argumentació computacional per a realitzar una anàlisi automàtic del discurs argumentatiu, i per a desenvolupar tècniques de persuasió computacional basades en arguments. Amb aquestos objectius, en primer lloc es presenta una completa revisió de l'estat de l'art i es proposa una classificació dels treballs existents en l'àrea de l'argumentació computacional. Aquesta revisió permet contextualitzar i entendre la investigació previa de forma més clara des de la perspectiva humana del raonament argumentatiu, així com identificar les principals limitacions i futures tendències de la investigació realitzada en argumentació computacional. En segon lloc, amb l'objectiu de sol\cdotlucionar algunes d'aquestes limitacions, hem creat i descrit un nou conjunt de dades que ens permet abordar nous reptes i investigar problemes prèviament inabordables (e.g., avaluació automàtica de debats orals). Conjuntament amb aquestes dades, es proposa un nou sistema per a l'extracció d'arguments i es realitza l'anàlisi comparativa de distintes tècniques per a aquesta mateixa tasca. A més a més, es proposa un nou algoritme per a l'avaluació automàtica de debats argumentatius i es prova amb debats humans reals. Finalment, en tercer lloc es presenten una sèrie d'estudis i propostes per a millorar la capacitat persuasiva de sistemes d'argumentació computacionals en la interacció amb usuaris humans. D'aquesta forma, en aquesta tesi es presenten avanços en cada una de les parts principals del procés d'argumentació computacional (i.e., l'extracció automàtica d'arguments, la representació del coneixement i raonament basats en arguments, i la interacció humà-computador basada en arguments), així com es proposen alguns dels fonaments essencials per a l'anàlisi automàtica completa de discursos argumentatius en llenguatge natural.[EN] Computational argumentation is the area of research that studies and analyses the use of different techniques and algorithms that approximate human argumentative reasoning from a computational viewpoint. In this doctoral thesis we study the use of different techniques proposed under the framework of computational argumentation to perform an automatic analysis of argumentative discourse, and to develop argument-based computational persuasion techniques. With these objectives in mind, we first present a complete review of the state of the art and propose a classification of existing works in the area of computational argumentation. This review allows us to contextualise and understand the previous research more clearly from the human perspective of argumentative reasoning, and to identify the main limitations and future trends of the research done in computational argumentation. Secondly, to overcome some of these limitations, we create and describe a new corpus that allows us to address new challenges and investigate on previously unexplored problems (e.g., automatic evaluation of spoken debates). In conjunction with this data, a new system for argument mining is proposed and a comparative analysis of different techniques for this same task is carried out. In addition, we propose a new algorithm for the automatic evaluation of argumentative debates and we evaluate it with real human debates. Thirdly, a series of studies and proposals are presented to improve the persuasiveness of computational argumentation systems in the interaction with human users. In this way, this thesis presents advances in each of the main parts of the computational argumentation process (i.e., argument mining, argument-based knowledge representation and reasoning, and argument-based human-computer interaction), and proposes some of the essential foundations for the complete automatic analysis of natural language argumentative discourses.This thesis has been partially supported by the Generalitat Valenciana project PROME- TEO/2018/002 and by the Spanish Government projects TIN2017-89156-R and PID2020- 113416RB-I00.Ruiz Dolz, R. (2023). Computational Argumentation for the Automatic Analysis of Argumentative Discourse and Human Persuasion [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/194806Compendi

    Meeting decision detection: multimodal information fusion for multi-party dialogue understanding

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    Modern advances in multimedia and storage technologies have led to huge archives of human conversations in widely ranging areas. These archives offer a wealth of information in the organization contexts. However, retrieving and managing information in these archives is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. Previous research applied keyword and computer vision-based methods to do this. However, spontaneous conversations, complex in the use of multimodal cues and intricate in the interactions between multiple speakers, have posed new challenges to these methods. We need new techniques that can leverage the information hidden in multiple communication modalities – including not just “what” the speakers say but also “how” they express themselves and interact with others. In responding to this need, the thesis inquires into the multimodal nature of meeting dialogues and computational means to retrieve and manage the recorded meeting information. In particular, this thesis develops the Meeting Decision Detector (MDD) to detect and track decisions, one of the most important outcomes of the meetings. The MDD involves not only the generation of extractive summaries pertaining to the decisions (“decision detection”), but also the organization of a continuous stream of meeting speech into locally coherent segments (“discourse segmentation”). This inquiry starts with a corpus analysis which constitutes a comprehensive empirical study of the decision-indicative and segment-signalling cues in the meeting corpora. These cues are uncovered from a variety of communication modalities, including the words spoken, gesture and head movements, pitch and energy level, rate of speech, pauses, and use of subjective terms. While some of the cues match the previous findings of speech segmentation, some others have not been studied before. The analysis also provides empirical grounding for computing features and integrating them into a computational model. To handle the high-dimensional multimodal feature space in the meeting domain, this thesis compares empirically feature discriminability and feature pattern finding criteria. As the different knowledge sources are expected to capture different types of features, the thesis also experiments with methods that can harness synergy between the multiple knowledge sources. The problem formalization and the modeling algorithm so far correspond to an optimal setting: an off-line, post-meeting analysis scenario. However, ultimately the MDD is expected to be operated online – right after a meeting, or when a meeting is still in progress. Thus this thesis also explores techniques that help relax the optimal setting, especially those using only features that can be generated with a higher degree of automation. Empirically motivated experiments are designed to handle the corresponding performance degradation. Finally, with the users in mind, this thesis evaluates the use of query-focused summaries in a decision debriefing task, which is common in the organization context. The decision-focused extracts (which represent compressions of 1%) is compared against the general-purpose extractive summaries (which represent compressions of 10-40%). To examine the effect of model automation on the debriefing task, this evaluation experiments with three versions of decision-focused extracts, each relaxing one manual annotation constraint. Task performance is measured in actual task effectiveness, usergenerated report quality, and user-perceived success. The users’ clicking behaviors are also recorded and analyzed to understand how the users leverage the different versions of extractive summaries to produce abstractive summaries. The analysis framework and computational means developed in this work is expected to be useful for the creation of other dialogue understanding applications, especially those that require to uncover the implicit semantics of meeting dialogues

    Introduction: Modeling, Learning and Processing of Text-Technological Data Structures

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    Researchers in many disciplines, sometimes working in close cooperation, have been concerned with modeling textual data in order to account for texts as the prime information unit of written communication. The list of disciplines includes computer science and linguistics as well as more specialized disciplines like computational linguistics and text technology. What many of these efforts have in common is the aim to model textual data by means of abstract data types or data structures that support at least the semi-automatic processing of texts in any area of written communication