76 research outputs found

    Parallel, distributed and GPU computing technologies in single-particle electron microscopy

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    An introduction to the current paradigm shift towards concurrency in software

    Unleashing Fine-Grained Parallelism on Embedded Many-Core Accelerators with Lightweight OpenMP Tasking

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    In recent years, programmable many-core accelerators (PMCAs) have been introduced in embedded systems to satisfy stringent performance/Watt requirements. This has increased the urge for programming models capable of effectively leveraging hundreds to thousands of processors. Task-based parallelism has the potential to provide such capabilities, offering high-level abstractions to outline abundant and irregular parallelism in embedded applications. However, efficiently supporting this programming paradigm on embedded PMCAs is challenging, due to the large time and space overheads it introduces. In this paper we describe a lightweight OpenMP tasking runtime environment (RTE) design for a state-of-the-art embedded PMCA, the Kalray MPPA 256. We provide an exhaustive characterization of the costs of our RTE, considering both synthetic workload and real programs, and we compare to several other tasking RTEs. Experimental results confirm that our solution achieves near-ideal parallelization speedups for tasks as small as 5K cycles, and an average speedup of 12 × for real benchmarks, which is 60% higher than what we observe with the original Kalray OpenMP implementation

    Experiences on the characterization of parallel applications in embedded systems with Extrae/Paraver

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    Cutting-edge functionalities in embedded systems require the use of parallel architectures to meet their performance requirements. This imposes the introduction of a new layer in the software stacks of embedded systems: the parallel programming model. Unfortunately, the tools used to analyze embedded systems fall short to characterize the performance of parallel applications at a parallel programming model level, and correlate this with information about non-functional requirements such as real-time, energy, memory usage, etc. HPC tools, like Extrae, are designed with that level of abstraction in mind, but their main focus is on performance evaluation. Overall, providing insightful information about the performance of parallel embedded applications at the parallel programming model level, and relate it to the non-functional requirements, is of paramount importance to fully exploit the performance capabilities of parallel embedded architectures. This paper contributes to the state-of-the-art of analysis tools for embedded systems by: (1) analyzing the particular constraints of embedded systems compared to HPC systems (e.g., static setting, restricted memory, limited drivers) to support HPC analysis tools; (2) porting Extrae, a powerful tracing tool from the HPC domain, to the GR740 platform, a SoC used in the space domain; and (3) augmenting Extrae with new features needed to correlate the parallel execution with the following non-functional requirements: energy, temperature and memory usage. Finally, the paper presents the usefulness of Extrae to characterize OpenMP applications and its non-functional requirements, evaluating different aspects of the applications running in the GR740.This work has been partially funded from the HP4S (High Performance Parallel Payload Processing for Space) project under the ESA-ESTEC ITI contract № 4000124124/18/NL/CRS.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Scheduling (ir)regular applications on heterogeneous platforms

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia de InformáticaCurrent computational platforms have become continuously more and more heterogeneous and parallel over the last years, as a consequence of incorporating accelerators whose architectures are parallel and different from the CPU. As a result, several frameworks were developed to aid to program these platforms mainly targeting better productivity ratios. In this context, GAMA framework is being developed by the research group involved in this work, targeting both regular and irregular algorithms to efficiently run in heterogeneous platforms. Scheduling is a key issue of GAMA-like frameworks. The state of the art solutions of scheduling on heterogeneous platforms are efficient for regular applications but lack adequate mechanisms for irregular ones. The scheduling of irregular applications is particularly complex due to the unpredictability and the differences on the execution time of their composing computational tasks. This dissertation work comprises the design and validation of a dynamic scheduler’s model and implementation, to simultaneously address regular and irregular algorithms. The devised scheduling mechanism is validated within the GAMA framework, when running relevant scientific algorithms, which include the SAXPY, the Fast Fourier Transform and two n-Body solvers. The proposed mechanism is validated regarding its efficiency in finding good scheduling decisions and the efficiency and scalability of GAMA, when using it. The results show that the model of the devised dynamic scheduler is capable of working in heterogeneous systems with high efficiency and finding good scheduling decisions in the general tested cases. It achieves not only the scheduling decision that represents the real capacity of the devices in the platform, but also enables GAMA to achieve more than 100% of efficiency as defined in [3], when running a relevant scientific irregular algorithm. Under the designed scheduling model, GAMA was also able to beat CPU and GPU efficient libraries of SAXPY, an important scientific algorithm. It was also proved GAMA’s scalability under the devised dynamic scheduler, which properly leveraged the platform computational resources, in trials with one central quad-core CPU-chip and two GPU accelerators.As plataformas computacionais actuais tornaram-se cada vez mais heterogéneas e paralelas nos últimos anos, como consequência de integrarem aceleradores cujas arquitecturas são paralelas e distintas do CPU. Como resultado, várias frameworks foram desenvolvidas para programar estas plataformas, com o objectivo de aumentar os níveis de produtividade de programação. Neste sentido, a framework GAMA está a ser desenvolvida pelo grupo de investigação envolvido nesta tese, tendo como objectivo correr eficientemente algoritmos regulares e irregulares em plataformas heterogéneas. Um aspecto chave no contexto de frameworks congéneres ao GAMA é o escalonamento. As soluções que compõem o estado da arte de escalonamento em plataformas heterogéneas são eficientes para aplicaçóes regulares, mas ineficientes para aplicações irregulares. O escalonamento destas é particularmente complexo devido à imprevisibilidade e ás diferenças no tempo de computação das tarefas computacionais que as compõem. Esta dissertação propõe o design e validação de um modelo de escalonamento e respectiva implementação, que endereça tanto aplicações regulares como irregulares. O mecanismo de escalonamento desenvolvido é validado na framework GAMA, executando algoritmos científicos relevantes, que incluem a SAXPY, a Transformada Rápida de Fourier e dois algoritmos de resolução do problema n-Corpos. O mecanismo proposto é validado quanto à sua eficiência em encontrar boas decisões de escalonamento e quanto à eficiência e escalabilidade do GAMA, quando fazendo uso do mesmo. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o modelo de escalonamento proposto é capaz de executar em plataformas heterogéneas com alto grau de eficiência, uma vez que encontra boas decisões de escalonamento na generalidade dos casos testados. Além de atingir a decisão de escalonamento que melhor representa o real poder computacional dos dispositivos na plataforma, também permite ao GAMA atingir mais de 100% de eficiência tal como definida em [3], executando um importante algoritmo científico irregular. Integrando o modelo de escalonamento desenvolvido, o GAMA superou ainda bibliotecas eficientes para CPU e GPU na execução do SAXPY, um importante algoritmo científico. Foi também provada a escalabilidade do GAMA sob o modelo desenvolvido, que aproveitou da melhor forma os recursos computacionais disponíveis, em testes para um CPU-chip de 4 núcleos e dois GPUs

    GenArchBench: Porting and Optimizing a Genomics Benchmark Suite to Arm-based HPC Processors

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    Arm usage has substantially grown in the High-Performance Computing (HPC) community. Japanese supercomputer Fugaku, powered by Arm-based A64FX processors, held the top position on the Top500 list between June 2020 and June 2022, currently sitting in the second position. The recently released 7th generation of Amazon EC2 instances for compute-intensive workloads (C7g) is also powered by Arm Graviton3 processors. Projects like European Mont-Blanc and U.S. DOE/NNSA Astra are further examples of Arm irruption in HPC. In parallel, over the last decade, the rapid improvement of genomic sequencing technologies and the exponential growth of sequencing data has placed a significant bottleneck on the computational side. While the majority of genomics applications have been thoroughly tested and optimized for x86 systems, just a few are prepared to perform efficiently on Arm machines, let alone exploit the advantages of the newly introduced Scalable Vector Extensions (SVE). This thesis presents GenArchBench, the first genome analysis benchmark suite targeting Arm architectures. We have selected a set of computationally demanding kernels from the most widely used tools in genome data analysis and ported them to Arm-based A64FX and Graviton3 processors. The porting features the usage of the novel Arm SVE instructions, algorithmic and code optimizations, and the exploitation of Arm-optimized libraries. All in all, the GenArch benchmark suite comprises 13 multi-core kernels from critical stages of widely-used genome analysis pipelines, including base-calling, read mapping, variant calling, and genome assembly. Moreover, our benchmark suite includes different input data sets per kernel (small and large), each with a corresponding regression test to verify the correctness of each execution automatically. In this work, we present the optimizations implemented in each kernel and a detailed performance evaluation and comparison of their performance on four different architectures (i.e., A64FX, Graviton3, Intel Xeon Platinum, and AMD EPYC). Additionally, as proof of the impact of this work, we study the performance improvement in a production-ready genomics pipeline using the GenArchBench optimized kernels


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    Tracing the Compositional Process. Sound art that rewrites its own past: formation, praxis and a computer framework

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    The domain of this thesis is electroacoustic computer-based music and sound art. It investigates a facet of composition which is often neglected or ill-defined: the process of composing itself and its embedding in time. Previous research mostly focused on instrumental composition or, when electronic music was included, the computer was treated as a tool which would eventually be subtracted from the equation. The aim was either to explain a resultant piece of music by reconstructing the intention of the composer, or to explain human creativity by building a model of the mind. Our aim instead is to understand composition as an irreducible unfolding of material traces which takes place in its own temporality. This understanding is formalised as a software framework that traces creation time as a version graph of transactions. The instantiation and manipulation of any musical structure implemented within this framework is thereby automatically stored in a database. Not only can it be queried ex post by an external researcher—providing a new quality for the empirical analysis of the activity of composing—but it is an integral part of the composition environment. Therefore it can recursively become a source for the ongoing composition and introduce new ways of aesthetic expression. The framework aims to unify creation and performance time, fixed and generative composition, human and algorithmic “writing”, a writing that includes indeterminate elements which condense as concurrent vertices in the version graph. The second major contribution is a critical epistemological discourse on the question of ob- servability and the function of observation. Our goal is to explore a new direction of artistic research which is characterised by a mixed methodology of theoretical writing, technological development and artistic practice. The form of the thesis is an exercise in becoming process-like itself, wherein the epistemic thing is generated by translating the gaps between these three levels. This is my idea of the new aesthetics: That through the operation of a re-entry one may establish a sort of process “form”, yielding works which go beyond a categorical either “sound-in-itself” or “conceptualism”. Exemplary processes are revealed by deconstructing a series of existing pieces, as well as through the successful application of the new framework in the creation of new pieces