8 research outputs found

    XML retrieval using pruned element-index files

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    An element-index is a crucial mechanism for supporting content-only (CO) queries over XML collections. A full element-index that indexes each element along with the content of its descendants involves a high redundancy and reduces query processing efficiency. A direct index, on the other hand, only indexes the content that is directly under each element and disregards the descendants. This results in a smaller index, but possibly in return to some reduction in system effectiveness. In this paper, we propose using static index pruning techniques for obtaining more compact index files that can still result in comparable retrieval performance to that of a full index. We also compare the retrieval performance of these pruning based approaches to some other strategies that make use of a direct element-index. Our experiments conducted along with the lines of INEX evaluation framework reveal that pruned index files yield comparable to or even better retrieval performance than the full index and direct index, for several tasks in the ad hoc track. © 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    BM25t: a BM25 extension for focused information retrieval

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    25 pagesInternational audienceThis paper addresses the integration of XML tags into a term-weighting function for focused XML Information Retrieval (IR). Our model allows us to consider a certain kind of structural information: tags that represent a logical structure (e.g. title, section, paragraph, etc.) as well as other tags (e.g. bold, italic, center, etc.). We take into account the influence of a tag by estimating the probability for this tag to distinguish relevant terms from the others. Then, these weights are integrated in a term-weighting function. Experiments on a large collection from the INEX 2008 XML IR evaluation campaign showed improvements on focused XML retrieval

    Using Explicit Semantic Analysis to Link in Multi-Lingual Document Collections

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    Udržování prolinkování dokumentů v ryhle rostoucích kolekcích je problematické. To je dále zvětšeno vícejazyčností těchto kolekcí. Navrhujeme použít Explicitní Sémantickou Analýzu k identifikaci relevantních dokumentů a linků napříč jazyky, bez použití strojového překladu. Navrhli jsme a implementovali několik přistupů v prototypu linkovacího systému. Evaluace byla provedena na Čínské, České, Anglické a Španělské Wikipedii. Diskutujeme evaluační metodologii pro linkovací systémy, a hodnotíme souhlasnost mezi odkazy v různých jazykoých verzích Wikipedie. Hodnotíme vlastnosti Explicitní Sémantické Analýzy důležité pro její praktické použití.Keeping links in quickly growing document collections up-to-date is problematic, which is exacerbated by their multi-linguality. We utilize Explicit Semantic Analysis to help identify relevant documents and links across languages without machine translation. We designed and implemented several approaches as a part of our link discovery system. Evaluation was conducted on Chinese, Czech, English and Spanish Wikipedia. Also, we discuss the evaluation methodology for such systems and assess the agreement between links on different versions of Wikipedia. In addition, we evaluate properties of Explicit Semantic Analysis which are important for its practical use.

    Efficiency and effectiveness of XML keyword search using a full element index

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2010.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2010.Includes bibliographical references leaves 63-67.In the last decade, both the academia and industry proposed several techniques to allow keyword search on XML databases and document collections. A common data structure employed in most of these approaches is an inverted index, which is the state-of-the-art for conducting keyword search over large volumes of textual data, such as world wide web. In particular, a full element-index considers (and indexes) each XML element as a separate document, which is formed of the text directly contained in it and the textual content of all of its descendants. A major criticism for a full element-index is the high degree of redundancy in the index (due to the nested structure of XML documents), which diminishes its usage for large-scale XML retrieval scenarios. As the rst contribution of this thesis, we investigate the e ciency and e ectiveness of using a full element-index for XML keyword search. First, we suggest that lossless index compression methods can signi cantly reduce the size of a full element-index so that query processing strategies, such as those employed in a typical search engine, can e ciently operate on it. We show that once the most essential problem of a full element-index, i.e., its size, is remedied, using such an index can improve both the result quality (e ectiveness) and query execution performance (e ciency) in comparison to other recently proposed techniques in the literature. Moreover, using a full element-index also allows generating query results in di erent forms, such as a ranked list of documents (as expected by a search engine user) or a complete list of elements that include all of the query terms (as expected by a DBMS user), in a uni ed framework. As a second contribution of this thesis, we propose to use a lossy approach, static index pruning, to further reduce the size of a full element-index. In this way, we aim to eliminate the repetition of an element's terms at upper levels in an adaptive manner considering the element's textual content and search system's ranking function. That is, we attempt to remove the repetitions in the index only when we expect that removal of them would not reduce the result quality. We conduct a well-crafted set of experiments and show that pruned index les are comparable or even superior to the full element-index up to very high pruning levels for various ad hoc tasks in terms of retrieval e ectiveness. As a nal contribution of this thesis, we propose to apply index pruning strategies to reduce the size of the document vectors in an XML collection to improve the clustering performance of the collection. Our experiments show that for certain cases, it is possible to prune up to 70% of the collection (or, more speci cally, underlying document vectors) and still generate a clustering structure that yields the same quality with that of the original collection, in terms of a set of evaluation metrics.Atılgan, DuyguM.S

    The Role of Context in Matching and Evaluation of XML Information Retrieval

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    Sähköisten kokoelmien kasvun, hakujen arkipäiväistymisen ja mobiililaitteiden yleistymisen myötä yksi tiedonhaun menetelmien kehittämisen tavoitteista on saavuttaa alati tarkempia hakutuloksia; pitkistäkin dokumenteista oleellinen sisältö pyritään osoittamaan hakijalle tarkasti. Tiedonhakija pyritään siis vapauttamaan turhasta dokumenttien selaamisesta. Internetissä ja muussa sähköisessä julkaisemisessa dokumenttien osat merkitään usein XML-kielen avulla dokumenttien automaattista käsittelyä varten. XML-merkkaus mahdollistaa dokumenttien sisäisen rakenteen hyödyntämisen. Toisin sanoen tätä merkkausta voidaan hyödyntää kehitettäessä tarkkuusorientoituneita (kohdennettuja) tiedonhakujärjestelmiä ja menetelmiä. Väitöskirja käsittelee tarkkuusorientoitunutta tiedonhakua, jossa eksplisiittistä XML merkkausta voidaan hyödyntää. Väitöskirjassa on kaksi pääteemaa, joista ensimmäisen käsittelee XML -tiedonhakujärjestelmä TRIX:in (Tampere Retrieval and Indexing for XML) kehittämistä, toteuttamista ja arviointia. Toinen teema käsittelee kohdennettujen tiedonhakujärjestelmien empiirisiä arviointimenetelmiä. Ensimmäisen teeman merkittävin kontribuutio on kontekstualisointi, jolloin täsmäytyksessä XML-tiedonhaulle tyypillistä tekstievidenssin vähäisyyttä kompensoidaan hyödyntämällä XML-hierarkian ylempien tai rinnakkaisten osien sisältöä (so. kontekstia). Menetelmän toimivuus osoitetaan empiirisin menetelmin. Tutkimuksen seurauksena kontekstualisointi (contextualization) on vakiintunut alan yleiseen, kansainväliseen sanastoon. Toisessa teemassa todetaan kohdennetun tiedonhaun vaikuttavuuden mittaamiseen käytettävien menetelmien olevan monin tavoin puutteellisia. Puutteiden korjaamiseksi väitöskirjassa kehitetään realistisempia arviointimenetelmiä, jotka ottavat huomioon palautettavien hakuyksiköiden kontekstin, lukemisjärjestyksen ja käyttäjälle selailusta koituvan vaivan. Tutkimuksessa kehitetty mittari (T2I(300)) on valittu varsinaiseksi mittariksi kansainvälisessä INEX (Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval) hankkeessa, joka on vuonna 2002 perustettu XML tiedonhaun tutkimusfoorumi.This dissertation addresses focused retrieval, especially its sub-concept XML (eXtensible Mark-up Language) information retrieval (XML IR). In XML IR, the retrievable units are either individual elements, or sets of elements grouped together typically by a document. These units are ranked according to their estimated relevance by an XML IR system. In traditional information retrieval, the retrievable unit is an atomic document. Due to this atomicity, many core characteristics of such document retrieval paradigm are not appropriate for XML IR. Of these characteristics, this dissertation explores element indexing, scoring and evaluation methods which form two main themes: 1. Element indexing, scoring, and contextualization 2. Focused retrieval evaluation To investigate the first theme, an XML IR system based on structural indices is constructed. The structural indices offer analyzing power for studying element hierarchies. The main finding in the system development is the utilization of surrounding elements as supplementary evidence in element scoring. This method is called contextualization, for which we distinguish three models: vertical, horizontal and ad hoc contextualizations. The models are tested with the tools provided by (or derived from) the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML retrieval (INEX). The results indicate that the evidence from element surroundings improves the scoring effectiveness of XML retrieval. The second theme entails a task where the retrievable elements are grouped by a document. The aim of this theme is to create methods measuring XML IR effectiveness in a credible fashion in a laboratory environment. The credibility is pursued by assuming the chronological reading order of a user together with a point where the user becomes frustrated after reading a certain amount of non-relevant material. Novel metrics are created based on these assumptions. The relative rankings of systems measured with the metrics differ from those delivered by contemporary metrics. In addition, the focused retrieval strategies benefit from the novel metrics over traditional full document retrieval

    Indexation et interrogation de pages web décomposées en blocs visuels

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    Cette thèse porte sur l'indexation et l'interrogation de pages Web. Dans ce cadre, nous proposons un nouveau modèle : BlockWeb, qui s'appuie sur une décomposition de pages Web en une hiérarchie de blocs visuels. Ce modèle prend en compte, l'importance visuelle de chaque bloc et la perméabilité des blocs au contenu de leurs blocs voisins dans la page. Les avantages de cette décomposition sont multiples en terme d'indexation et d'interrogation. Elle permet notamment d'effectuer une interrogation à une granularité plus fine que la page : les blocs les plus similaires à une requête peuvent être renvoyés à la place de la page complète. Une page est représentée sous forme d'un graphe acyclique orienté dont chaque nœud est associé à un bloc et étiqueté par l'importance de ce bloc et chaque arc est étiqueté la perméabilité du bloc cible au bloc source. Afin de construire ce graphe à partir de la représentation en arbre de blocs d'une page, nous proposons un nouveau langage : XIML (acronyme de XML Indexing Management Language), qui est un langage de règles à la façon de XSLT. Nous avons expérimenté notre modèle sur deux applications distinctes : la recherche du meilleur point d'entrée sur un corpus d'articles de journaux électroniques et l'indexation et la recherche d'images sur un corpus de la campagne d'ImagEval 2006. Nous en présentons les résultats.This thesis is about indexing and querying Web pages. We propose a new model called BlockWeb, based on the decomposition of Web pages into a hierarchy of visual blocks. This model takes in account the visual importance of each block as well as the permeability of block's content to their neighbor blocks on the page. Splitting up a page into blocks has several advantages in terms of indexing and querying. It allows to query the system with a finer granularity than the whole page: the most similar blocks to the query can be returned instead of the whole page. A page is modeled as a directed acyclic graph, the IP graph, where each node is associated with a block and is labeled by the coefficient of importance of this block and each arc is labeled by the coefficient of permeability of the target node content to the source node content. In order to build this graph from the bloc tree representation of a page, we propose a new language : XIML (acronym for XML Indexing Management Language), a rule based language like XSLT. The model has been assessed on two distinct dataset: finding the best entry point in a dataset of electronic newspaper articles, and images indexing and querying in a dataset drawn from web pages of the ImagEval 2006 campaign. We present the results of these experiments.AIX-MARSEILLE3-Bib. élec. (130559903) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Focused Retrieval

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    Traditional information retrieval applications, such as Web search, return atomic units of retrieval, which are generically called ``documents''. Depending on the application, a document may be a Web page, an email message, a journal article, or any similar object. In contrast to this traditional approach, focused retrieval helps users better pin-point their exact information needs by returning results at the sub-document level. These results may consist of predefined document components~---~such as pages, sections, and paragraphs~---~or they may consist of arbitrary passages, comprising any sub-string of a document. If a document is marked up with XML, a focused retrieval system might return individual XML elements or ranges of elements. This thesis proposes and evaluates a number of approaches to focused retrieval, including methods based on XML markup and methods based on arbitrary passages. It considers the best unit of retrieval, explores methods for efficient sub-document retrieval, and evaluates formulae for sub-document scoring. Focused retrieval is also considered in the specific context of the Wikipedia, where methods for automatic vandalism detection and automatic link generation are developed and evaluated