83 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Telemetri Multi-channel Untuk Monitoring Suhu Dan Ph Air Menggunakan Jaringan Wifi

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    Water quality monitoring is very important to know condition of the water in a sector location. The water quality monitoring can anticipate a decrease of water quality by knowing water condition in real-time, in that way can be determined what factors that causes a decrease of water quality. The method used for water quality monitoring system in this paper is telemetry system (remote measurement) with the wifi network. Telemetry system choosed because its more efisien than the other, measurement can be remotely and in real-time. The test of water quality is bad or good can be known from the elements of test parameters. Parameters sample tested of this research are temperature and pH of the water. To respon physical symptom of changes in amount of water temperature used temperature sensor RTD (resistance temperature detector), and a pH sensor to respon condition of pH of the water. Both of the sensor\u27s reading are converted from analog to digital (ADC) using microcontroller ATmega8535. Microcontroller ATmega8535 has USART feature (Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Serial Receiver and Transmitter) as a serial communication mode. Serial communication technique in a multi-channel is done by using the RS-485 protocol as a communication link beetwen one unit to another until can connect 32 and using the RS-232 protocol to connect serial communication data to personal computer (PC). The data that has been obtained is sent to the monitoring station by a telemetry technique using the wifi network. Results of the data acquisition system RTD temperature sensor against a standard thermometer has a linear correlation coefficient R = 0.998. And the results of the data acquisition pH sensor against a standard pH meter has a linear correlation coefficient of R = 0.994. Results of the comparison between the data sent and received data has errors = 0 so that it can be ascertained no data is lost or gained

    Quantum Portal

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    Este relatório enquadra-se no curso de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática - Computação Móvel da Escola de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria. O objetivo deste relatório é descrever todo o processo em relação ao estágio de 9 meses que foi realizado na empresa Domatica, bem como o trabalho que foi desenvolvido durante o estágio. Este relatório apresenta informações sobre o local do estágio, o trabalho desenvolvido durante o período de estágio e as conclusões extraídas após a conclusão do estágio. Todo o trabalho realizado foi dedicado ao portal Quantum node. Quantum Node Portal funciona como um Portal de Gestão de Informação e Dispositivos. Ele fornece aos clientes instalações como monitorar nós que estão localizados em diferentes locais. O nosso portal de projetos lida com informação sobre os Quantum Nodes dos vários clientes. A informação inclui o status (on-line / off-line), a localização, a visão dos detalhes dos nós, para reivindicar os nós pelo processo de autenticação e também o gerenciamento dos nós e contas de usuários, armazenando a informação atual do nó atualizada pelos clientes, focando principalmente na apresentação de dados visuais sob a forma de tabelas e gráficos e fornece segurança para o Portal Quantum

    Learning Models in Educational Game Interactions: A Review

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    Educational games have now been used as innovative media and teaching strategies to achieve more effective learning and have an impact that tends to be very good in the learning process. However, it is important to know and systematically prove that the application of the learning model in the interaction of educational games is indeed feasible to be adopted and has an effect. This paper aims to present empirical evidence of the current situation regarding the application of learning models in the flow of educational game interactions. The method used is a systematic literature review by adopting three main stages, namely: 1) Planning; 2) Implementation; 3) Reporting. Then recommend the ten steps in the systematic literature review process along with the selection process through the test-retest approach. The initial search obtained 1,405,310 papers, then go through the selection stage. The selection process took place at stage B1 with the number of papers that successfully passed 198, at the B2 selection stage there were 102 papers, and we focus 75 papers that have passed a fairly rigorous screening and selection process on the quality assessment process for primary studies, used to answer research objectives and questions. We can confirm and conclude that 75 papers have applied the learning model in educational game interactions. The dominating domain is Education, the type of game that dominates is Educational Game, for the most dominating subjects are Programming, Student Learning Motivation as the most dominating impact, Experimental Design as a trial technique, the most widely used evaluation instruments are Questionnaires and Tests, a population that dominates between 79-2,645 people, and 8 papers to support learning in vocational education

    Targeting as the Basis for Pre-test Market of Lithium-ion Battery

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    Intelligent Sensing Using Metal Oxide Semiconductor Based-on Support Vector Machine for Odor Classification

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    Classifying odor in real experiment presents some challenges, especially the uncertainty of the odor concentration and dispersion that can lead to a difficulty in obtaining an accurate datasets. In this study, to enhance the accuracy, datasets arrangement based on MOS sensors parameters using SVM approach for odor classification is proposed. The sensors are tested to determine the sensors' time response, sensors' peak duration, sensors' sensitivity, and sensors' stability when applied to the various sources at different range. Three sources were used in experimental test, namely: ethanol, methanol, and acetone. The gas sensors characteristics are analyzed in open sampling method to see the sensors' performance in real situation. These performances are considered as the base of choosing the position in collecting the datasets. The sensors in dynamic experiment have average of precision of 93.8-97.0%, the accuracy 93.3-96.7%, and the recall 93.3-96.7%. This values indicates that the collected datasets can support the SVM in improving the intelligent sensing when conducting odor classification work

    Sistem Monitoring Kondisi Cuaca Berbasis Website Menggunakan Raspberry pi

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    Layanan informasi cuaca sangat diperlukan manusia untuk berbagai kepentingan. Informasi cuaca yang dibutuhkan diantaranya adalah suhu, kelembaban udara, tekanan udara, arah dan kecepatan angin. Kondisi saat ini layanan informasi tersebut dapat diakses dari website Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) yang menyediakan prakiraan cuaca. Dalam penelitian ini telah dirancang sebuah alat untuk memonitoring kondisi cuaca pada suatu area tertentu. Sensor parameter kondisi cuaca berupa suhu, kelembaban, arah dan kecepatan angin dan diproses kedalam sebuah mikrokontroller Arduino Mega. Keluaran parameter cuaca pada Arduino Mega dikirim menggunakan Raspberry pi yang terhubung oleh jaringan internet. Koneksi internet pada Raspberry pi dibutuhkan untuk pengiriman data kondisi cuaca ke dalam database dan ditampilkan pada alamat website sehingga informasi cuaca dapat di akses oleh masyarakat untuk mengetahui kondisi cuaca pada daerah atau tempat tertentu. Telah dilakukan pengukuran sistem monitoring kondisi cuaca dihasilkan data cuaca rata – rata antara lain suhu sebesar 29,2°C, kelembaban 70% RH, arah angin 268,1° dan kecepatan angin sebesar 6,37 knot. ====================================================================================== Weather information services are needed to humanity for various purposes. Weather information include: temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind direction and speed. The current state of the information service can be accessed from the Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) website that provides weather forecasts. The BMKG website displays weather information for certain large city areas in general. The purpose of this study will be designed a tool to monitor weather conditions in a particular area. These weather conditions include temperatures that have a temperature range of 20 ° - 40 ° C, humidity with a range of 30% - 80% RH, 8 wind direction and wind speeds with a range of 0-20 knots that can be displayed on the website address. Input sensors in the form of temperature, humidity, direction and wind speed will initialize the parameters of weather conditions and processed into an Arduino Mega microcontroller. Output of weather parameters on Arduino Mega is then sent to raspberry pi connected by internet network. Internet connection on raspberry pi is required for sending weather condition data into the database and displayed on the website address so that weather information can be accessed by the public to know the weather conditions in a particular area or place. The weather condition monitoring system has been measured by average weather data such as temperature of 29.2°C, 70% RH humidity, wind direction 268,1 ° and wind speed 6,37 knot

    Institutional Repositories in the Indonesian Higher Education Sector: Current State and Future Prospect

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    This research aims to provide the first detailed survey of various aspects of institutional repositories serving Indonesia’s higher education sector. This includes establishing the current state of implementation of repositories and their major characteristics, and assessing their future potential. The study adopts a mixed-methods research strategy. Methods employed are: 1) a longitudinal content analysis of university repository websites; 2) an online survey of Indonesian academics; and 3) interviews with stakeholders in three Indonesian universities

    Actes des Cinquièmes journées nationales du Groupement De Recherche CNRS du Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel

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    National audienceCe document contient les actes des Cinquièmes journées nationales du Groupement De Recherche CNRS du Gé}nie de la Programmation et du Logiciel (GDR GPL) s'étant déroulées à Nancy du 3 au 5 avril 2013. Les contributions présentées dans ce document ont été sélectionnées par les différents groupes de travail du GDR. Il s'agit de résumés, de nouvelles versions, de posters et de démonstrations qui correspondent à des travaux qui ont déjà été validés par les comités de programmes d'autres conférences et revues et dont les droits appartiennent exclusivement à leurs auteurs
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