3,399 research outputs found

    Unit Interval Editing is Fixed-Parameter Tractable

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    Given a graph~GG and integers k1k_1, k2k_2, and~k3k_3, the unit interval editing problem asks whether GG can be transformed into a unit interval graph by at most k1k_1 vertex deletions, k2k_2 edge deletions, and k3k_3 edge additions. We give an algorithm solving this problem in time 2O(klogk)(n+m)2^{O(k\log k)}\cdot (n+m), where k:=k1+k2+k3k := k_1 + k_2 + k_3, and n,mn, m denote respectively the numbers of vertices and edges of GG. Therefore, it is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by the total number of allowed operations. Our algorithm implies the fixed-parameter tractability of the unit interval edge deletion problem, for which we also present a more efficient algorithm running in time O(4k(n+m))O(4^k \cdot (n + m)). Another result is an O(6k(n+m))O(6^k \cdot (n + m))-time algorithm for the unit interval vertex deletion problem, significantly improving the algorithm of van 't Hof and Villanger, which runs in time O(6kn6)O(6^k \cdot n^6).Comment: An extended abstract of this paper has appeared in the proceedings of ICALP 2015. Update: The proof of Lemma 4.2 has been completely rewritten; an appendix is provided for a brief overview of related graph classe

    Polynomial kernels for Proper Interval Completion and related problems

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    Given a graph G = (V,E) and a positive integer k, the Proper Interval Completion problem asks whether there exists a set F of at most k pairs of (V \times V)\E such that the graph H = (V,E \cup F) is a proper interval graph. The Proper Interval Completion problem finds applications in molecular biology and genomic research. First announced by Kaplan, Tarjan and Shamir in FOCS '94, this problem is known to be FPT, but no polynomial kernel was known to exist. We settle this question by proving that Proper Interval Completion admits a kernel with at most O(k^5) vertices. Moreover, we prove that a related problem, the so-called Bipartite Chain Deletion problem, admits a kernel with at most O(k^2) vertices, completing a previous result of Guo

    Chordal Editing is Fixed-Parameter Tractable

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    Graph modification problems typically ask for a small set of operations that transforms a given graph to have a certain property. The most commonly considered operations include vertex deletion, edge deletion, and edge addition; for the same property, one can define significantly different versions by allowing different operations. We study a very general graph modification problem that allows all three types of operations: given a graph and integers k(1), k(2), and k(3), the CHORDAL EDITING problem asks whether G can be transformed into a chordal graph by at most k(1) vertex deletions, k(2) edge deletions, and k(3) edge additions. Clearly, this problem generalizes both CHORDAL DELETION and CHORDAL COMPLETION (also known as MINIMUM FILL-IN). Our main result is an algorithm for CHORDAL EDITING in time 2(O(klog k)). n(O(1)), where k:=k(1) + k(2) + k(3) and n is the number of vertices of G. Therefore, the problem is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by the total number of allowed operations. Our algorithm is both more efficient and conceptually simpler than the previously known algorithm for the special case CHORDAL DELETION

    A survey of parameterized algorithms and the complexity of edge modification

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    The survey is a comprehensive overview of the developing area of parameterized algorithms for graph modification problems. It describes state of the art in kernelization, subexponential algorithms, and parameterized complexity of graph modification. The main focus is on edge modification problems, where the task is to change some adjacencies in a graph to satisfy some required properties. To facilitate further research, we list many open problems in the area.publishedVersio

    Graph editing problems with extended regularity constraints

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    © 2017 Graph editing problems offer an interesting perspective on sub- and supergraph identification problems for a large variety of target properties. They have also attracted significant attention in recent years, particularly in the area of parameterized complexity as the problems have rich parameter ecologies. In this paper we examine generalisations of the notion of editing a graph to obtain a regular subgraph. In particular we extend the notion of regularity to include two variants of edge-regularity along with the unifying constraint of strong regularity. We present a number of results, with the central observation that these problems retain the general complexity profile of their regularity-based inspiration: when the number of edits k and the maximum degree r are taken together as a combined parameter, the problems are tractable (i.e. in FPT), but are otherwise intractable. We also examine variants of the basic editing to obtain a regular subgraph problem from the perspective of parameterizing by the treewidth of the input graph. In this case the treewidth of the input graph essentially becomes a limiting parameter on the natural k+r parameterization

    Strong Parameterized Deletion: Bipartite Graphs

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    The purpose of this article is two fold: (a) to formally introduce a stronger version of graph deletion problems; and (b) to study this version in the context of bipartite graphs. Given a family of graphs F, a typical instance of parameterized graph deletion problem consists of an undirected graph G and a positive integer k and the objective is to check whether we can delete at most k vertices (or k edges) such that the resulting graph belongs to F. Another version that has been recently studied is the one where the input contains two integers k and l and the objective is to check whether we can delete at most k vertices and l edges such that the resulting graph belongs to F. In this paper, we propose and initiate the study of a more general version which we call strong deletion. In this problem, given an undirected graph G and positive integers k and l, the objective is to check whether there exists a vertex subset S of size at most k such that each connected component of G-S can be transformed into a graph in F by deleting at most l edges. In this paper we study this stronger version of deletion problems for the class of bipartite graphs. In particular, we study Strong Bipartite Deletion, where given an undirected graph G and positive integers k and l, the objective is to check whether there exists a vertex subset S of size at most k such that each connected component of G-S can be made bipartite by deleting at most l edges. While fixed-parameter tractability when parameterizing by k or l alone is unlikely, we show that this problem is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) when parameterized by both k and l

    An FPT algorithm and a polynomial kernel for Linear Rankwidth-1 Vertex Deletion

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    Linear rankwidth is a linearized variant of rankwidth, introduced by Oum and Seymour [Approximating clique-width and branch-width. J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 96(4):514--528, 2006]. Motivated from recent development on graph modification problems regarding classes of graphs of bounded treewidth or pathwidth, we study the Linear Rankwidth-1 Vertex Deletion problem (shortly, LRW1-Vertex Deletion). In the LRW1-Vertex Deletion problem, given an nn-vertex graph GG and a positive integer kk, we want to decide whether there is a set of at most kk vertices whose removal turns GG into a graph of linear rankwidth at most 11 and find such a vertex set if one exists. While the meta-theorem of Courcelle, Makowsky, and Rotics implies that LRW1-Vertex Deletion can be solved in time f(k)n3f(k)\cdot n^3 for some function ff, it is not clear whether this problem allows a running time with a modest exponential function. We first establish that LRW1-Vertex Deletion can be solved in time 8knO(1)8^k\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}. The major obstacle to this end is how to handle a long induced cycle as an obstruction. To fix this issue, we define necklace graphs and investigate their structural properties. Later, we reduce the polynomial factor by refining the trivial branching step based on a cliquewidth expression of a graph, and obtain an algorithm that runs in time 2O(k)n42^{\mathcal{O}(k)}\cdot n^4. We also prove that the running time cannot be improved to 2o(k)nO(1)2^{o(k)}\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)} under the Exponential Time Hypothesis assumption. Lastly, we show that the LRW1-Vertex Deletion problem admits a polynomial kernel.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, An extended abstract appeared in IPEC201

    Split Contraction: The Untold Story

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    The edit operation that contracts edges, which is a fundamental operation in the theory of graph minors, has recently gained substantial scientific attention from the viewpoint of Parameterized Complexity. In this paper, we examine an important family of graphs, namely the family of split graphs, which in the context of edge contractions, is proven to be significantly less obedient than one might expect. Formally, given a graph G and an integer k, the Split Contraction problem asks whether there exists a subset X of edges of G such that G/X is a split graph and X has at most k elements. Here, G/X is the graph obtained from G by contracting edges in X. It was previously claimed that the Split Contraction problem is fixed-parameter tractable. However, we show that, despite its deceptive simplicity, it is W[1]-hard. Our main result establishes the following conditional lower bound: under the Exponential Time Hypothesis, the Split Contraction problem cannot be solved in time 2^(o(l^2)) * poly(n) where l is the vertex cover number of the input graph. We also verify that this lower bound is essentially tight. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first tight lower bound of the form 2^(o(l^2)) * poly(n) for problems parameterized by the vertex cover number of the input graph. In particular, our approach to obtain this lower bound borrows the notion of harmonious coloring from Graph Theory, and might be of independent interest