77 research outputs found

    Weak^* dentability index of spaces C([0,α])C([0,\alpha])

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    We compute the weak^*-dentability index of the spaces C(K)C(K) where KK is a countable compact space. Namely Dz(C([0,ωωα]))=ω1+α+1{Dz}(C([0,\omega^{\omega^\alpha}])) = \omega^{1+\alpha+1}, whenever 0α<ω10\le\alpha<\omega_1. More generally, Dz(C(K))=ω1+α+1{Dz}(C(K))=\omega^{1+\alpha+1} if KK is a scattered compact whose height η(K)\eta(K) satisfies ωα<η(K)ωα+1\omega^\alpha<\eta(K)\leq \omega^{\alpha+1} with an α\alpha countable

    Computational Problems in Metric Fixed Point Theory and their Weihrauch Degrees

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    We study the computational difficulty of the problem of finding fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in uniformly convex Banach spaces. We show that the fixed point sets of computable nonexpansive self-maps of a nonempty, computably weakly closed, convex and bounded subset of a computable real Hilbert space are precisely the nonempty, co-r.e. weakly closed, convex subsets of the domain. A uniform version of this result allows us to determine the Weihrauch degree of the Browder-Goehde-Kirk theorem in computable real Hilbert space: it is equivalent to a closed choice principle, which receives as input a closed, convex and bounded set via negative information in the weak topology and outputs a point in the set, represented in the strong topology. While in finite dimensional uniformly convex Banach spaces, computable nonexpansive mappings always have computable fixed points, on the unit ball in infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space the Browder-Goehde-Kirk theorem becomes Weihrauch-equivalent to the limit operator, and on the Hilbert cube it is equivalent to Weak Koenig's Lemma. In particular, computable nonexpansive mappings may not have any computable fixed points in infinite dimension. We also study the computational difficulty of the problem of finding rates of convergence for a large class of fixed point iterations, which generalise both Halpern- and Mann-iterations, and prove that the problem of finding rates of convergence already on the unit interval is equivalent to the limit operator.Comment: 44 page

    Hyper-extensions in metric fixed point theory

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    We apply a modern axiomatic system of nonstandard analysis in metric fixed point theory. In particular, we formulate a nonstandard iteration scheme for nonexpansive mappings and present a nonstandard approach to fixed-point problems in direct sums of Banach spaces.Comment: 12 page

    Necessary Conditions for Nonsmooth Optimization Problems with Operator Constraints in Metric Spaces

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    This paper concerns nonsmooth optimization problems involving operator constraints given by mappings on complete metric spaces with values in nonconvcx subsets of Banach spaces. We derive general first-order necessary optimality conditions for such problems expressed via certain constructions of generalized derivatives for mappings on metric spaces and axiomatically defined subdifferentials for the distance function to nonconvex sets in Banach spaces. Our proofs arc based on variational principles and perturbation/approximation techniques of modern variational analysis. The general necessary conditions obtained are specified in the case of optimization problems with operator constraints dDScribcd by mappings taking values in approximately convex subsets of Banach spaces, which admit uniformly Gateaux differentiable renorms (in particular, in any separable spaces)

    Algorithm for solutions of nonlinear equations of strongly monotone type and applications to convex minimization and variational inequality problems

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    Real-life problems are governed by equations which are nonlinear in nature. Nonlinear equations occur in modeling problems, such as minimizing costs in industries and minimizing risks in businesses. A technique which does not involve the assumption of existence of a real constant whose calculation is unclear is used to obtain a strong convergence result for nonlinear equations of (p, {\eta})-strongly monotone type, where {\eta} > 0, p > 1. An example is presented for the nonlinear equations of (p, {\eta})-strongly monotone type. As a consequence of the main result, the solutions of convex minimization and variational inequality problems are obtained. This solution has applications in other fields such as engineering, physics, biology, chemistry, economics, and game theory.Comment: 11 page

    Kuelbs-Steadman spaces on Separable Banach spaces

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    The purpose of this paper is to construct a new class of separable Banach spaces \K^p[\mathbb{B}], \; 1\leq p \leq \infty. Each of these spaces contain the \mcL^p[\mathbb{B}] spaces, as well as the space \mfM[\R^\iy], of finitely additive measures as dense continuous compact embeddings. These spaces are of interest because they also contain the Henstock-Kurzweil integrable functions on B\mathbb{B}. Finally, we offer a interesting approach to the Fourier transform on \K^p[\mathbb{B}].Comment: pages 17. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2001.0000

    Dual Connections in Nonparametric Classical Information Geometry

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    We construct an infinite-dimensional information manifold based on exponential Orlicz spaces without using the notion of exponential convergence. We then show that convex mixtures of probability densities lie on the same connected component of this manifold, and characterize the class of densities for which this mixture can be extended to an open segment containing the extreme points. For this class, we define an infinite-dimensional analogue of the mixture parallel transport and prove that it is dual to the exponential parallel transport with respect to the Fisher information. We also define {\alpha}-derivatives and prove that they are convex mixtures of the extremal (\pm 1)-derivatives

    Discrete Approximations of Differential Inclusions in Infinite-Dimensional Spaces

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    In this paper we study discrete approximations of continuous-time evolution systems governed by differential inclusions with nonconvex compact values in infinite-dimensional spaces. Our crucial result ensures the possibility of a strong Sobolev space approximation of every feasible solution to the continuous-time inclusion by its discrete-time counterparts extended as Euler\u27s broken lines. This result allows us to establish the value and strong solution convergences of discrete approximations of the Bolza problem for constrained infinite-dimensional differential/evolution inclusions under natural assumptions on the initial data