371 research outputs found

    Global attractors for the coupled suspension bridge system with temperature

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    This paper deals with the longterm properties of the thermoelastic nonlinear string-beam system related to the well-known Lazer-McKenna suspension bridge model. In particular no mechanical dissipation occurs in the equations, since the loss of energy is entirely due to thermal effects. The existence of regular global attractors for the associated solution semigroup is proved for time-independent supplies and any axial load

    Asymptotic dynamics of nonlinear coupled suspension bridge equations

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    In this paper we study the long-term dynamics of a doubly nonlinear abstract system which involves a single differential operator to different powers. For a special choice of the nonlinear terms, the system describes the motion of a suspension bridge where the road bed and the main cable are modeled as a nonlinear beam and a vibrating string, respectively, and their coupling is carried out by nonlinear springs. The set of stationary solutions turns out to be nonempty and bounded. As the external loads vanish, the null solution of the system is proved to be exponentially stable provided that the axial load does not exceed some critical value. Finally, we prove the existence of a bounded global attractor of optimal regularity in connection with an arbitrary axial load and quite general nonlinear terms

    Long-Term Damped Dynamics of the Extensible Suspension Bridge

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    This work is focused on the doubly nonlinear equation, whose solutions represent the bending motion of an extensible, elastic bridge suspended by continuously distributed cables which are flexible and elastic with stiffness k^2. When the ends are pinned, long-term dynamics is scrutinized for arbitrary values of axial load p and stiffness k^2. For a general external source f, we prove the existence of bounded absorbing sets.When f is timeindependent, the related semigroup of solutions is shown to possess the global attractor of optimal regularity and its characterization is given in terms of the steady states of the problem.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Strong Uniform Attractors for Nonautonomous Suspension Bridge-Type Equations

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    We discuss long-term dynamical behavior of the solutions for the nonautonomous suspension bridge-type equation in the strong Hilbert space D(A)×H2(Ω)∩H01(Ω), where the nonlinearity g(u,t) is translation compact and the time-dependent external forces h(x,t) only satisfy condition (C*) instead of translation compact. The existence of strong solutions and strong uniform attractors is investigated using a new process scheme. Since the solutions of the nonautonomous suspension bridge-type equation have no higher regularity and the process associated with the solutions is not continuous in the strong Hilbert space, the results are new and appear to be optimal

    Steady states of elastically-coupled extensible double-beam systems

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    Given βR\beta\in\mathbb{R} and ϱ,k>0\varrho,k>0, we analyze an abstract version of the nonlinear stationary model in dimensionless form {u""(β+ϱ01u(s)2ds)u"+k(uv)=0v""(β+ϱ01v(s)2ds)v"k(uv)=0\begin{cases} u"" - \Big(\beta+ \varrho\int_0^1 |u'(s)|^2\,{\rm d} s\Big)u" +k(u-v) = 0 v"" - \Big(\beta+ \varrho\int_0^1 |v'(s)|^2\,{\rm d} s\Big)v" -k(u-v) = 0 \end{cases} describing the equilibria of an elastically-coupled extensible double-beam system subject to evenly compressive axial loads. Necessary and sufficient conditions in order to have nontrivial solutions are established, and their explicit closed-form expressions are found. In particular, the solutions are shown to exhibit at most three nonvanishing Fourier modes. In spite of the symmetry of the system, nonsymmetric solutions appear, as well as solutions for which the elastic energy fails to be evenly distributed. Such a feature turns out to be of some relevance in the analysis of the longterm dynamics, for it may lead up to nonsymmetric energy exchanges between the two beams, mimicking the transition from vertical to torsional oscillations

    Attractors for a fluid-structure interaction problem in a time-dependent phase space

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    This paper is concerned with the long-time dynamics of a fluid-structure interaction problem describing a Poiseuille inflow through a 2D channel containing a rectangular obstacle. Physically, this models the interaction between the wind and the deck of a bridge in a wind tunnel experiment, as time goes to infinity. Due to this interaction, the fluid domain depends on time in an unknown fashion and the problem needs a delicate functional analytic setting. As a result, the solution operator associated to the system acts on a time- dependent phase space, and it cannot be described in terms of a semigroup nor of a process. Nonetheless, we are able to extend the notion of global attractor to this particular setting, and prove its existence and regularity. This provides a strong characterization of the asymptotic behavior of the problem. Moreover, when the inflow is sufficiently small, the attractor reduces to the unique stationary solution of the system, corresponding to a perfectly symmetric configuration

    Asymptotic behavior of a Balakrishnan-Taylor suspension bridge

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    In this manuscript, we examine a nonlinear Cauchy problem aimed at describing the deformation of the deck of either a footbridge or a suspension bridge in a rectangular domain Ω=(0,π)×(d,d) \Omega = (0, \pi)\times (-d, d) , with d < < \pi , incorporating hinged boundary conditions along its short edges, as well as free boundary conditions along its remaining free edges. We establish the existence of solutions and the exponential decay of energy

    Basic Types of Coarse-Graining

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    We consider two basic types of coarse-graining: the Ehrenfests' coarse-graining and its extension to a general principle of non-equilibrium thermodynamics, and the coarse-graining based on uncertainty of dynamical models and Epsilon-motions (orbits). Non-technical discussion of basic notions and main coarse-graining theorems are presented: the theorem about entropy overproduction for the Ehrenfests' coarse-graining and its generalizations, both for conservative and for dissipative systems, and the theorems about stable properties and the Smale order for Epsilon-motions of general dynamical systems including structurally unstable systems. Computational kinetic models of macroscopic dynamics are considered. We construct a theoretical basis for these kinetic models using generalizations of the Ehrenfests' coarse-graining. General theory of reversible regularization and filtering semigroups in kinetics is presented, both for linear and non-linear filters. We obtain explicit expressions and entropic stability conditions for filtered equations. A brief discussion of coarse-graining by rounding and by small noise is also presented.Comment: 60 pgs, 11 figs., includes new analysis of coarse-graining by filtering. A talk given at the research workshop: "Model Reduction and Coarse-Graining Approaches for Multiscale Phenomena," University of Leicester, UK, August 24-26, 200

    On the existence and multiplicity of one-dimensional solid particle attractors in time-dependent Rayleigh-Bénard convection

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    For the first time evidence is provided that one-dimensional objects formed by the accumulation of tracer particles can emerge in flows of thermogravitational nature (in the region of the space of parameters, in which the so-called OS (oscillatory solution) flow of the Busse balloon represents the dominant secondary mode of convection). Such structures appear as seemingly rigid filaments, rotating without changing their shape. The most interesting (heretofore unseen) feature of such a class of physical attractors is their variety. Indeed, distinct shapes are found for a fixed value of the Rayleigh number depending on parameters accounting for particle inertia and viscous drag. The fascinating "sea" of existing potential paths, their multiplicity and tortuosity are explained according to the granularity of the loci in the physical space where conditions for phase locking between the traveling thermofluid-dynamic disturbance and the "turnover time" of particles in the basic toroidal flow are satisfied. It is shown, in particular, how the observed wealth of geometric objects and related topological features can be linked to a general overarching attractor representing an intrinsic (particle-independent) property of the base velocity field