23 research outputs found

    A Framework for Information Security Risk Management in IT Outsourcing

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    Qualitative researchers in business and management information systems fields often need to employ a method of inter-coder reliability to test the trustworthiness of the findings of their content analysis. A suitable method for checking the inter-coder reliability enables researchers to rigorously assess the degree of agreement among two or more independent qualitative coders. By employing this method, researchers can identify mistakes in the content analysis before the codes are used in developing and testing a theory or a measurement model and avoid any associated time, effort and financial cost. However, little guidance is available on what method of inter-coder reliability check should be used. In this paper, we present a critical analysis of these methods that are suitable for qualitative business and management IS research, and provide an example of how we employed the most rigorous method among these methods for a qualitative behavioural IS study

    The Costs and Benefits of Outsourcing Marketing, Student Recruitment and Retention Services in an Online RN-to-BSN Program

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    ABSTRACT In 2010, the Institute of Medicine advised that by 2020, 80% of working nurses should have at minimum a baccalaureate degree. Across the country, the profession will fall short of that goal. In New Mexico, the numbers of associate degree nurses and baccalaureate degree nurses are nearly equal. As the flagship university for the state, the University of New Mexico has offered a program for baccalaureate degree completion for registered nurses for over 55 years. Wishing to fulfill the IOM mandate, the University of New Mexico, College of Nursing desires to grow its RN-to-BSN program by expanding its marketing, recruitment and retention potential. Consequently, the College is faced with two options for marketing the online degree completion program and retaining students through graduation: outsource the marketing, recruitment and retention of students or perform the same services with in-house staff. Using the COBRAM© calculator, this project analyzes and compares the costs and benefits of in-house management with outsourcing those services to determine the value of a public-private partnership for online academic program management

    Antecedents of the Outsourcing Relationship: A Systematic Review

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    Recently, the advancement in business competition is increasing. Outsourcing has become an important strategy in the organizations. Most of the outsourcing objectives are for cost-saving and focusing on the main activities in the organization. To realize the importance of outsourcing, the goal of this research is to explore the key theoretical views that are related to Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) relationships which BPO and ITO, which are the same, means that others are responsible for the non-core work but is a different part of the work. Therefore, this research is interesting in terms of seeing the different perspectives of outsourcing. The research articles in the ScienceDirect database from 2000 to 2018 with related domains were collected using related keywords such as BPO, ITO, outsourcing performance, and outsourcing contract duration. After all relative papers were collected, they are categorized into four major topics including (1) Understanding in outsourcing, (2) Related costs in outsourcing, (3) Outsourced long-term relationships, and (4) Internal control systems in outsourced projects. Based on our systematic review, this study summarized the current trends of research in the concerned areas, together with significant findings that can be applied, integrated, or compared with this study

    How Client Capabilities, Vendor Configuration and Location Impact BPO Outcomes

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    Despite the increasing use of onshore and offshore business process outsourcing (BPO), a comprehensive literature review [38] finds that there has been limited empirical research on BPO outcomes. This article responds to the call for research by developing and testing a conceptual model for BPO outcomes using data from 50 firms publicly traded in the U.S., including 38 firms in the Forbes Global 2000. We find that client firm capabilities, vendor configuration, and country location lead to interesting tradeoffs in the BPO quality, cost, and time outcomes. For example, while multi-sourcing offers advantages such as risk mitigation, client firms encounter reduced BPO time benefits when they use multiple vendors. While onshore BPO can lead to an improved quality, higher onshore labor costs result in lower BPO cost savings. And while offshore destinations such as India offer lower labor costs, time zone differences lead to reduced BPO time benefits

    A literature analysis of the use of Absorptive Capacity construct in IS research

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    Since the seminal inception of Absorptive Capacity (ACAP) by Cohen and Levinthal (1990), it has been adopted widely in information systems (IS) research. This paper analyzes the use of ACAP in IS research through a literature analysis of ACAP-related papers published in 52 reputable IS journals from 1990 to 2015. Drawing on a review of the evolution of ACAP, the analyses conducted include: (1) descriptive analysis of ACAP in IS papers; (2) domains of ACAP usage; (3) analysis of hypotheses and propositions to show how ACAP is being used to explain various organizational phenomena in IS research; and (4) analysis of the measures to provide insights into the operationalization of ACAP in IS research. Our findings suggest that while the majority of the research correctly conceptualizes ACAP as a capability, various misalignments between ACAP conceptualization, operationalization and measurement, and the level of analysis in the literature continue to do a disservice to the accumulated research in ACAP. The findings and recommendations should help IS researchers to conceptualize and operationalize ACAP appropriately

    Uncovering the nature of the relationship between outsourcing motivations and the degree of outsourcing: An empirical study on Finnish small and medium-sized enterprises

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    Prior literature has identified several outsourcing motivations, such as cost reduction and access to expertise, and deciphered the influence of these variables on outsourcing decisions. In another stream of outsourcing studies, researchers have gauged the degree of outsourcing, unearthing how companies may choose to outsource a set or processes instead of the whole business function. In this article, we draw on both of these streams of outsourcing research to study the relationship between outsourcing motivations and the degree of outsourcing within a particular business function. We probe the effect of nine motivation items on outsourcing decision through an empirical study using survey data gathered from 337 small and medium-sized enterprises. We find that cost reduction, a focus on core competence and business/process improvements are all associated with a higher degree of outsourcing, but interestingly, access to expertise is negatively associated with the degree of outsourcing. This finding suggests that companies that outsource mainly to acquire external expertise outsource only a limited number of processes within a specific business function. Our main theoretical contribution lies in uncovering the dynamic nature of outsourcing motivations, meaning that as companies outsource a larger degree of their business processes, some motivation items become more accentuated and others fade in importance


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    A indústria coureiro-calçadista apresenta uma inserção socioeconômica em diversos glusters produtivos, como o da região do Vale dos Sinos (RS). Seu desempenho está diretamente vinculado às oscilações tanto do mercado doméstico quanto do internacional e estes interferem diretamente no desenvolvimento dessas regiões. Outro fator que influencia nessa dinâmica é a organização da cadeia produtiva, destacando-se a verticalização e a terceirização cuja dinâmica do arranjo logístico interfere na qualidade, nos custos e na velocidade de resposta aos pedidos dos clientes. Neste trabalho, relata-se um estudo de caso de uma empresa multinacional do setor coureiro-calçadista localizada em Nova Hartz, RS, cuja ação estratégica manufatureira é mista, articulada por meio da organização de linha fabril própria e do desenvolvimento de uma rede de sistemistas terceirizados. A investigação teve início a partir da análise de uma das empresas sistemistas e foi expandido, posteriormente, para a investigação da cadeia e na própria empresa âncora. Buscou-se identificar os impactos dessas ações para a região, bem como as influências que a recente redução do volume de vendas, principalmente as exportações para a Argentina, propiciaram para a região. A coleta de dados em campo foi realizada em dois períodos distintos, de janeiro a fevereiro e de agosto a novembro de 2014, por meio de questionário semiestruturado. Como resultados, elaborou-se um mapa do fluxo das interações entre a empresa âncora e as parceiras. Também se observou que há uma vulnerabilidade quanto ao fechamento de postos de trabalho impulsionado pelos 10% de redução em exportação em decorrência da crise na Argentina. Palavras-chave: Indústria calçadista. Logística. Terceirização

    Antecedents of trust among buyer and seller within the South African automotive supply chains

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    Background: Positive supplier relationships result in trust and eventually sustainability. However, the opposite seems to be true in the South African automotive supply chain relationships that are characterised by conflict. Literature states that in the absence of trust, sustainability is compromised. The problem pertains to the erosion of trust because of conflict between suppliers in the South African automotive supply chains. Objectives: The main purpose of the research was to address the question: What are the antecedents of trust between buyer and seller within the South African automotive supply chains? The primary objective was to determine the value-adding antecedents of trust followed by presenting the antecedent with the strongest correlation towards trust. Method: The study was explanatory and descriptive by nature to determine relationships between constructs. The empirical research utilised a quantitative census, thus targeting all senior managers representing Tier 1 automotive component suppliers. A deductive approach through a structured close-ended questionnaire tested the managers’ perception on trust. The response rate was 81.4% with 144 participants. After factor analysis, a path analysis was compiled, depicting the antecedents of trust. Results: The study found that antecedents showing the strongest correlation with trust were the core offering, inclusive of product delivery and quality followed by personal interaction that forms part of the sourcing process. Conclusion: The research study makes a theoretical contribution by presenting a conceptual structure on trust by depicting its antecedents. Managerial contributions include recommendations on how to enhance trust through a relational governance strategy

    A qualidade do relacionamento entre os clubes e os adeptos detentores de bilhete de época no futebol

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    Mestrado Bolonha em MarketingTodos os anos os clubes de futebol realizam a venda de bilhetes de época como forma de financiarem o seu investimento, sendo o número de lugares anuais limitado é importante para os clubes que os clientes que já os adquiriram no passado voltem a renovar. Assim o objetivo do presente estudo consiste em identificar os fatores mais significativos, da qualidade do relacionamento com os seus adeptos detentores de bilhete de época, e como esse relacionamento influencia os adeptos a renovarem o seu lugar anual. Bem como estudar quais os antecedentes que impactam esse relacionamento. Desta forma realizou-se um estudo quantitativo mono-método, o qual decorreu num horizonte cross-sectional. Com base num questionário online, foi possível obter uma amostra não probabilística por conveniência com um total de 381 respostas validas. Sendo o tratamento e análise dos dados realizado com recurso ao IBM SPSS Statistics 26 através de técnicas estatísticas. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a intenção de renovação por parte dos adeptos detentores de bilhetes de época é influenciada pelas dimensões da qualidade do relacionamento, em particular pela confiança, comprometimento e identificação dos adeptos. O estudo realizado comprova também o impacto positivo dos antecedentes nas dimensões da qualidade do relacionamento. Ao nível académico, a presente dissertação contribui para o enriquecimento do conhecimento do marketing desportivo, mais concretamente o relacionamento entre os adeptos e as equipas desportivas, ajudado a colmatar lacunas existentes. A nível prático, fornece informação às organizações desportivas e respetivos marketers, ilustrando a importância do relacionamento e quais as variáveis que os adeptos mais valorizam no mesmo.Every year football clubs sell season tickets to finance their investment. Once there are a limited number of annual seats, it is important for clubs that customers who have acquired season tickets in the past renew them. The objective of this study is to identify the most significant factors in the quality of relationship with their customers and how the relationship can increase the number of season ticket renews. This study also analyze how and which antecedents had a positive impact in the relationship Club-Customer. A mono-method quantitative study was carried out. This research was elaborated in a cross-sectional time horizon, based on an online questionnaire. It was obtained a non- probabilistic sample by convenience with a total of 381 valid answers. The data was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 26 through statistical techniques. The results demonstrate that the intention of ticket renewal by customers are impacted by the quality of the relationship. The main positive impact areas are the trust, the commitment and the identification with the club. The study also proves the positive impact of antecedents on the relationship quality dimensions. At academic level, this dissertation contributes to the increase the knowledge of sports marketing, more specifically the relationship between fans and sports teams. This will help to fill in existing gaps. At practical level, it provides information to sport clubs marketers, emphasizing the importance of the relationship club-customer and indicating the variables the supporters most value in it.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio