486 research outputs found

    Mapping Cropland Burned Area in Northeastern China by Integrating Landsat Time Series and Multi-Harmonic Model

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    Accurate cropland burned area estimation is crucial for air quality modeling and cropland management. However, current global burned area products have been primarily derived from coarse spatial resolution images which cannot fulfill the spatial requirement for fire monitoring at local levels. In addition, there is an overall lack of accurate cropland straw burning identification approaches at high temporal and spatial resolution. In this study, we propose a novel algorithm to capture burned area in croplands using dense Landsat time series image stacks. Cropland burning shows a short-term seasonal variation and a long-term dynamic trend, so a multi-harmonic model is applied to characterize fire dynamics in cropland areas. By assessing a time series of the Burned Area Index (BAI), our algorithm detects all potential burned areas in croplands. A land cover mask is used on the primary burned area map to remove false detections, and the spatial information with a moving window based on a majority vote is employed to further reduce salt-and-pepper noise and improve the mapping accuracy. Compared with the accuracy of 67.3% of MODIS products and that of 68.5% of Global Annual Burned Area Map (GABAM) products, a superior overall accuracy of 92.9% was obtained by our algorithm using Landsat time series and multi-harmonic model. Our approach represents a flexible and robust way of detecting straw burning in complex agriculture landscapes. In future studies, the effectiveness of combining different spectral indices and satellite images can be further investigated.Peer reviewe


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    Agricultural residue burning, practiced in croplands throughout the world, adversely impacts public health and regional air quality. Monitoring and quantifying agricultural residue burning with remote sensing alone is difficult due to lack of field data, hazy conditions obstructing satellite remote sensing imagery, small field sizes, and active field management. This dissertation highlights the uncertainties, discrepancies, and underestimation of agricultural residue burning emissions in a small-holder agriculturalist region, while also developing methods for improved bottom-up quantification of residue burning and associated emissions impacts, by employing a field and remote sensing-based approach. The underestimation in biomass burning emissions from rice residue, the fibrous plant material left in the field after harvest and subjected to burning, represents the starting point for this research, which is conducted in a small-holder agricultural landscape of Vietnam. This dissertation quantifies improved bottom-up air pollution emissions estimates through refinements to each component of the fine-particulate matter emissions equation, including the use of synthetic aperture radar timeseries to explore rice land area variation between different datasets and for date of burn estimates, development of a new field method to estimate both rice straw and stubble biomass, and also improvements to emissions quantification through the use of burning practice specific emission factors and combustion factors. Moreover, the relative contribution of residue burning emissions to combustion sources was quantified, demonstrating emissions are higher than previously estimated, increasing the importance for mitigation. The dissertation further explored air pollution impacts from rice residue burning in Hanoi, Vietnam through trajectory modelling and synoptic meteorology patterns, as well as timeseries of satellite air pollution and reanalysis datasets. The results highlight the inherent difficulty to capture air pollution impacts in the region, especially attributed to cloud cover obstructing optical satellite observations of episodic biomass burning. Overall, this dissertation found that a prominent satellite-based emissions dataset vastly underestimates emissions from rice residue burning. Recommendations for future work highlight the importance for these datasets to account for crop and burning practice specific emission factors for improved emissions estimates, which are useful to more accurately highlight the importance of reducing emissions from residue burning to alleviate air quality issues

    Satellites May Underestimate Rice Residue and Associated Burning Emissions in Vietnam

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    In this study, we estimate rice residue, associated burning emissions, and compare results with existing emissions inventories employing a bottom-up approach. We first estimated field-level post-harvest rice residues, including separate fuel-loading factors for rice straw and rice stubble. Results suggested fuel-loading factors of 0.27 kg/sq m (+/-0.033), 0.61 kg/sq m (+/-0.076), and 0.88 kg/sq m (+/-0.083) for rice straw, stubble, and total post-harvest biomass, respectively. Using these factors, we quantified potential emissions from rice residue burning and compared our estimates with other studies. Our results suggest total rice residue burning emissions as 2.24 Gg PM2.5, 36.54 Gg CO and 567.79 Gg CO2 for Hanoi Province, which are significantly higher than earlier studies. We attribute our higher emission estimates to improved fuel-loading factors; moreover, we infer that some earlier studies relying on residue-to-product ratios could be underestimating rice residue emissions by more than a factor of 2.3 for Hanoi, Vietnam. Using the rice planted area data from the Vietnamese government, and combining our fuel-loading factors, we also estimated rice residue PM2.5 emissions for the entirety of Vietnam and compared these estimates with an existing all-sources emissions inventory, and the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED). Results suggest 75.98 Gg of PM2.5 released from rice residue burning accounting for 12.8% of total emissions for Vietnam. The GFED database suggests 42.56 Gg PM2.5 from biomass burning with 5.62 Gg attributed to agricultural waste burning indicating satellite-based methods may be significantly underestimating emissions. Our results not only provide improved residue and emission estimates, but also highlight the need for emissions mitigation from rice residue burning

    A review of biomass burning: Emissions and impacts on air quality, health and climate in China

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    Biomass burning (BB) is a significant air pollution source, with global, regional and local impacts on air quality, public health and climate. Worldwide an extensive range of studies has been conducted on almost all the aspects of BB, including its specific types, on quantification of emissions and on assessing its various impacts. China is one of the countries where the significance of BB has been recognized, and a lot of research efforts devoted to investigate it, however, so far no systematic reviews were conducted to synthesize the information which has been emerging. Therefore the aim of this work was to comprehensively review most of the studies published on this topic in China, including literature concerning field measurements, laboratory studies and the impacts of BB indoors and outdoors in China. In addition, this review provides insights into the role of wildfire and anthropogenic BB on air quality and health globally. Further, we attempted to provide a basis for formulation of policies and regulations by policy makers in China

    Temporal and spatial dynamics in emission of water-soluble ions in fine particulate matter during forest fires in Southwest China

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    Aims: The aim of this study was to analyze changes in emission of water-soluble ions in fine particulate matter over time and in different southwest forest areas in China based on China's Forestry Statistical Yearbook and MODIS satellite fire point data.Methods: We took 6 dominant tree species samples in the southwestern forest region of China and simulated combustion using controllable biomass combustion devices. Based on the spatial analysis method of ArcGIS, combining satellite fire point data and official statistical yearbooks, we analyzed the spatial and temporal dynamics of emissions of water-soluble ions in PM2.5 released by forest fires in southwestern forest areas from 2004 to 2021.Results: The total amount of forest biomass combusted in southwest forest areas was 64.43 kt. Among the different forest types, the proportion of burnt subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest was the largest (60.49%) followed by subtropical mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest (22.78%) and subtropical evergreen coniferous forest (16.72%). During the study period, 61.19 t of water-soluble ions were released in PM2.5 from forest fires, and the emissions of Li+, Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, F-, Cl-, Br-, NO3-, PO43- and SO42- were 0.48 t, 11.54 t, 2.51 t, 19.44 t, 2.12 t, 2.92 t, 1.94 t, 12.70 t, 1.12 t, 1.18 t, 1.17 t and 4.07 t, respectively. Yunnan was the province with the highest emissions of water-soluble ions in PM2.5 in the southwest forest areas, and the concentration K+ was the highest. Emission of water-soluble ions in Yunnan and Sichuan all showed a significant downward trend, while the overall decrease in Tibet, Chongqing and Guizhou was not significant. The peak emission of water-soluble ions in PM2.5 during forest fires appeared in spring and winter, which accounted for 87.66% of the total emission.Discussion: This study reveals the spatiotemporal changes in water-soluble ion emissions from forest fires, by studying the spatiotemporal dynamics of water-soluble ions in PM2.5, we can better understand the sources, distribution, and change patterns of these ions, as well as their impact on the atmospheric environment, ecosystems, and climate change. This information is crucial for predicting and managing air pollution, as well as developing effective forest management and environmental protection policies to respond to fires; and hence concerted fire prevention efforts should be made in each province, taking into account the season with higher probability of fire occurrence to reduce the potential impact of fire-related pollutions

    Crop Residue Burning in Northern India: Increasing Threat to Greater India

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    Crop residue burning (CRB) is a recurring problem, during October–November, in the northwestern regions (Punjab, Haryana, and western Uttar Pradesh) of India. The emissions from the CRB source regions spread in all directions through long-range transport mechanisms, depending upon the meteorological conditions. In recent years, numerous studies have been carried out dealing with the impact of CRB on the air quality of Delhi and surrounding areas, especially in the Indo-Gangetic Basin (also referred to as Indo-Gangetic Plain). In this paper, we present detailed analysis using both satellite- and ground-based sources, which show an increasing impact of CRB over the eastern parts of the Indo-Gangetic Basin and also over parts of central and southern India. The increasing trends of finer black carbon particles and greenhouse gases have accelerated since the year 2010 onward, which is confirmed by the observation of different wavelength dependent aerosol properties. Our study shows an increased risk to ambient air quality and an increased spatiotemporal extent of pollutants in recent years, from CRB, which could be a severe health threat to the population of these regions

    Evaluation of WRF-Chem simulated meteorology and aerosols over northern India during the severe pollution episode of 2016

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    We use a state-of-the-art regional chemistry transport model (WRF-Chem v4.2.1) to simulate particulate air pollution over northern India during September–November 2016. This period includes a severe air pollution episode marked by exceedingly high levels of hourly PM2.5 (particulate matter having an aerodynamic diameter ≤ 2.5 µm) during 30 October to 7 November, particularly over the wider Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP). We provide a comprehensive evaluation of simulated seasonal meteorology (nudged by ERA5 reanalysis products) and aerosol chemistry (PM2.5 and its black carbon (BC) component) using a range of ground-based, satellite and reanalysis products, with a focus on the November 2016 haze episode. We find the daily and diurnal features in simulated surface temperature show the best agreement followed by relative humidity, with the largest discrepancies being an overestimate of night-time wind speeds (up to 1.5 m s−1) confirmed by both ground and radiosonde observations. Upper-air meteorology comparisons with radiosonde observations show excellent model skill in reproducing the vertical temperature gradient (r&gt;0.9). We evaluate modelled PM2.5 at 20 observation sites across the IGP including eight in Delhi and compare simulated aerosol optical depth (AOD) with data from four AERONET sites. We also compare our model aerosol results with MERRA-2 reanalysis aerosol fields and MODIS satellite AOD. We find that the model captures many features of the observed aerosol distributions but tends to overestimate PM2.5 during September (by a factor of 2) due to too much dust, and underestimate peak PM2.5 during the severe episode. Delhi experiences some of the highest daily mean PM2.5 concentrations within the study region, with dominant components nitrate (∼25 %), dust (∼25 %), secondary organic aerosols (∼20 %) and ammonium (∼10 %). Modelled PM2.5 and BC spatially correlate well with MERRA-2 products across the whole domain. High AOD at 550nm across the IGP is also well predicted by the model relative to MODIS satellite (r≥0.8) and ground-based AERONET observations (r≥0.7), except during September. Overall, the model realistically captures the seasonal and spatial variations of meteorology and ambient pollution over northern India. However, the observed underestimations in pollutant concentrations likely come from a combination of underestimated emissions, too much night-time dispersion, and some missing or poorly represented aerosol chemistry processes. Nevertheless, we find the model is sufficiently accurate to be a useful tool for exploring the sources and processes that control PM2.5 levels during severe pollution episodes.</p

    AEROsol generic classification using a novel Satellite remote sensing Approach (AEROSA)

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    Numerous studies (hereafter GA: general approach studies) have been made to classify aerosols into desert dust (DD), biomass-burning (BB), clean continental (CC), and clean maritime (CM) types using only aerosol optical depth (AOD) and Ångström exponent (AE). However, AOD represents the amount of aerosol suspended in the atmospheric column while the AE is a qualitative indicator of the size distribution of the aerosol estimated using AOD measurements at different wavelengths. Therefore, these two parameters do not provide sufficient information to unambiguously classify aerosols into these four types. Evaluation of the performance of GA classification applied to AErosol Robotic NETwork (AERONET) data, at sites for situations with known aerosol types, provides many examples where the GA method does not provide correct results. For example, a thin layer of haze was classified as BB and DD outside the crop burning and dusty seasons respectively, a thick layer of haze was classified as BB, and aerosols from known crop residue burning events were classified as DD, CC, and CM by the GA method. The results also show that the classification varies with the season, for example, the same range of AOD and AE were observed during a dust event in the spring (20th March 2012) and a smog event in the autumn (2nd November 2017). The results suggest that only AOD and AE cannot precisely classify the exact nature (i.e., DD, BB, CC, and CM) of aerosol types without incorporating more optical and physical properties. An alternative approach, AEROsol generic classification using a novel Satellite remote sensing Approach (AEROSA), is proposed to provide aerosol amount and size information using AOD and AE, respectively, from the Terra-MODIS (MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) Collection 6.1 Level 2 combined Dark Target and Deep Blue (DTB) product and AERONET Version 3 Level 2.0 data. Although AEROSA is also based on AOD and AE, it does not claim the nature of aerosol types, instead providing information on aerosol amount and size. The purpose is to introduce AEROSA for those researchers who are interested in the generic classification of aerosols based on AOD and AE, without claiming the exact aerosol types such as DD, BB, CC, and CM. AEROSA not only provides 9 generic aerosol classes for all observations but can also accommodate variations in location and season, which GA aerosol types do not.</jats:p

    Analysis of Tropospheric Nitrogen Dioxide Using Satellite and Ground Based Data over Northern Thailand

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    Tropospheric NO2 columns over northern Thailand were analyzed using satellite products of the SCIMACHY, OMI, GOME-2A, and GOME-2B sensors for the 14-year period 2003–2016. The comparative results of the four pairs of different satellite datasets within overlapped years showed that they were well correlated with correlation coefficients (r) ranging from 0.82 to 0.88. The r-values improved to 0.85–0.90 when the analysis was considered only during the dry period (October to April). Ground in situ measurements of NO2 concentrations were also obtained for comparative analysis with the satellite NO2 columns. The results revealed relatively good agreement between these two parameters for a seasonal pattern. High levels of NO2 were detected by both satellite and ground monitoring during January–April with the maximum levels in March. Moreover, during this period, most satellite and ground datasets recorded greater levels of NO2 in the afternoon corresponding with the number of fire hotspots collected from the MODIS-Terra and -Aqua satellites. Satellite and ground measurements show slightly increasing annual trends of NO2 levels for 2010–2016 with values of 8.40 and 1.18 %, respectively, over the 6-year period


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    Short lived aerosols and pollutants transported from northern mid-latitudes have amplified the short term warming in the Arctic region. Specifically, black carbon is recognized as the second most important human emission in regards to climate forcing, behind carbon dioxide with a total climate forcing of +1.1Wm-2. Studies have suggested that cropland burning may be a large contributor to the black carbon emissions which are directly deposited on the snow in the Arctic region. However, accurate monitoring of cropland burning from existing active fire and burned area products is limited, thereby leading to an underestimation in black carbon emissions from cropland burning. This dissertation focuses on 1) assessing the potential for the deposition of hypothetical black carbon emissions from known cropland burning in Russia through low-level transport, and 2) identifying a possible atmospheric pattern that may enhance the transport of black carbon emissions to the Arctic. Specifically, atmospheric blocking events present a potential mechanism that could act to enhance the likelihood of transport or accelerate the transport of pollutants to the snow-covered Arctic from Russian cropland burning based on their persistent wind patterns. This research study confirmed the importance of Russian cropland burning as a potential source of black carbon deposition on the Arctic snow in the spring despite the low injection heights associated with cropland burning. Based on the successful transport pathways, this study identified the potential transport of black carbon from Russian cropland burning beyond 80°N which has important implications for permanent sea ice cover. Further, based on the persistent wind patterns of blocking events, this study identified that blocking events are able to accelerate potential transport and increase the success of transport of black carbon emissions to the snow-covered Arctic during spring when the impact on the snow/ice albedo is at its highest. The enhanced transport of black carbon has important implications for the efficacy of deposited black carbon. Therefore, understanding these relationships could lead to possible mitigation strategies for reducing the impact of deposition of black carbon from crop residue burning in the Arctic
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