1,003 research outputs found

    Analytical customer relationship management in retailing supported by data mining techniques

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Industrial e Gestão. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Feature selection strategies for improving data-driven decision support in bank telemarketing

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    The usage of data mining techniques to unveil previously undiscovered knowledge has been applied in past years to a wide number of domains, including banking and marketing. Raw data is the basic ingredient for successfully detecting interesting patterns. A key aspect of raw data manipulation is feature engineering and it is related with the correct characterization or selection of relevant features (or variables) that conceal relations with the target goal. This study is particularly focused on feature engineering, aiming at the unfolding features that best characterize the problem of selling long-term bank deposits through telemarketing campaigns. For the experimental setup, a case-study from a Portuguese bank, ranging the 2008-2013 year period and encompassing the recent global financial crisis, was addressed. To assess the relevance of such problem, a novel literature analysis using text mining and the latent Dirichlet allocation algorithm was conducted, confirming the existence of a research gap for bank telemarketing. Starting from a dataset containing typical telemarketing contacts and client information, research followed three different and complementary strategies: first, by enriching the dataset with social and economic context features; then, by including customer lifetime value related features; finally, by applying a divide and conquer strategy for splitting the problem in smaller fractions, leading to optimized sub-problems. Each of the three approaches improved previous results in terms of model metrics related to prediction performance. The relevance of the proposed features was evaluated, confirming the obtained models as credible and valuable for telemarketing campaign managers.A utilização de técnicas de data mining para a descoberta de conhecimento tem sido aplicada nos últimos anos a uma grande variedade de domínios, incluindo banca e marketing. Os dados no seu estado primitivo constituem o ingrediente básico para a deteção de padrões de informação. Um aspeto chave da manipulação de dados em bruto consiste na "engenharia de atributos", que compreende uma correta definição e seleção de atributos relevantes (ou variáveis) que se relacionem com o alvo da descoberta de conhecimento. Este trabalho foca-se numa abordagem de "engenharia de atributos" para definir as variáveis que melhor caraterizam o problema de vender depósitos bancários a prazo através de campanhas de telemarketing. Sendo um estudo empírico, foi utilizado um caso de estudo de um banco português, abrangendo o período 2008-2013, que inclui os efeitos da crise financeira internacional. Para aferir da importância deste problema, foi realizada uma inovadora análise da literatura recorrendo a text mining e ao algoritmo latent Dirichlet allocation, confirmando a existência de uma lacuna nesta matéria. Utilizando como base um conjunto de dados de contactos de telemarketing e informação sobre os clientes, três estratégias diferentes e complementares foram propostas: primeiro, os dados foram enriquecidos com atributos socioeconómicos; posteriormente, foram adicionadas características associadas ao valor do cliente ao longo do seu tempo de vida; finalmente, o problema foi dividido em problemas mais específicos, permitindo abordagens otimizadas a cada subproblema. Cada abordagem melhorou as métricas associadas à capacidade preditiva do modelo. Adicionalmente, a relevância dos atributos foi avaliada, confirmando os modelos obtidos como credíveis e valiosos para gestores de campanhas de telemarketing

    A review of natural language processing in contact centre automation

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    Contact centres have been highly valued by organizations for a long time. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted their critical importance in ensuring business continuity, economic activity, and quality customer support. The pandemic has led to an increase in customer inquiries related to payment extensions, cancellations, and stock inquiries, each with varying degrees of urgency. To address this challenge, organizations have taken the opportunity to re-evaluate the function of contact centres and explore innovative solutions. Next-generation platforms that incorporate machine learning techniques and natural language processing, such as self-service voice portals and chatbots, are being implemented to enhance customer service. These platforms offer robust features that equip customer agents with the necessary tools to provide exceptional customer support. Through an extensive review of existing literature, this paper aims to uncover research gaps and explore the advantages of transitioning to a contact centre that utilizes natural language solutions as the norm. Additionally, we will examine the major challenges faced by contact centre organizations and offer reco

    Exploration of customer churn routes using machine learning probabilistic models

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    The ongoing processes of globalization and deregulation are changing the competitive framework in the majority of economic sectors. The appearance of new competitors and technologies entails a sharp increase in competition and a growing preoccupation among service providing companies with creating stronger bonds with customers. Many of these companies are shifting resources away from the goal of capturing new customers and are instead focusing on retaining existing ones. In this context, anticipating the customer¿s intention to abandon, a phenomenon also known as churn, and facilitating the launch of retention-focused actions represent clear elements of competitive advantage. Data mining, as applied to market surveyed information, can provide assistance to churn management processes. In this thesis, we mine real market data for churn analysis, placing a strong emphasis on the applicability and interpretability of the results. Statistical Machine Learning models for simultaneous data clustering and visualization lay the foundations for the analyses, which yield an interpretable segmentation of the surveyed markets. To achieve interpretability, much attention is paid to the intuitive visualization of the experimental results. Given that the modelling techniques under consideration are nonlinear in nature, this represents a non-trivial challenge. Newly developed techniques for data visualization in nonlinear latent models are presented. They are inspired in geographical representation methods and suited to both static and dynamic data representation

    Automated Machine Learning implementation framework in the banking sector

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Business AnalyticsAutomated Machine Learning is a subject in the Machine Learning field, designed to give the possibility of Machine Learning use to non-expert users, it aroused from the lack of subject matter experts, trying to remove humans from these topic implementations. The advantages behind automated machine learning are leaning towards the removal of human implementation, fastening the machine learning deployment speed. The organizations will benefit from effective solutions benchmarking and validations. The use of an automated machine learning implementation framework can deeply transform an organization adding value to the business by freeing the subject matter experts of the low-level machine learning projects, letting them focus on high level projects. This will also help the organization reach new competence, customization, and decision-making levels in a higher analytical maturity level. This work pretends, firstly to investigate the impact and benefits automated machine learning implementation in the banking sector, and afterwards develop an implementation framework that could be used by banking institutions as a guideline for the automated machine learning implementation through their departments. The autoML advantages and benefits are evaluated regarding business value and competitive advantage and it is presented the implementation in a fictitious institution, considering all the need steps and the possible setbacks that could arise. Banking institutions, in their business have different business processes, and since most of them are old institutions, the main concerns are related with the automating their business process, improving their analytical maturity and sensibilizing their workforce to the benefits of the implementation of new forms of work. To proceed to a successful implementation plan should be known the institution particularities, adapt to them and ensured the sensibilization of the workforce and management to the investments that need to be made and the changes in all levels of their organizational work that will come from that, that will lead to a lot of facilities in everyone’s daily work

    Modelling partial customer churn in the Portuguese fixed telecommunications industry by using survival models

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    Considering that profits from customer relationships are the lifeblood of firms (Grant and Schlesinger, 1995), an improvement on the customer management is essential to ensure the competitivity and success of firms. For the last decade, Portuguese customers of fixed telecommunications industry have easily switched the service provider, which has been very damaging for the business performance and, therefore, for the economy. The main objective of this study is to analyse the partial churn of residential customers in the fixed-telecommunications industry (fixed-telephone and ADSL), by using survival models. Additionally, we intend to test the assumption of constant customer retention rate over time and across customers. Lastly, the effect of satisfaction on partial customer churn is analysed. The models are developed by using large-scale data from an internal database of a Portuguese fixed telecommunications company. The models are estimated with a large number of covariates, which includes customer’s basic information, demographics, churn flag, customer historical information about usage, billing, subscription, credit, and other. Our results show that the variables that influence the partial customer churn are the service usage, mean overall revenues, current debts, the number of overdue bills, payment method, equipment renting, the existence of flat plans and the province of the customer. Portability also affects the probability of churn in fixed-telephone contracts. The results also suggest that the customer retention rate is neither constant over time nor across customers, for both types of contracts. Lastly, it seems that satisfaction does not influence the cancellation of both types of contracts.Considerando que os lucros gerados pelos clientes são vitais para as empresas (Grant e Schlesinger, 1995), uma melhoria na gestão do cliente é fundamental para assegurar a competitividade e o sucesso das empresas. Na última década, os clientes portugueses das empresas de telecomunicações fixas têm mudado de operador com demasiada facilidade, o que tem prejudicado o desempenho das empresas e, consequentemente, a economia. O principal objectivo deste estudo é analisar o cancelamento de contratos de telefone fixo e ADSL por clientes residenciais, através do uso de modelos de sobrevivência. Para além disso, pretende-se testar o pressuposto de que a taxa de retenção de clientes é constante ao longo do tempo e entre clientes. Por último, pretende-se analisar o efeito da satisfação do cliente no cancelamento destes tipos de contratos. Os modelos são construídos com base numa base de dados de larga escala fornecida por uma empresa portuguesa deste sector. Os modelos são estimados com base num vasto número de variáveis, incluindo informação básica sobre o cliente, dados demográficos, indicação sobre o cancelamento do contrato, dados históricos sobre o uso dos serviços, facturação, contracto, crédito, etc.. Os resultados mostram que as variáveis que influenciam o cancelamento de ambos os tipos de contratos são o uso do serviço, a facturação média, o valor em dívida, o número de facturas em dívida, o método de pagamento, o método de pagamento do equipamento, a existência de tarifas planas e o distrito do cliente. A portabilidade de número parece influenciar o cancelamento de contratos de telefone fixo. Os resultados também mostram que a taxa de retenção de clientes não é constante ao longo do tempo nem entre clientes em ambos os tipos de contratos. Por último, parece que a satisfação não influencia o cancelamento de ambos os tipos de contratos
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