35 research outputs found

    Copyright and DRM

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    A slideshow and an accompanying audio podcast about DRM and piracy, and a poster advertising the

    Space and Planetary Imaging using JPEG2000

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    The raising demand for Digital content Rights Management (DRM), protection and security, enabling effective on-line access, exchange and trading of all types of digital media items (ranging from a simple text file to a large space or planetary image) and, at the same time, supporting global interoperability of customer devices and traded items, can only be met by a good mix of open architectures and proprietary technologies. In this paper, we present a novel integrated architecture that supports the secure handling of large remote sensing ISO JPEG2000 coded images, obtained from satellite. This effort is within the scope of further developments and new extensions for this standard, namely: - Trans-coding of proprietary digital image formats used in satellite imagery, to the new JPEG2000 format; - Inexpensive network clusters for parallel computing to improve the algorithmic process of coding very large digital images obtained from satellites. - Coding of multi-component and multi-spectral images as well as volumetric images (JP3D); - Exploration of interactive on-line image satellite catalogues (JPIP); - Secure transmission, and protection of the image content based in OpenSDRM (JPSEC)

    Using web-services to manage and control access to multimedia content

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    In a largely interconnected World, the Web-Services (WS) computing paradigm is gaining momentum. Most Web Services applications existing today are being developed in the E-Business or E-Commerce context, mainly for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) [12]. This paper describes a distributed architecture that largely uses WS technology to control and manage the access to multimedia content and that represents the new and emerging market of Digital Rights Management (DRM). This architecture deploys some critical DRM elements, in a service-oriented architecture, such as device and user identification and authentication, content registration and protection, license representation and production and payment. This paper presents the conceptual architecture, referred to as OpenSDRM [3], and provides some technical details about its development and deployment.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Music-4you.com - digital music e-commerce case study

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    During the past couple of years a new business has arise on the Internet – digital music e-commerce. Web-sites such as Apple iTunes, Real Rhapsody and most recently the renewed version of Napster with Microsoft support have attracted a lot of attention to this new business. This paper introduces and describes an example of a digital music e-commerce web-site – Music-4You.com – developed in the framework of a European project called MOSES. However, Music-4you isn’t just another digital music e-commerce site. It introduces some new concepts in the electronic trading of digital music, such as the negotiation of rights licensing conditions, the usage of new media formats and the possibility of music providers add their own music to the web-site and to define their own business models and rights management.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Open secure infrastructure to control user access to multimedia content

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    This paper will start by describing OpenSDRM an open-source framework developed for the IST project MOSES., OpenSDRM is used to control the multimedia content consumption in conjunction with the new IPMPX MPEG-4 proposed standard. This architecture, composed by several building blocks, protects the content flow from creation to final user consumption on a specific device. This paper devotes a special attention to the security aspects of the OpenSDRM processes and functions, describing its communication protocols and message exchanges as well as it introduces the security details about the user's digital wallet.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Digital object rights management: Interoperable client-side DRM middleware

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    In a more and more interconnected world where the available bandwidths are increasing at a pace hard to imagine some time ago, multimedia e-content distribution over digital networks has become one of the biggest available services online. Powered not only by the network high availability but also by the emergence of new compression techniques and digital content consumer device, digital content is gaining momentum. However the same factors that power this emergence are also causing some problems, specially related with the digital content IPR management and protection. These problems are being handled employing DRM - Digital Rights Management technology which lack interoperability. This paper presents and discusses a solution that provides interoperability to DRM-protected content through the employment of a client-side DRM middleware layer. This middleware layer sits at the client-side of a broader DRM system (called DoRM) providing the necessary mechanisms to achieve interoperability between the different digital content rendering applications that the users possesses.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    La gestión de derechos de autor en entornos digitales, un reto para las bibliotecas y centros públicos de información

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    Estudia la aparición de los dispositivos de gestión de derechos de propiedad intelectual en el mercado de información electrónica y sus implicaciones para las bibliotecas y centros públicos de información. Se abordan las implicaciones que conlleva la protección de los contenidos digitales en el modelo económico y de servicio de estas instituciones, así como para los derechos tradicionalmente reconocidos a los usuarios. El estudio de la regulación legal que se lleva a cabo en Estados Unidos y en la Unión Europea pone de relieve el papel que se ha asignado en Norteamérica a la Library of Congress en la redacción de las normas que contemplan las excepciones a la protección de contenidos.This article studies the appearance or mechanisms for the management of intellectual property rights in the electronic information market and their implications for libraries and public information centers. The study tackles the implications of proecting digital content on the economic and service model of these institucions as well as on traditionally recognized users’ rights. The study of the legal regulation which is under way in the United States and the European Union emphasizes the role which has been assigned in North America to the Library of Congress for the drawing up of standards which take into account exceptions to the protection of content

    The effect of speleothem surface slope on the remanent magnetic inclination

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    Speleothems are of interest for high-resolution reconstruction of the Earth's magnetic field. However, little is known about the influence of speleothem morphologies on their natural remanent magnetization (NRM) record. Here we report on a high-resolution paleomagnetic study of a dome-shaped speleothem of middle Holocene age from southern Portugal, with special attention to the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and anisotropy of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (AARM). To assess the potential influence of the slope of the speleothem surface on the recorded remanent magnetization, we compare magnetic directions and AMS and AARM fabrics from subhorizontal to gradually subvertical calcite growth layers collected in a transversal cross section of the speleothem. A linear correlation is observed between magnetic inclinations, calcite laminae slope, and AARM k1 inclination. The AMS fabric is mostly controlled by calcite crystals, with direction of the minimum axes (k3) perpendicular to laminae growth. Magnetic inclinations recorded in inclined and vertical calcite growth layers are underestimated when compared to a global paleosecular variation (PSV) model. After extrapolating magnetic inclinations to the horizontal, the corrected data better fit the PSV model but are still lower than the predicted magnetic inclinations, suggesting that inclination shallowing affects the entire speleothem. We suggest that speleothem morphology exerts a critical role on the magnetic inclination recording, which is controlled by the Earth's magnetic field but also influenced by particle rolling along the sloping surfaces. These observations open new avenues for reconstructing high-resolution paleomagnetic secular variation records from speleothems and provide new insights into their NRM acquisition mechanisms.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A method for protecting and controlling access to JPEG2000 images

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    The image compression standard JPEG2000 brings not only powerful compression performance but also new functionality unavailable in previous standards (such as region of interest, scalability and random access to image data, through flexible code stream description of the image). ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1, which is the ISO Committee working group for JPEG2000 standardization is currently defining additional parts to the standard that will allow extended functionalities. One of these extensions is Part 8 JPSEC - JPEG2000 security, which deals with the protection and access control of JPEG2000 code-stream. This paper reports the JPSEC activities detailing with the three core experiments which are in progress to supply the JPEG2000 ISO Committee, with the appropriate protection technology. These core experiments are focusing on the protection of the code-stream itself and on the overall security infrastructure that is needed to manage the access rights of users and applications to that protected code-stream. Regarding the encryption/scrambling process, this one deals with the JPEG2000 code stream in such a way that only the packets, which contain image data information are encrypted. All the other code-stream data will be in clear mode. Ibis paper will also advance details of one of the JPSEC proposed solutions for the security infrastructure - OpenSDRM (Open and Secure Digital Rights Management) [16], which provides security and rights management from the content provider to the content final user. A use case where this security infrastructure was successfully used will also be provided.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Climate resilience building in Semi-Arid Lands (SALs): institutional weaknesses and strengths in subnational governments in Brazil

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    Well established institutions are an essential factor for the successful realization of sustainable socio-economic and environmental potential in Semi-Arid Lands (SALs). SALs receive limited attention in international climate research and policies; thus, the institutional relationship between governance, policy, and implementation continues to suffer from inconsistencies across governance levels. This research carried out an analysis combining mixed-research methods to collect, record, and analyze data and information regarding institutional and organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and local level policy implementation challenges and scope to assess the effectiveness of Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and implementation of adaptation policies at State and local levels in SALs. The inefficiencies observed in the DRM/CCA adaptation processes are concentrated in areas of high governance of state and municipal governments and stem from local communities' reduced organizational and technical capacity. It results in the negligent application of measures and resources to address climate risks. Therefore, this paper contributes to the increasing understanding of the institutional framework's role in the facilitation of local adaptation, revealing what seems to be working well, what is not, how things could improve in Brazilian SALs