12 research outputs found

    Broadening the Scope of Nanopublications

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    In this paper, we present an approach for extending the existing concept of nanopublications --- tiny entities of scientific results in RDF representation --- to broaden their application range. The proposed extension uses English sentences to represent informal and underspecified scientific claims. These sentences follow a syntactic and semantic scheme that we call AIDA (Atomic, Independent, Declarative, Absolute), which provides a uniform and succinct representation of scientific assertions. Such AIDA nanopublications are compatible with the existing nanopublication concept and enjoy most of its advantages such as information sharing, interlinking of scientific findings, and detailed attribution, while being more flexible and applicable to a much wider range of scientific results. We show that users are able to create AIDA sentences for given scientific results quickly and at high quality, and that it is feasible to automatically extract and interlink AIDA nanopublications from existing unstructured data sources. To demonstrate our approach, a web-based interface is introduced, which also exemplifies the use of nanopublications for non-scientific content, including meta-nanopublications that describe other nanopublications.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 10th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2013

    Decentralized provenance-aware publishing with nanopublications

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    Publication and archival of scientific results is still commonly considered the responsability of classical publishing companies. Classical forms of publishing, however, which center around printed narrative articles, no longer seem well-suited in the digital age. In particular, there exist currently no efficient, reliable, and agreed-upon methods for publishing scientific datasets, which have become increasingly important for science. In this article, we propose to design scientific data publishing as a web-based bottom-up process, without top-down control of central authorities such as publishing companies. Based on a novel combination of existing concepts and technologies, we present a server network to decentrally store and archive data in the form of nanopublications, an RDF-based format to represent scientific data. We show how this approach allows researchers to publish, retrieve, verify, and recombine datasets of nanopublications in a reliable and trustworthy manner, and we argue that this architecture could be used as a low-level data publication layer to serve the Semantic Web in general. Our evaluation of the current network shows that this system is efficient and reliable

    Publishing without Publishers: a Decentralized Approach to Dissemination, Retrieval, and Archiving of Data

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    Making available and archiving scientific results is for the most part still considered the task of classical publishing companies, despite the fact that classical forms of publishing centered around printed narrative articles no longer seem well-suited in the digital age. In particular, there exist currently no efficient, reliable, and agreed-upon methods for publishing scientific datasets, which have become increasingly important for science. Here we propose to design scientific data publishing as a Web-based bottom-up process, without top-down control of central authorities such as publishing companies. Based on a novel combination of existing concepts and technologies, we present a server network to decentrally store and archive data in the form of nanopublications, an RDF-based format to represent scientific data. We show how this approach allows researchers to publish, retrieve, verify, and recombine datasets of nanopublications in a reliable and trustworthy manner, and we argue that this architecture could be used for the Semantic Web in general. Evaluation of the current small network shows that this system is efficient and reliable.Comment: In Proceedings of the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) 201

    Using nanopublications as a distributed ledger of digital truth

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    With the increase in volume of research publications, it is very difficult for researchers to keep abreast of all work in their area. Additionally, the claims in classical publications are not machine-readable making it challenging to retrieve, integrate, and link prior work. Several semantic publishing approaches have been proposed to address these challenges, including Research Object, Executable Paper, Micropublications, and Nanopublications. Nanopublications are a granular way of publishing research-based claims, their associated provenance, and publication information (metadata of the nanopublication) in a machine-readable form. To date, over 10 million nanopublications have been published, covering a wide range of topics, predominantly in the life sciences. Nanopublications are immutable, decentralised/distributed, uniformly structured, granular level, and authentic. These features of nanopublications allow them to be used as a Distributed Ledger of Digital Truth. Such a ledger enables detecting conflicting claims and generating the timeline of discussion on a particular topic. However, the inability to identify all nanopublications related to a given topic prevent existing nanopublications forming a ledger. In this dissertation, we make the following contributions: (i) Identify quality issues regarding misuse of authorship properties and linkrot which impact on the quality of the digital ledger. We argue that the Nanopub community needs to be developed a set of guidelines for publishing nanopublications. (ii) Provide a framework for generating a timeline of discourse over a collection of nanopublications by retrieving and combining nanopublications on a particular topic to provide interoperability between them. (iii) Detect contradictory claims between nanopublications automatically highlighting the conflicts and provide explanations based on the provenance information in the nanopublications. Through these contributions, we show that nanopublications can form a distributed ledger of digital truth, providing key benefits such as citability, timelines of discourse, and conflict detection, to users of the ledger

    Serviços de integração de dados para aplicações biomédicas

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    Doutoramento em Informática (MAP-i)In the last decades, the field of biomedical science has fostered unprecedented scientific advances. Research is stimulated by the constant evolution of information technology, delivering novel and diverse bioinformatics tools. Nevertheless, the proliferation of new and disconnected solutions has resulted in massive amounts of resources spread over heterogeneous and distributed platforms. Distinct data types and formats are generated and stored in miscellaneous repositories posing data interoperability challenges and delays in discoveries. Data sharing and integrated access to these resources are key features for successful knowledge extraction. In this context, this thesis makes contributions towards accelerating the semantic integration, linkage and reuse of biomedical resources. The first contribution addresses the connection of distributed and heterogeneous registries. The proposed methodology creates a holistic view over the different registries, supporting semantic data representation, integrated access and querying. The second contribution addresses the integration of heterogeneous information across scientific research, aiming to enable adequate data-sharing services. The third contribution presents a modular architecture to support the extraction and integration of textual information, enabling the full exploitation of curated data. The last contribution lies in providing a platform to accelerate the deployment of enhanced semantic information systems. All the proposed solutions were deployed and validated in the scope of rare diseases.Nas últimas décadas, o campo das ciências biomédicas proporcionou grandes avanços científicos estimulados pela constante evolução das tecnologias de informação. A criação de diversas ferramentas na área da bioinformática e a falta de integração entre novas soluções resultou em enormes quantidades de dados distribuídos por diferentes plataformas. Dados de diferentes tipos e formatos são gerados e armazenados em vários repositórios, o que origina problemas de interoperabilidade e atrasa a investigação. A partilha de informação e o acesso integrado a esses recursos são características fundamentais para a extração bem sucedida do conhecimento científico. Nesta medida, esta tese fornece contribuições para acelerar a integração, ligação e reutilização semântica de dados biomédicos. A primeira contribuição aborda a interconexão de registos distribuídos e heterogéneos. A metodologia proposta cria uma visão holística sobre os diferentes registos, suportando a representação semântica de dados e o acesso integrado. A segunda contribuição aborda a integração de diversos dados para investigações científicas, com o objetivo de suportar serviços interoperáveis para a partilha de informação. O terceiro contributo apresenta uma arquitetura modular que apoia a extração e integração de informações textuais, permitindo a exploração destes dados. A última contribuição consiste numa plataforma web para acelerar a criação de sistemas de informação semânticos. Todas as soluções propostas foram validadas no âmbito das doenças raras

    Theory and Practice of Data Citation

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    Citations are the cornerstone of knowledge propagation and the primary means of assessing the quality of research, as well as directing investments in science. Science is increasingly becoming "data-intensive", where large volumes of data are collected and analyzed to discover complex patterns through simulations and experiments, and most scientific reference works have been replaced by online curated datasets. Yet, given a dataset, there is no quantitative, consistent and established way of knowing how it has been used over time, who contributed to its curation, what results have been yielded or what value it has. The development of a theory and practice of data citation is fundamental for considering data as first-class research objects with the same relevance and centrality of traditional scientific products. Many works in recent years have discussed data citation from different viewpoints: illustrating why data citation is needed, defining the principles and outlining recommendations for data citation systems, and providing computational methods for addressing specific issues of data citation. The current panorama is many-faceted and an overall view that brings together diverse aspects of this topic is still missing. Therefore, this paper aims to describe the lay of the land for data citation, both from the theoretical (the why and what) and the practical (the how) angle.Comment: 24 pages, 2 tables, pre-print accepted in Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 201

    Knowledge Graph Building Blocks: An easy-to-use Framework for developing FAIREr Knowledge Graphs

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    Knowledge graphs and ontologies provide promising technical solutions for implementing the FAIR Principles for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable data and metadata. However, they also come with their own challenges. Nine such challenges are discussed and associated with the criterion of cognitive interoperability and specific FAIREr principles (FAIR + Explorability raised) that they fail to meet. We introduce an easy-to-use, open source knowledge graph framework that is based on knowledge graph building blocks (KGBBs). KGBBs are small information modules for knowledge-processing, each based on a specific type of semantic unit. By interrelating several KGBBs, one can specify a KGBB-driven FAIREr knowledge graph. Besides implementing semantic units, the KGBB Framework clearly distinguishes and decouples an internal in-memory data model from data storage, data display, and data access/export models. We argue that this decoupling is essential for solving many problems of knowledge management systems. We discuss the architecture of the KGBB Framework as we envision it, comprising (i) an openly accessible KGBB-Repository for different types of KGBBs, (ii) a KGBB-Engine for managing and operating FAIREr knowledge graphs (including automatic provenance tracking, editing changelog, and versioning of semantic units); (iii) a repository for KGBB-Functions; (iv) a low-code KGBB-Editor with which domain experts can create new KGBBs and specify their own FAIREr knowledge graph without having to think about semantic modelling. We conclude with discussing the nine challenges and how the KGBB Framework provides solutions for the issues they raise. While most of what we discuss here is entirely conceptual, we can point to two prototypes that demonstrate the principle feasibility of using semantic units and KGBBs to manage and structure knowledge graphs