176 research outputs found

    Byzantine Agreement Given Partial Broadcast

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    This paper considers unconditionally secure protocols for reliable broadcast among a set of n players, where up to t of the players can be corrupted by a (Byzantine) adversary but the remaining h = n - t players remain honest. In the standard model with a complete, synchronous network of bilateral authenticated communication channels among the players, broadcast is achievable if and only if 2n/h < 3. We show that, by extending this model by the existence of partial broadcast channels among subsets of b players, global broadcast can be achieved if and only if the number h of honest players satisfies 2n/h < b + 1. Achievability is demonstrated by protocols with communication and computation complexities polynomial in the size of the network, i.e., in the number of partial broadcast channels. A respective characterization for the related consensus problem is also give

    Extended Validity and Consistency in Byzantine Agreement

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    A broadcast protocol allows a sender to distribute a value among a set of players such that it is guaranteed that all players receive the same value (consistency), and if the sender is honest, then all players receive the sender\u27s value (validity). Classical broadcast protocols for nn players provide security with respect to a fixed threshold t<n/3t<n/3, where both consistency and validity are guaranteed as long as at most tt players are corrupted, and no security at all is guaranteed as soon as t+1t+1 players are corrupted. Depending on the environment, validity or consistency may be the more important property. We generalize the notion of broadcast by introducing an additional threshold t+≥tt^+\ge t. In a {\em broadcast protocol with extended validity}, both consistency and validity are achieved when no more than tt players are corrupted, and validity is achieved even when up to t+t^+ players are corrupted. Similarly, we define {\em broadcast with extended consistency}. We prove that broadcast with extended validity as well as broadcast with extended consistency is achievable if and only if t+2t+<nt+2t^+<n (or t=0t=0). For example, six players can achieve broadcast when at most one player is corrupted (this result was known to be optimal), but they can even achieve consistency (or validity) when two players are corrupted. Furthermore, our protocols achieve {\em detection} in case of failure, i.e., if at most tt players are corrupted then broadcast is achieved, and if at most t+t^+ players are corrupted then broadcast is achieved or every player learns that the protocol failed. This protocol can be employed in the precomputation of a secure multi-party computation protocol, resulting in {\em detectable multi-party computation}, where up to tt corruptions can be tolerated and up to t+t^+ corruptions can either be tolerated or detected in the precomputation, for any t,t+t,t^+ with t+2t+<nt+2t^+<n

    On the Round Complexity of Randomized Byzantine Agreement

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    We prove lower bounds on the round complexity of randomized Byzantine agreement (BA) protocols, bounding the halting probability of such protocols after one and two rounds. In particular, we prove that: 1) BA protocols resilient against n/3 [resp., n/4] corruptions terminate (under attack) at the end of the first round with probability at most o(1) [resp., 1/2+ o(1)]. 2) BA protocols resilient against n/4 corruptions terminate at the end of the second round with probability at most 1-Theta(1). 3) For a large class of protocols (including all BA protocols used in practice) and under a plausible combinatorial conjecture, BA protocols resilient against n/3 [resp., n/4] corruptions terminate at the end of the second round with probability at most o(1) [resp., 1/2 + o(1)]. The above bounds hold even when the parties use a trusted setup phase, e.g., a public-key infrastructure (PKI). The third bound essentially matches the recent protocol of Micali (ITCS\u2717) that tolerates up to n/3 corruptions and terminates at the end of the third round with constant probability

    Advanced information processing system: The Army fault tolerant architecture conceptual study. Volume 2: Army fault tolerant architecture design and analysis

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    Described here is the Army Fault Tolerant Architecture (AFTA) hardware architecture and components and the operating system. The architectural and operational theory of the AFTA Fault Tolerant Data Bus is discussed. The test and maintenance strategy developed for use in fielded AFTA installations is presented. An approach to be used in reducing the probability of AFTA failure due to common mode faults is described. Analytical models for AFTA performance, reliability, availability, life cycle cost, weight, power, and volume are developed. An approach is presented for using VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) to describe and design AFTA's developmental hardware. A plan is described for verifying and validating key AFTA concepts during the Dem/Val phase. Analytical models and partial mission requirements are used to generate AFTA configurations for the TF/TA/NOE and Ground Vehicle missions

    Different Perspectives on FLP Impossibility

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    We demonstrate possibility for vector consensus under the model and conditions used by Fischer, Lynch, and Patterson (FLP) to prove impossibility of binary consensus - full asynchrony and one faulty process. Under that model, we also demonstrate that with any binary consensus protocol: i) binary outcome is produced from a vector value; ii) elaboration on a vector value is an unavoidable necessity; and iii) binary agreement can be reached with voting on a vector value. Key finding: the FLP impossibility result is about impossibility to produce a binary value from any allowed vector value, i.e., from any data set assembled from an allowed initial state

    Almost-Everywhere Secure Computation with Edge Corruptions

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    We consider secure multi-party computation (MPC) in a setting where the adversary can separately corrupt not only the parties (nodes) but also the communication channels (edges), and can furthermore choose selectively and adaptively which edges or nodes to corrupt. Note that if an adversary corrupts an edge, even if the two nodes that share that edge are honest, the adversary can control the link and thus deliver wrong messages to both players. We consider this question in the information-theoretic setting, and require security against a computationally unbounded adversary. In a fully connected network the above question is simple (and we also provide an answer that is optimal up to a constant factor). What makes the problem more challenging is to consider the case of sparse networks. Partially connected networks are far more realistic than fully connected networks, which led Garay and Ostrovsky [Eurocrypt\u2708] to formulate the notion of (unconditional) \emph{almost everywhere (a.e.) secure computation} in the node-corruption model, i.e., a model in which not all pairs of nodes are connected by secure channels and the adversary can corrupt some of the nodes (but not the edges). In such a setting, MPC amongst all honest nodes cannot be guaranteed due to the possible poor connectivity of some honest nodes with other honest nodes, and hence some of them must be ``given up\u27\u27 and left out of the computation. The number of such nodes is a function of the underlying communication graph and the adversarial set of nodes. In this work we introduce the notion of \emph{almost-everywhere secure computation with edge corruptions}, which is exactly the same problem as described above, except that we additionally allow the adversary to completely control some of the communication channels between two correct nodes---i.e., to ``corrupt\u27\u27 edges in the network. While it is easy to see that an a.e. secure computation protocol for the original node-corruption model is also an a.e. secure computation protocol tolerating edge corruptions (albeit for a reduced fraction of edge corruptions with respect to the bound for node corruptions), no polynomial-time protocol is known in the case where a {\bf constant fraction} of the edges can be corrupted (i.e., the maximum that can be tolerated) and the degree of the network is sub-linear. We make progress on this front, by constructing graphs of degree O(nϵ)O(n^\epsilon) (for arbitrary constant 0<ϵ<10<\epsilon<1) on which we can run a.e. secure computation protocols tolerating a constant fraction of adversarial edges. The number of given-up nodes in our construction is μn\mu n (for some constant 0<μ<10<\mu<1 that depends on the fraction of corrupted edges), which is also asymptotically optimal

    Optimal and Error-Free Multi-Valued Byzantine Consensus Through Parallel Execution

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    Multi-valued Byzantine Consensus (BC), in which nn processes must reach agreement on a single LL-bit value, is an essential primitive in the design of distributed cryptographic protocols and fault-tolerant distributed systems. One of the most desirable traits for a multi-valued BC protocol is to be error-free. In other words, have zero probability of producing incorrect results. The most efficient error-free multi-valued BC protocols are built as extension protocols, which reduce agreement on large values to agreement on small sequences of bits whose lengths are independent of LL. The best extension protocols achieve O(Ln)\mathcal{O}(Ln) communication complexity, which is optimal, when LL is large relative to nn. Unfortunately, all known error-free and communication-optimal BC extension protocols require each process to broadcast at least nn bits with a binary Byzantine Broadcast (BB) protocol. This design limits the scalability of these protocols to many processes, since when nn is large, the binary broadcasts significantly inflate the overall number of bits communicated by the extension protocol. In this paper, we present Byzantine Consensus with Parallel Execution (BCPE), the first error-free and communication-optimal BC extension protocol in which each process only broadcasts a single bit with a binary BB protocol. BCPE is a synchronous and deterministic protocol, and tolerates f<n/3f < n/3 faulty processes (the best resilience possible). Our evaluation shows that BCPE\u27s design makes it significantly more scalable than the best existing protocol by Ganesh and Patra. For 1,000 processes to agree on 2 MB of data, BCPE communicates 10.92×10.92\times fewer bits. For agreement on 10 MB of data, BCPE communicates 6.97×6.97\times fewer bits. BCPE also matches the best existing protocol in all other standard efficiency metrics
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