182 research outputs found

    Autocalibration with the Minimum Number of Cameras with Known Pixel Shape

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    In 3D reconstruction, the recovery of the calibration parameters of the cameras is paramount since it provides metric information about the observed scene, e.g., measures of angles and ratios of distances. Autocalibration enables the estimation of the camera parameters without using a calibration device, but by enforcing simple constraints on the camera parameters. In the absence of information about the internal camera parameters such as the focal length and the principal point, the knowledge of the camera pixel shape is usually the only available constraint. Given a projective reconstruction of a rigid scene, we address the problem of the autocalibration of a minimal set of cameras with known pixel shape and otherwise arbitrarily varying intrinsic and extrinsic parameters. We propose an algorithm that only requires 5 cameras (the theoretical minimum), thus halving the number of cameras required by previous algorithms based on the same constraint. To this purpose, we introduce as our basic geometric tool the six-line conic variety (SLCV), consisting in the set of planes intersecting six given lines of 3D space in points of a conic. We show that the set of solutions of the Euclidean upgrading problem for three cameras with known pixel shape can be parameterized in a computationally efficient way. This parameterization is then used to solve autocalibration from five or more cameras, reducing the three-dimensional search space to a two-dimensional one. We provide experiments with real images showing the good performance of the technique.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, 7 tables, J. Math. Imaging Vi

    Towards Reliable and Accurate Global Structure-from-Motion

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    Reconstruction of objects or scenes from sparse point detections across multiple views is one of the most tackled problems in computer vision. Given the coordinates of 2D points tracked in multiple images, the problem consists of estimating the corresponding 3D points and cameras\u27 calibrations (intrinsic and pose), and can be solved by minimizing reprojection errors using bundle adjustment. However, given bundle adjustment\u27s nonlinear objective function and iterative nature, a good starting guess is required to converge to global minima. Global and Incremental Structure-from-Motion methods appear as ways to provide good initializations to bundle adjustment, each with different properties. While Global Structure-from-Motion has been shown to result in more accurate reconstructions compared to Incremental Structure-from-Motion, the latter has better scalability by starting with a small subset of images and sequentially adding new views, allowing reconstruction of sequences with millions of images. Additionally, both Global and Incremental Structure-from-Motion methods rely on accurate models of the scene or object, and under noisy conditions or high model uncertainty might result in poor initializations for bundle adjustment. Recently pOSE, a class of matrix factorization methods, has been proposed as an alternative to conventional Global SfM methods. These methods use VarPro - a second-order optimization method - to minimize a linear combination of an approximation of reprojection errors and a regularization term based on an affine camera model, and have been shown to converge to global minima with a high rate even when starting from random camera calibration estimations.This thesis aims at improving the reliability and accuracy of global SfM through different approaches. First, by studying conditions for global optimality of point set registration, a point cloud averaging method that can be used when (incomplete) 3D point clouds of the same scene in different coordinate systems are available. Second, by extending pOSE methods to different Structure-from-Motion problem instances, such as Non-Rigid SfM or radial distortion invariant SfM. Third and finally, by replacing the regularization term of pOSE methods with an exponential regularization on the projective depth of the 3D point estimations, resulting in a loss that achieves reconstructions with accuracy close to bundle adjustment

    Deformable and articulated 3D reconstruction from monocular video sequences

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    PhDThis thesis addresses the problem of deformable and articulated structure from motion from monocular uncalibrated video sequences. Structure from motion is defined as the problem of recovering information about the 3D structure of scenes imaged by a camera in a video sequence. Our study aims at the challenging problem of non-rigid shapes (e.g. a beating heart or a smiling face). Non-rigid structures appear constantly in our everyday life, think of a bicep curling, a torso twisting or a smiling face. Our research seeks a general method to perform 3D shape recovery purely from data, without having to rely on a pre-computed model or training data. Open problems in the field are the difficulty of the non-linear estimation, the lack of a real-time system, large amounts of missing data in real-world video sequences, measurement noise and strong deformations. Solving these problems would take us far beyond the current state of the art in non-rigid structure from motion. This dissertation presents our contributions in the field of non-rigid structure from motion, detailing a novel algorithm that enforces the exact metric structure of the problem at each step of the minimisation by projecting the motion matrices onto the correct deformable or articulated metric motion manifolds respectively. An important advantage of this new algorithm is its ability to handle missing data which becomes crucial when dealing with real video sequences. We present a generic bilinear estimation framework, which improves convergence and makes use of the manifold constraints. Finally, we demonstrate a sequential, frame-by-frame estimation algorithm, which provides a 3D model and camera parameters for each video frame, while simultaneously building a model of object deformation

    Methods for Structure from Motion

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    1997/1998Questa tesi, intitolata Visione Tridimensionale per la stima di Struttura e Moto, tratta di tecniche di Visione Artificiale per la stima delle proprietĂ  geometriche del mondo tridimensionale a partire da immagini numeriche. Queste proprietĂ  sono essenziali per il riconoscimento e la classificazione di oggetti, la navigazione di veicoli mobili autonomi, il reverse engineering e la sintesi di ambienti virtuali. In particolare, saranno descritti i moduli coinvolti nel calcolo della struttura della scena a partire dalle immagini, e verranno presentati contributi originali nei seguenti campi. Rettificazione di immagini steroscopiche. Viene presentato un nuovo algoritmo per la rettificazione, il quale trasforma una coppia di immagini stereoscopiche in maniera che punti corrispondenti giacciano su linee orizzontali con lo stesso indice. Prove sperimentali dimostrano il corretto comportamento del metodo, come pure la trascurabile perdita di accuratezza nella ricostruzione tridimensionale quando questa sia ottenuta direttamente dalle immagini rettificate. Calcolo delle corrispondenze in immagini stereoscopiche. Viene analizzato il problema della stereovisione e viene presentato un un nuovo ed efficiente algoritmo per l'identificazione di coppie di punti corrispondenti, capace di calcolare in modo robusto la disparitĂ  stereoscopica anche in presenza di occlusioni. L'algoritmo, chiamato SMW, usa uno schema multi-finestra adattativo assieme al controllo di coerenza destra-sinistra per calcolare la disparitĂ  e l'incertezza associata. Gli esperimenti condotti con immagini sintetiche e reali mostrano che SMW sortisce un miglioramento in accuratezza ed efficienza rispetto a metodi simili Inseguimento di punti salienti. L'inseguitore di punti salienti di Shi-Tomasi- Kanade viene migliorato introducendo uno schema automatico per lo scarto di punti spuri basato sulla diagnostica robusta dei campioni periferici ( outliers ). Gli esperimenti con immagini sintetiche e reali confermano il miglioramento rispetto al metodo originale, sia qualitativamente che quantitativamente. Ricostruzione non calibrata. Viene presentata una rassegna ragionata dei metodi per la ricostruzione di un modello tridimensionale della scena, a partire da una telecamera che si muove liberamente e di cui non sono noti i parametri interni. Il contributo consiste nel fornire una visione critica e unificata delle piĂą recenti tecniche. Una tale rassegna non esiste ancora in letterarura. Moto tridimensionale. Viene proposto un algoritmo robusto per registrate e calcolare le corrispondenze in due insiemi di punti tridimensionali nei quali vi sia un numero significativo di elementi mancanti. Il metodo, chiamato RICP, sfrutta la stima robusta con la Minima Mediana dei Quadrati per eliminare l'effetto dei campioni periferici. Il confronto sperimentale con una tecnica simile, ICP, mostra la superiore robustezza e affidabilitĂ  di RICP.This thesis addresses computer vision techniques estimating geometrie properties of the 3-D world /rom digital images. Such properties are essential for object recognition and classification, mobile robots navigation, reverse engineering and synthesis of virtual environments. In particular, this thesis describes the modules involved in the computation of the structure of a scene given some images, and offers original contributions in the following fields. Stereo pairs rectification. A novel rectification algorithm is presented, which transform a stereo pair in such a way that corresponding points in the two images lie on horizontal lines with the same index. Experimental tests prove the correct behavior of the method, as well as the negligible decrease oLthe accuracy of 3-D reconstruction if performed from the rectified images directly. Stereo matching. The problem of computational stereopsis is analyzed, and a new, efficient stereo matching algorithm addressing robust disparity estimation in the presence of occlusions is presented. The algorithm, called SMW, is an adaptive, multi-window scheme using left-right consistency to compute disparity and its associated uncertainty. Experiments with both synthetic and real stereo pairs show how SMW improves on closely related techniques for both accuracy and efficiency. Features tracking. The Shi-Tomasi-Kanade feature tracker is improved by introducing an automatic scheme for rejecting spurious features, based on robust outlier diagnostics. Experiments with real and synthetic images confirm the improvement over the original tracker, both qualitatively and quantitatively. 111 Uncalibrated vision. A review on techniques for computing a three-dimensional model of a scene from a single moving camera, with unconstrained motion and unknown parameters is presented. The contribution is to give a critical, unified view of some of the most promising techniques. Such review does not yet exist in the literature. 3-D motion. A robust algorithm for registering and finding correspondences in two sets of 3-D points with significant percentages of missing data is proposed. The method, called RICP, exploits LMedS robust estimation to withstand the effect of outliers. Experimental comparison with a closely related technique, ICP, shows RICP's superior robustness and reliability.XI Ciclo1968Versione digitalizzata della tesi di dottorato cartacea

    Using Geometric Constraints for Camera Calibration and Positioning and 3D Scene Modelling

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    International audienceThis work concerns the incorporation of geometric information in camera calibration and 3D modelling. Using geometric constraints enables stabler results and allows to perform tasks with fewer images. Our approach is interactive; the user defines geometric primitives and constraints between them. It is based on the observation that constraints such as coplanarity, parallelism or orthogonality, are easy to delineate by a user, and are well adapted to model the main structure of e.g. architectural scenes. We propose methods for camera calibration, camera position estimation and 3D scene reconstruction, all based on such geometric constraints. Various approaches exist for calibration and positioning from constraints, often based on vanishing points. We generalize this by considering composite primitives based on triplets of vanishing points. These are frequent in architectural scenes and considering composites of vanishing points makes computations more stable. They are defined by depicting in the images points belonging to parallelepipedic structures (e.g. appropriate points on two connected walls). Constraints on angles or length ratios on these structures can then be easily imposed. A method is proposed that "collects" all these data for all considered images, and computes simultaneously the calibration and pose of all cameras via matrix factorization. 3D scene reconstruction is then performed using many more geometric constraints, i.e. not only those encapsulated by parallelepipedic structures. A method is proposed that reconstructs the whole scene in iterations, solving a linear equation system at each iteration, and which includes an analysis of the parts of the scene that can/cannot be reconstructed at the current stage. The complete approach is validated by various experimental results, for cases where a single or several views are available

    Line geometry and camera autocalibration

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    We provide a completely new rigorous matrix formulation of the absolute quadratic complex (AQC), given by the set of lines intersecting the absolute conic. The new results include closed-form expressions for the camera intrinsic parameters in terms of the AQC, an algorithm to obtain the dual absolute quadric from the AQC using straightforward matrix operations, and an equally direct computation of a Euclidean-upgrading homography from the AQC. We also completely characterize the 6Ă—6 matrices acting on lines which are induced by a spatial homography. Several algorithmic possibilities arising from the AQC are systematically explored and analyzed in terms of efficiency and computational cost. Experiments include 3D reconstruction from real images
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