2,227 research outputs found

    Theory of CW lidar aerosol backscatter measurements and development of a 2.1 microns solid-state pulsed laser radar for aerosol backscatter profiling

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    The performance and calibration of a focused, continuous wave, coherent detection CO2 lidar operated for the measurement of atmospheric backscatter coefficient, B(m), was examined. This instrument functions by transmitting infrared (10 micron) light into the atmosphere and collecting the light which is scattered in the rearward direction. Two distinct modes of operation were considered. In volume mode, the scattered light energy from many aerosols is detected simultaneously, whereas in the single particle mode (SPM), the scattered light energy from a single aerosol is detected. The analysis considered possible sources of error for each of these two cases, and also considered the conditions where each technique would have superior performance. The analysis showed that, within reasonable assumptions, the value of B(m) could be accurately measured by either the VM or the SPM method. The understanding of the theory developed during the analysis was also applied to a pulsed CO2 lidar. Preliminary results of field testing of a solid state 2 micron lidar using a CW oscillator is included

    Comparison of direct and heterodyne detection optical intersatellite communication links

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    The performance of direct and heterodyne detection optical intersatellite communication links are evaluated and compared. It is shown that the performance of optical links is very sensitive to the pointing and tracking errors at the transmitter and receiver. In the presence of random pointing and tracking errors, optimal antenna gains exist that will minimize the required transmitter power. In addition to limiting the antenna gains, random pointing and tracking errors also impose a power penalty in the link budget. This power penalty is between 1.6 to 3 dB for a direct detection QPPM link, and 3 to 5 dB for a heterodyne QFSK system. For the heterodyne systems, the carrier phase noise presents another major factor of performance degradation that must be considered. In contrast, the loss due to synchronization error is small. The link budgets for direct and heterodyne detection systems are evaluated. It is shown that, for systems with large pointing and tracking errors, the link budget is dominated by the spatial tracking error, and the direct detection system shows a superior performance because it is less sensitive to the spatial tracking error. On the other hand, for systems with small pointing and tracking jitters, the antenna gains are in general limited by the launch cost, and suboptimal antenna gains are often used in practice. In which case, the heterodyne system has a slightly higher power margin because of higher receiver sensitivity

    The Palomar Testbed Interferometer

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    The Palomar Testbed Interferometer (PTI) is a long-baseline infrared interferometer located at Palomar Observatory, California. It was built as a testbed for interferometric techniques applicable to the Keck Interferometer. First fringes were obtained in July 1995. PTI implements a dual-star architecture, tracking two stars simultaneously for phase referencing and narrow-angle astrometry. The three fixed 40-cm apertures can be combined pair-wise to provide baselines to 110 m. The interferometer actively tracks the white-light fringe using an array detector at 2.2 um and active delay lines with a range of +/- 38 m. Laser metrology of the delay lines allows for servo control, and laser metrology of the complete optical path enables narrow-angle astrometric measurements. The instrument is highly automated, using a multiprocessing computer system for instrument control and sequencing.Comment: ApJ in Press (Jan 99) Fig 1 available from http://huey.jpl.nasa.gov/~bode/ptiPicture.html, revised duging copy edi

    Phase error statistics of a phase-locked loop synchronized direct detection optical PPM communication system

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    Receiver timing synchronization of an optical Pulse-Position Modulation (PPM) communication system can be achieved using a phased-locked loop (PLL), provided the photodetector output is suitably processed. The magnitude of the PLL phase error is a good indicator of the timing error at the receiver decoder. The statistics of the phase error are investigated while varying several key system parameters such as PPM order, signal and background strengths, and PPL bandwidth. A practical optical communication system utilizing a laser diode transmitter and an avalanche photodiode in the receiver is described, and the sampled phase error data are presented. A linear regression analysis is applied to the data to obtain estimates of the relational constants involving the phase error variance and incident signal power

    A CANDLE for a deeper in-vivo insight

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    A new Collaborative Approach for eNhanced Denoising under Low-light Excitation (CANDLE) is introduced for the processing of 3D laser scanning multiphoton microscopy images. CANDLE is designed to be robust for low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions typically encountered when imaging deep in scattering biological specimens. Based on an optimized non-local means filter involving the comparison of filtered patches, CANDLE locally adapts the amount of smoothing in order to deal with the noise inhomogeneity inherent to laser scanning fluorescence microscopy images. An extensive validation on synthetic data, images acquired on microspheres and in vivo images is presented. These experiments show that the CANDLE filter obtained competitive results compared to a state-of-the-art method and a locally adaptive optimized non-local means filter, especially under low SNR conditions (PSNR < 8 dB). Finally, the deeper imaging capabilities enabled by the proposed filter are demonstrated on deep tissue in vivo images of neurons and fine axonal processes in the Xenopus tadpole brain.We want to thank Florian Luisier for providing free plugin of his PureDenoise filter. We also want to thank Markku Makitalo for providing the code of their OVST. This study was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR, MOP-84360 to DLC and MOP-77567 to ESR) and Cda (CECR)-Gevas-OE016. MM holds a fellowship from the Deutscher Akademischer Austasch Dienst (DAAD) and a McGill Principal's Award. ESR is a tier 2 Canada Research Chair. This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Health Institute Carlos III through the RETICS Combiomed, RD07/0067/2001. This work benefited from the use of ImageJ.Coupé, P.; Munz, M.; Manjón Herrera, JV.; Ruthazer, ES.; Collins, DL. (2012). A CANDLE for a deeper in-vivo insight. Medical Image Analysis. 16(4):849-864. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.media.2012.01.002S84986416

    Technical considerations in quantitative blood oxygenation measurement using photoacoustic microscopy in vivo

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    Using peak amplitude spectral PA measurements in the range of 570 - 600 nm, we found it possible to quantify blood oxygenation levels. Visible light illumination minimizes the inversion error of the PA measurements. Owing to high blood absorption in this optical regime, there is also an improved signal-to-noise ratio and less influence from optical scattering. To arrive at correct, and vessel size independent, SO_2 measurements, the central frequency of the ultrasonic transducer must be high enough to satisfy the relation µ_a Λ < 1, that is above 25 MHz for a chosen optical wavelength region, although lower frequency transducers may produce correct results after correction of the optical absorption spectra. However, additional efforts are needed to achieve accurate SO_2 values for in vivo measurements