279 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of a Low‐Power Wireless Respiration Monitoring Sensor

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    Wireless devices for monitoring of respiration activities can play a major role in advancing modern home-based health care applications. Existing methods for respiration monitoring require special algorithms and high precision filters to eliminate noise and other motion artifacts. These necessitate additional power consuming circuitry for further signal conditioning. This dissertation is particularly focused on a novel approach of respiration monitoring based on a PVDF-based pyroelectric transducer. Low-power, low-noise, and fully integrated charge amplifiers are designed to serve as the front-end amplifier of the sensor to efficiently convert the charge generated by the transducer into a proportional voltage signal. To transmit the respiration data wirelessly, a lowpower transmitter design is crucial. This energy constraint motivates the exploration of the design of a duty-cycled transmitter, where the radio is designed to be turned off most of the time and turned on only for a short duration of time. Due to its inherent duty-cycled nature, impulse radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) transmitter is an ideal candidate for the implementation of a duty-cycled radio. To achieve better energy efficiency and longer battery lifetime a low-power low-complexity OOK (on-off keying) based impulse radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) transmitter is designed and implemented using standard CMOS process. Initial simulation and test results exhibit a promising advancement towards the development of an energy-efficient wireless sensor for monitoring of respiration activities

    Effect of CMOS Technology Scaling on Fully-Integrated Power Supply Efficiency

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    International audienceIntegrating a power supply in the same die as the powered circuits is an appropriate solution for granular, fine and fast power management. To allow same-die co-integration, fully integrated DC-DC converters designed in the latest CMOS technologies have been greatly studied by academics and industrialists in the last decade. However, there is little study concerning the effects of the CMOS scaling on these particular circuits. To show the trends, this paper compares the achievable efficiencies of the 2:1 switched capacitor DC-DC converter topology under the same constraints in 65, 130 and 350nm bulk CMOS nodes and 28nm in bulk and FDSOI technologies with various capacitor options

    Integrated Circuit Design in US High-Energy Physics

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    This whitepaper summarizes the status, plans, and challenges in the area of integrated circuit design in the United States for future High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments. It has been submitted to CPAD (Coordinating Panel for Advanced Detectors) and the HEP Community Summer Study 2013(Snowmass on the Mississippi) held in Minnesota July 29 to August 6, 2013. A workshop titled: US Workshop on IC Design for High Energy Physics, HEPIC2013 was held May 30 to June 1, 2013 at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). A draft of the whitepaper was distributed to the attendees before the workshop, the content was discussed at the meeting, and this document is the resulting final product. The scope of the whitepaper includes the following topics: Needs for IC technologies to enable future experiments in the three HEP frontiers Energy, Cosmic and Intensity Frontiers; Challenges in the different technology and circuit design areas and the related R&D needs; Motivation for using different fabrication technologies; Outlook of future technologies including 2.5D and 3D; Survey of ICs used in current experiments and ICs targeted for approved or proposed experiments; IC design at US institutes and recommendations for collaboration in the future

    Optimizing the integration and energy efficiency of through silicon via-based 3D interconnects

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    The aggressive scaling of CMOS process technology has been driving the rapid growth of the semiconductor industry for more than three decades. In recent years, the performance gains enabled by CMOS scaling have been increasingly challenged by highlyparasitic on-chip interconnects as wire parasitics do not scale at the same pace. Emerging 3D integration technologies based on vertical through-silicon vias (TSVs) promise a solution to the interconnect performance bottleneck, along with reduced fabrication cost and heterogeneous integration. As TSVs are a relatively recent interconnect technology, innovative test structures are required to evaluate and optimise the process, as well as extract parameters for the generation of design rules and models. From the circuit designer’s perspective, critical TSV characteristics are its parasitic capacitance, and thermomechanical stress distribution. This work proposes new test structures for extracting these characteristics. The structures were fabricated on a 65nm 3D process and used for the evaluation of that technology. Furthermore, as TSVs are implemented in large, densely interconnected 3D-system-on-chips (SoCs), the TSV parasitic capacitance may become an important source of energy dissipation. Typical low-power techniques based on voltage scaling can be used, though this represents a technical challenge in modern technology nodes. In this work, a novel TSV interconnection scheme is proposed based on reversible computing, which shows frequencydependent energy dissipation. The scheme is analysed using theoretical modelling, while a demonstrator IC was designed based on the developed theory and fabricated on a 130nm 3D process.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceEngineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC)GBUnited Kingdo

    Analysis and design of a high power millimeter-wave power amplifier in a SiGe BiCMOS technology

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    Our current society is characterized by an ever increasing need for bandwidth leading towards the exploration of new parts of the electromagnetic spectrum for data transmission. This results in a rising interest and development of millimeter-wave (mm-wave) circuits which hold the promise of short range multi-gigabit wireless transmissions at 60GHz. These relatively new applications are to co-exist with more established mm-wave consumer products including satellite systems in the Ka-band (26.5GHz - 40GHz) allowing e.g.: video broadcasting, voice over IP (VoIP), internet acces to remote areas, ... Both need significant linear power amplification due to the high attenuation typical for this part of the spectrum, however, satellite systems demand a saturated output power which is easily an order of magnitude larger (output powers in excess of 30dBm / 1W). Monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) employing III-V chip technologies, e.g.: gallium arsenide (GaAs), gallium nitride (GaN), have historically been the preferred choice to implement efficient mm-wave power amplifiers (PA) with a high saturated output power (>30dBm). To further increase the commercial viability of consumer products in this market segment a low manufacturing cost for the power amplifier, together with the possible integration of additional functions, is highly desirable. These features are the strongpoint of silicon based chip technologies like CMOS and SiGe BiCMOS. However, these technologies have a breakdown voltage typically below 2V for nodes capable of millimeter-wave applications while III-V transistors with equivalent frequency performance demonstrate breakdown voltages in excess of 8V. Because of this, output powers of CMOS and SiGe BiCMOS Ka-band power amplifiers rarely exceed 20dBm which poses the main hurdle for using these technologies in satellite communication (SATCOM). To overcome the limited output power of a single amplifying cell in a silicon technology, caused by the low breakdown voltage, multiple power amplifiers cells need to have their output power effectively combined on-chip. This requires the on-chip integration of high-Q passives within a relative small area to realize both the impedance transformation, to create the optimal load impedance for the different amplifier cells, and implement an efficient on-chip power combination network. Compared to III-V technologies this is again a challenge due to the use of a silicon substrate which introduces higher losses. Once a large enough on-chip output power is created, the issue of launching this signal to the outside world remains. Moreover, due to the limited efficiency of mm-wave PAs, the generated on-chip heat will increase when larger output power are required. This means a chipto-board interface with a low thermal resistance and a low loss electrical connection needs to be devised. Proof of the viability of silicon as a serious candidate for the integration of medium and high power Ka-band amplifiers will only be delivered by long term research and the actual creation of such an amplifier. In this context, the initial goal for the presented work is proposed. This consists of the creation of a power amplifier with a saturated output power above 24dBm (preferably 27dBm), a gain larger than 20dB and an efficiency in excess of 10% (preferably 15%). These specifications where conceived with the precondition of using a 250nm SiGe BiCMOS technology (IHP’s SG25H3) with an fT of 110GHz and a collector to emitter breakdown voltage in open base conditions (BVCEO) of 2.3V. The use of this technology is a significant challenge due to the limited speed, rule of thumb is to have at least one fifth of the fT as the operating frequency, which reflects in the attainable power added efficiency (PAE). On the other hand, proving the possible implementation in this “older” technology shows great potential towards the future integration in a fast technology (e.g.: IHP’s SG13G2, ft =300GHz). Next to issues caused by limitations of the chip technology, the proposed specifications allows to identify generic difficulties with high power silicon PA design, e.g.: design of efficient on-chip power combiners, thermal management, single-ended to differential conversion, ... As this work is of an academic nature the intention of this design was to leave the beaten track and explore alternative topologies. This has led to the adoption of a driver stage using translinear loops for biasing and a transformer-type Wilkinson power combiner previously only used in cable television (CATV) applications. Although the power combiner showed 2dB more loss than expected due to higher than expected substrate losses, both topologies show promise for further integration. Furthermore, an in-depth analysis was performed on the output stage which uses positive feedback to increase its gain. The entire design consists of a four-way power combining class AB power amplifier together with test structures of which the performance was verified by means of probing. Due to the previously mentioned higher than expected loss in the on-chip power combiner, the total output power and power added efficiency (PAE) was 2dB lower than expected from simulations. The result is a saturated output power at 32GHz of 24.1dBm with a PAE of 7.2% and a small signal gain of 25dB. This demonstrates the capability of SiGe BiCMOS to implement PA’s for medium-power mm-wave applications. Moreover, to the best of the author’s knowledge, this PA achieves the second highest saturated output power when comparing SiGe BiCMOS PA’s with center frequency in or close to the Ka-band. The 1dB compression point of this amplifier lies at 22.7dBm which is close to saturated output power and results in a low spectral regrowth when compared to commercial GaAs PA’s (compared with 2MBaud 16QAM input signal at 10dB back-off). Many possible improvements to this design remain. The most important would be the re-design of the on-chip power combiner, possibly with a floating ground shield, to reduce the losses and increase the total output power and PAE. Also the porting of the design to a faster chip technology might result in a considerable increase of the output stage efficiency at the cost of needing to combine more amplifier cells. The transition to a faster chip technology would additionally allow to use this design for alternative mm-wave applications like automotive radar at 79GHz andWiGig at 60GHz


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    Millimeter-wave (mm-Wave) phased arrays have been widely used in numerous wireless systems to perform beam forming and spatial filtering that can enhance the equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) for the transmitter (TX). Regarding the existing phased-array architectures, an mm-Wave transmitter includes several building blocks to perform the desired delivered power and phases for wireless communication. Power amplifier (PA) is the most important building block. It needs to offer several advantages, e.g., high efficiency, broadband operation and high linearity. With the recent escalation of interest in 5G wireless communication technologies, mm-Wave transceivers at the 5G frequency bands (e.g., 28 GHz, 37 GHz, 39 GHz, and 60 GHz) have become an important topic in both academia and industry. Thus, PA design is a critical obstacle due to the challenges associated with implementing wideband, highly efficient and highly linear PAs at mm-Wave frequencies. In this dissertation, we present several PA design innovations to address the aforementioned challenges. Additionally, phase shifter (PS) also plays a key role in a phased-array system, since it governs the beam forming quality and steering capabilities. A high-performance phase shifter should achieve a low insertion loss, a wide phase shifting range, dense phase shift angles, and good input/output matching.Ph.D

    Near-Threshold Computing

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    Valmistustekniikoiden kehittyessä IC-piireille saadaan mahtumaan yhä enemmän transistoreja. Monimutkaisemmat piirit mahdollistavat suurempien laskutoimitusmäärien suorittamisen aikayksikössä. Piirien aktiivisuuden lisääntyessä myös niiden energiankulutus lisääntyy, ja tämä puolestaan lisää piirin lämmöntuotantoa. Liiallinen lämpö rajoittaa piirien toimintaa. Tämän takia tarvitaan tekniikoita, joilla piirien energiankulutusta saadaan pienennettyä. Uudeksi tutkimuskohteeksi ovat tulleet pienet laitteet, jotka seuraavat esimerkiksi ihmiskehon toimintaa, rakennuksia tai siltoja. Tällaisten laitteiden on oltava energiankulutukseltaan pieniä, jotta ne voivat toimia pitkiä aikoja ilman akkujen lataamista. Near-Threshold Computing on tekniikka, jolla pyritään pienentämään integroitujen piirien energiankulutusta. Periaatteena on käyttää piireillä pienempää käyttöjännitettä kuin piirivalmistaja on niille alunperin suunnitellut. Tämä hidastaa ja haittaa piirin toimintaa. Jos kuitenkin laitteen toiminnassa pystyään hyväksymään huonompi laskentateho ja pienentynyt toimintavarmuus, voidaan saavuttaa säästöä energiankulutuksessa. Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan Near-Threshold Computing -tekniikkaa eri näkökulmista: aluksi perustuen kirjallisuudesta löytyviin aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin, ja myöhemmin tutkimalla Near-Threshold Computing -tekniikan soveltamista kahden tapaustutkimuksen kautta. Tapaustutkimuksissa tarkastellaan FO4-invertteriä sekä 6T SRAM -solua piirisimulaatioiden avulla. Näiden komponenttien käyttäytymisen Near-Threshold Computing –jännitteillä voidaan tulkita antavan kattavan kuvan suuresta osasta tavanomaisen IC-piirin pinta-alaa ja energiankulusta. Tapaustutkimuksissa käytetään 130 nm teknologiaa, ja niissä mallinnetaan todellisia piirivalmistusprosessin tuotteita ajamalla useita Monte Carlo -simulaatioita. Tämä valmistuskustannuksiltaan huokea teknologia yhdistettynä Near-Threshold Computing -tekniikkaan mahdollistaa matalan energiankulutuksen piirien valmistaminen järkevään hintaan. Tämän diplomityön tulokset näyttävät, että Near-Threshold Computing pienentää piirien energiankulutusta merkittävästi. Toisaalta, piirien nopeus heikkenee, ja yleisesti käytetty 6T SRAM -muistisolu muuttuu epäluotettavaksi. Pidemmät polut logiikkapiireissä sekä transistorien kasvattaminen muistisoluissa osoitetaan tehokkaiksi vastatoimiksi Near- Threshold Computing -tekniikan huonoja puolia vastaan. Tulokset antavat perusteita matalan energiankulutuksen IC-piirien suunnittelussa sille, kannattaako käyttää normaalia käyttöjännitettä, vai laskea sitä, jolloin piirin hidastuminen ja epävarmempi käyttäytyminen pitää ottaa huomioon.Siirretty Doriast

    Efficacy of Multi-Threshold NULL Convention Logic in Low-Power Applications

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    In order for an asynchronous design paradigm such as Multi-Threshold NULL Convention Logic (MTNCL) to be adopted by industry, it is important for circuit designers to be aware of its advantages and drawbacks especially with respect to power usage. The power tradeoff between MTNCL and synchronous designs depends on many different factors including design type, circuit size, process node, and pipeline granularity. Each of these design dimensions influences the active power and the leakage power comparisons. This dissertation analyzes the effects of different design dimensions on power consumption and the associated rational for these effects. Results show that while MTNCL typically uses more active power and less leakage power than an equivalent synchronous design, the magnitude of this difference can vary greatly and trends can be observed across each of these different design dimensions. Using the results and analysis found in this work, circuit designers will be able to choose between MTNCL and synchronous architectures for a given target application based on anticipated power consumption differences

    Design of an Active Harmonic Rejection N-Path Filter for Highly Tunable RF Channel Selection

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    As the number of wireless devices in the world increases, so does the demand for flexible radio receiver architectures capable of operating over a wide range of frequencies and communication protocols. The resonance-based channel-select filters used in traditional radio architectures have a fixed frequency response, making them poorly suited for such a receiver. The N-path filter is based on 1960s technology that has received renewed interest in recent years for its application as a linear high Q filter at radio frequencies. N-path filters use passive mixers to apply a frequency transformation to a baseband low-pass filter in order to achieve a high-Q band-pass response at high frequencies. The clock frequency determines the center frequency of the band-pass filter, which makes the filter highly tunable over a broad frequency range. Issues with harmonic transfer and poor attenuation limit the feasibility of using N-path filters in practice. The goal of this thesis is to design an integrated active N-path filter that improves upon the passive N-path filter’s poor harmonic rejection and limited outof- band attenuation. The integrated circuit (IC) is implemented using the CMRF8SF 130nm CMOS process. The design uses a multi-phase clock generation circuit to implement a harmonic rejection mixer in order to suppress the 3rd and 5th harmonic. The completed active N-path filter has a tuning range of 200MHz to 1GHz and the out-ofband attenuation exceeds 60dB throughout this range. The frequency response exhibits a 14.7dB gain at the center frequency and a -3dB bandwidth of 6.8MHz

    Integrated Circuit Design for Hybrid Optoelectronic Interconnects

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    This dissertation focuses on high-speed circuit design for the integration of hybrid optoelectronic interconnects. It bridges the gap between electronic circuit design and optical device design by seamlessly incorporating the compact Verilog-A model for optical components into the SPICE-like simulation environment, such as the Cadence design tool. Optical components fabricated in the IME 130nm SOI CMOS process are characterized. Corresponding compact Verilog-A models for Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) device are developed. With this approach, electro-optical co-design and hybrid simulation are made possible. The developed optical models are used for analyzing the system-level specifications of an MZM based optoelectronic transceiver link. Link power budgets for NRZ, PAM-4 and PAM-8 signaling modulations are simulated at system-level. The optimal transmitter extinction ratio (ER) is derived based on the required receiver\u27s minimum optical modulation amplitude (OMA). A limiting receiver is fabricated in the IBM 130 nm CMOS process. By side- by-side wire-bonding to a commercial high-speed InGaAs/InP PIN photodiode, we demonstrate that the hybrid optoelectronic limiting receiver can achieve the bit error rate (BER) of 10-12 with a -6.7 dBm sensitivity at 4 Gb/s. A full-rate, 4-channel 29-1 length parallel PRBS is fabricated in the IBM 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS process. Together with a 10 GHz phase locked loop (PLL) designed from system architecture to transistor level design, the PRBS is demonstrated operating at more than 10 Gb/s. Lessons learned from high-speed PCB design, dealing with signal integrity issue regarding to the PCB transmission line are summarized