2,189 research outputs found

    A Review of Smart Materials in Tactile Actuators for Information Delivery

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    As the largest organ in the human body, the skin provides the important sensory channel for humans to receive external stimulations based on touch. By the information perceived through touch, people can feel and guess the properties of objects, like weight, temperature, textures, and motion, etc. In fact, those properties are nerve stimuli to our brain received by different kinds of receptors in the skin. Mechanical, electrical, and thermal stimuli can stimulate these receptors and cause different information to be conveyed through the nerves. Technologies for actuators to provide mechanical, electrical or thermal stimuli have been developed. These include static or vibrational actuation, electrostatic stimulation, focused ultrasound, and more. Smart materials, such as piezoelectric materials, carbon nanotubes, and shape memory alloys, play important roles in providing actuation for tactile sensation. This paper aims to review the background biological knowledge of human tactile sensing, to give an understanding of how we sense and interact with the world through the sense of touch, as well as the conventional and state-of-the-art technologies of tactile actuators for tactile feedback delivery

    Nanomechanical Resonators: Toward Atomic Scale

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    The quest for realizing and manipulating ever smaller man-made movable structures and dynamical machines has spurred tremendous endeavors, led to important discoveries, and inspired researchers to venture to new grounds. Scientific feats and technological milestones of miniaturization of mechanical structures have been widely accomplished by advances in machining and sculpturing ever shrinking features out of bulk materials such as silicon. With the flourishing multidisciplinary field of low-dimensional nanomaterials, including one-dimensional (1D) nanowires/nanotubes, and two-dimensional (2D) atomic layers such as graphene/phosphorene, growing interests and sustained efforts have been devoted to creating mechanical devices toward the ultimate limit of miniaturization— genuinely down to the molecular or even atomic scale. These ultrasmall movable structures, particularly nanomechanical resonators that exploit the vibratory motion in these 1D and 2D nano-to-atomic-scale structures, offer exceptional device-level attributes, such as ultralow mass, ultrawide frequency tuning range, broad dynamic range, and ultralow power consumption, thus holding strong promises for both fundamental studies and engineering applications. In this Review, we offer a comprehensive overview and summary of this vibrant field, present the state-of-the-art devices and evaluate their specifications and performance, outline important achievements, and postulate future directions for studying these miniscule yet intriguing molecular-scale machines

    Nanomechanical Resonators: Toward Atomic Scale

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    The quest for realizing and manipulating ever smaller man-made movable structures and dynamical machines has spurred tremendous endeavors, led to important discoveries, and inspired researchers to venture to previously unexplored grounds. Scientific feats and technological milestones of miniaturization of mechanical structures have been widely accomplished by advances in machining and sculpturing ever shrinking features out of bulk materials such as silicon. With the flourishing multidisciplinary field of low-dimensional nanomaterials, including one-dimensional (1D) nanowires/nanotubes and two-dimensional (2D) atomic layers such as graphene/ phosphorene, growing interests and sustained effort have been devoted to creating mechanical devices toward the ultimate limit of miniaturization--genuinely down to the molecular or even atomic scale. These ultrasmall movable structures, particularly nanomechanical resonators that exploit the vibratory motion in these 1D and 2D nano-to-atomic-scale structures, offer exceptional device-level attributes, such as ultralow mass, ultrawide frequency tuning range, broad dynamic range, and ultralow power consumption, thus holding strong promises for both fundamental studies and engineering applications. In this Review, we offer a comprehensive overview and summary of this vibrant field, present the state-of-the-art devices and evaluate their specifications and performance, outline important achievements, and postulate future directions for studying these miniscule yet intriguing molecular-scale machines

    Carbon nanotube switches for memory, RF communications and sensing applications, and methods of making the same

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    Switches having an in situ grown carbon nanotube as an element thereof, and methods of fabricating such switches. A carbon nanotube is grown in situ in mechanical connection with a conductive substrate, such as a heavily doped silicon wafer or an SOI wafer. The carbon nanotube is electrically connected at one location to a terminal. At another location of the carbon nanotube there is situated a pull electrode that can be used to elecrostatically displace the carbon nanotube so that it selectively makes contact with either the pull electrode or with a contact electrode. Connection to the pull electrode is sufficient to operate the device as a simple switch, while connection to a contact electrode is useful to operate the device in a manner analogous to a relay. In various embodiments, the devices disclosed are useful as at least switches for various signals, multi-state memory, computational devices, and multiplexers

    Uv-liga Compatible Electroformed Nano-structured Materials For Micro Mechanical Systems

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    UV-LIGA is a microfabrication process realzed by material deposition through microfabricated molds. UV photolithography is conducted to pattern precise thick micro molds using UV light sensitive materials, mostly SU-8, and electroforming is performed to fabricate micro metallic structures defined by the micro molds. Therefore, UV-LIGA is a bottom-up in situ material-addition process. UV-LIGA has received broad attention recently than LIGA a micro molding fabrication process using X-ray to pattern the micro molds. LIGA is an expansive and is limited in access. In comparing to LIGA, the UV-LIGA is a cost effective process, and is widely accessible and safe. Therefore, it has been extensively used for the fabrication of metallic micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS). The motivation of this research was to study micro mechanical systems fabricated with nano-structured metallic materials via UV-LIGA process. Various micro mechanical systems with high-aspect-ratio and thick metallic structures have been developed and are presented in this desertation. A novel micro mechanical valve has been developed with nano-structured nickel realized with UV-LIGA fabrication technique. Robust compact valves are crucial for space applications where payload and rubstaness are critically concerned. Two types of large flow rate robust passive micro check valve arrays have been designed, fabricated and tested for robust hydraulic actuators. The first such micro valve developed employs nanostructured nickel as the valve flap and single-crystal silicon as the substrates to house inlet and outlet channels. The Nano-structured nickel valve flap was fabricated using the UV-LIGA process developed and the microchannels were fabricated by deep reactive etching (DRIE) method. The valves were designed to operate under a high pressure (\u3e10MPa), able to operate at high frequencies (\u3e10kHz) in cooperating with the PZT actuator to produce large flow rates (\u3e10 cc/s). The fabricated microvalves weigh 0.2 gram, after packing with a novel designated valve stopper. The tested results showed that the micro valve was able to operate at up to 14kHz. This is a great difference in comparison to traditional mechanical valves whose operations are limited to 500 Hz or less. The advantages of micro machined valves attribute to the scaling laws. The second type of micro mechanical valves developed is a in situ assembled solid metallic (nickel) valves. Both the valve substrates for inlet and outlet channels and the valve flap, as well as the valve stopper were made by nickel through a UV-LIGA fabrication process developed. Continuous multiple micro molds fabrication and molding processes were performed. Final micro mechanical valves were received after removing the micro molds used to define the strutures. There is no any additional machining process, such as cutting or packaging. The alignment for laminated fabrication was realized under microscope, therefore it is a highly precise in situ fabrication process. Testing results show the valve has a forward flow rate of19 cc/s under a pressure difference of 90 psi. The backward flow rate of 0.023 cc/s, which is negligible (0.13%). Nano-structured nickel has also been used to develop laminated (sandwiched) micro cryogenic heater exchanger with the UV-LIGA process. Even though nickel is apparently not a good thermal conductor at room temperature, it is a good conductor at cryogentic temerpature since its thermal conductivity increases to 1250 W/k·m at 77K. Micro patterned SU-8 molds and electroformed nickel have been developed to realize the sandwiched heat exchanger. The SU-8 mold (200mm x 200mm x50mm) array was successfully removed after completing the nickel electroforming. The second layer of patterned SU-8 layer (200mm x 200mm x50mm, as a thermal insulating layer) was patterned and aligned on the top of the electroformed nickel structure to form the laminated (sandwiched) micro heat exchanger. The fabricated sandwiched structure can withstand cryogenic temperature (77K) without any damages (cracks or delaminations). A study on nanocomposite for micro mechanical systems using UV-LIGA compatible electroforming process has been performed. Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) have been proven excellent mechanical properties and thermal conductive properties, such as high strength and elastic modulus, negative coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and a high thermal conductivity. These properties make SWNT an excellent reinforcement in nanocomposite for various applications. However, there has been a challenge of utilizing SWNTs for engineering applications due to difficulties in quality control and handling too small (1-2nm in diameter). A novel copper/SWNT nanocomposite has been developed during this dissertational research. The goal of this research was to develop a heat spreader for high power electronics (HPE). Semiconductors for HPE, such as AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors grown on SiC dies have a typical CTE about 4~6x10-6/k while most metallic heat spreaders such as copper have a CTE of more than 10x10-6/k. The SWNTs were successfully dispersed in the copper matrix to form the SWNT/Cu nano composite. The tested composite density is about 7.54 g/cm3, which indicating the SWNT volumetric fraction of 18%. SEM pictures show copper univformly coated on SWNT (worm-shaped structure). The measured CTE of the nanocomposite is 4.7 x 10-6/°C, perfectly matching that of SiC die (3.8 x 10-6/°C). The thermal conductivity derived by Wiedemann-Franz law after measuring composit\u27s electrical conductivity, is 588 W/m-K, which is 40% better than that of pure copper. These properties are extremely important for the heat spreader/exchanger to remove the heat from HPE devices (SiC dies). Meanwhile, the matched CTE will reduce the resulted stress in the interface to prevent delaminations. Therefore, the naocomposite developed will be an excellent replacement material for the CuMo currently used in high power radar, and other HPE devices under developing. The mechanical performance and reliability of micro mechanical devices are critical for their application. In order to validate the design & simulation results, a direct (tensile) test method was developed to test the mechanical properties of the materials involved in this research, including nickel and SU-8. Micro machined specimens were fabricated and tested on a MTS Tytron Micro Force Tester with specially designed gripers. The tested fracture strength of nanostructured nickel is 900±70 MPa and of 50MPa for SU-8, resepctively which are much higher than published values

    Electron Quantum Tunneling Sensors

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    Quantum tunneling sensors are typically ultra-sensitive devices which have been specifically designed to convert a stimulus into an electronic signal using the wondrous principles of quantum mechanical tunneling. In the early 1990s, William Kaiser developed one of the first micromachined quantum tunneling sensors as part of his work with the Nasa Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Since then, there have been scattered attempts at utilizing this phenomenon for the development of a variety of physical and chemical sensors. Although these devices demonstrate unique characteristics such as high sensitivity, the principle of quantum tunneling often acts as a double-edged sword and is responsible for certain drawbacks of this sensor family. In this review, we briefly explain the underlying working principles of quantum tunneling and how they are used to design miniaturized quantum tunneling sensors. We then proceed to describe an overview of the various attempts at developing such sensors. Next, we discuss their current need and recent resurgence. Finally, we describe various advantages and shortcomings of these sensors and end this review with an insight into the potential of this technology and prospects.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2006.1279

    Mass sensing with graphene and carbon nanotube mechanical resonators

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    In recent years, carbon nanotube and graphene mechanical resonators have attracted considerable attention because of their unique properties. Their high resonance frequencies, high quality factors and their ultra-low mass turn them into exceptional sensors of minuscule external forces and masses. Their sensing capabilities hold promise for scanning probe microscopy, magnetic resonance imaging and mass spectrometry. Moreover, they are excellent probes for studying mechanical motion in the quantum regime, investigating nonlinear dynamics and carrying out surface science experiments on crystalline low-dimensional systems. A goal for fully exploiting the potential of mechanical resonators remains: Reaching the fundamental limit of the resolution of mass sensing imposed by the thermomechanical noise of the resonator. Currently, limitations are typically due to noise in the motion transduction. Nanotube and graphene resonators are particularly sensitive to noise in the detection since their intrinsically small dimensions result in minuscule transduced electrical or optical signals. This thesis researches ways for improving the mass resolution of the intrinsically smallest mechanical resonator systems, which are based on suspended graphene and carbon nanotubes. For this, we follow two complementary pathways. We first see how far we can go in terms of mass resolution with graphene resonators by reducing their size. We fabricate double clamped graphene resonators with submicron lengths and measure their mechanical properties at 4.2 K. The frequency stability of the resonators allows us to evaluate their mass resolution. We show that the frequency stability of graphene resonators is limited by the imprecision of the detection of the mechanical motion. We then develop a new electrical downmixing scheme to read-out the mechanical motion with a lower noise compared to previous techniques. It utilizes a RLC resonator together with an amplifier based on a high electron mobility transistor operated at 4.2 K. The signal to noise ratio is improved thanks to signal read-out at higher frequency (1.6 MHz compared to 1-10 kHz) and low temperature amplification. We observe an improved frequency stability measuring a carbon nanotube mechanical resonator with this read-out. The stability is no longer limited by the measurement instrumentation noise but by the device itself. Observing the intrinsic fluctuations of the resonator allows in future experiments to study surface science phenomena. We present some preliminary results that hint to the observation of the diffusion of xenon atoms on the surface of the resonator and to the adsorption of single fullerene molecules.En los últimos años, los resonadores mecánicos de nanotubos de carbono y grafeno han atraído una atención considerable debido a sus propiedades únicas. Sus altas frecuencias de resonancia, sus factores de calidad altos y su masa extremadamente baja los convierten en sensores excepcionales de fuerzas externas y masas minúsculas. Sus capacidades de detección son prometedoras para la microscopía con sonda de barrido, la tomografía por resonancia magnética y la espectrometría de masas. Además, son sondas excelentes para estudiar el movimiento mecánico en el régimen cuántico, investigar la dinámica no lineal y llevar a cabo experimentos de ciencia de superficie en sistemas cristalinos de baja dimensión. La explotación de todo el potencial de los resonadores mecánicos sigue siendo un objetivo: alcanzar el límite fundamental de la resolución de la detección de masas impuesta por el ruido termomecánico del resonador. Actualmente, las limitaciones se deben normalmente al ruido en la transducción de movimiento. Los resonadores de nanotubos y grafeno son particularmente sensibles al ruido en la detección, ya que sus dimensiones intrínsecamente pequeñas producen señales eléctricas u ópticas transducidas minúsculas. Esta tesis investiga formas de mejorar la resolución de masa de los sistemas de resonadores mecánicos intrínsecamente más pequeños, que se basan en grafeno suspendido y nanotubos de carbono. Para esto, seguimos dos caminos complementarios. Primero vemos hasta dónde podemos llegar en términos de resolución de masa con resonadores de grafeno al reducir su tamaño. Fabricamos resonadores de grafeno de doble sujeción con longitudes submicrométricas y medimos sus propiedades mecánicas a 4,2 K. La estabilidad de la frecuencia de los resonadores nos permite evaluar su resolución de masa. Mostramos que la estabilidad de la frecuencia de los resonadores de grafeno está limitada por la imprecisión de la detección del movimiento mecánico. Luego desarrollamos un nuevo esquema de downmixing eléctrico para leer el movimiento mecánico con un ruido más bajo en comparación con las técnicas anteriores. Utiliza un resonador RLC junto con un amplificador basado en un transistor de alta movilidad de electrones operado a 4,2 K. La relación señal / ruido se mejora gracias a la lectura de la señal a mayor frecuencia (1,6 MHz en comparación con 1-10 kHz) y a la amplificación a temperatura baja. Observamos una mejor estabilidad de la frecuencia midiendo un resonador mecánico de nanotubos de carbono con esta lectura. La estabilidad ya no está limitada por el ruido de la instrumentación de medición, sino por el propio dispositivo. Observar las fluctuaciones intrínsecas del resonador permite en futuros experimentos estudiar fenómenos de ciencia de superficie. Presentamos algunos resultados preliminares que apuntan a la observación de difusión de átomos de xenón en la superficie del resonador y a la adsorción de moléculas individuales de fulereno

    Carbon nanotube surfaces for low force contact application

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    This thesis focuses on developing a testing method to estimate the mechanical and electrical characteristics of CNT-based contact surfaces. In particular the use of gold thin films deposited on a CNT forest has potential to offer a very effective contact surface. Two different pieces of experimental apparatus were used in this research to determine the mechanical and electrical properties of gold/multi-walled carbon nanotube (Au/MWCNT) composites: 1) a modified nano-indentation; and 2) a PZT actuator test rig. These apparatuses were used to mimic force-displacement and contact behaviour of the MEMS relay?s contact at a maximum load of 1 mN with dry-circuit and hot-switched conditions. The surfaces were compared with reference Au-Au and Au-MWCNT contact pairs studied under the same experimental conditions. In the modified nano-indentation experiment, tests of up to 10 cycles were performed. The results showed that the Au-MWCNT pair electrical contact resistance improved when the Au-Au/MWCNT pair was used. Additionally the Au-Au/MWCNT pair electrical contact resistance (Rc) was comparable with the Au-Au contact pair. When the Au-Au/MWCNT composite surface is in contact with the Au hemispherical probe it provides a compliant surface. It conforms to the shape of the Au hemispherical probe. For a higher number of cycles, a PZT actuator was used to support Au/MWCNT planar coated surfaces. This surface makes electrical contact with a gold coated hemispherical probe to mimic the actuation of a MEMS relay?s contact at higher actuation frequencies. This apparatus allows the performance of the contact materials to be investigated over large numbers of switching cycles. Different current loads were used in this experiment, 1mA, 10mA, 20mA and 50mA at 4V supply. The Rc of these surfaces was investigated as a function of the applied force under repeated cycles. Under current loads of 1mA and 10mA the Au/MWCNT composite surface provides a stable contact resistance of up to more than a million cycles and no degradation was observed on the surface. Compared with Au-Au contact pair, degradation occurred after 220 cycles. The Au-Au contact pair shows delamination of the Au surface on the probe. The possible reason is the softening or melting of the Au surface. Furthermore, under higher current loads of 20mA to 50mA, degradation had occurred after 50 million cycles (at 20mA) and degradation had occurred at around 45 to 150 cycles for 50mA to 30mA respectively. This is because of the softening or melting of the Au and Au fatigue after a large number of cycles. This study is the first step to show the potential of CNT surfaces as an interface in low force electrical contact applications. With this research, current trends in materials used on contacts and fabrication methods can be explored and even modified or adopted. The use of CNT?s and their composites for contacts can be tested using the available apparatus to look at their performance and reliability in terms of mechanical and electrical properties. This is useful for MEMS contacts that form part of MEMS relay devices