14 research outputs found

    Context constraint integration and validation in dynamic web service compositions

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    System architectures that cross organisational boundaries are usually implemented based on Web service technologies due to their inherent interoperability benets. With increasing exibility requirements, such as on-demand service provision, a dynamic approach to service architecture focussing on composition at runtime is needed. The possibility of technical faults, but also violations of functional and semantic constraints require a comprehensive notion of context that captures composition-relevant aspects. Context-aware techniques are consequently required to support constraint validation for dynamic service composition. We present techniques to respond to problems occurring during the execution of dynamically composed Web services implemented in WS-BPEL. A notion of context { covering physical and contractual faults and violations { is used to safeguard composed service executions dynamically. Our aim is to present an architectural framework from an application-oriented perspective, addressing practical considerations of a technical framework

    A Mobile Learning Support System for Ubiquitous Learning Environments

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    AbstractThis paper proposes a Mobile Learning Support System (MLSS) which enables students to access learning materials by utilizing 2D barcodes and GPS technology. As the pilot system of ubiquitous learning, we used camera-equipped mobile phones and 2D barcode tags to obtain learning information from online websites. By installing the MLSS on to their mobile phones, students can scan the tag attached to the corresponding object to display related multimedia materials on the screen of mobile phones. Furthermore, MLSS also applies GPS technology to develop a location-aware environment for students. GPS technology is used to detect the students’ location and identify which 2D barcode tags are in their proximity. Therefore, this paper provides the opportunity to develop for developers create ubiquitous learning environments that combine real-world and digital world resources

    Seamless Learning: A Scoping Systematic Review Study

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    In recent years, a new concept called seamless learning has appeared. This concept depends on the premise that learning should be maintained without interruption in different environments. Seamless learning is also important not only for meeting the expectations of the new generation whose life styles and learning needs are different but also for supporting the new paradigms in education. In this respect, the present study aimed to demonstrate the results of content analysis on the articles related to concept of Seamless Learning in Scopus database between 2009 and 2018. A total of 58 papers were examined to determine the concept list, top journal list, most cited papers, research methods and models, participants, data collection tools and variables in these articles. The study is considered to be important as no detailed content analysis has been conducted on the concept of seamless learning concept. The research results revealed a considerable increase in the number of studies on the concept of seamless learning by year. Singapore was the leading country in seamless learning research. It was seen in these studies that conceptual/descriptive methods were prominent as the research methods; that K-12 students were preferred more as participants; and that the most common data collection tools included interview and academic achievement tests. Lastly, in the studies examined, academic performance and perception were among the most popular dependent variables

    Improving device-aware Web services and their mobile clients through an aspect-oriented, model-driven approach

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    Este artículo presenta un enfoque para la creación de servicios web flexibles que pueden ser invocados de manera transparente desde diferentes tipos de dispositivos, incluyendo dispositivos móviles. Se utiliza la Programación Orientada a Aspectos y el desarrollo guiado por modelos para reducir el impacto de la adaptación del código de servicio y cliente para múltiples dispositivos y facilitar la tarea del desarrollador. Los desarrolladores pueden marcar en los modelos UML qué servicios deben adaptarse a los dispositivos móviles y obtener automáticamente el código de adaptación desacoplado de los modelos. Este enfoque permite el desarrollo de servicios web conscientes de los dispositivos móviles en una plataforma integrada, manteniendo el código relacionado con el dispositivo completamente desacoplado de la funcionalidad principal y permitiendo una adaptación modularizada y no intrusiva de los clientes móviles a las características específicas del dispositivo y a las preferencias del usuario final.Context: Mobile devices have become an essential element in our daily lives, even for connecting to the Internet. Consequently, Web services have become extremely important when offering services through the Internet. However, current Web services are very inflexible as regards their invocation from different types of device, especially if we consider the need for them to be adaptable when being invoked from mobile devices. Objective: In this paper, we provide an approach for the creation of flexible Web services which can be invoked transparently from different device types and which return subsequent responses, as well as providing the client’s adaptation as a result of the particular device characteristics and end-user preferences in a completely decoupled way. Method: Aspect-Oriented Programming and model-driven development have been used to reduce both the impact of service and client code adaptation for multiple devices as well as to facilitate the developer’s task. Results: A model-driven methodology can be followed from system models to code, providing the Web service developer with the option of marking which services should be adapted to mobile devices in the UML models, and obtaining the decoupled adaptation code automatically from the models. Conclusion: We can conclude that the approach presented in this paper provides us with the possibility of following the development of mobile-aware Web services in an integrated platform, benefiting from the use of aspect-oriented techniques not only for maintaining device-related code completely decoupled from the main functionality one, but also allowing a modularized non-intrusive adaptation of mobile clients to the specific device characteristics as well as to final user preferences.This work has been developed thanks to the support of MEC under contract TIN2008-02985 and MEC research Grant José Castillejo

    Influencing the run-time behaviour of complex services using contexts

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    Service oriented architecture (SOA) and web services make it possible to construct rich and complex distributed systems which operate at internet scales. However, the underlying design principles of SOA can lead to management problems for processes over web services. This thesis identifies several potential problems with the management of processes over web services, and proposes the use of explicit context as a possible solution. The available options are explored, and the WS-Context specification is implemented and evaluated. The SOA design principles of loose coupling, interaction at an interface, autonomy, and composablity can lead to management problems for processes over web services. Processes over web services where one composite service invokes other composite services which in turn invoke other composite services can lead to complex invocation trees. These invocation trees may be different at different times due to the shifting effect of loose coupling, as new services are swapped in to replace those in previous invocations. In such an environment how well can we define the interface of the top level service in a static document such as a WSDL? Because there is a separation between the ultimate service consumer, and the ultimate service provider how can the service consumer correctly assign fault when a service fails? When concurrency is used, and encouraged, how can we deal with the inevitable race conditions and deadlock? In distributed systems where portions of processes execute on systems beyond our organizational control, how can we pause, or kill these processes? Many of these systems model long-running business processes. How do we communicate changes in process requirements? The use of an explicit context is a potential solution to these types of problems. The abstraction context provides an environment in which the process participants can describe their requirements, query those of other process participants, and react to changes in the environment. A sample context server, based on the WS-Context specification, was implemented using the Erlang language. The sample context server provides the basic operations required to manage and store contextual information about a process. The sample context server was evaluated to determine the cost of employing a context as part of a web service based software system. The performance of the sample server was also evaluated. Test were conducted on the time costs of the basic operations of the context server, and they were found to have a constant time cost. The operations for getting and setting the contents of the context were found to have a time cost dependant on the size of the context. The cost of propagating the context along a chain of service invocations was tested and found to have an overhead which increased linearly with the length of the service invocation chain. The context server was stress tested using a closed loop test which simulated the interaction of a number of concurrent clients, and an open loop test which simulated bursts of arriving requests. The open loop testing showed that the context server could handle 75 concurrent clients. Beyond 75 concurrent clients, the response times of the context server began to slowly increase. The closed loop testing showed that the context server had a maximum throughput of 190 requests per second for bursts of 200 requests with an interarrival time of 4 milliseconds

    Ontology based contextualization and context constraints management in web service processes

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    The flexibility and dynamism of service-based applications impose shifting the validation process to runtime; therefore, runtime monitoring of dynamic features attached to service-based systems is becoming an important direction of research that motivated the definition of our work. We propose an ontology based contextualization and a framework and techniques for managing context constraints in a Web service process for dynamic requirements validation monitoring at process runtime. Firstly, we propose an approach to define and model dynamic service context attached to composition and execution of services in a service process at run-time. Secondly, managing context constraints are defined in a framework, which has three main processes for context manipulation and reasoning, context constraints generation, and dynamic instrumentation and validation monitoring of context constraints. The dynamic requirements attached to service composition and execution are generated as context constraints. The dynamic service context modeling is investigated based on empirical analysis of application scenarios in the classical business domain and analysing previous models in the literature. The orientation of context aspects in a general context taxonomy is considered important. The Ontology Web Language (OWL) has many merits on formalising dynamic service context such as shared conceptualization, logical language support for composition and reasoning, XML based interoperability, etc. XML-based constraint representation is compatible with Web service technologies. The analysis of complementary case study scenarios and expert opinions through a survey illustrate the validity and completeness of our context model. The proposed techniques for context manipulation, context constraints generation, instrumentation and validation monitoring are investigated through a set of experiments from an empirical evaluation. The analytical evaluation is also used to evaluate algorithms. Our contributions and evaluation results provide a further step towards developing a highly automated dynamic requirements management system for service processes at process run-time

    A Reengineering Approach to Reconciling Requirements and Implementation for Context - Aware Web Services Systems

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    In modern software development, the gap between software requirements and implementation is not always conciliated. Typically, for Web services-based context-aware systems, reconciling this gap is even harder. The aim of this research is to explore how software reengineering can facilitate the reconciliation between requirements and implementation for the said systems. The underlying research in this thesis comprises the following three components. Firstly, the requirements recovery framework underpins the requirements elicitation approach on the proposed reengineering framework. This approach consists of three stages: 1) Hypothesis generation, where a list of hypothesis source code information is generated; 2) Segmentation, where the hypothesis list is grouped into segments; 3) Concept binding, where the segments turn into a list of concept bindings linking regions of source code. Secondly, the derived viewpoints-based context-aware service requirements model is proposed to fully discover constraints, and the requirements evolution model is developed to maintain and specify the requirements evolution process for supporting context-aware services evolution. Finally, inspired by context-oriented programming concepts and approaches, ContXFS is implemented as a COP-inspired conceptual library in F#, which enables developers to facilitate dynamic context adaption. This library along with context-aware requirements analyses mitigate the development of the said systems to a great extent, which in turn, achieves reconciliation between requirements and implementation

    An agent-based service-oriented approach to evolving legacy software systems into a pervasive computing environment.

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    This thesis focuses on an Agent-Based Service-Oriented approach to evolving legacy system into a Pervasive Computing environment. The methodology consists of multiple phases: using reverse engineering techniques to comprehend and decompose legacy systems, employing XML and Web Services to transform and represent a legacy system as pervasive services, and integrating these pervasive services into pervasive computing environments with agent based integration technology. A legacy intelligent building system is used as a case study for experiments with the approach, which demonstrates that the proposed approach has the ability to evolve legacy systems into pervasive service environments seamlessly. Conclusion is drawn based on analysis and further research directions are also discussed