10,426 research outputs found

    Kenneth McKenzie Dallas Indexes: University of Tasmania Collection

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    Kenneth McKenzie (Ken) Dallas (1902-1988), historian, spent 1921 in Hobart at the University of Tasmania and Philip Smith Training College. His chief mentor then was John Johnson (and later James Brigden). He taught in rural areas, mainly at South Riana’s one-teacher school, and studied externally for a commerce degree at the university (B.Com., 1928), achieving outstanding results. In 1925-30 he taught at Launceston High, friendship there with Archibald Meston stimulating his interest in Tasmanian (notably Aboriginal) history. In 1930 Dallas became tutor at Devonport for the Workers’ Educational Association (WEA), which was then linked with the university. That year he worked with the WEA at Newcastle, New South Wales. In March 1932 he was appointed as Pitt Cobbett lecturer in the commerce faculty in Hobart, a position that entailed both university duties and directorship of the WEA. He was commissioned in the Royal Australian Navy Volunteer Reserve on 1 January 1941, and sent to Britain for service in landing ships of the Royal Navy. His appointment terminated on 19 March 1945 in Hobart. Index UT 331 lists the notes written as background material for an interview on Kenneth McKenzie Dallas for the ABC in 1978. (From University Collection UT 331). Index UT 516 lists the personal papers of K. M. Dallas (1902 - 1988) who was appointed lecturer in economics at the University of Tasmania in 1932. (From University Collection UT 516) Index UT 518 includes correspondence and diaries from 1920's and 1930's; memoranda and dairies from his naval service 1940-45; dairies and notebooks from 1955-1960's; autobiographical recollections of the 1920's; and photographs spanning 1920's - 1970's, including Launceston State High School sports and activities. Deposited on loan by Mrs M. Dallas Nov, 1990. (From University Collection UT518) See also University of Tasmania Oral History Project 1978-1983 Mr Ken Dallas interviewed by Prof M Roe UT388/2-11 http://eprints.utas.edu.au/16711

    Metal Magnetic Memory (MMM) Method for Non-Destructive Testing and Early Diagnostics of Degradation Processes and Comparison with Ultrasonic Inspection, a Representative of a Classical Non-Destructive Testing Method

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    Opisana je metoda i oprema za inspekciju zavara i osnovnog materijala koriseći Magnetnu Memoriju Metala (MMM), metode standardizirane po ISO24497, za pronalazak zona koncentracije stresa (naprezanja) kao mjesta začetka razvoja defekata i prije nego što se one mogu otkriti klasičnim metodama. Metoda MMM i njeni rezultati su također uspoređeni sa klasičnom metodom ispitivanja ultrazvukom (UT) na uzorcima, gdje je utvrđena vrlo dobra korelacija između tih dviju metoda.This paper presents a Metal Magnetic Memory (MMM) method to inspect welds and base metal, which is standardized as per ISO 24497. MMM method is used to find stress concentration zones on the test object, them being locations where defects would be either already present or most likely to start occurring even before they can be confirmed with the conventional NDT methods. MMM method and its results are compared with the conventional ultrasonic (UT) testing method on weld samples, where a quite good correlation between their results is confirmed

    Metal Magnetic Memory (MMM) Method for Non-Destructive Testing and Early Diagnostics of Degradation Processes and Comparison with Ultrasonic Inspection, a Representative of a Classical Non-Destructive Testing Method

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    Opisana je metoda i oprema za inspekciju zavara i osnovnog materijala koriseći Magnetnu Memoriju Metala (MMM), metode standardizirane po ISO24497, za pronalazak zona koncentracije stresa (naprezanja) kao mjesta začetka razvoja defekata i prije nego što se one mogu otkriti klasičnim metodama. Metoda MMM i njeni rezultati su također uspoređeni sa klasičnom metodom ispitivanja ultrazvukom (UT) na uzorcima, gdje je utvrđena vrlo dobra korelacija između tih dviju metoda.This paper presents a Metal Magnetic Memory (MMM) method to inspect welds and base metal, which is standardized as per ISO 24497. MMM method is used to find stress concentration zones on the test object, them being locations where defects would be either already present or most likely to start occurring even before they can be confirmed with the conventional NDT methods. MMM method and its results are compared with the conventional ultrasonic (UT) testing method on weld samples, where a quite good correlation between their results is confirmed

    Utah v. Giles : Brief of Appellant

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    A Hartvik-legenda XIV. századi oklevelekben fennmaradt változatai

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    Die Hartvik-Legende wurde im Jahre 1201. die offizielle Vita des Stephans, und es wurde am geläufigste. Zum Beispiel die Breviarien, die in nähsten Jahrhunderten entstadten, adaptierten auch diese Legende. Vom Jahr 1349 und vom Jahr 1350 haben wir fünf Urkunden, die zum Teil den Text von Legende Heilige Stephans überschreiben. Im Jahr 1938. publizierte Emma Bartoniek die kritische Edition der Stephans-Legenden, aber die fünf vorliegende Urkunden umfassen eine abweichende Version

    Utah v. Giles : Brief of Appellee

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    Microrheology of polyethylene oxide using diffusing wave spectroscopy and single scattering

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    Experiments investigating the local viscoelastic properties of a simple uncross-linked flexible polymer are performed on polyethylene oxide solutions in the semidilute regime using polystyrene beads of varying sizes and surface chemistry as probes. We measure the thermal motions of the beads to obtain the elastic and viscous moduli of our sample. Two different dynamic light scattering techniques, diffusing wave spectroscopy and quasielastic light scattering (QELS), are used to determine the dynamics of the probe particles. Diffusing wave spectroscopy probes the short time dynamics of the scatterers while QELS or single scattering measures the dynamics at larger times. This results in a larger frequency overlap of the data obtained from the microrheological techniques with the data obtained from the conventional bulk measurements. The moduli are estimated using a modified algebraic form of the generalized Stokes-Einstein equation. Comparison of microrheology with bulk measurements shows excellent similarity confirming the applicability of this method for simple, uncross-linked polymeric systems

    State of Utah v. Marty Joe Galvan : Brief of Appellee

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