25 research outputs found

    Subspace-Based Noise Reduction for Speech Signals via Diagonal and Triangular Matrix Decompositions

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    UTV Tools:Matlab Templates for Rank-Revealing UTV Decompositions

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    published in Numerical Algorithms and the paper's text is reprinted here by kind permissio

    UTV Tools:Matlab Templates for Rank-Revealing UTV Decompositions

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    We describe a Matlab 5.2 package for computing and modifying certain rank-revealing decompositions that have found widespread use in signal processing and other applications. The package focuses on algorithms for URV and ULV decompositions, collectively known as UTV decompositions. We include algorithms for the ULLV decomposition, which generalizes the ULV decomposition to a pair of matrices. For completeness a few algorithms for computation of the RRQR decomposition are also included. The software in this package can be used as is, or can be considered as templates for specialized implementations on signal processors and similar dedicated hardware platforms

    UTV Expansion Pack - Special-Purpose Rank Revealing Algorithms (version 1.0 for Matlab 6.5)

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    Direction set based Algorithms for adaptive least squares problems improvements and innovations.

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    The main objective of this research is to provide a mathematically tractable solutions to the adaptive filtering problem by formulating the problem as an adaptive least squares problem. This approach follows the work of Chen (1998) in his study of direction-set based CDS) adaptive filtering algorithm. Through the said formulation, we relate the DS algorithm to a class of projection method. Objektif utama penyelidikan ini ialah untuk menyediakan penyelesaian matematik yang mudah runut kepada masalah penurasan adaptif dengan memfonnulasikan masalah tersebut sebagai masalah kuasa dua terkecil adaptif. Pendekatan ini rnengikut hasil kerja oleh Chen (1998) dalam kajian beliau tentang algoritma penurasan adaptif berasaskan 'direction-set' (DS). Melalui fornulasi tersebut, kami menghubungkaitkan algoritma DS kepada satu kelas kaedah unjuran. Secara khususnya, versi rnudah aigoritma itu, iaitu algoritma 'Euclidean direction search' (EDS) ditunjukkan mempunyai hubungkait dengan satu kelas kaedah berlelaran yang dipanggil kaedah 'relaxation'. Penernuan ini rnembolehkan kami menambahbaik algoritma EDS kepada 'accelerated EDS' eli mana satu parameter pemecutan diperkenalkan untuk rnengoptirnumkan saiz langkah sernasa setiap pencarian garis

    Reports on industrial information technology. Vol. 12

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    The 12th volume of Reports on Industrial Information Technology presents some selected results of research achieved at the Institute of Industrial Information Technology during the last two years. These results have contributed to many cooperative projects with partners from academia and industry and cover current research interests including signal and image processing, pattern recognition, distributed systems, powerline communications, automotive applications, and robotics

    Digital-Based Analog Processing in Nanoscale CMOS ICs for IoT Applications

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