7 research outputs found

    Multiscale Methods for Random Composite Materials

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    Simulation of material behaviour is not only a vital tool in accelerating product development and increasing design efficiency but also in advancing our fundamental understanding of materials. While homogeneous, isotropic materials are often simple to simulate, advanced, anisotropic materials pose a more sizeable challenge. In simulating entire composite components such as a 25m aircraft wing made by stacking several 0.25mm thick plies, finite element models typically exceed millions or even a billion unknowns. This problem is exacerbated by the inclusion of sub-millimeter manufacturing defects for two reasons. Firstly, a finer resolution is required which makes the problem larger. Secondly, defects introduce randomness. Traditionally, this randomness or uncertainty has been quantified heuristically since commercial codes are largely unsuccessful in solving problems of this size. This thesis develops a rigorous uncertainty quantification (UQ) framework permitted by a state of the art finite element package \texttt{dune-composites}, also developed here, designed for but not limited to composite applications. A key feature of this open-source package is a robust, parallel and scalable preconditioner \texttt{GenEO}, that guarantees constant iteration counts independent of problem size. It boasts near perfect scaling properties in both, a strong and a weak sense on over 15,00015,000 cores. It is numerically verified by solving industrially motivated problems containing upwards of 200 million unknowns. Equipped with the capability of solving expensive models, a novel stochastic framework is developed to quantify variability in part performance arising from localized out-of-plane defects. Theoretical part strength is determined for independent samples drawn from a distribution inferred from B-scans of wrinkles. Supported by literature, the results indicate a strong dependence between maximum misalignment angle and strength knockdown based on which an engineering model is presented to allow rapid estimation of residual strength bypassing expensive simulations. The engineering model itself is built from a large set of simulations of residual strength, each of which is computed using the following two step approach. First, a novel parametric representation of wrinkles is developed where the spread of parameters defines the wrinkle distribution. Second, expensive forward models are only solved for independent wrinkles using \texttt{dune-composites}. Besides scalability the other key feature of \texttt{dune-composites}, the \texttt{GenEO} coarse space, doubles as an excellent multiscale basis which is exploited to build high quality reduced order models that are orders of magnitude smaller. This is important because it enables multiple coarse solves for the cost of one fine solve. In an MCMC framework, where many solves are wasted in arriving at the next independent sample, this is a sought after quality because it greatly increases effective sample size for a fixed computational budget thus providing a route to high-fidelity UQ. This thesis exploits both, new solvers and multiscale methods developed here to design an efficient Bayesian framework to carry out previously intractable (large scale) simulations calibrated by experimental data. These new capabilities provide the basis for future work on modelling random heterogeneous materials while also offering the scope for building virtual test programs including nonlinear analyses, all of which can be implemented within a probabilistic setting

    Seventh Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods

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    The Seventh Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods was held on April 2-7, 1995 at Copper Mountain, Colorado. This book is a collection of many of the papers presented at the conference and so represents the conference proceedings. NASA Langley graciously provided printing of this document so that all of the papers could be presented in a single forum. Each paper was reviewed by a member of the conference organizing committee under the coordination of the editors. The vibrancy and diversity in this field are amply expressed in these important papers, and the collection clearly shows the continuing rapid growth of the use of multigrid acceleration techniques

    A Unifying Theory for Nonlinear Additively and Multiplicatively Preconditioned Globalization Strategies : Convergence Results and Examples From the Field of Nonlinear Elastostatics and Elastodynamics

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    Nonlinear right preconditioned globalization strategies for the solution of nonlinear programming problems of the following kind uBRn:J(u)=min!u \in \mathcal B \subset \mathbb R^n: J(u) = \min! where B\mathcal B is a convex set of admissible solutions, nNn\in \mathbb N, and J:RnRJ: \mathbb R^n \to \mathbb R, sufficiently smooth, are presented. Preconditioned globalization strategies are traditional Linesearch or Trust-Region strategies in combination with a nonlinear update operator which results from a nonlinear solution process for smaller, but related, nonlinear programming problems. We will formulate conditions on this abstract operator, in order to ensure global convergence, i.e., convergence to first-order critical points, of the resulting method. In addition, we introduce particular implementations of this abstract operator, i.e., nonlinear multiplicatively preconditioned Trust-Region (MPTS) and Linesearch strategies (MPLS), as well as nonlinear additively preconditioned Trust-Region (APTS) and Linesearch (APLS) strategies. As it turns out, these additive strategies are novel parallel, locally adaptive and robust solution methods for nonlinear programming problems. Moreover, the MPTS strategy generalizes the RMTR concepts in [GK08] in order to allow also for the application of alternating nonlinear domain decomposition methods. On the other hand, the MPLS method simplifies and generalizes the concepts in [WG08] giving rise to a novel solution strategy for pointwise constrained nonlinear programming problems. The respective nonlinear solution strategies are analyzed and global convergence is shown. In addition, global convergence is also shown for combined nonlinear additively and multiplicatively preconditioned Trust-Region and Linesearch strategies. Moreover, we show the efficiency and reliability of these methods in the context of problems arising from the field of nonlinear elasticity in 3d. Particular emphasis has been placed on the formulation and analysis of the resulting minimization problems. Here, we show that these problems satisfy the assumptions stated to show convergence of the respective preconditioned globalization strategies. Moreover, various elasto-static and elasto-dynamic examples are presented in order to compare the convergence rates and runtimes of the different strategies

    Efficient Passive Clustering and Gateways selection MANETs

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    Passive clustering does not employ control packets to collect topological information in ad hoc networks. In our proposal, we avoid making frequent changes in cluster architecture due to repeated election and re-election of cluster heads and gateways. Our primary objective has been to make Passive Clustering more practical by employing optimal number of gateways and reduce the number of rebroadcast packets