768 research outputs found

    Self-learning Anomaly Detection in Industrial Production

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    The role of communication systems in smart grids: Architectures, technical solutions and research challenges

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    The purpose of this survey is to present a critical overview of smart grid concepts, with a special focus on the role that communication, networking and middleware technologies will have in the transformation of existing electric power systems into smart grids. First of all we elaborate on the key technological, economical and societal drivers for the development of smart grids. By adopting a data-centric perspective we present a conceptual model of communication systems for smart grids, and we identify functional components, technologies, network topologies and communication services that are needed to support smart grid communications. Then, we introduce the fundamental research challenges in this field including communication reliability and timeliness, QoS support, data management services, and autonomic behaviors. Finally, we discuss the main solutions proposed in the literature for each of them, and we identify possible future research directions

    Behaviour based anomaly detection system for smartphones using machine learning algorithm

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    In this research, we propose a novel, platform independent behaviour-based anomaly detection system for smartphones. The fundamental premise of this system is that every smartphone user has unique usage patterns. By modelling these patterns into a profile we can uniquely identify users. To evaluate this hypothesis, we conducted an experiment in which a data collection application was developed to accumulate real-life dataset consisting of application usage statistics, various system metrics and contextual information from smartphones. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed on our dataset to identify patterns of dissimilarity in smartphone usage of the participants of our experiment. Following this analysis, a Machine Learning algorithm was applied on the dataset to create a baseline usage profile for each participant. These profiles were compared to monitor deviations from baseline in a series of tests that we conducted, to determine the profiling accuracy. In the first test, seven day smartphone usage data consisting of eight features and an observation interval of one hour was used and an accuracy range of 73.41% to 100% was achieved. In this test, 8 out 10 user profiles were more than 95% accurate. The second test, utilised the entire dataset and achieved average accuracy of 44.50% to 95.48%. Not only these results are very promising in differentiating participants based on their usage, the implications of this research are far reaching as our system can also be extended to provide transparent, continuous user authentication on smartphones or work as a risk scoring engine for other Intrusion Detection System

    Adaptive Traffic Fingerprinting for Darknet Threat Intelligence

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    Darknet technology such as Tor has been used by various threat actors for organising illegal activities and data exfiltration. As such, there is a case for organisations to block such traffic, or to try and identify when it is used and for what purposes. However, anonymity in cyberspace has always been a domain of conflicting interests. While it gives enough power to nefarious actors to masquerade their illegal activities, it is also the cornerstone to facilitate freedom of speech and privacy. We present a proof of concept for a novel algorithm that could form the fundamental pillar of a darknet-capable Cyber Threat Intelligence platform. The solution can reduce anonymity of users of Tor, and considers the existing visibility of network traffic before optionally initiating targeted or widespread BGP interception. In combination with server HTTP response manipulation, the algorithm attempts to reduce the candidate data set to eliminate client-side traffic that is most unlikely to be responsible for server-side connections of interest. Our test results show that MITM manipulated server responses lead to expected changes received by the Tor client. Using simulation data generated by shadow, we show that the detection scheme is effective with false positive rate of 0.001, while sensitivity detecting non-targets was 0.016+-0.127. Our algorithm could assist collaborating organisations willing to share their threat intelligence or cooperate during investigations.Comment: 26 page

    Self-organizing maps in computer security

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    Self-organizing maps in computer security

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    Understanding and Enriching Randomness Within Resource-Constrained Devices

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    Random Number Generators (RNG) find use throughout all applications of computing, from high level statistical modeling all the way down to essential security primitives. A significant amount of prior work has investigated this space, as a poorly performing generator can have significant impacts on algorithms that rely on it. However, recent explosive growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) has brought forth a class of devices for which common RNG algorithms may not provide an optimal solution. Furthermore, new hardware creates opportunities that have not yet been explored with these devices. in this Dissertation, we present research fostering deeper understanding of and enrichment of the state of randomness within the context of resource-constrained devices. First, we present an exploratory study into methods of generating random numbers on devices with sensors. We perform a data collection study across 37 android devices to determine how much random data is consumed, and which sensors are capable of producing sufficiently entropic data. We use the results of our analysis to create an experimental framework called SensoRNG, which serves as a prototype to test the efficacy of a sensor-based RNG. SensoRNG employs opportunistic collection of data from on-board sensors and applies a light-weight mixing algorithm to produce random numbers. We evaluate SensoRNG with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) statistical testing suite and demonstrate that a sensor-based RNG can provide high quality random numbers with only little additional overhead. Second, we explore the design, implementation, and efficacy of a Collaborative and Distributed Entropy Transfer protocol (CADET), which explores moving random number generation from an individual task to a collaborative one. Through the sharing of excess random data, devices that are unable to meet their own needs can be aided by contributions from other devices. We implement and test a proof-of-concept version of CADET on a testbed of 49 Raspberry Pi 3B single-board computers, which have been underclocked to emulate resource-constrained devices. Through this, we evaluate and demonstrate the efficacy and baseline performance of remote entropy protocols of this type, as well as highlight remaining research questions and challenges. Finally, we design and implement a system called RightNoise, which automatically profiles the RNG activity of a device by using techniques adapted from language modeling. First, by performing offline analysis, RightNoise is able to mine and reconstruct, in the context of a resource-constrained device, the structure of different activities from raw RNG access logs. After recovering these patterns, the device is able to profile its own behavior in real time. We give a thorough evaluation of the algorithms used in RightNoise and show that, with only five instances of each activity type per log, RightNoise is able to reconstruct the full set of activities with over 90\% accuracy. Furthermore, classification is very quick, with an average speed of 0.1 seconds per block. We finish this work by discussing real world application scenarios for RightNoise

    Monitoring and analysis system for performance troubleshooting in data centers

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    It was not long ago. On Christmas Eve 2012, a war of troubleshooting began in Amazon data centers. It started at 12:24 PM, with an mistaken deletion of the state data of Amazon Elastic Load Balancing Service (ELB for short), which was not realized at that time. The mistake first led to a local issue that a small number of ELB service APIs were affected. In about six minutes, it evolved into a critical one that EC2 customers were significantly affected. One example was that Netflix, which was using hundreds of Amazon ELB services, was experiencing an extensive streaming service outage when many customers could not watch TV shows or movies on Christmas Eve. It took Amazon engineers 5 hours 42 minutes to find the root cause, the mistaken deletion, and another 15 hours and 32 minutes to fully recover the ELB service. The war ended at 8:15 AM the next day and brought the performance troubleshooting in data centers to world’s attention. As shown in this Amazon ELB case.Troubleshooting runtime performance issues is crucial in time-sensitive multi-tier cloud services because of their stringent end-to-end timing requirements, but it is also notoriously difficult and time consuming. To address the troubleshooting challenge, this dissertation proposes VScope, a flexible monitoring and analysis system for online troubleshooting in data centers. VScope provides primitive operations which data center operators can use to troubleshoot various performance issues. Each operation is essentially a series of monitoring and analysis functions executed on an overlay network. We design a novel software architecture for VScope so that the overlay networks can be generated, executed and terminated automatically, on-demand. From the troubleshooting side, we design novel anomaly detection algorithms and implement them in VScope. By running anomaly detection algorithms in VScope, data center operators are notified when performance anomalies happen. We also design a graph-based guidance approach, called VFocus, which tracks the interactions among hardware and software components in data centers. VFocus provides primitive operations by which operators can analyze the interactions to find out which components are relevant to the performance issue. VScope’s capabilities and performance are evaluated on a testbed with over 1000 virtual machines (VMs). Experimental results show that the VScope runtime negligibly perturbs system and application performance, and requires mere seconds to deploy monitoring and analytics functions on over 1000 nodes. This demonstrates VScope’s ability to support fast operation and online queries against a comprehensive set of application to system/platform level metrics, and a variety of representative analytics functions. When supporting algorithms with high computation complexity, VScope serves as a ‘thin layer’ that occupies no more than 5% of their total latency. Further, by using VFocus, VScope can locate problematic VMs that cannot be found via solely application-level monitoring, and in one of the use cases explored in the dissertation, it operates with levels of perturbation of over 400% less than what is seen for brute-force and most sampling-based approaches. We also validate VFocus with real-world data center traces. The experimental results show that VFocus has troubleshooting accuracy of 83% on average.Ph.D
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