18 research outputs found

    Current challenges in simulations of HPC systems

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Simulation of many-core HPC systems is nowadays an active and fruitful area of research. Recent and future proposals are driven by the need of a fast, efficient, and comprehensive simulation framework. This simulation framework should be complete in several ways. First, it should model a wide range of components and provide the mechanisms necessary to plug-in more components as needed. Second, it should allow the designer to focus on critical components while avoiding a large part of the simulation complexity. Each of these components should be able to be evaluated with multiple models with distinct detail levels, ranging from simply analytical models to detailed cycle-accurate simulations. Third, a complete simulation framework should provide a wide range of metrics of interest for the designer and the market. Finally, support for heterogeneous architectures combining CPU and GPU, as well as some degree of reconfigurability is surely required. Building such titanic framework is and will be a collaborative process between researchers around the globe and it is expected to be a hot research topic for the next years.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), by FEDER funds through Grant TIN2012-38341-C04-01, and by the Intel Early Career Faculty Honor Program Award.Petit Martí, SV. (2015). Current challenges in simulations of HPC systems. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1578H-CDR. https://doi.org/10.1109/HPCSim.2015.7237110

    Modeling Out-of-Order Superscalar Processor Performance Quickly and Accurately with Traces

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    Fast and accurate processor simulation is essential in processor design. Trace-driven simulation is a widely practiced fast simulation method. However, serious accuracy issues arise when an out-of-order superscalar processor is considered. In this thesis, trace-driven simulation methods are suggested to quickly and accurately model out-of-order superscalar processor performance with reduced traces. The approaches abstract the processor core and focus on the processor's uncore events rather than the processor's internal events. As a result, fast simulation speed is achieved while maintaining fairly small error compared with an execution-driven simulator. Traces can be generated either by a cycle-accurate simulator or an abstract timing model on top of a simple functional simulator. Simulation results are more accurate with the method using traces generated from a cycle-accurate simulator. Faster trace generation speed is achieved with the abstract timing model. The methods determine how to treat a cache miss with respect to other cache misses recorded in the trace by dynamically reconstructing the reorder buffer state during simulation and honoring the dependencies between the trace items. This approach preserves a processor's dynamic uncore access patterns and accurately predicts the relative performance change when the processor's uncore-level parameters are changed. The methods are attractive especially in the early design stages due to its fast simulation speed

    A trace-driven approach for fast and accurate simulation of manycore architectures

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    International audienceThe evolution of manycore sytems, forecasted to feature hundreds of cores by the end of the decade calls for efficient solutions for design space exploration and debugging. Among the relevant existing solutions the well-known gem5 simu-lator provides a rich architecture description framework. However , these features come at the price of prohibitive simulation time that limits the scope of possible explorations to configurations made of tens of cores. To address this limitation, this paper proposes a novel trace-driven simulation approach for efficient exploration of manycore architectures

    Exploiting memory allocations in clusterized many-core architectures

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    Power-efficient architectures have become the most important feature required for future embedded systems. Modern designs, like those released on mobile devices, reveal that clusterization is the way to improve energy efficiency. However, such architectures are still limited by the memory subsystem (i.e., memory latency problems). This work investigates an alternative approach that exploits on-chip data locality to a large extent, through distributed shared memory systems that permit efficient reuse of on-chip mapped data in clusterized many-core architectures. First, this work reviews the current literature on memory allocations and explore the limitations of cluster-based many-core architectures. Then, several memory allocations are introduced and benchmarked scalability, performance and energy-wise, compared to the conventional centralized shared memory solution to reveal which memory allocation is the most appropriate for future mobile architectures. Our results show that distributed shared memory allocations bring performance gains and opportunities to reduce energy consumption

    Raising the level of abstraction : simulation of large chip multiprocessors running multithreaded applications

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    The number of transistors on an integrated circuit keeps doubling every two years. This increasing number of transistors is used to integrate more processing cores on the same chip. However, due to power density and ILP diminishing returns, the single-thread performance of such processing cores does not double every two years, but doubles every three years and a half. Computer architecture research is mainly driven by simulation. In computer architecture simulators, the complexity of the simulated machine increases with the number of available transistors. The more transistors, the more cores, the more complex is the model. However, the performance of computer architecture simulators depends on the single-thread performance of the host machine and, as we mentioned before, this is not doubling every two years but every three years and a half. This increasing difference between the complexity of the simulated machine and simulation speed is what we call the simulation speed gap. Because of the simulation speed gap, computer architecture simulators are increasingly slow. The simulation of a reference benchmark may take several weeks or even months. Researchers are concious of this problem and have been proposing techniques to reduce simulation time. These techniques include the use of reduced application input sets, sampled simulation and parallelization. Another technique to reduce simulation time is raising the level of abstraction of the simulated model. In this thesis we advocate for this approach. First, we decide to use trace-driven simulation because it does not require to provide functional simulation, and thus, allows to raise the level of abstraction beyond the instruction-stream representation. However, trace-driven simulation has several limitations, the most important being the inability to reproduce the dynamic behavior of multithreaded applications. In this thesis we propose a simulation methodology that employs a trace-driven simulator together with a runtime sytem that allows the proper simulation of multithreaded applications by reproducing the timing-dependent dynamic behavior at simulation time. Having this methodology, we evaluate the use of multiple levels of abstraction to reduce simulation time, from a high-speed application-level simulation mode to a detailed instruction-level mode. We provide a comprehensive evaluation of the impact in accuracy and simulation speed of these abstraction levels and also show their applicability and usefulness depending on the target evaluations. We also compare these levels of abstraction with the existing ones in popular computer architecture simulators. Also, we validate the highest abstraction level against a real machine. One of the interesting levels of abstraction for the simulation of multi-cores is the memory mode. This simulation mode is able to model the performanceof a superscalar out-of-order core using memory-access traces. At this level of abstraction, previous works have used filtered traces that do not include L1 hits, and allow to simulate only L2 misses for single-core simulations. However, simulating multithreaded applications using filtered traces as in previous works has inherent inaccuracies. We propose a technique to reduce such inaccuracies and evaluate the speed-up, applicability, and usefulness of memory-level simulation. All in all, this thesis contributes to knowledge with techniques for the simulation of chip multiprocessors with hundreds of cores using traces. It states and evaluates the trade-offs of using varying degress of abstraction in terms of accuracy and simulation speed

    BADCO: Behavioral Application-Dependent Superscalar Core Models

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    International audienceMicroarchitecture research and development rely heavily on simulators. The ideal simulator should be simple and easy to develop, it should be precise, accurate and very fast. But the ideal simulator does not exist, and microarchitects use different sorts of simulators at different stages of the development of a processor, depending on which is most important, accuracy or simulation speed. Approximate microarchitecture models, which trade accuracy for simulation speed, are very useful for research and design space exploration, provided the loss of accuracy remains acceptable. Behavioral superscalar core modeling is a possible way to trade accuracy for simulation speed in situations where the focus of the study is not the core itself. In this approach, a superscalar core is viewed as a black box emitting requests to the uncore at certain times. A behavioral core model can be connected to a detailed uncore model. Behavioral core models are built from detailed simulations. Once the time to build the model is amortized, important simulation speedups can be obtained. We describe and study a new method for defining behavioral models for modern superscalar cores. The proposed Behavioral Application-Dependent Superscalar Core model, BADCO, predicts the execution time of a thread running on a superscalar core with an error less than 10% in most cases. We show that BADCO is qualitatively accurate, being able to predict how performance changes when we change the uncore. The simulation speedups we obtained are typically between one and two orders of magnitude

    BADCO: Behavioral Application-Dependent superscalar Core Models

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    Microarchitecture research and development relies heavily on simulators. The ideal simulator should be simple and easy to develop, it should be precise, accurate and very fast. As the ideal simulator does not exist, microarchitects use different sorts of simulators at different stages of the development of a processor, depending on which is most important, accuracy or simulation speed. Approximate microarchitecture models, which trade accuracy for simulation speed, are very useful for research and design space exploration, provided the loss of accuracy remains acceptable. Behavioral superscalar core modeling is a possible way to trade accuracy for simulation speed in situations where the focus of the study is not the core itself. In this approach, a superscalar core is viewed as a black box emitting requests to the uncore at certain times. A behavioral core model can be connected to a cycle-accurate uncore model. Behavioral core models are built from detailed simulations. Once the time to build the model is amortized, important simulation speedups can be obtained. We describe and study a new method for defining behavioral models for modern superscalar cores. The proposed Behavioral Application-Dependent superscalar COre model (BADCO) predicts the execution time of a thread running on a superscalar core with an error typically under 5%. We show that BADCO is qualitatively accurate, being able to predict how performance changes when we change the uncore. The simulation speedups obtained with BADCO are typically greater than 10.La recherche et développement en microarchitecture est en grande partie basée sur l'utilisation de simulateurs. Le simulateur idéal devrait être simple, facile à développer, précis, et très rapide. Comme le simulateur idéal n'existe pas, les microarchitectes utilisent différentes sortes de simulateurs à différentes étapes du développement d'un processeur, en fonction de ce qui est le plus important, la précision ou la vitesse de simulation. Les modèles approchés de microarchitecture, qui sacrifient de la précision afin d'obtenir une plus grande vitesse de simulation, sont très utiles pour la recherche et pour l'exploration d'un espace de conception, pourvu que la perte de précision reste acceptable. La modélisation comportementale de coeur superscalaire est une méthode possible de définition de modèle approché dans les cas où l'objet de l'étude n'est pas le coeur lui-même. Cette méthode considère un coeur superscalaire comme une boite noire émettant des requêtes vers le reste du processeur à des instants déterminés. Un modèle comportemental de coeur peut être connecté à un modèle de hiérarchie mémoire précis au cycle près. Les modèles comportementaux sont construits à partir de simulations détaillées. Une fois le temps de construction du modèle amorti, des gains importants en temps de simulation peuvent être obtenus. Nous décrivons et étudions une nouvelle méthode pour la définition de modèles comportementaux de coeurs superscalaires. La méthode que nous proposons, BADCO, prédit le temps d'exécution d'un programme sur un coeur superscalaire avec une erreur typiquement inférieure à 5%. Nous montrons que la précision d'un modèle BADCO est aussi qualitative et permet de prédire comment la performance change lorsqu'on modifie la hiérarchie mémoire. Les gains en temps de simulation obtenus avec BADCO sont typiquement supérieurs à 10


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    Computer architects heavily rely on software simulation to evaluate new and existing processor designs. As target designs become more complex, a growing gap has emerged between single-threaded simulator performance and simulation requirements. Even though modern machines feature multiple cores, most host cores are typically unused or underutilized by state-of-the-art simulators. Parallel simulators are inherently limited by their need to synchronize threads for correctness. In my thesis, I study accurate and efficient parallelization techniques for architecture simulation. This thesis contains several contributions. First, I study synchronization between simulator threads simulating homogeneous hardware structures such as cores or network tiles. Based on this study, I introduce a new synchronization policy, weighted-tuple synchronization, and show that it provides a better performance-accuracy trade-off compared to synchronization currently used by state-of-the-art parallel simulators. Next, I study synchronization between separate simulators responsible for modeling heterogeneous components and introduce reciprocal abstraction. Reciprocal abstraction allows asynchronous simulators to exchange information at runtime for more accurate event timing. Lastly, the reciprocal abstraction model relaxes communication latency restrictions and synchronization requirements; I show how relaxed synchronization requirements allows for coprocessor acceleration