15 research outputs found

    Trifoniklusterointi suomenkielisessä jatkuvassa puheentunnistuksessa

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    Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan kontekstiriippuvien foneemimallien (trifonien) käyttöä suomenkielisen puhujariippuvan jatkuvan puheen tunnistimessa. Työn ensimmäisessä osassa tarkastellaan ihmisen puheentuotto- ja kuulojärjestelmiä, suomen kielen ominaisuuksia puheentunnistuksen kannalta sekä esitellään puheentunnistusjärjestelmien yleinen rakenne ja toiminta. Selostuksessa painotetaan foneemien kontekstiriippuvuutta sekä koartikulatorisia efektejä. Työn toisessa osassa opetetaan puhujariippuva tunnistin käyttäen kätkettyjä Markov-malleja (HMM) sekä Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK)-ohjelmistoa. Trifoniklusteroinnissa kokeillaan datalähtöistä binääriseen päätöspuuhun perustuvaa menetelmää sekä menetelmiä, jotka käyttävät hyväkseen tietoa foneemien äännetyypeistä sekä ääntämispaikoista. Parhaat tunnistustulokset saavutetaan puuklusterointimenetelmällä, jolloin myös malleja on suurin määrä. Tunnistuskokeiden virheitä tarkastellaan laajasti. Foneemikohtaiset tyypilliset virheet ja eniten virheitä tuottaneet kontekstit analysoidaan

    자동 운율 복제를 위한 모음 길이와 기본 주파수 예측

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    학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 인문대학 협동과정 인지과학전공, 2018. 8. 정민화.The use of computers to help people improve their pronunciation skills of a foreign language has rapidly increased in the last decades. Majority of such Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Training (CAPT) systems have been focused on teaching correct pronunciation of segments only, however, while prosody received much less attention. One of the new approaches to prosody training is self-imitation learning. Prosodic features from a native utterance are transplanted onto learners own speech, and given back as corrective feedback. The main drawback is that this technique requires two identical sets of native and non-native utterances, which makes its actual implementation cumbersome and inflexible. As a preliminary research towards developing a new method of prosody transplantation, the first part of the study surveys previous related works and points out their advantages and drawbacks. We also compare prosodic systems of Korean and English, point out major areas of mistakes that Korean learners of English tend to do, and then we analyze acoustic features that this mistakes are correlated with. We suggest that transplantation of vowel duration and fundamental frequency will be the most effective for self-imitation learning by Korean speakers of English. The second part of this study introduces a new proposed model for prosody transplantation. Instead of transplanting acoustic values from a pre-recorded utterance, we suggest to use a deep neural network (DNN) based system to predict them instead. Three different models are built and described: baseline recurrent neural network (RNN), long short-term memory (LSTM) model and gated recurrent unit (GRU) model. The models were trained on Boston University Radio Speech Corpus, using a minimal set of relevant input features. The models were compared with each other, as well as with state-of-the-art prosody prediction systems from speech synthesis research. Implementation of the proposed prediction model in automatic prosody transplantation is described and the results are analyzed. A perceptual evaluation by native speakers was carried out. Accentedness and comprehensibility ratings of modified and original non-native utterances were compared with each other. The results showed that duration transplantation can lead to the improvements in comprehensibility score. This study lays the groundwork for a fully automatic self-imitation prosody training system and its results can be used to help Korean learners master problematic areas of English prosody, such as sentence stress.Chapter 1. Introduction . 10 1.1 Background. 10 1.2 Research Objective 12 1.3 Research Outline. 15 Chapter 2. Related Works. 16 2.1 Self-imitation Prosody Training. 16 2.1.1 Prosody Transplantation Methods . 18 2.1.2 Effects of Prosody Transplantation on Accentedness Rating 23 2.1.3 Effects of Self-Imitation Learning on Proficiency Rating 26 2.2 Prosody of Korean-accented English Speech 28 2.2.1 Prosodic Systems of Korean and English 28 2.2.2 Common Prosodic Mistakes. 29 2.3 Deep Learning Based Prosody Prediction 34 2.3.1 Deep Learning . 34 2.3.2 Recurrent Neural Networks 35 2.3.2 The Long Short-Term Memory Architecture. 37 2.3.3 Gated Recurrent Units. 39 2.3.4 Prosody Prediction Models 40 Chapter 3. Vowel Duration and Fundamental Frequency Prediction Model 43 3.1 Data 43 3.2. Input Feature Selection. 45 3.3 System Architecture and Training 56 3.4 Results and Evaluation 63 3.4.1 Objective Metrics. 63 3.4.2 Vowel Duration Prediction Models Results. 65 3.4.2 Fundamental Frequency Prediction Models Results 68 3.4.3 Comparison with other models . 68 Chapter 4. Automatic Prosody Transplantation 72 4.1 Data 72 4.2 Transplantation Method. 74 4.3 Perceptual Evaluation 79 4.4 Results 80 Chapter 5. Conclusion. 82 5.1 Summary 82 5.2 Contribution 84 5.3 Limitations 85 5.4 Recommendations for Future Study. 85 References 88 Appendix 96Maste

    Integrating Language Identification to improve Multilingual Speech Recognition

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    The process of determining the language of a speech utterance is called Language Identification (LID). This task can be very challenging as it has to take into account various language-specific aspects, such as phonetic, phonotactic, vocabulary and grammar-related cues. In multilingual speech recognition we try to find the most likely word sequence that corresponds to an utterance where the language is not known a priori. This is a considerably harder task compared to monolingual speech recognition and it is common to use LID to estimate the current language. In this project we present two general approaches for LID and describe how to integrate them into multilingual speech recognizers. The first approach uses hierarchical multilayer perceptrons to estimate language posterior probabilities given the acoustics in combination with hidden Markov models. The second approach evaluates the output of a multilingual speech recognizer to determine the spoken language. The research is applied to the MediaParl speech corpus that was recorded at the Parliament of the canton of Valais, where people switch from Swiss French to Swiss German or vice versa. Our experiments show that, on that particular data set, LID can be used to significantly improve the performance of multilingual speech recognizers. We will also point out that ASR dependent LID approaches yield the best performance due to higher-level cues and that our systems perform much worse on non-native dat

    Overcoming the limitations of statistical parametric speech synthesis

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    At the time of beginning this thesis, statistical parametric speech synthesis (SPSS) using hidden Markov models (HMMs) was the dominant synthesis paradigm within the research community. SPSS systems are effective at generalising across the linguistic contexts present in training data to account for inevitable unseen linguistic contexts at synthesis-time, making these systems flexible and their performance stable. However HMM synthesis suffers from a ‘ceiling effect’ in the naturalness achieved, meaning that, despite great progress, the speech output is rarely confused for natural speech. There are many hypotheses for the causes of reduced synthesis quality, and subsequent required improvements, for HMM speech synthesis in literature. However, until this thesis, these hypothesised causes were rarely tested. This thesis makes two types of contributions to the field of speech synthesis; each of these appears in a separate part of the thesis. Part I introduces a methodology for testing hypothesised causes of limited quality within HMM speech synthesis systems. This investigation aims to identify what causes these systems to fall short of natural speech. Part II uses the findings from Part I of the thesis to make informed improvements to speech synthesis. The usual approach taken to improve synthesis systems is to attribute reduced synthesis quality to a hypothesised cause. A new system is then constructed with the aim of removing that hypothesised cause. However this is typically done without prior testing to verify the hypothesised cause of reduced quality. As such, even if improvements in synthesis quality are observed, there is no knowledge of whether a real underlying issue has been fixed or if a more minor issue has been fixed. In contrast, I perform a wide range of perceptual tests in Part I of the thesis to discover what the real underlying causes of reduced quality in HMM synthesis are and the level to which they contribute. Using the knowledge gained in Part I of the thesis, Part II then looks to make improvements to synthesis quality. Two well-motivated improvements to standard HMM synthesis are investigated. The first of these improvements follows on from averaging across differing linguistic contexts being identified as a major contributing factor to reduced synthesis quality. This is a practice typically performed during decision tree regression in HMM synthesis. Therefore a system which removes averaging across differing linguistic contexts and instead performs averaging only across matching linguistic contexts (called rich-context synthesis) is investigated. The second of the motivated improvements follows the finding that the parametrisation (i.e., vocoding) of speech, standard practice in SPSS, introduces a noticeable drop in quality before any modelling is even performed. Therefore the hybrid synthesis paradigm is investigated. These systems aim to remove the effect of vocoding by using SPSS to inform the selection of units in a unit selection system. Both of the motivated improvements applied in Part II are found to make significant gains in synthesis quality, demonstrating the benefit of performing the style of perceptual testing conducted in the thesis

    Fast speaker independent large vocabulary continuous speech recognition [online]

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    Semi-continuous hidden Markov models for speech recognition

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