58 research outputs found

    Multiplicative Consistency Ascertaining, Inconsistency Repairing, and Weights Derivation of Hesitant Multiplicative Preference Relations

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.This article investigates multiplicative consistency ascertaining, inconsistency repairing, and weights derivation for hesitant multiplicative preference relations (HMPRs). First, the completely multiplicative consistency and weakly multiplicative consistency of HMPRs are defined. Based on them, 0-1 mixed programming models and simple algebraic operations are proposed to ascertain the multiplicative consistency of HMPRs. Then, some goal programming models are developed to generate the weights from consistent HMPRs and to revise inconsistent HMPRs. An integrated procedure to manage the multiplicative consistencies of HMPRs is designed. The proposed methods are also extended to accommodate incomplete HMPRs, and to estimate missing values. Finally, some numerical examples, a comparative analysis with existent approaches, and a simulation analysis are included to illustrate the practicality and effectiveness of the developed models

    Pairwise comparison matrix in multiple criteria decision making

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    The measurement scales, consistency index, inconsistency issues, missing judgment estimation and priority derivation methods have been extensively studied in the pairwise comparison matrix (PCM). Various approaches have been proposed to handle these problems, and made great contributions to the decision making. This paper reviews the literature of the main developments of the PCM. There are plenty of literature related to these issues, thus we mainly focus on the literature published in 37 peer reviewed international journals from 2010 to 2015 (searched via ISI Web of science). We attempt to analyze and classify these literatures so as to find the current hot research topics and research techniques in the PCM, and point out the future directions on the PCM. It is hoped that this paper will provide a comprehensive literature review on PCM, and act as informative summary of the main developments of the PCM for the researchers for their future research. First published online: 02 Sep 201

    The Integrative Model of Personality Assessment for Achievement Motivation and Fear of Failure: Implications for the Prediction of Effort and Performance

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    While both self-report (SR) and conditional reasoning (CR) measures of achievement motivation (AM) and fear-of-failure (FF) have been shown to be predictive of academic and organizational outcomes (James, 1998; Spangler, 1992), substantial criterion variance is often left unaccounted for by either measurement system when used in isolation. The current work proposes a new, theoretical model of AM and FF created by integrating information on explicit cognitions gathered from SR with information on implicit cognitions gathered from CR. This “integrative model” of assessment provides an enhanced understanding of the approach-avoidance conflicts people experience when they are faced with challenging tasks. Predictions derived from the model are supported in two student samples and one managerial sample. Specifically, the explicit and implicit AM/FF cognitions combine additively or multiplicatively in the prediction of effort and performance. It is concluded that in order to advance our understanding and prediction of behavior, psychologists should integrate explicit personality components with implicit components in theoretical and practical pursuits

    Managing Consistency and Consensus in Group Decision-Making with Incomplete Fuzzy Preference Relations

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    Group decision-making is a field of decision theory that has many strengths and benefits. It can solve and simplify the most complex and hard decision problems. In addition, it helps decision-makers know more about the problem under study and their preferences. Group decision-making is much harder and complex than individual decision-making since group members may have different preferences regarding the alternatives, making it difficult to reach a consensus. In this thesis, we deal with three interrelated problems that decision-makers encounter during the process of arriving at a final decision. Our work addresses decision-making using preference relations. The first problem deals with incomplete reciprocal preference relations, where some of the preference degrees are missing. Ideally, the group members are able to provide preferences for all the alternatives, but sometimes they might not be able to discriminate between some of the alternatives, leading to missing values. Two methods are proposed to handle this problem. The first is based on a system of equations and the second relies on goal programming to estimate the missing information. The former is suitable to complete any incomplete preference relation with at leas

    Uncertain Multi-Criteria Optimization Problems

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    Most real-world search and optimization problems naturally involve multiple criteria as objectives. Generally, symmetry, asymmetry, and anti-symmetry are basic characteristics of binary relationships used when modeling optimization problems. Moreover, the notion of symmetry has appeared in many articles about uncertainty theories that are employed in multi-criteria problems. Different solutions may produce trade-offs (conflicting scenarios) among different objectives. A better solution with respect to one objective may compromise other objectives. There are various factors that need to be considered to address the problems in multidisciplinary research, which is critical for the overall sustainability of human development and activity. In this regard, in recent decades, decision-making theory has been the subject of intense research activities due to its wide applications in different areas. The decision-making theory approach has become an important means to provide real-time solutions to uncertainty problems. Theories such as probability theory, fuzzy set theory, type-2 fuzzy set theory, rough set, and uncertainty theory, available in the existing literature, deal with such uncertainties. Nevertheless, the uncertain multi-criteria characteristics in such problems have not yet been explored in depth, and there is much left to be achieved in this direction. Hence, different mathematical models of real-life multi-criteria optimization problems can be developed in various uncertain frameworks with special emphasis on optimization problems

    The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Predicting Career Indecisiveness among College Students

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    The study examined the role of emotional intelligence, personality traits and positive and negative affect in relation to career indecisiveness. The primary purpose was to investigate whether emotional intelligence could predict a significant proportion of incremental variance in career indecisiveness beyond the variance accounted for by the personality traits and positive and negative affect among male and female undergraduate university students across Colleges of Engineering and Education at a research one university in Southwest, USA. Data were collected from 582 participants who completed four survey questionnaires including the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form (TEIQue), Emotional and Personality-Related Career Decision-Making Difficulties Scale-Short Form (EPCD), Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) and the Big Five Inventory (BFI). Hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted and the results revealed that emotional intelligence added a significant percentage of incremental variance in career indecisiveness compared to the variances explained by the personality traits and affectivity. The study also sought to investigate the moderation effect of gender and academic major on the prediction of career indecisiveness by emotional intelligence. A moderated moderation analysis revealed a significant three-way interaction effect of gender and academic major on the prediction of career indecisiveness by one of the emotional intelligence dimensions, self-control. According to the results, significant proportions of variance in career indecisiveness were predicted by self-control for men in engineering, men in education, and women in education. However, for women in engineering, self-control could not significantly predict career indecisiveness. The results were thoroughly discussed, implications for practice were explained and future research ideas were suggested

    Motivaatio ja akateemiset tunteet yliopisto-opinnoissa

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    This dissertation examined how different motivational and emotional aspects of studying (i.e., students’ beliefs, expectancies, interests, values and academic emotions) contribute to university students’ academic engagement and achievement and how they are related to students’ daily situational experiences during the first years at university. The first overall aim of the dissertation was to identify university students’ motivational-emotional profiles, representing the more general dispositions in studying. The second aim was to examine how the student profiles and other general motivational dispositions are related to students’ contextual and situational experiences. Finally, the third aim was to investigate the consequences of both general student dispositions and situational academic emotions for short- and long-term educational outcomes. Study I examined whether situational academic emotions predict short-term study success. Studies II and III investigated students’ motivational-emotional profiles that were based on their overall study-related beliefs and expectancies, the perceived meaning of studying and their emotional experiences. These studies further examined how the student profiles differed, in Study II, in terms of course-specific experiences, self-study time and study success and, in Study III, in terms of long-term academic achievement. Study IV investigated how autonomous and controlled motivation was related to daily educational goals and further to situational academic emotions during the same day. Study V examined the short- and long-term effects of the first-year study engagement on the daily experiences of task-specific value and emotions. Questionnaire data and intensive longitudinal experience sampling data as well as achievement data from the student register were used. Variable- and person-oriented analytical approaches and intra-individual statistical methods were applied. Distinct groups of students with different motivational-emotional profiles were found with clear differences in contextual experiences and short- and long-term achievement (Study II: committed, dysfunctional, unstressed; Study III: engaged, disengaged, undecided, alienated). Dysfunctional and disengaged students expressed the most negative experiences and performed the most poorly, whereas engaged and committed students had the most favourable outcomes. Undecided and unstressed students displayed less engagement but had no serious problems in studying and they improved their performance after the first academic year. Despite the motivational and emotional problems, alienated students performed relatively well. A variable-oriented analytical approach further revealed that students’ situational academic emotions were related to study success in a lecture course. Finally, studies using an intra-individual approach showed that daily autonomous and controlled goal motivation was related to students’ situational academic emotions and that first-year study engagement was related to daily situational experiences both short- and long-term. In conclusion, the present dissertation indicates that even highly selected university students show various motivational-emotional patterns of engagement already at the beginning of their studies. These dispositions are related not only to students’ immediate, everyday experiences and study success but also their long-term academic achievement. The findings demonstrate the importance of investigating university students’ experiences and achievement on various contextual and temporal levels of specificity.Tämä väitöstutkimus tarkasteli sitä, kuinka motivaatio ja opiskeluun liittyvät tunteet (ns. akateemiset tunteet) edistävät yliopisto-opintoihin sitoutumista sekä miten ne ovat yhteydessä opiskelijoiden tilannekohtaisiin kokemuksiin ja opintomenestykseen ensimmäisten opiskeluvuosien aikana. Tutkimuksen ensimmäinen päätavoite oli tarkastella opiskelijoiden yleisempää opiskeluun liittyvää motivaatiota ja tunnekokemuksia ja tunnistaa näiden perusteella erilaisia opiskelijaprofiileja. Toinen päätavoite oli tutkia, miten opiskelijaprofiilit ja yleinen opiskelumotivaatio ovat yhteydessä opiskelijoiden tilannekohtaisiin kokemuksiin. Kolmantena tavoitteena oli tutkia, miten opiskelijaprofiilit ja tilannekohtaiset akateemiset tunteet ovat yhteydessä lyhyen ja pitkän aikavälin opintomenestykseen. Ensimmäinen osatutkimus selvitti, ovatko tilannekohtaiset akateemiset tunteet yhteydessä tenttimenestykseen luentokurssilla. Toinen ja kolmas osatutkimus tarkastelivat, minkälaisia yleiseen opiskelumotivaatioon ja tunnekokemuksiin liittyviä opiskelijaprofiileja voidaan tunnistaa sekä miten profiilit eroavat toisistaan luentokurssiin liittyvien kokemusten, itseopiskeluun käytetyn ajan ja kurssiarvosanan sekä pitkän aikavälin opintomenestyksen suhteen. Neljäs osatutkimus seurasi sitä, kuinka aamulla asetettuihin opintotavoitteisiin liittyvä motivaatio oli yhteydessä saman päivän aikana koettuihin akateemisiin tunteisiin. Viides osatutkimus tarkasteli ensimmäisenä opiskeluvuotena koetun opiskeluinnon yhteyttä sekä ensimmäisen että toisen opiskeluvuoden tilannekohtaisiin kokemuksiin. Aineisto koostui kyselylomakeaineistosta, kokemusotantamenetelmällä kerätystä intensiivisestä pitkittäisaineistosta ja opiskelijarekisteristä saaduista opintomenestystiedoista. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin erilaisia tilastollisia menetelmiä. Henkilösuuntautuneen analyysin avulla löydetyt opiskelijaprofiilit olivat yhteydessä opiskelijoiden tilannekohtaisiin kokemuksiin, mutta myös sekä lyhyen että pitkän aikavälin opintomenestykseen. Opiskelijat, jotka olivat sitoutuneimpia, myös menestyivät parhaiten. Sen sijaan opintoihin liittyvä merkityksen puute oli yhteydessä negatiivisiin kokemuksiin sekä heikompaan opintomenestykseen. Alun perin uravalinnastaan epävarmat opiskelijat eivät kokeneet suuria ongelmia opinnoissaan ja paransivat opinnoissa edistymistään ensimmäisen vuoden jälkeen. Opinnoistaan vieraantuneet opiskelijat pärjäsivät kiinnostuksen puutteestaan huolimatta opinnoissaan melko hyvin. Muuttujalähtöinen analyysi paljasti lisäksi, että opiskelijoiden tilannekohtaiset akateemiset tunteet olivat yhteydessä opintomenestykseen luentokurssilla. Yksilön sisäiseen, tilannekohtaiseen kokemukseen liittyvä analyysi osoitti, että aamulla ilmaistu opintotavoitteisiin liittyvä motivaatio oli yhteydessä päivän aikana koettuihin akateemisiin tunteisiin. Ensimmäisen vuoden opiskeluinto selitti päivittäisiä tilannekohtaisia kokemuksia myös pitkällä aikavälillä. Tämä väitöstutkimus osoittaa, että jopa yliopistoon tarkoin valikoituneiden opiskelijoiden akateemisissa tunteissa, opiskelumotivaatiossa sekä opintoihin sitoutumisessa on vaihtelua ja yksilöllisiä eroja jo opintojen alussa. Tutkimus osoittaa myös, että motivaatiolla ja akateemisilla tunteilla on merkitystä opintomenestyksen, yliopisto-opintoihin sitoutumisen sekä niissä etenemisen kannalta. Näitä ilmiöitä on tärkeää tarkastella yleisen tason ohella myös tilanne- ja kurssikohtaisesti, huomioiden sekä pidemmän aikavälin vaikutukset että opintoihin liittyvät päivittäiset kokemukset

    Fostering Work Engagement through State and Trait Trust: Evidence from Irish University Research Centres

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    The central aim of this research was to examine the impact of state and trait trust on employees’ levels of work engagement. More specifically, in this study, the three forms of state trust - trust in top management, trust in direct supervisor and trust in team members, as well as trait trust (trust propensity) - were hypothesised as antecedents of work engagement. Furthermore, it was proposed that organizational identification, affective commitment to the supervisor and team psychological safety will mediate the effects of trust in top management, trust in direct supervisor and trust in team members on work engagement respectively. Finally, the relationship of work engagement with a variety of work outcomes such as, in-role job performance, innovative work behaviour, feedback seeking, error communication and organizational commitment, as well as the mediating effects of learning goal orientation on these relationships were investigated. Using survey data from 152 research scientists, drawn from six university science research centres operating in Ireland, the hypotheses were tested through hierarchical multiple regression analyses. The results of this study showed that as hypothesised, organizational identification, affective commitment to the supervisor, and team psychological safety fully mediated the effects of trust in top management, trust in direct supervisor, and trust in team members on work engagement respectively. Moreover, the findings of this study indicated that trust propensity was also positively and significantly related to work engagement. Additionally, it was found that learning goal orientation partially mediated the effects of work engagement on in-role job performance, innovative work behaviour, feedback seeking and error communication, while it did not mediate the relationship between work engagement and organizational commitment. On the basis of these findings, recommendations were made for the management of research centres and for future research directions

    Securing Whose Peace? The Effects of Peace-Agreement Provisions on Physical Integrity Rights After Civil War

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    When civil wars are resolved via negotiated settlement, peace-agreement provisions like power-sharing agreements and third-party security guarantees often are advocated for their purported benefits of ensuring a long-lasting and durable peace. Although scholars have explored the effects of peace-agreement provisions on enhancing the security of states, their influence on shaping individual security outcomes is largely unknown. The strong potential exists that these same provisions that improve a government\u27s ability to deter future violence also increase that government\u27s violation of its citizens\u27 physical integrity rights as a means of coercion and governance. Also rare in the power-sharing literature is exploration of the effects of individual, disaggregated provisions. This dissertation, therefore, asks: Under what conditions do peace-agreement provisions significantly improve the state\u27s protection of its citizens\u27 physical integrity rights? Two models are proposed. Model 1 considers aggregated power-sharing provisions. Model 2 considers disaggregated peace-agreement provisions, and includes both power-sharing agreements and robust third-party security guarantees. Both models are evaluated in light of the situational and historical contexts relevant to each state\u27s civil war experience. The universe of cases includes thirty-six civil wars in twenty-seven states where conflict terminated between 1989-2007 via negotiated settlement. This project leverages a mixed-method research design, including contingency tables and fuzzy-set Quantitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to resolve the small number of cases, multiple variables challenge and to account for causal complexity. Four central claims are advanced in this dissertation: First, the common technique of evaluating peace-agreement provisions by aggregating them according to common political, military, and territorial dimensions obscures and misleads scholars; the disaggregation of peace-agreement provisions reveals how measures often act in opposition. Second, a number of commonly present provisions--including integration of rebels into the main military ranks and the granting of territorial autonomy--are consistently inhibitory to individual security after civil war ends. Third, other provisions such as robust third-party security guarantees and the granting of territorial federalism consistently lead to a reduction in the level of political repression used by states after civil war has ended. Fourth, significant human-rights improvement results from favorable causal recipes (i.e., combinations of disaggregated conditions) that together reduce both the motivation and opportunity of a government to repress. These findings will assist decision-makers involved in negotiated settlements, as they (1) identify the appropriate blends of peace-agreement provisions for resolving different civil wars, and (2) balance the need for a post-conflict government to both assure its population and to deter future violence