1,568 research outputs found

    Interval-valued and intuitionistic fuzzy mathematical morphologies as special cases of L-fuzzy mathematical morphology

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    Mathematical morphology (MM) offers a wide range of tools for image processing and computer vision. MM was originally conceived for the processing of binary images and later extended to gray-scale morphology. Extensions of classical binary morphology to gray-scale morphology include approaches based on fuzzy set theory that give rise to fuzzy mathematical morphology (FMM). From a mathematical point of view, FMM relies on the fact that the class of all fuzzy sets over a certain universe forms a complete lattice. Recall that complete lattices provide for the most general framework in which MM can be conducted. The concept of L-fuzzy set generalizes not only the concept of fuzzy set but also the concepts of interval-valued fuzzy set and Atanassov’s intuitionistic fuzzy set. In addition, the class of L-fuzzy sets forms a complete lattice whenever the underlying set L constitutes a complete lattice. Based on these observations, we develop a general approach towards L-fuzzy mathematical morphology in this paper. Our focus is in particular on the construction of connectives for interval-valued and intuitionistic fuzzy mathematical morphologies that arise as special, isomorphic cases of L-fuzzy MM. As an application of these ideas, we generate a combination of some well-known medical image reconstruction techniques in terms of interval-valued fuzzy image processing

    Implication functions in interval-valued fuzzy set theory

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    Interval-valued fuzzy set theory is an extension of fuzzy set theory in which the real, but unknown, membership degree is approximated by a closed interval of possible membership degrees. Since implications on the unit interval play an important role in fuzzy set theory, several authors have extended this notion to interval-valued fuzzy set theory. This chapter gives an overview of the results pertaining to implications in interval-valued fuzzy set theory. In particular, we describe several possibilities to represent such implications using implications on the unit interval, we give a characterization of the implications in interval-valued fuzzy set theory which satisfy the Smets-Magrez axioms, we discuss the solutions of a particular distributivity equation involving strict t-norms, we extend monoidal logic to the interval-valued fuzzy case and we give a soundness and completeness theorem which is similar to the one existing for monoidal logic, and finally we discuss some other constructions of implications in interval-valued fuzzy set theory

    Conjunctors and their residual implicators: characterizations and construction methods

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    In many practical applications of fuzzy logic it seems clear that one needs more flexibility in the choice of the conjunction: in particular, the associativity and the commutativity of a conjunction may be removed. Motivated by these considerations, we present several classes of conjunctors, i.e. binary operations on [0,1][0,1] that are used to extend the boolean conjunction from {0,1}\{0,1\} to [0,1][0,1], and characterize their respective residual implicators. We establish hence a one-to-one correspondence between construction methods for conjunctors and construction methods for residual implicators. Moreover, we introduce some construction methods directly in the class of residual implicators, and, by using a deresiduation procedure, we obtain new conjunctors

    Generated fuzzy implications in fuzzy decision making

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    Designing Software Architectures As a Composition of Specializations of Knowledge Domains

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    This paper summarizes our experimental research and software development activities in designing robust, adaptable and reusable software architectures. Several years ago, based on our previous experiences in object-oriented software development, we made the following assumption: ‘A software architecture should be a composition of specializations of knowledge domains’. To verify this assumption we carried out three pilot projects. In addition to the application of some popular domain analysis techniques such as use cases, we identified the invariant compositional structures of the software architectures and the related knowledge domains. Knowledge domains define the boundaries of the adaptability and reusability capabilities of software systems. Next, knowledge domains were mapped to object-oriented concepts. We experienced that some aspects of knowledge could not be directly modeled in terms of object-oriented concepts. In this paper we describe our approach, the pilot projects, the experienced problems and the adopted solutions for realizing the software architectures. We conclude the paper with the lessons that we learned from this experience

    Representations through a monoid on the set of fuzzy implications

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    Fuzzy implications are one of the most important fuzzy logic connectives. In this work, we conduct a systematic algebraic study on the set II of all fuzzy implications. To this end, we propose a binary operation, denoted by ⊛, which makes (I,⊛I,⊛) a non-idempotent monoid. While this operation does not give a group structure, we determine the largest subgroup SS of this monoid and using its representation define a group action of SS that partitions II into equivalence classes. Based on these equivalence classes, we obtain a hitherto unknown representations of the two main families of fuzzy implications, viz., the f- and g-implications

    Some New Implication Operations Emerging From Fuzzy Logic

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    We choose, from fuzzy set theory, t-norms, t-conorms and fuzzy compliments which forms dual triplet that is (i,u,c) that satisfy the DeMorgan's law, these dual triplet are used in the construction of fuzzy implications in fuzzy logic. In this work introduction of fuzzy implication is given, which included definition of fuzzy implications and their properties and also distinct classes of fuzzy implication (S, R and QL-implications). Further also described previous work on fuzzy implication and supporting literature of construction of fuzzy implication are given. Finally main contribution of work is to design new fuzzy implication and their graphical representations

    Fuzzy Implications: Some Recently Solved Problems

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    In this chapter we discuss some open problems related to fuzzy implications, which have either been completely solved or those for which partial answers are known. In fact, this chapter also contains the answer for one of the open problems, which is hitherto unpublished. The recently solved problems are so chosen to reflect the importance of the problem or the significance of the solution. Finally, some other problems that still remain unsolved are stated for quick reference