12 research outputs found

    Emerging Artificial Societies Through Learning

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    The NewTies project is implementing a simulation in which societies of agents are expected to de-velop autonomously as a result of individual, population and social learning. These societies are expected to be able to solve environmental challenges by acting collectively. The challenges are in-tended to be analogous to those faced by early, simple, small-scale human societies. This report on work in progress outlines the major features of the system as it is currently conceived within the project, including the design of the agents, the environment, the mechanism for the evolution of language and the peer-to-peer infrastructure on which the simulation runs.Artificial Societies, Evolution of Language, Decision Trees, Peer-To-Peer Networks, Social Learning

    Emerging Artificial Societies Through Learning

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    The NewTies project is implementing a simulation in which societies of agents are expected to de-velop autonomously as a result of individual, population and social learning. These societies are expected to be able to solve environmental challenges by acting collectively. The challenges are in-tended to be analogous to those faced by early, simple, small-scale human societies. This report on work in progress outlines the major features of the system as it is currently conceived within the project, including the design of the agents, the environment, the mechanism for the evolution of language and the peer-to-peer infrastructure on which the simulation runs


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    The Learning Classifier System (LCS) and its descendant, XCS, are promising paradigms for machine learning design and implementation. Whereas LCS allows classifier payoff predictions to guide system performance, XCS focuses on payoff-prediction accuracy instead, allowing it to evolve optimal classifier sets in particular applications requiring rational thought. This research examines LCS and XCS performance in artificial situations with broad social/commercial parallels, created using the non-Markov Iterated Prisoner\u27s Dilemma (IPD) game-playing scenario, where the setting is sometimes asymmetric and where irrationality sometimes pays. This research systematically perturbs a conventional IPD-playing LCS-based agent until it results in a full-fledged XCS-based agent, contrasting the simulated behavior of each LCS variant in terms of a number of performance measures. The intent is to examine the XCS paradigm to understand how it better copes with a given situation (if it does) than the LCS perturbations studied.Experiment results indicate that the majority of the architectural differences do have a significant effect on the agents\u27 performance with respect to the performance measures used in this research. The results of these competitions indicate that while each architectural difference significantly affected its agent\u27s performance, no single architectural difference could be credited as causing XCS\u27s demonstrated superiority in evolving optimal populations. Instead, the data suggests that XCS\u27s ability to evolve optimal populations in the multiplexer and IPD problem domains result from the combined and synergistic effects of multiple architectural differences.In addition, it is demonstrated that XCS is able to reliably evolve the Optimal Population [O] against the TFT opponent. This result supports Kovacs\u27 Optimality Hypothesis in the IPD environment and is significant because it is the first demonstrated occurrence of this ability in an environment other than the multiplexer and Woods problem domains.It is therefore apparent that while XCS performs better than its LCS-based counterparts, its demonstrated superiority may not be attributed to a single architectural characteristic. Instead, XCS\u27s ability to evolve optimal classifier populations in the multiplexer problem domain and in the IPD problem domain studied in this research results from the combined and synergistic effects of multiple architectural differences

    Comparison of Adaptive Behaviors of an Animat in Different Markovian 2-D Environments Using XCS Classifier Systems

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    RÉSUMÉ Le mot "Animat" fut introduit par Stewart W. Wilson en 1985 et a rapidement gagné en popularité dans la lignée des conférences SAB (Simulation of Adaptive Behavior: From Animals to Animats) qui se sont tenues entre 1991 à 2010. Comme la signification du terme "animat" a passablement évoluée au cours de ces années, il est important de préciser que nous avons choisi d'étudier l'animat tel que proposée originellement par Wilson. La recherche sur les animats est un sous-domaine du calcul évolutif, de l'apprentissage machine, du comportement adaptatif et de la vie artificielle. Le but ultime des recherches sur les animats est de construire des animaux artificiels avec des capacités sensorimotrices limitées, mais capables d'adopter un comportement adaptatif pour survivre dans un environnement imprévisible. Différents scénarios d'interaction entre un animat et un environnement donné ont été étudiés et rapportés dans la littérature. Un de ces scénario est de considérer un problème d'animat comme un problème d'apprentissage par renforcement (tel que les processus de décision markovien) et de le résoudre par l'apprentissage de systèmes de classeurs (LCS, Learning Classification Systems) possédant une certaine capacité de généralisation. L'apprentissage d'un système de classification LCS est équivalent à un système qui peut apprendre des chaînes simples de règles en interagissant avec l'environnement et en reçevant diverses récompenses. Le XCS (eXtended Classification System) introduit par Wilson en 1995 est le LCS le plus populaire actuellement. Il utilise le Q-Learning pour résoudre les problèmes d'affectation de crédit (récompense), et il sépare les variables d'adaptation de l'algorithme génétique de celles reliées au mécanisme d'attribution des récompenses. Dans notre recherche, nous avons étudié les performances de XCS, et plusieurs de ses variantes, pour gérer un animat explorant différents types d'environnements 2D à la recherche de nourriture. Les environnements 2D traditionnellement nommés WOODS1, WOODS2 et MAZE5 ont été étudiés, de même que des environnements S2DM (Square 2D Maze) que nous avons conçus pour notre étude. Les variantes de XCS sont XCSS (avec l'opérateur "Specify" qui permet de diminuer la portée de certains classificateurs), et XCSG (avec la descente du gradient en fonction des valeurs de prédiction).---------- Abstract The word “Animat” was introduced by Stewart W. Wilson in 1985 and became popular since the SAB line conferences “Simulation of Adaptive Behavior: from Animals to Animats” that were held between 1991 and 2010. Since the use of this word in the scientific literature has fairly evolved over the years, it is important to specify in this thesis that we have chosen to adopt the definition that was originally proposed by Wilson. The research on animat is a subfield of evolutionary computation, machine learning, adaptive behavior and artificial life. The ultimate goal of animat research is to build artificial animals with limited sensory-motor capabilities but able to behave in an adaptive way to survive in an unknown environment. Different scenarios of interaction between a given animat and a given environment have been studied and reported in the literature. One of the scenarios is to consider animat problems as a reinforcement learning problem (such as a Markov decision processes) and solve it by Learning Classifier Systems (LCS) with certain generalization ability. A Learning classifier system is equivalent to a learning system that can learn simple strings of rules by interacting with the environment and receiving diverse payoffs (rewards). The XCS (eXtented Classification System) [1], introduced by Wilson in 1995, is the most popular Learning Classifier System at the moment. It uses Q-learning to deal with the problem of credit assignment and it separates the fitness variable for genetic algorithm from those linked to credit assignment mechanisms. In our research, we have studied XCS performances and many of its variants, to manage an animat exploring different types of 2D environments in search of food. 2D environments traditionally named WOODS1, WOODS 2 and MAZE5 have been studied, as well as several designed S2DM (SQUARE 2D MAZE) environments which we have conceived for our study. The variants of XCS are XCSS (with the Specify operator which allows removing detrimental rules), and XCSG (using gradient descent according to the prediction value)

    Learning classifier systems from first principles

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    Learning classifier systems from first principles

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    Learning classifier systems from first principles: A probabilistic reformulation of learning classifier systems from the perspective of machine learning

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    Learning Classifier Systems (LCS) are a family of rule-based machine learning methods. They aim at the autonomous production of potentially human readable results that are the most compact generalised representation whilst also maintaining high predictive accuracy, with a wide range of application areas, such as autonomous robotics, economics, and multi-agent systems. Their design is mainly approached heuristically and, even though their performance is competitive in regression and classification tasks, they do not meet their expected performance in sequential decision tasks despite being initially designed for such tasks. It is out contention that improvement is hindered by a lack of theoretical understanding of their underlying mechanisms and dynamics.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Diseño de sistemas borrosos recurrentes mediante estrategias evolutivas y su aplicación al análisis de señales y reconocimiento de patrones

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    Se utilizan algoritmos genéticos para diseñar sistemas borrosos recurrentes destinados a formar parte de un sistema de reconocimiento de patrones. El problema investigado es la aplicación de los sistemas borrosos recurrentes en la clasificación de series de datos. Los sistemas borrosos recurrentes empleados son máquinas finitas de estados borrosas. Los algoritmos genéticos ajustan los parámetros de estas máquinas. En concreto, se han utilizado los algoritmos genéticos en el contexto de los sistemas clasificadores, y se han implementado dos algoritmos distintos bajo esta filosofía de sistemas: un algoritmo tipo Pittsburgh y un algoritmo tipo Michigan. Se han realizado una gran variedad de experimentos de validación donde el objetivo es comprobar la capacidad de clasificación de la máquina finita de estados borrosa encontrada con algoritmos de búsqueda tipo Pittsburgh o tipo Michigan sobre series de datos procedentes de modelos ocultos de Markov. Estos resultados de clasificación se han comparado con los resultados de un algoritmo de referencia ya establecido para estos sistemas: el algoritmo de Baum-Welch. Estos experimentos demostraron la capacidad de aprendizaje y la capacidad de clasificación de los sistemas desarrollados. Por último, se realizó una aplicación práctica en la que se aplica la metodología propuesta sobre la clasificación de series de datos reales. En concreto, se intenta caracterizar núcleos celulares de imágenes médicas de citologías para su posterior clasificación en dos categorías: sano/patológico. Para tal fin, se contó con la colaboración de un experto del dominio. Se realizaron diversos experimentos sobre distintos tipos de citologías: citologías de tejido de mama, citologías peritoneales y citologías de pleura. La característica bajo estudio que se extrae de los núcleos que se desea clasificar es la distribución de cromatina en los mismos. Se diseño una medida original, sencilla y específica que recoge esta información relativa a la naturaleza del núcleo. Esta medida es una serie de datos que constituye la entrada al sistema clasificador borroso propuesto. Tras analizar los resultados de clasificación obtenidos se pudo comprobar la validez de la medida escogida así como la validez de la metodología propuesta. Además, se realizó una comparativa de resultados con otros sistemas de clasificación, como por ejemplo, métodos borrosos de clustering y redes neuronales. Esta compartiva refleja que el sistema borroso propuesto presenta una mayor capacidad de generalización. Por último, comentar que se realizó una evaluación de todos estos clasificadores bajo el punto de vista del diagnóstico médico con el análisis ROC. En todos los casos estudiados, las curvas ROC para los clasificadores borrosos resultaron ser mejores