2,419 research outputs found

    Support matrix machine: A review

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    Support vector machine (SVM) is one of the most studied paradigms in the realm of machine learning for classification and regression problems. It relies on vectorized input data. However, a significant portion of the real-world data exists in matrix format, which is given as input to SVM by reshaping the matrices into vectors. The process of reshaping disrupts the spatial correlations inherent in the matrix data. Also, converting matrices into vectors results in input data with a high dimensionality, which introduces significant computational complexity. To overcome these issues in classifying matrix input data, support matrix machine (SMM) is proposed. It represents one of the emerging methodologies tailored for handling matrix input data. The SMM method preserves the structural information of the matrix data by using the spectral elastic net property which is a combination of the nuclear norm and Frobenius norm. This article provides the first in-depth analysis of the development of the SMM model, which can be used as a thorough summary by both novices and experts. We discuss numerous SMM variants, such as robust, sparse, class imbalance, and multi-class classification models. We also analyze the applications of the SMM model and conclude the article by outlining potential future research avenues and possibilities that may motivate academics to advance the SMM algorithm

    Support vector machines to detect physiological patterns for EEG and EMG-based human-computer interaction:a review

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    Support vector machines (SVMs) are widely used classifiers for detecting physiological patterns in human-computer interaction (HCI). Their success is due to their versatility, robustness and large availability of free dedicated toolboxes. Frequently in the literature, insufficient details about the SVM implementation and/or parameters selection are reported, making it impossible to reproduce study analysis and results. In order to perform an optimized classification and report a proper description of the results, it is necessary to have a comprehensive critical overview of the applications of SVM. The aim of this paper is to provide a review of the usage of SVM in the determination of brain and muscle patterns for HCI, by focusing on electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) techniques. In particular, an overview of the basic principles of SVM theory is outlined, together with a description of several relevant literature implementations. Furthermore, details concerning reviewed papers are listed in tables and statistics of SVM use in the literature are presented. Suitability of SVM for HCI is discussed and critical comparisons with other classifiers are reported

    Deep Learning Methods for EEG Signals Classification of Motor Imagery in BCI

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    EEG signals are obtained from an EEG device after recording the user's brain signals. EEG signals can be generated by the user after performing motor movements or imagery tasks. Motor Imagery (MI) is the task of imagining motor movements that resemble the original motor movements. Brain Computer Interface (BCI) bridges interactions between users and applications in performing tasks. Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Competition IV 2a was used in this study. A fully automated correction method of EOG artifacts in EEG recordings was applied in order to remove artifacts and Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) to get features that can distinguish motor imagery tasks. In this study, a comparative studies between two deep learning methods was explored, namely Deep Belief Network (DBN) and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). Usability of both deep learning methods was evaluated using the BCI Competition IV-2a dataset. The experimental results of these two deep learning methods show average accuracy of 50.35% for DBN and 49.65% for LSTM

    A Human-Centric Metaverse Enabled by Brain-Computer Interface: A Survey

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    The growing interest in the Metaverse has generated momentum for members of academia and industry to innovate toward realizing the Metaverse world. The Metaverse is a unique, continuous, and shared virtual world where humans embody a digital form within an online platform. Through a digital avatar, Metaverse users should have a perceptual presence within the environment and can interact and control the virtual world around them. Thus, a human-centric design is a crucial element of the Metaverse. The human users are not only the central entity but also the source of multi-sensory data that can be used to enrich the Metaverse ecosystem. In this survey, we study the potential applications of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technologies that can enhance the experience of Metaverse users. By directly communicating with the human brain, the most complex organ in the human body, BCI technologies hold the potential for the most intuitive human-machine system operating at the speed of thought. BCI technologies can enable various innovative applications for the Metaverse through this neural pathway, such as user cognitive state monitoring, digital avatar control, virtual interactions, and imagined speech communications. This survey first outlines the fundamental background of the Metaverse and BCI technologies. We then discuss the current challenges of the Metaverse that can potentially be addressed by BCI, such as motion sickness when users experience virtual environments or the negative emotional states of users in immersive virtual applications. After that, we propose and discuss a new research direction called Human Digital Twin, in which digital twins can create an intelligent and interactable avatar from the user's brain signals. We also present the challenges and potential solutions in synchronizing and communicating between virtual and physical entities in the Metaverse

    The blessing of Dimensionality : feature selection outperforms functional connectivity-based feature transformation to classify ADHD subjects from EEG patterns of phase synchronisation

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    Functional connectivity (FC) characterizes brain activity from a multivariate set of N brain signals by means of an NxN matrix A, whose elements estimate the dependence within each possible pair of signals. Such matrix can be used as a feature vector for (un)supervised subject classification. Yet if N is large, A is highly dimensional. Little is known on the effect that different strategies to reduce its dimensionality may have on its classification ability. Here, we apply different machine learning algorithms to classify 33 children (age [6-14 years]) into two groups (healthy controls and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder patients) using EEG FC patterns obtained from two phase synchronisation indices. We found that the classification is highly successful (around 95%) if the whole matrix A is taken into account, and the relevant features are selected using machine learning methods. However, if FC algorithms are applied instead to transform A into a lower dimensionality matrix, the classification rate drops to less than 80%. We conclude that, for the purpose of pattern classification, the relevant features should be selected among the elements of A by using appropriate machine learning algorithms

    EEG Source Imaging Indices of Cognitive Control Show Associations with Dopamine System Genes.

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    Cognitive or executive control is a critical mental ability, an important marker of mental illness, and among the most heritable of neurocognitive traits. Two candidate genes, catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) and DRD4, which both have a roles in the regulation of cortical dopamine, have been consistently associated with cognitive control. Here, we predicted that individuals with the COMT Met/Met allele would show improved response execution and inhibition as indexed by event-related potentials in a Go/NoGo task, while individuals with the DRD4 7-repeat allele would show impaired brain activity. We used independent component analysis (ICA) to separate brain source processes contributing to high-density EEG scalp signals recorded during the task. As expected, individuals with the DRD4 7-repeat polymorphism had reduced parietal P3 source and scalp responses to response (Go) compared to those without the 7-repeat. Contrary to our expectation, the COMT homozygous Met allele was associated with a smaller frontal P3 source and scalp response to response-inhibition (NoGo) stimuli, suggesting that while more dopamine in frontal cortical areas has advantages in some tasks, it may also compromise response inhibition function. An interaction effect emerged for P3 source responses to Go stimuli. These were reduced in those with both the 7-repeat DRD4 allele and either the COMT Val/Val or the Met/Met homozygous polymorphisms but not in those with the heterozygous Val/Met polymorphism. This epistatic interaction between DRD4 and COMT replicates findings that too little or too much dopamine impairs cognitive control. The anatomic and functional separated maximally independent cortical EEG sources proved more informative than scalp channel measures for genetic studies of brain function and thus better elucidate the complex mechanisms in psychiatric illness