46 research outputs found

    The Effect of Pomodoro Technique on Student Mendelian Genetics Concept Mastery during Synchronous Remote Learning

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    The Pomodoro technique is a timed-based strategy used in fighting procrastination and found to increase academic performance. However, its effect on academic learning in a synchronous remote learning modality has yet to be investigated. The study used a mixed triangulation semiexperimental design using a whole sample (N=46), following all ethical equivalence procedures. The genetics concept mastery of the students was tested using a researcher-made test. ANCOVA results revealed that students taught using Pomodoro yielded significantly better concept mastery in genetics than the lecture method. This study contributes to the evaluation of one science teaching strategy compatible with remote learning modality

    O papel do professor na desmistificação da aprendizagem musical: educação simultânea de pais e filhos

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    Relatório Final do Estágio do Ensino Especializado, apresentado à Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa, do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, para cumprimento dos requisitos à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Música, conforme Decreto-Lei n.º 79/2014, de 14 de maio.Resumo I - A primeira parte do Relatório – Prática Pedagógica, diz respeito ao estágio realizado na Academia Musical dos Amigos das Crianças no âmbito da unidade curricular Estágio do Ensino Especializado. O estágio realizou-se sob a orientação cooperante da Professora Margarida Prates. A Prática Pedagógica apresenta uma breve contextualização da Academia, a sua caraterização e meio envolvente. São referidos os Órgãos institucionais que perfazem o corpo da Instituição bem como as atividades promovidas pela mesma. Paralelamente, é feita uma caraterização e descrição da classe/alunos envolvidos no Estágio que se realizou de Outubro de 2020 a Junho de 2021. A descrição/caraterização tem por base a observação de 81 aulas e a lecionação de 9 aulas no total. Como conclusão é elaborada uma reflexão final que visa destacar os pontos fortes/fracos desta experiência. O Estágio realizou-se em condições muito especiais dada a situação de saúde pública atravessada provocada pelo vírus SARS – COV – 2. Durante o ano letivo as incertezas do dia-a-dia foram uma constante; não obstante, o trabalho da Academia, juntamente com a orientação da Professora Margarida tornaram possível o enriquecimento e crescimento profissional e pessoal da mestranda. A oportunidade de Estágio e a comunicação muito aberta entre mestranda e Professora Cooperante permitiram a aquisição de conhecimentos e estratégias pedagógicas, cumprindo assim com os objetivos pretendidos.Resumo II - A segunda parte do Relatório – Investigação, pretende refletir e confirmar a importância do papel do professor de piano (e em geral) na promoção e incentivo do envolvimento dos pais durante o processo de aprendizagem musical dos filhos. Através da revisão de literatura existente sobre a problemática e a confirmação da importância do apoio parental durante a aprendizagem musical referida na mesma, a investigação reflete sobre o papel mediador do professor na transmissão de conhecimento da linguagem musical e estratégias para um acompanhamento parental pedagógico em casa. A investigação parte de um estudo descritivo e qualitativo que tem por base a observação participante da classe de Piano da Academia Nacional de Música Carlos Seixas, sendo isolados para amostragem 5 casos. A amostra permite inferir indicadores que apontam para a importância do papel do professor na mediação do envolvimento dos pais na educação dos filhos e o reflexo na aprendizagem dos últimos. Futuramente, através de uma amostra mais alargada poder-se-ão fazer análises por forma a chegar a conclusões mais abrangentes. Na base das reflexões estão: as aulas presenciais e online (devido à Pandemia Covid-19) dos alunos; as estratégias adotadas para um maior envolvimento dos pais; a relação intermediária da professora e de que forma esta postura pedagógica se refletiu em tempos de Pandemia. As 15 respostas obtidas através do inquérito direcionado a professores e as entrevistas a 2 pianistas servem de apoio na fundamentação/reflexão das direções apontadas na análise da amostra. Como produto final será apresentada uma proposta de Manual de Apoio aos Pais.Abstract I - The first part of the Report – Pedagogical Practice concerns the internship held at Academia Musical dos Amigos das Crianças within the scope of the Supervised Teaching Practice course unit. The internship took place under the cooperative guidance of Professor/Pianist Margarida Prates. The Pedagogical Practice presents a brief contextualization of the Academy, its characterization and environment. The institutional bodies that make up the body of the institution are mentioned as well as the activities promoted by the same. At the same time there is a characterization and description of the class/students involved in the Internship which took place from October 2020 to June 2021. The description/characterization is based on the observation of 81 classes and the teaching of 9 classes in total. As a conclusion a final reflection is elaborated that aims to highlight the strengths/weaknesses of this experience. The Internship took place under very special conditions given the situation of public health that was going through caused by the SARS – COV – 2 virus. During the academic year the day-to-day uncertanties were constant. Nevertheless the work of the Academy together with the guidance of Professor/Pianist Margarida made possible the professional and personal growth of the Master’s student. The internship opportunity and the wide open communication between the Master’s student and the Cooperating Teacher allowed the acquisiton of knowledge and pedagogical strategies fulfilling the intended purposes of the Master Degree.Abstract II - The second part of the Report – Research, intends to reflect and confirm the importance of the teacher’s role in promoting and encouraging the involvement of parents during their children’s musical learning process. By reviewing existing literature on the issue confirming the importance of parental support during musical learning the research aims to reflect on the mediating role of the teacher in the transmission of musical language knowledge and pedagogical strategies so that parents can support their children outside the classroom. The research is based on a descriptive and qualitative study. Five cases were isolated for sampling from the observation of Academia Nacional de Música Carlos Seixas Piano class. The sample allows us to infer indicators that point to the importance of the teacher’s role in mediating the involvement of parents in their children’s education and its impact on the latter’s learning. In the future and through a larger sample it will be possible to carry out more extensive analyzes in order to reach more generalized conclusions. The premises are: classroom and online classes (due to Covid-19) for students aged between 5 and 10 years old; strategies adopted for greater involvement of parents; the intermediary teacher’s relationship and how this pedagogical posture was reflected in times of Pandemic. The sample analysis of 15 responses obtained through a survey directed at teachers and 2 interviews conducted with pianists/pedagogues are added to support the reasoning/reflextion of the directions indicated in. As a final product it will be presented a proposal for a Parent Support Manual.N/

    Вебзастосунок для планування роботи та концентрації

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    Ємельяненко Я.С. Вебзастосунок для планування роботи та концентрації. КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, Київ, 2023. Пояснювальна записка дипломного проєкту містить 68 сторінок, 4 розділи, 31 рисунок, 2 таблиці, 1 додаток, 17 джерел та 4 кресленики. Об'єкт дослідження: ефективний тайм-менеджмент у сучасному світі. Мета роботи: розробка вебзастосунку, який надає користувачам можливість планувати свої задачі, зосереджуватись на виконанні роботи та підвищувати продуктивність. Для розробки та підтримки вебзастосунку були використані такі інструменти: Java 17, фреймворки Vaadin, Spring, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, Spring Boot, база даних MySQL, сервіс Amazon RDS. У дипломному проєкті було розроблено систему, головна функція якої – допомогти користувачам упорядкувати свої завдання та покращити тайм-менеджмент. Основні характеристики та показники: простий та інтуїтивний інтерфейс, ефективне управління задачами, підвищення концентрації користувачів. Очікуваний результат впровадження системи: збільшення ефективності та продуктивності користувачів шляхом кращого управління часом та задачами, покращення організації робочого процесу та зниження ризику пропускання дедлайнів. Розробка може бути використана в подальшому для створення більш масштабної системи, придатної до користування у великих командах на комерційній основі.Yaroslava Yemelianenko. Web application for work planning and concentration. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, 2023. The explanatory note of the diploma project contains 4 chapters, contains 68 pages of text, 31 figures, 2 tables, 1 appendicy, 17 sources and 4 drawings. Research object: effective time management in the modern world. Job Objective: develop a web application that empowers users to plan their tasks, focus on work, and increase productivity. The following tools were used to develop and support the web application: Java 17, Vaadin frameworks, Spring, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, Spring Boot, MySQL, Amazon RDS. In the diploma project a system whose main function is to help users organize their tasks and improve time-management was developed. Main characteristics and indicators: simple and intuitive interface, effective task-management, increased user concentration. The expected result of the implementation of the system: increased efficiency and productivity of users through better time and task management, improved organization of the work process and reduced risk of missing deadlines. The development can be used in the future to create a larger system suitable for use by large teams on a commercial basis

    Using the Pomodoro Technique® to help undergraduate students better manage technology-based multitasking during independent study : A design-based research investigation

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    The issue of student multitasking is debated often in higher education, for example when discussing whether ‘digital native’ students can naturally multitask when using technology. Yet some students do continue to struggle with multitasking, especially when undertaking self-directed study using digital devices, and there have been few empirical investigations into how to support those students. In this thesis, I seek to investigate the effectiveness of a popular time management technique, the Pomodoro Technique® (PT), in helping students better manage technology-based multitasking during independent study. To this end, I describe a design-based research investigation comprising four cycles/iterations, dedicated in turn to understanding the reasons students multitask (cycle 1), exploring and refining the use of the technique (cycles 2-3) and following the use of the refined technique by students over two months (cycle 4). Participants were twelve undergraduate students at a UK university who self-identified as struggling with multitasking. Data collection included participant diary records and periodic interviews. Findings reveal that participants’ reasons for multitasking were varied. Most participants found the PT® helpful for addressing their multitasking. However, there was little consensus on how the PT® helped participants or which aspects were helpful, with the same aspects (e.g. ticking timer, deferring potential interruptions) identified as helpful or ineffective by different participants. The effectiveness of the technique was also impacted by contextual factors such as assessment deadlines and unconducive study environments. Overall, it seems important that students allow enough time to get used to the technique, and that they reflect on and modify how they use the technique to suit their context under appropriate guidance. The thesis contributes to the literature on student multitasking in higher education. It presents one of the first evidenced-based investigations of managing multitasking (and one of the first formal evaluation of the PT® in an academic context). The findings highlight previously overlooked reasons for student multitasking, such as the convergent use of online platforms for both study and non-study-related activities, and emphasise that technology and non-technology-based reasons for multitasking can be closely related. The thesis also argues that scholars working on student multitasking should be aware of issues highlighted in other areas of literature, such as in studies of self-efficacy and human visual processing

    Aplicação da técnica Pomodoro no estudo instrumental de música

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    A evolução e o desenvolvimento de competências musicais dos alunos depende de diferentes fatores, o estudo individual é um deles. Basta pensar que um aluno de licenciatura estuda desejavelmente 3/5h por dia e tem uma aula de contacto com o professor de 1h semanal. O trabalho que se realiza sem orientação do professor representa um papel fundamental na forma como o aluno irá progredir, sendo por isso importante que seja realizado de forma pensada e organizada. A presente dissertação propõe então a aplicação de uma técnica de gestão de tempo, Técnica Pomodoro, já utilizada noutras áreas, como forma gerir e otimizar o estudo individual. O objetivo principal foi o de verificar a aplicabilidade e funcionalidade da Técnica Pomodoro no estudo individual de instrumento. Neste sentido, foi realizada uma experiência de investigação-ação com 6 alunos de Flauta transversal da Universidade de Aveiro de diferentes anos curriculares, em que foi aplicada a Técnica Pomodoro durante três meses. Através da realização de questionários, de resposta aberta e fechada, foi possível fazer um balanço do antes e depois da implementação, assim como obter relatos/ opiniões sobre a sua relevância. Do mesmo modo, foram recolhidas informações junto dos respetivos professores, que desempenharam o papel de observadores externos (com isenção) sobre a aplicação da técnica de gestão de tempo. Pela análise dos resultados, foi possível verificar que todos os participantes consideraram a Técnica Pomodoro benéfica para o estudo, sendo útil e de fácil adaptação, sobretudo na organização das sessões de estudo, promovendo em alguns casos uma maior concentração e diminuição do número de interrupções durante o mesmo. No entanto, a técnica de gestão de tempo não se revelou eficiente para alguns dos participantes por ter uma estrutura fixa inerente à sua utilização considerada rigorosa e pouco flexível. Estudos futuros deverão ser realizados com uma duração de aplicação mais alargada e uma maior amostra de participantes de forma a obter resultados mais amplos e expressivosThe evolution and development of musical skills of students depends on different factors, individual study is one of them. Just think that an undergraduate student is supposed to study 3/5h per day and has, in average, only a 1h lesson with the teacher per week. The work that is done without the teacher’s orientation plays a fundamental role in the way the student progress, so it is important that it be carried out in a thoughtful and organized way. The present dissertation proposes the application of a technique of time management, Pomodoro Technique, already in use in other areas, as a way to manage and optimize the individual study. Therefore, an action-research experiment was carried out with 6 flute students of the University of Aveiro from different curricular years, in which the Pomodoro Technique was applied during three months. By applying questionnaires, with an open and closed response, it was possible to get data from before and after implementation, as well as to obtain reports/ opinions about its relevance. In the same way, information was collected from their respective teachers, who played the role of external observers of this experience. By analyzing the results, it was possible to verify that all the participants considered the Pomodoro Technique to be beneficial for their study, of course in the organization of the study time, being useful and easy to adapt, promoting in some cases more concentration and decrease in the number of interruptions during the same. However, the time management technique was not efficient for some of the participants because it has a fixed structure inherent to its use, which they considered too rigorous and not very flexible. Future studies should be carried out with a longer duration and a wider sample of participants in order to obtain broader and more expressive resultsMestrado em Ensino de Músic

    Television Drama in Spain and Latin America: Genre and Format Translation

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    Television Drama in Spain and Latin America addresses two major topics within current cultural, media, and television studies: the question of fictional genres and that of transnational circulation. While much research has been carried out on both TV formats and remakes in the English-speaking world, almost nothing has been published on the huge and dynamic Spanish-speaking sector. This book discusses and analyses series since 2000 from Spain (in both Spanish and Catalan), Mexico, Venezuela, and (to a lesser extent) the US, employing both empirical research on production and distribution and textual analysis of content. The three genres examined are horror, biographical series, and sports-themed dramas; the three examples of format remakes are of a period mystery (Spain, Mexico), a romantic comedy (Venezuela, US), and a historical epic (Catalonia, Spain). Paul Julian Smith is Distinguished Professor at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. He was previously Professor of Spanish at the University of Cambridge. He is the author of twenty books and one hundred academic articles

    Television Drama in Spain and Latin America

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    Television Drama in Spain and Latin America addresses two major topics within current cultural, media, and television studies: the question of fictional genres and that of transnational circulation. While much research has been carried out on both TV formats and remakes in the English-speaking world, almost nothing has been published on the huge and dynamic Spanish-speaking sector. This book discusses and analyses series since 2000 from Spain (in both Spanish and Catalan), Mexico, Venezuela, and (to a lesser extent) the US, employing both empirical research on production and distribution and textual analysis of content. The three genres examined are horror, biographical series, and sports-themed dramas; the three examples of format remakes are of a period mystery (Spain, Mexico), a romantic comedy (Venezuela, US), and a historical epic (Catalonia, Spain). Paul Julian Smith is Distinguished Professor at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. He was previously Professor of Spanish at the University of Cambridge. He is the author of twenty books and one hundred academic articles

    Export / Import: The Promotion of Contemporary Italian Art in the United States, 1935–1969

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    Export / Import examines the exportation of contemporary Italian art to the United States from 1935 to 1969 and how it refashioned Italian national identity in the process. I do not concentrate on the Italian art scene per se, or on the American reception of Italian shows. Through a transnational perspective, instead, I examine the role of art exhibitions, publications, and critical discourse aimed at American audiences. Inaugurated by the Fascist regime as a form of political propaganda, this form of cultural outreach to the United States continued after WWII as Italian museums, dealers, and critics aimed to vaunt the new republic’s political validity and cultural vitality in a process of national rehabilitation and economic modernization. My thesis is that, beyond the immediate aim of political propaganda and of creating a new foreign market for Italian art, these cultural manifestations had a more important function for their makers: they served as laboratories for Italians to construct their own modern identity. The United States, in fact, represented not only the world’s new dominant cultural and economic power, but also the paradigm of modernity. Bringing contemporary Italian art to the US in key moments when the relationship between the two countries was redefined, was a way to re-invent Italy’s self-image at home. Export / Import argues three major points that complicate standard narratives of Italian Fascist propaganda on the one hand and of American Cold War imperialism on the other. First, I challenge the idea of propaganda as a one-way action that affects only the receiving end by showing the transformative power that the making of propaganda has on the identity of its makers. Secondly, I question the idea of influence, ubiquitous in art historical discourse. What has been deterministically simplified as the phenomenon of Americanization of Italian culture and identity is studied here as a pro-active and non-linear process of identity construction on the part of the supposedly passive object of cultural imperialism. Finally, I address traveling exhibitions as a form of translation: both physical and cultural. Exported to a different country, artworks changed context and took on new meaning. Some of them entered American collections, others returned to Italy with new connotations attached to them. After an introduction, which examines futurist artist Fortunato Depero’s experience in New York (1929-1931) and his subsequent fixation with America, the discussion begins with the exhibitions of contemporary art organized by the Fascist Regime in the US (1935-1940). The second chapter investigates Twentieth-Century Italian Art held at MoMA in 1949 and other postwar shows that promoted a “New Italian Renaissance,” allegedly the fruit of both the Allied liberation of Italy and the defeat of Communism in the Italian political elections of 1948. Chapter three focuses on a third wave of shows that, during the “economic boom” of the late fifties, advertised a “New Italy,” optimistic and open to American culture. The final chapter analyzes the launch of Arte Povera on American soil as both a specifically Italian reaction against “Cocacolonization” and part of the international protests of the late sixties