12 research outputs found

    African vulture optimizer algorithm based vector control induction motor drive system

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    This study describes a new optimization approach for three-phase induction motor speed drive to minimize the integral square error for speed controller and improve the dynamic speed performance. The new proposed algorithm, African vulture optimizer algorithm (AVOA) optimizes internal controller parameters of a fuzzy like proportional differential (PD) speed controller. The AVOA is notable for its ease of implementation, minimal number of design parameters, high convergence speed, and low computing burden. This study compares fuzzy-like PD speed controllers optimized with AVOA to adaptive fuzzy logic speed regulators, fuzzy-like PD optimized with genetic algorithm (GA), and proportional integral (PI) speed regulators optimized with AVOA to provide speed control for an induction motor drive system. The drive system is simulated using MATLAB/Simulink and laboratory prototype is implemented using DSP-DS1104 board. The results demonstrate that the suggested fuzzy-like PD speed controller optimized with AVOA, with a speed steady state error performance of 0.5% compared to the adaptive fuzzy logic speed regulator’s 0.7%, is the optimum alternative for speed controller. The results clarify the effectiveness of the controllers based on fuzzy like PD speed controller optimized with AVOA for each performance index as it provides lower overshoot, lowers rising time, and high dynamic response

    State feedback control for a PM hub motor based on gray Wolf optimization algorithm

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    © 1986-2012 IEEE. This paper presents an optimal control strategy for a permanent-magnet synchronous hub motor (PMSHM) drive using the state feedback control method plus the gray wolf optimization (GWO) algorithm. First, the linearized PMSHM mathematical model is obtained by voltage feedforward compensation. Second, to acquire satisfactory dynamics of speed response and zero d-axis current, the discretized state-space model of the PMSHM is augmented with the integral of rotor speed error and integral of d-axis current error. Then, the GWO algorithm is employed to acquire the weighting matrices Q and R in linear quadratic regulator optimization process. Moreover, a penalty term is introduced to the fitness index to suppress overshoots effectively. Finally, comparisons among the GWO-based state feedback controller (SFC) with and without the penalty term, the conventional SFC, and the genetic algorithm enhanced proportional-integral controllers are conducted in both simulations and experiments. The comparison results show the superiority of the proposed SFC with the penalty term in fast response

    PI-STA cascade controller tuning for active power filter applications

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    [EN] Typically, the control scheme of the active power filter corresponds to a cascade controller, which consists of an outer loop for dc voltage regulation and an inner loop for the tracking of a reference current. Each control loop must be associated with controllers that allow a fast convergence to the established references. This paper presents a cascade controller for active power filter applications, employing a proportional-integral (PI) controller for the external loop, and the super-twisting algorithm (STA) for the internal loop, where the union of both controllers is called PI-STA cascade controller. On the one hand, a step response analysis for the estimation PI gains is carried out. On the other hand, the STA tuning takes place from considering the similarity between the structures of STA with a PI. In order to validate the methodology tuning consistency simulation and experimental results are presented.[ES] Típicamente el esquema de control de un filtro activo de potencia corresponde a un controlador en cascada, el cual consta de un lazo externo para la regulación del voltaje de cd y un lazo interno para el seguimiento de una corriente de referencia. Cada uno de estos lazos de control está asociado a un controlador que permite converger rápidamente a su respectiva referencia. Este trabajo emplea un controlador PI en el lazo externo y el algoritmo Super-Twisting (STA) en el lazo interno, los cuales conforman al controlador en cascada denotado como PI-STA. Este artículo presenta una metodología para sintonizar los controladores PI y STA, donde el primero se sintoniza a partir de la respuesta al escalón, mientras el STA se sintoniza a partir de considerar la similitud de su estructura con respecto a la de un PI, facilitando así la obtención de las ganancias del STA. Para validar la metodología de sintonización, se presentan resultados en simulación y experimentales.Se agradece al Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora (ITSON) por los fondos proporcionados a través de los programas PROFAPI y PFCE para la construcción del prototipo experimental.Terán, R.; Pérez, J.; Beristáin, J.; Cárdenas, V. (2020). Sintonización del controlador en cascada PI-STA para aplicaciones de filtros activos de potencia. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 17(2):130-143. https://doi.org/10.4995/riai.2020.12403OJS130143172Ammar, Abdelkarim, et al. "Closed Loop Torque SVM-DTC Based on Robust Super Twisting Speed Controller for Induction Motor Drive with Efficiency Optimization." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 42, no. 28, Pergamon, July 2017, pp. 17940-52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.04.034Asadi, M., Ebrahimirad, H., Mousavi, M. S., & Jalilian, A. (2016). Sliding mode control of dc-link capacitors voltages of a NPC 4-wire shunt active power filter with selective harmonic extraction method. In 7th Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference, PEDSTC 2016 (pp. 273-278). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. https://doi.org/10.1109/PEDSTC.2016.7556873Boubzizi, Said, et al. "Cascaded Adaptive Super Twisting Controller for DC/DC Converters in Electrical Vehicle Applications." IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, 2018, pp. 2007-14. https://doi.org/10.1109/IECON.2018.8591380Costa, Bruno Leandro Galvao, et al. "Tuning of a PI-MR Controller Based on Differential Evolution Metaheuristic Applied to the Current Control Loop of a Shunt-APF." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no. 6, June 2017, pp. 4751-61. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIE.2017.2674609Del Pizzo, Andrea, et al. "Super Twisting Sliding Mode Control of Smart-Inverters Grid-Connected for PV Applications." 2017 6th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA 2017, vol. 2017-Janua, IEEE, 2017, pp. 793-96. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICRERA.2017.8191168Enrique, Luis, et al. "Integral Nested Sliding Mode Control for Robotic Manipulators." IFAC Proceedings Volumes, vol. 41, no. 2, Elsevier, Jan. 2008, pp. 9899-904. https://doi.org/10.3182/20080706-5-KR-1001.01675Galan, Nestor Daniel, et al. "Application of PI and Super Twisting Drivers to Voltage Regulation of Wind Farm via StatCom." IEEE Latin America Transactions, vol. 13, no. 2, Feb. 2015, pp. 462-68. https://doi.org/10.1109/TLA.2015.7055565Gonzalez, O., et al. "Unity Power Factor Rectifier with Reactive and Harmonic Current Compensation." 2016 13th International Conference on Power Electronics (CIEP), IEEE, 2016, pp. 238-42. https://doi.org/10.1109/CIEP.2016.7530763Jayathilaka, Imanka, et al. "DQ Transform Based Current Controller for Single-Phase Grid Connected Inverter." 2018 2nd International Conference On Electrical Engineering (EECon), IEEE, 2018, pp. 32-37. https://doi.org/10.1109/EECon.2018.8541004Khalil, H. (2015). Nonlinear Control.Komurcugil, Hasan. "Improved Passivity-Based Control Method and Its Robustness Analysis for Single-Phase Uninterruptible Power Supply Inverters." IET Power Electronics, vol. 8, no. 8, 2015, pp. 1558-70. https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-pel.2014.0706Liserre, Marco, et al. "Multiple Harmonics Control for Three-Phase Grid Converter Systems with the Use of PI-RES Current Controller in a Rotating Frame." IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 21, no. 3, 2006, pp. 836-41. https://doi.org/10.1109/TPEL.2006.875566Mane, M., & Namboothiripad, M. K. (2016). Current harmonics reduction using sliding mode control based shunt active power filter. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control, ISCO 2016. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. https://doi.org/10.1109/ISCO.2016.7727005Mane, M., & Namboothiripad, M. K. (2017). PWM based sliding mode controller for shunt active power filter. In 2017 International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering (ICNTE) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICNTE.2017.7947964Mina, J. (2002). Stability Analysis for a Single Phase Active Shunt Power Filter. Retrieved December 15, 2019, from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331962956_Stability_Analysis_for_a_Single_Phase_Active_Shunt_Power_FilterOchoa Robles, Obed Enrique, et al. "Reactive Power Compensation in a Photovoltaic Grid Tie System, Using a Single-Phase Bidirectional High Frequency Link Converter." IEEE Latin America Transactions, vol. 14, no. 4, Apr. 2016, pp. 1816-21. https://doi.org/10.1109/TLA.2016.7483520Pérez Ramírez, Javier. Electrónica de Potencia: Modelado y Control de Convertidores Cd-Cd. 2016.Ramírez, Jorge, et al. "High Order Sliding Mode Control for Shunt Active Power Filter." 2015 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing, ROPEC 2015, IEEE, 2016, pp. 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1109/ROPEC.2015.7395111Sadeghi, R., Madani, S. M., Ataei, M., Agha Kashkooli, M. R., & Ademi, S. (2018). Super-twisting sliding mode direct power control of a brushless doubly fed induction generator. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 65(11), 9147-9156. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIE.2018.2818672Shtessel, Y., Edwards, C., Fridman, L., & Levant, A. (2014). Sliding Mode Control and Observation. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chaos.2007.09.095Shu, Zeliang, et al. "Specific Order Harmonics Compensation Algorithm and Digital Implementation for Multi-Level Active Power Filter." IET Power Electronics, vol. 10, no. 5, Apr. 2017, pp. 525-35. https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-pel.2016.0315Society, IEEE Power &. Energy. 1459-2010 IEEE Standard Definitions for the Measurement of Electric Power Quantities Under Sinusoidal, Nonsinusoidal, Balanced, or Unbalanced Conditions. 2010, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5439063.Teran, R. A. J., et al. "TUNING METHODOLOGY FOR PI CONTROLLERS IN ACTIVE POWER FILTERS." DYNA Energía y Sostenibilidad, vol. 8, no. 1, 2019, pp. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.6036/ES922


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    A current source control based PLL (phase lock loop) technique is one of the most efficient methods for modern 3? synchronized grid power systems. When an inverter circuit is driven by an electrostatic generator with wind power, it encounters some problems, such as static and dynamic turn-on-off switching losses, unbalanced source voltage, low continuous current, higher frequency harmonic distortion, phase angle imbalance, etc. To solve these problems, a series of connected switching inverter modules technique is proposed. It is not only a traditional inverter system, but it also works as a low-frequency ripple current inverter with lower switch losses. A new topology of phase synchronous inverter (PSI) is designed using a PLL current source controller. The input voltage source of the PSI is a high DC voltage from an electrostatic generator (ESG). The modified ESG is capable of generating the HVDC and a continuous moderate amount of current. The proposed switching topology of the inverter is able to control the microgrid power as well as reduce the dynamic and static switching loss. It also reduces the high-frequency harmonic distortion and improves the phase angle error. The output LCL lowpass filter scheme of the inverter is designed to reduce the total harmonic distortion of 1.62%. The PSI circuit is designed and simulated using MATLAB software. In the developed system, the input voltage of 8 k , microgrid frequency of 50Hz, switching frequency of the carrier of 10 kHz, and modulation index of 0.85 are considered to be implemented. The proposed novel microgrid connected PSI switching module design technique has significantly enhanced the power stability. The overall system efficiency improved by 95.52%. ABSTRAK: Sumber-arus terkawal berdasarkan teknik PLL (fasa litar kunci) adalah satu kaedah cekap bagi sistem moden tenaga grid selaras 3?. Apabila litar songsang (inverter) digerak menggunakan penjana elektrostatik bersama tenaga angin, ia mengalami masalah seperti kehilangan tenaga statik dan dinamik suis hidup-mati, sumber voltan yang tidak seimbang, kurang arus terus, gangguan harmoni frekuensi tinggi, ketidak-seimbangan sudut fasa, dan sebagainya. Bagi menyelesaikan masalah ini, teknik modul suis bersiri dihubung bersama inverter telah dicadangkan. Ini bukan semata-mata teknik lama sistem inverter, tetapi ia juga berfungsi sebagai arus tidak tetap frekuensi-rendah dengan kurang kehilangan tenaga pada suis inverter. Topologi baru fasa inverter tetap (PSI) ini telah direka menggunakan kawalan sumber arus PLL. Sumber voltan masuk PSI ini telah digunakan daripada voltan DC tinggi penjana elektrostatik (ESG). ESG yang diubah suai ini dapat menghasilkan HVDC dan arus terus yang sederhana. Topologi suis inverter yang dicadang ini dapat mengawal kuasa mikrogrid serta mengurangkan kehilangan dinamik dan statik suis. Ia juga mengurangkan gangguan harmoni frekuensi tinggi dan memperbaiki ketidak-seimbangan sudut fasa. Skim tapisan signal keluar yang rendah pada LCL inverter ini direka bagi mengurangkan total gangguan harmoni sebanyak 1.62%. Litar PSI ini direka dan disimulasi menggunakan perisian MATLAB. Dalam sistem yang dibangunkan ini, 8 kVDCvoltan masuk, 50Hz frekuensi mikrogrid, 10 kHz frekuensi suis angkutan dan 0.85 indeks modulasi telah dipertimbangkan untuk kegunaan. Teknik baru modul suis PSI mikrogrid bersambung yang dicadangkan ini mempunyai kepentingan dalam menstabilkan kuasa dan memperbaiki kecekapan sistem keseluruhan sebanyak 95.52%

    Inverter PQ Control With Trajectory Tracking Capability For Microgrids Based On Physics-informed Reinforcement Learning

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    The increasing penetration of inverter-based resources (IBRs) calls for an advanced active and reactive power (PQ) control strategy in microgrids. To enhance the controllability and flexibility of the IBRs, this paper proposed an adaptive PQ control method with trajectory tracking capability, combining model-based analysis, physics-informed reinforcement learning (RL), and power hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) experiments. First, model-based analysis proves that there exists an adaptive proportional-integral controller with time-varying gains that can ensure any exponential PQ output trajectory of IBRs. These gains consist of a constant factor and an exponentially decaying factor, which are then obtained using a model-free deep reinforcement learning approach known as the twin delayed deeper deterministic policy gradient. With the model-based derivation, the learning space of the RL agent is narrowed down from a function space to a real space, which reduces the training complexity significantly. Finally, the proposed method is verified through numerical simulation in MATLAB-Simulink and power HIL experiments in the CURENT center.With the physics-informed learning method, exponential response time constants can be freely assigned to IBRs, and they can follow any predefined trajectory without complicated gain tuning

    Aplicação de controladores fracionários em algoritmos de sincronismo com a rede elétrica

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    Cada vez mais existe a necessidade de uma transição energética para um modelo mais sustentável, resiliente e descarbonizado devido ao aumento dos preços dos combustíveis fósseis, às mudanças climáticas e à crescente preocupação ambiental. Essa transição implica a passagem de um sistema elétrico sustentado por combustíveis fósseis para um sistema elétrico baseado em energias renováveis. Por sua vez, para ser integrada na rede de distribuição, a energia elétrica descentralizada tem de cumprir determinadas normas e padrões. Estas normas ditam os princípios operacionais básicos, operação da rede de distribuição e resposta do sistema a condições anormais de funcionamento da rede elétrica. Recomendam ainda que a interligação dos recursos com a rede de distribuição deve ocorrer com um fator de potência unitário. Assim, para garantir o funcionamento destes recursos é necessário o uso de algoritmos de sincronização com a rede elétrica. Concretamente, é realizado um estudo comparativo que considera os modelos comummente usados na literatura (Notch-PLL e SOGI-PLL). Nesta dissertação, para mitigar algumas desvantagens associadas a estes algoritmos de sincronismo com a rede são usados controladores fracionários. Estes controladores consistem numa generalização dos controladores clássicos, sendo caraterizados por uma função transferência de ordem fracionária. De modo a determinar os valores dos ganhos de cada controlador, bem como as suas respetivas ordens fracionárias, foi considerado um problema de otimização. Portanto, para resolver este problema diferenciadamente foram selecionados quatro métodos meta-heurísticos: Differential Evolution, Grey Wolf Optimizer, Particle Swarm Optimization e Whale Optimization Algorithm. Para cada destes métodos os resultados obtidos para os ganhos dos controladores foram analisados em função da integral do erro absoluto (IAE). Já para realizar as aproximações das ordens fracionárias foi utilizada a técnica de aproximação Oustaloup. Para avaliar e comparar o desempenho dos controladores clássicos e fracionários nos algoritmos de sincronização com a rede elétrica, os algoritmos usados nesta dissertação foram submetidos a três casos de estudo em ambiente de simulação e ambiente real de operação.There is an increasing need for an energy transition to a more sustainable, resilient, and decarbonized model due to fossil prices, climate change and growing environmental concerns. This transition implies the transition from an electrical system sustained by fossil fuels to an electrical system based on renewable energies. In turn, to be integrated into the distribution grid, decentralized electrical energy must comply with certain norms and standards. These standards dictate the basic operating principles, operation of the distribution grid and the system's response to abnormal operating conditions of the electrical grid. They also recommend that the interconnection of resources with the distribution grid should occur with a unity power factor. Thus, to guarantee the functioning of these resources, it is necessary to use synchronization algorithms with the electrical grid. Specifically, a comparative study is carried out that considers the models commonly used in the literature (Notch-PLL and SOGI-PLL). In this dissertation, to mitigate some disadvantages associated with these network synchronization algorithms, fractional controllers are used. These controllers consist of a generalization of the classical controllers, being characterized by a fractional order transfer function. To determine the gains values of each controller, as well as their respective fractional orders, an optimization problem was considered. Therefore, to solve this problem differently, four metaheuristic methods were selected: Differential Evolution, Gray Wolf Optimizer, Particle Swarm Optimization and Whale Optimization Algorithm. For each of these methods, the results obtained for the controller gains were analysed as a function of the absolute error integral (IAE). To perform the approximations of the fractional orders, the Oustaloup approximation technique was used. To evaluate and compare the performance of classical and fractional controllers in the synchronization algorithms with the electrical grid, the algorithms used in this dissertation were submitted to three case studies in a simulation environment and a real operating environment

    An Improved Model Predictive Current Control for PMSM Drives Based on Current Track Circle

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    Model predictive current control (MPCC) is a high-performance control strategy for permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drives, with the features of quick response and simple computation. However, the conventional MPCC results in high torque and current ripples. This article proposes an improved MPCC scheme for PMSM drives. In the proposed scheme, the back electromotive force is estimated from the previous stator voltage and current, and it is used to predict the stator current for the next period. To further improve the steady state and dynamic performance, the proposed MPCC selects the optimal voltage vector based on a current track circle instead of a cost function. Compared with the calculation of cost function, the prediction of the current track circle is simple and quick. The proposed MPCC is compared with conventional MPCC and a duty-circle based MPCC by simulation and experiment in the aspect of converter output voltage and sensitivity analysis. Results prove the superiority of the proposed MPCC and its effectiveness in reducing the torque and current ripples of PMSM drives

    Industrial and Technological Applications of Power Electronics Systems

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    The Special Issue "Industrial and Technological Applications of Power Electronics Systems" focuses on: - new strategies of control for electric machines, including sensorless control and fault diagnosis; - existing and emerging industrial applications of GaN and SiC-based converters; - modern methods for electromagnetic compatibility. The book covers topics such as control systems, fault diagnosis, converters, inverters, and electromagnetic interference in power electronics systems. The Special Issue includes 19 scientific papers by industry experts and worldwide professors in the area of electrical engineering

    Optimum Distribution System Architectures for Efficient Operation of Hybrid AC/DC Power Systems Involving Energy Storage and Pulsed Loads

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    After more than a century of the ultimate dominance of AC in distribution systems, DC distribution is being re-considered. However, the advantages of AC systems cannot be omitted. This is mainly due to the cheap and efficient means of generation provided by the synchronous AC machines and voltage stepping up/down allowed by the AC transformers. As an intermediate solution, hybrid AC/DC distribution systems or microgrids are proposed. This hybridization of distribution systems, incorporation of heterogeneous mix of energy sources, and introducing Pulsed Power Loads (PPL) together add more complications and challenges to the design problem of distribution systems. In this dissertation, a comprehensive multi-objective optimization approach is presented to determine the optimal design of the AC/DC distribution system architecture. The mathematical formulation of a multi-objective optimal power flow problem based on the sequential power flow method and the Pareto concept is developed and discussed. The outcome of this approach is to answer the following questions: 1) the optimal size and location of energy storage (ES) in the AC/DC distribution system, 2) optimal location of the PPLs, 3) optimal point of common coupling (PCC) between the AC and DC sides of the network, and 4) optimal network connectivity. These parameters are to be optimized to design a distribution architecture that supplies the PPLs, while fulfilling the safe operation constraints and the related standard limitations. The optimization problem is NP-hard, mixed integer and combinatorial with nonlinear constraints. Four objectives are involved in the problem: minimizing the voltage deviation (ΔV), minimizing frequency deviation (Δf), minimizing the active power losses in the distribution system and minimizing the energy storage weight. The last objective is considered in the context of ship power systems, where the equipment’s weight and size are restricted. The utilization of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems (HESS) in PPL applications is investigated. The design, hardware implementation and performance evaluation of an advanced – low cost Modular Energy Storage regulator (MESR) to efficiently integrate ES to the DC bus are depicted. MESR provides a set of unique features: 1) It is capable of controlling each individual unit within a series/parallel array (i.e. each single unit can be treated, controlled and monitored separately from the others), 2) It is able to charge some units within an ES array while other units continue to serve the load, 3) Balance the SoC without the need for power electronic converters, and 4) It is able to electrically disconnect a unit and allow the operator to perform the required maintenance or replacement without affecting the performance of the whole array. A low speed flywheel Energy Storage System (FESS) is designed and implemented to be used as an energy reservoir in PPL applications. The system was based on a separately excited DC machine and a bi-directional Buck-Boost converter as the driver to control the charging/discharging of the flywheel. Stable control loops were designed to charge the FESS off the pulse and discharge on the pulse. All the developments in this dissertation were experimentally verified at the Smart Grid Testbed


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    Le problème de la pollution harmonique dans les réseaux de distribution électrique est en augmentation à cause du développement remarquable des semiconducteurs qui représentent des charges non linéaires. Il existe de nombreuses solutions anciennes, comme les filtres passifs, encore utilisés jusqu’à présent, mais ils présentent des inconvénients comme l’inadaptation lors d’un changement de charge par exemple, et l’apparition de résonance avec l’impédance du réseau. Par conséquent, les chercheurs se sont tournés vers les filtres actifs, et ils étaient effectivement efficaces pour éliminer les harmoniques dans le réseau, mais ils sont très coûteux dans les applications industrielles, alors les scientifiques ont recouru à nouveau à l’hybridation entre les deux types précédents "actif" et "passif" pour obtenir un troisième type, qu’ils ont appelé "filtre actif hybride". Dans cette modeste thèse, nous avons étudié le ’filtre actif’ et le ’filtre actif hybride’ en utilisant des techniques intelligentes telles que la logique floue afin de découvrir quels types de filtres sont les plus efficaces. L’étude est basée sur la simulation sous (Matlab/Simulink), et les résultats sont bons et confirment l’efficacité des modèles proposés