50 research outputs found

    UOW Research Report 1989- 1990

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    Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS'09)

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    The Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS) is held alternately in France and in Germany. The conference of February 26-28, 2009, held in Freiburg, is the 26th in this series. Previous meetings took place in Paris (1984), Saarbr¨ucken (1985), Orsay (1986), Passau (1987), Bordeaux (1988), Paderborn (1989), Rouen (1990), Hamburg (1991), Cachan (1992), W¨urzburg (1993), Caen (1994), M¨unchen (1995), Grenoble (1996), L¨ubeck (1997), Paris (1998), Trier (1999), Lille (2000), Dresden (2001), Antibes (2002), Berlin (2003), Montpellier (2004), Stuttgart (2005), Marseille (2006), Aachen (2007), and Bordeaux (2008). ..

    An Initial Framework Assessing the Safety of Complex Systems

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    Trabajo presentado en la Conference on Complex Systems, celebrada online del 7 al 11 de diciembre de 2020.Atmospheric blocking events, that is large-scale nearly stationary atmospheric pressure patterns, are often associated with extreme weather in the mid-latitudes, such as heat waves and cold spells which have significant consequences on ecosystems, human health and economy. The high impact of blocking events has motivated numerous studies. However, there is not yet a comprehensive theory explaining their onset, maintenance and decay and their numerical prediction remains a challenge. In recent years, a number of studies have successfully employed complex network descriptions of fluid transport to characterize dynamical patterns in geophysical flows. The aim of the current work is to investigate the potential of so called Lagrangian flow networks for the detection and perhaps forecasting of atmospheric blocking events. The network is constructed by associating nodes to regions of the atmosphere and establishing links based on the flux of material between these nodes during a given time interval. One can then use effective tools and metrics developed in the context of graph theory to explore the atmospheric flow properties. In particular, Ser-Giacomi et al. [1] showed how optimal paths in a Lagrangian flow network highlight distinctive circulation patterns associated with atmospheric blocking events. We extend these results by studying the behavior of selected network measures (such as degree, entropy and harmonic closeness centrality)at the onset of and during blocking situations, demonstrating their ability to trace the spatio-temporal characteristics of these events.This research was conducted as part of the CAFE (Climate Advanced Forecasting of sub-seasonal Extremes) Innovative Training Network which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 813844

    27th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms: ESA 2019, September 9-11, 2019, Munich/Garching, Germany

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum

    Highlights CNR 2009-2010

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    The 2009-2010 edition of CNR.it (the CNR Highlights) includes more than 200 scientific papers. Conceived and written in English to present to the international public the dynamic and multi-sided reality of the largest research organization in Italy, this review is a partial but significant collection of works carried out by CNR researchers and published on the main scientific journals. Articles have been selected on the basis of their impact factors among the 14.000 or so articles produced in the last two years, to present our best image to the world. The present one is only the second of the CNR Highlights, after a first one dedicated to the Italian public, but the series represent already a must for our researchers, to promote their works along best-practice lines followed in research organizations worldwide. In the present edition, with a more catchy new look, articles, images and scientific popularizations provide a broad outlook of the activities of CNR, reporting, side by side with research articles, about technology transfer and scientific support activities to national and local institutions. The 2009-2010 Highlights are divided into four sections, similarly to the previous edition. However, as the reader looks through the pages, the interdisciplinary nature of the works will not pass unnoticed, interdisciplinarity being the peculiar feature of CNR, an organization in which the different disciplines find a fertile breeding ground to communicate and share their different knowledge

    Activity Report in “Highlights 2009/2010”

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    The 2009-2010 edition of CNR.it (the CNR Highlights) includes more than 200 scientific papers. Conceived and written in English to present to the international public the dynamic and multi-sided reality of the largest research organization in Italy, this review is a partial but significant collection of works carried out by CNR researchers and published on the main scientific journals. In the present edition, with a more catchy new look, articles, images and scientific popularizations provide a broad outlook of the activities of CNR, reporting, side by side with research articles, about technology transfer and scientific support activities to national and local institutions. The 2009-2010 Highlights are divided into four sections, similarly to the previous edition. However, as the reader looks through the pages, the interdisciplinary nature of the works will not pass unnoticed, interdisciplinarity being the peculiar feature of CNR, an organization in which the different disciplines find a fertile breeding ground to communicate and share their different knowledge

    Proceedings of the 19th Sound and Music Computing Conference

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    Proceedings of the 19th Sound and Music Computing Conference - June 5-12, 2022 - Saint-Étienne (France). https://smc22.grame.f

    Graduate Catalog of Studies, 2017-2018

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