42 research outputs found

    Trzecia płeć mody

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    Autorka zwraca uwagę na rozwój androgynizmu, który we współczesnej kulturze odnalazł swoje miejsce szczególnie w świecie mody. Trend androgyniczny przeszedł długą drogę. Początkowo ograniczał się do zapożyczeń w ubiorze, w znaczącej przewadze dokonywanych przez kobiety, aż z czasem doszedł do tematu cielesności, podejmowanego w równym stopniu przez obie płcie. Niejednoznacznie określona tożsamość reprezentantów tej grupy daje ogromne możliwości interpretacyjne – zarówno dla twórców, jak i odbiorców.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Gender representations in the Polish public space – an attempt to capture the dynamics of the discourse

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    Before 2013, the term ‘gender’ as used to define male and female social roles had appeared relatively rarely in the public sphere. However, it had not been completely unknown. Whenever this term did occur in utterances of public figures, it was mostly in reference to equality policies (gender policy) and the idea of gender mainstreaming in EU projects. It was commonly associated with feminism and has in this form entered the social consciousness, including the minds of major public figures, especially those with highest state positions. The situation changed radically in 2013. The term ‘gender’ started to be connected with ‘gender ideology’, a term coined by people associated with the Catholic Church. This article presents the ways in which the issues related to the broadly meant gender are presented on the right and left sides of the political scene. This analysis is based on selected interviews and other utterances of famous politicians as well as the articles in popular weekly magazines published in 2011–2015. This paper covers both kinds of utterances – those in line with the rules of political correctness and the examples of hate speech. All examples are provided to highlight the mechanisms of discrimination hidden in the language of politics.Before 2013, the term ‘gender’ as used to define male and female social roles had appeared relatively rarely in the public sphere. However, it had not been completely unknown. Whenever this term did occur in utterances of public figures, it was mostly in reference to equality policies (gender policy) and the idea of gender mainstreaming in EU projects. It was commonly associated with feminism and has in this form entered the social consciousness, including the minds of major public figures, especially those with highest state positions. The situation changed radically in 2013. The term ‘gender’ started to be connected with ‘gender ideology’, a term coined by people associated with the Catholic Church. This article presents the ways in which the issues related to the broadly meant gender are presented on the right and left sides of the political scene. This analysis is based on selected interviews and other utterances of famous politicians as well as the articles in popular weekly magazines published in 2011–2015. This paper covers both kinds of utterances – those in line with the rules of political correctness and the examples of hate speech. All examples are provided to highlight the mechanisms of discrimination hidden in the language of politics

    Nowoczesna społecznica? : modele działalności społecznej kobiet w Polsce

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    Z problematyki opisu frazeologii publicystycznej

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    The article analyses the sources of phraseological units occurring in the media and in journalistic texts of contemporary Polish language. The first part of the article contains a few remarks on two types of new noun phrases, e.g. Europa dwu prędkości (two-/multi-speed Europe), mowa nienawiści (hate speech), dane wrażliwe (sensitive data). The second part indicates the main problems related to the linguistic description of phraseology in journalism: the phraseologism – term relation and the difficulties in identifying the sources of phraseological units (the type of loanword).The article analyses the sources of phraseological units occurring in the media and in journalistic texts of contemporary Polish language. The first part of the article contains a few remarks on two types of new noun phrases, e.g. Europa dwu prędkości (two-/multi-speed Europe), mowa nienawiści (hate speech), dane wrażliwe (sensitive data). The second part indicates the main problems related to the linguistic description of phraseology in journalism: the phraseologism – term relation and the difficulties in identifying the sources of phraseological units (the type of loanword)

    Reprezentacje gender w polskiej sferze publicznej – próba uchwycenia dynamiki dyskursu

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    Before 2013, the term ‘gender’ as used to define male and female social roles had appeared relatively rarely in the public sphere. However, it had not been completely unknown. Whenever this term did occur in utterances of public figures, it was mostly in reference to equality policies (gender policy) and the idea of gender mainstreaming in EU projects. It was commonly associated with feminism and has in this form entered the social consciousness, including the minds of major public figures, especially those with highest state positions. The situation changed radically in 2013. The term ‘gender’ started to be connected with ‘gender ideology’, a term coined by people associated with the Catholic Church. This article presents the ways in which the issues related to the broadly meant gender are presented on the right and left sides of the political scene. This analysis is based on selected interviews and other utterances of famous politicians as well as the articles in popular weekly magazines published in 2011–2015. This paper covers both kinds of utterances – those in line with the rules of political correctness and the examples of hate speech. All examples are provided to highlight the mechanisms of discrimination hidden in the language of politics.Before 2013, the term ‘gender’ as used to define male and female social roles had appeared relatively rarely in the public sphere. However, it had not been completely unknown. Whenever this term did occur in utterances of public figures, it was mostly in reference to equality policies (gender policy) and the idea of gender mainstreaming in EU projects. It was commonly associated with feminism and has in this form entered the social consciousness, including the minds of major public figures, especially those with highest state positions. The situation changed radically in 2013. The term ‘gender’ started to be connected with ‘gender ideology’, a term coined by people associated with the Catholic Church. This article presents the ways in which the issues related to the broadly meant gender are presented on the right and left sides of the political scene. This analysis is based on selected interviews and other utterances of famous politicians as well as the articles in popular weekly magazines published in 2011–2015. This paper covers both kinds of utterances – those in line with the rules of political correctness and the examples of hate speech. All examples are provided to highlight the mechanisms of discrimination hidden in the language of politics

    Duma i uprzedzenie. Znaczenie wyboru osoby transseksualnej na „przedstawiciela Narodu”

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    Pride and prejudice. The significance of election of a transsexual person as a “representative of Nation”Ms. Anna Grodzka’s election to the Polish Parliament in 2011 was a crucial event because for the first time in Europe a transsexual person became a Member of Parliament, and thus was to represent all Poles at the national level. This event resulted in mixed reactions and comments: from euphoria to trauma, from great pride to deep prejudice. It is instrumental in self identification of Poles, nevertheless two different Polish “nations” make use of it, presenting two different languages and two absolutely separate pictures of Polish identity. The first approach is associated with such notions as freedom, equity, minority rights, multiculturalism. The other is connected with such phrases as original values, genuine Poles, God, and the regular family. Therefore contemporary war of cultures, that is a general conflict over values and collective identity, came to focus on the fact that Anna Grodzka became an MP. The author of the article, relying on Allan McKee’s interpretative analysis of cultural texts, in this case press articles, aims at an analysis of the role of Ms. Grodzka’s election for identity shaping processes among Poles. Duma i uprzedzenie. Znaczenie wyboru osoby transseksualnej na „przedstawiciela Narodu”Wybór Anny Grodzkiej na posłankę był przełomowym wydarzeniem, ponieważ po raz pierwszy w Europie osoba transseksualna została przedstawicielką wszystkich rodaków. Wydarzenie to wywołało jednak różne reakcje: od euforii do traumy, od wielkiej dumy do głębokich uprzedzeń. Służy ono bowiem samookreślaniu się Polaków, ale w taki sposób, że korzystają z niego w procesie samoidentyfikacji co najmniej dwa polskie „narody”, posługujące się językami uosabiającymi dwie zupełnie inne wizje polskości. Naród tych, którzy boją się o Polskę, utożsamianą z wiarą katolicką, tradycyjną rodziną i podziałem ról płciowych, dla których norma jest jedna, a wartości prawdziwe albo nieprawdziwe. I naród tych, którzy Polskę swą widzą barwną, różnorodną, wielokulturową, otwartą i zmienną. Fakt wyboru Anny Grodzkiej do Sejmu stał się więc jedną z soczewek, w której ogniskuje się współczesna wojna kultur, która jest w istocie symboliczną walką o to, kim jesteśmy jako Polacy i w jakim społeczeństwie chcemy żyć. Stosując, proponowaną przez Allana McKee, interpretatywną analizę tekstów kulturowych, w tym przypadku artykułów prasowych, staram się przybliżyć znaczenie tego wydarzenia dla procesów tożsamościowych Polaków

    Przeciw konstrukcjonistom. Teoria queer i jej krytycy

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    The point of departure for the author is an observation that the queer theory in Polish humanities is either uncritically accepted or authoritatively rejected. None of these extremes perceives discussion which arose around the queer theory and the assumption which is at its basis of the social construction of sexuality in the West European and American studies. The article presented here attempts to show, sum up and put in order the accusations and doubts addressed to M. Foucault, J. Butler, and E.K. Sedgwick by researchers who are representatives of the essentialist standpoint (J. Boswell, R. Norton) or – on the grounds of queer theory – represent critical approach to its assumptions (D. Eribon, D. Halperin)

    Odczarować ZWDPF – zespół wrodzonej dezakceptacji płci fenotypowej

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    This article reflects on an in‑depth reading of a publication exploring the question of transsexualism and transsexuals in Poland, as well as the experiences resulting from the medical care of such individuals. The first part of the text is a supplement with essential information from the medical field, which to a large degree is uncovered in the book under review. The second part presents critical comments relating to the book’s contents both in terms of the information it contains (on a theoretical level) and equally in terms of its research (on an empirical level). In the conclusion, both the overall positive aspects of the publication as well as its weaker points are summed up in general terms