6,778 research outputs found

    Complete Issue 11, 1995

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    SLACID - Sparse Linear Algebra in a Column-Oriented In-Memory Database System

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    Scientific computations and analytical business applications are often based on linear algebra operations on large, sparse matrices. With the hardware shift of the primary storage from disc into memory it is now feasible to execute linear algebra queries directly in the database engine. This paper presents and compares different approaches of storing sparse matrices in an in-memory column-oriented database system. We show that a system layout derived from the compressed sparse row representation integrates well with a columnar database design and that the resulting architecture is moreover amenable to a wide range of non-numerical use cases when dictionary encoding is used. Dynamic matrix manipulation operations, like online insertion or deletion of elements, are not covered by most linear algebra frameworks. Therefore, we present a hybrid architecture that consists of a read-optimized main and a write-optimized delta structure and evaluate the performance for dynamic sparse matrix workloads by applying workflows of nuclear science and network graphs

    An everpresent reference of the XVIITH century intellectual production: Euclid’s elements

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    Euclid’s Elements, written in the third century BC., during the reign of Ptolemy I, is, second to the Bible, only in number of reprints. Those published in the XVIth and XVIIth centuries are, either philological examinations of the corpus, or the basis of philosophical commentaries, or mathematical treatises or even pedagogical handbooks. Among those very numerous reprints, I shall only quote from the version offered by Christopher Clavius, which, as far as we know, was referred to by all XVII th century specialists. This Euclidean reference fed equally all fields of intellectual production, whether philosophical, mathematical or pedagogical and the Elements was the common, cultural inspiration of mathematicians and natural philosophers from the end of the XVIth century to that of the XVIIth

    Bottleneck Potentials in {Markov Random Fields}

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    We consider general discrete Markov Random Fields(MRFs) with additional bottleneck potentials which penalize the maximum (instead of the sum) over local potential value taken by the MRF-assignment. Bottleneck potentials or analogous constructions have been considered in (i) combinatorial optimization (e.g. bottleneck shortest path problem, the minimum bottleneck spanning tree problem, bottleneck function minimization in greedoids), (ii) inverse problems with L∞L_{\infty}-norm regularization, and (iii) valued constraint satisfaction on the (min⁡,max⁡)(\min,\max)-pre-semirings. Bottleneck potentials for general discrete MRFs are a natural generalization of the above direction of modeling work to Maximum-A-Posteriori (MAP) inference in MRFs. To this end, we propose MRFs whose objective consists of two parts: terms that factorize according to (i) (min⁡,+)(\min,+), i.e. potentials as in plain MRFs, and (ii) (min⁡,max⁡)(\min,\max), i.e. bottleneck potentials. To solve the ensuing inference problem, we propose high-quality relaxations and efficient algorithms for solving them. We empirically show efficacy of our approach on large scale seismic horizon tracking problems

    Paper Abstracts (2019)

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    Factors that affect college students\u27 attitude toward mathematics

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    Many students have poor attitudes toward mathematics. This mixed methods study investigates factors that affect college students\u27 attitudes toward mathematics as well as what may be done to reverse or prevent poor student attitudes in the future. Ninety-nine college algebra students completed a retrospective quantitative survey in order to amass numerical data and guide interview choices. Twenty-three of the ninety-nine students were interviewed to gain in-depth knowledge of what factors affect their attitude as well as suggestions on improving these attitudes.;From this study, student attitudes are most affected by four external factors: the teacher, teaching style, classroom environment, and assessments and achievement. Additionally, one internal factor, individual perceptions and characteristics, also affect student attitudes. It is suggested that educators can affect the four external factors in order to influence the internal factor and, in turn, student attitudes

    The basic function of happiness and vivacity from Rumi's point of view

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    Happiness is one of the effective characteristics in human existence that the human soul and body have received many effects from this emotional aspect of human beings. Although psychologists' definitions of the causes and factors of happiness are different, but everyone agrees on one basis, and that is the essential need of the individual and society to strengthen the dimension of happiness and vitality in human beings, and that this feature can lead to prosperity and growth. Provide progress in the individual and society. This article confirms that the teachings of Jalaluddin Mohammad Rumi seek to provide a bed of happiness, with the difference that happiness is different from the view of Rumi as a religious mystic with the views of other greats. This research intends to study happiness and vitality on the basis of spiritual Masnavi. Access to Rumi's thoughts and ideas is important because his ideas can be considered as a great Muslim poet and mystic and a representative of Islamic mysticism and can be generalized to the thoughts of many of his followers. Our method in this paper is a library based on documentary study and content analysis. According to Rumi, sorrow is one of the means of conduct and the seeker can not be painless and sorrow, and sorrow that is not in the path of growth is unpleasant and sorrow that is in the direction of excellence is valuable and pleasant. Sadness and happiness cause human mental moderation. Wise sorrows should be welcomed and irrational joys should be avoided. Wise sorrows are the path to happiness, and as a result, the dynamism and mobility of the soul destroys many of the sorrows and daily joys and gives true clarity to the human soul
