24 research outputs found

    FPGA based remote code integrity verification of programs in distributed embedded systems

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    The explosive growth of networked embedded systems has made ubiquitous and pervasive computing a reality. However, there are still a number of new challenges to its widespread adoption that include scalability, availability, and, especially, security of software. Among the different challenges in software security, the problem of remote-code integrity verification is still waiting for efficient solutions. This paper proposes the use of reconfigurable computing to build a consistent architecture for generation of attestations (proofs) of code integrity for an executing program as well as to deliver them to the designated verification entity. Remote dynamic update of reconfigurable devices is also exploited to increase the complexity of mounting attacks in a real-word environment. The proposed solution perfectly fits embedded devices that are nowadays commonly equipped with reconfigurable hardware components that are exploited to solve different computational problems

    Злонамірено створене апаратне забезпечення

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    Дається огляд видів злонамірено створеного апаратного забезпечення (ЗСАЗ), їх прихованих каналів передачі інформації, можливостей реалізації ЗСАЗ в інтегральних схемах, включаючи програмовані логічні інтегральні схеми (ПЛІС), способів їх виявлення та перешкоджання їх впровадженню. Робиться висновок про те, що ПЛІС найбільш захищені від впровадження в них ЗСАЗ.Дается обзор видов злоумышленно созданного аппаратного обеспечения (ЗСАО), их скрытых каналов передачи информации, возможностей реализации ЗСАО в интегральных схемах, включая программированные логические интегральные схемы (ПЛИС), способов их выявления и препятствия их внедрению. Делается вывод о том, что ПЛИС наиболее защищены от внедрения в них ЗСАО.A survey of malicious hardware, its hidden channels, possibilities of its loading in the integral circuits including FPGA is considered. The methods for malicious hardware searching and preventing to its loading onto the device are highlighted as well. A conclusion is made that FPGA is the most safe device against malicious hardware loading

    Design and Validation for FPGA Trust under Hardware Trojan Attacks

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    Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are being increasingly used in a wide range of critical applications, including industrial, automotive, medical, and military systems. Since FPGA vendors are typically fabless, it is more economical to outsource device production to off-shore facilities. This introduces many opportunities for the insertion of malicious alterations of FPGA devices in the foundry, referred to as hardware Trojan attacks, that can cause logical and physical malfunctions during field operation. The vulnerability of these devices to hardware attacks raises serious security concerns regarding hardware and design assurance. In this paper, we present a taxonomy of FPGA-specific hardware Trojan attacks based on activation and payload characteristics along with Trojan models that can be inserted by an attacker. We also present an efficient Trojan detection method for FPGA based on a combined approach of logic-testing and side-channel analysis. Finally, we propose a novel design approach, referred to as Adapted Triple Modular Redundancy (ATMR), to reliably protect against Trojan circuits of varying forms in FPGA devices. We compare ATMR with the conventional TMR approach. The results demonstrate the advantages of ATMR over TMR with respect to power overhead, while maintaining the same or higher level of security and performances as TMR. Further improvement in overhead associated with ATMR is achieved by exploiting reconfiguration and time-sharing of resources

    Hardware Trojan detection using path delay fingerprint.

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    Abstract-Trusted IC design is a recently emerged topic since fabrication factories are moving worldwide in order to reduce cost. In order to get a low-cost but effective hardware Trojan detection method to complement traditional testing methods, a new behavior-oriented category method is proposed to divide Trojans into two categories: explicit payload Trojan and implicit payload Trojan. This categorization method makes it possible to construct Trojan models and then lower the cost of testing. Path delays of nominal chips are collected to construct a series of fingerprints, each one representing one aspect of the total characteristics of a genuine design. Chips are validated by comparing their delay parameters to the fingerprints. The comparison of path delays makes small Trojan circuits significant from a delay point of view. The experiment's results show that the detection rate on explicit payload Trojans is 100%, while this method should be developed further if used to detect implicit payload Trojans

    Double DIP: Re-Evaluating Security of Logic Encryption Algorithms

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    Logic encryption is a hardware security technique that uses extra key inputs to lock a given combinational circuit. A recent study by Subramanyan et al. shows that all existing logic encryption techniques can be successfully attacked. As a countermeasure, SARLock was proposed to enhance the security of existing logic encryptions. In this paper, we re- evaluate the security of these approaches. A SAT-based at- tack called Double DIP is proposed and shown to success- fully defeat SARLock-enhanced encryptions

    Improving Security of SDDL Designs through Interleaved Placement on Xilinx FPGAs

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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) enter a rapid growth era due to their attractive flexibility and CMOS-compatible fabrication process. However, the increasing popularity and usage of FPGAs bring in some security concerns, such as intellectual property privacy, malicious stealthy design modification, and leak of confidential information. To address the security threats on FPGA systems, majority of existing efforts focus on counteracting the reverse engineering attacks on the downloaded FPGA configuration file or the retrieval of authentication code or crypto key stored on the FPGA memory. In this thesis, we extensively investigate new potential attacks originated from the untrusted computer-aided design (CAD) suite for FPGAs. We further propose a series of countermeasures to thwart those attacks. For the scenario of using FPGAs to replace obsolete aging components in legacy systems, we propose a Runtime Pin Grounding (RPG) scheme to ground the unused pins and check the pin status at every clock cycle, and exploit the principle of moving target defense (MTD) to develop a hardware MTD (HMTD) method against hardware Trojan attacks. Our method reduces the hardware Trojan bypass rate by up to 61% over existing solutions at the cost of 0.1% more FPGA utilization. For general FPGA applications, we extend HMTD to a FPGA-oriented MTD (FOMTD) method, which aims for thwarting FPGA tools induced design tampering. Our FOMTD is composed of three defense lines on user constraints file, random design replica selection, and runtime submodule assembling. Theoretical analyses and FPGA emulation results show that proposed FOMTD is capable to tackle three levels’ attacks from malicious FPGA design software suite