122 research outputs found


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    The reliability and security vulnerability of modern electronic systems have emerged as concerns due to the increasing natural and intentional interferences. Radiation of high-energy charged particles generated from space environment or packaging materials on the substrate of integrated circuits results in natural faults. As the technology scales down, factors such as critical charge, voltage supply, and frequency change tremendously that increase the sensitivity of integrated circuits to natural faults even for systems operating at sea level. An attacker is able to simulate the impact of natural faults and compromise the circuit or cause denial of service. Therefore, instead of utilizing different approaches to counteract the effect of natural and intentional faults, a unified countermeasure is introduced. The unified countermeasure thwarts the impact of both reliability and security threats without paying the price of more area overhead, power consumption, and required time. This thesis first proposes a systematic analysis method to assess the probability of natural faults propagating the circuit and eventually being latched. The second part of this work focuses on the methods to thwart the impact of intentional faults in cryptosystems. We exploit a power-based side-channel analysis method to analyze the effect of the existing fault detection methods for natural faults on fault attack. Countermeasures for different security threats on cryptosystems are investigated separately. Furthermore, a new micro-architecture is proposed to thwart the combination of fault attacks and side-channel attacks, reducing the fault bypass rate and slowing down the key retrieval speed. The third contribution of this thesis is a unified countermeasure to thwart the impact of both natural faults and attacks. The unified countermeasure utilizes dynamically alternated multiple generator polynomials for the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) codec to resist the reverse engineering attack


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    In this thesis, we focus on Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs), which are expected as one of the most promising cryptographic primitives for secure chip authentication. Generally, PUFbased authentication is achieved by two approaches: (A) using a PUF itself, which has multiple challenge (input) and response (output) pairs, or (B) using a cryptographic function, the secret key of which is generated from a PUF with a single challenge-response pair (CRP). We contribute to:(1) evaluate the security of Approach (A), and (2) improve the security of Approach (B). (1) Arbiter-based PUFs were the most feasible type of PUFs, which was used to construct Approach (A). However, Arbiter-based PUFs have a vulnerability; if an attacker knows some CRPs, she/he can predict the remaining unknown CRPs with high probability. Bistable Ring PUF (BR-PUF) was proposed as an alternative, but has not been evaluated by third parties. In this thesis, in order to construct Approach (A) securely, we evaluate the difficulty of predicting responses of a BR-PUF experimentally. As a result, the same responses are frequently generated for two challenges with small Hamming distance. Also, particular bits of challenges have a great impact on the responses. In conclusion, BR-PUFs are not suitable for achieving Approach (A)securely. In future work, we should discuss an alternative PUF suitable for secure Approach (A).(2) In order to achieve Approach (B) securely, a secret key ? generated from a PUF response?should have high entropy. We propose a novel method of extracting high entropy from PUF responses. The core idea is to effectively utilize the information on the proportion of ‘1’s including in repeatedly-measured PUF responses. We evaluate its effectiveness by fabricated test chips. As a result, the extracted entropy is about 1.72 times as large as that without the proposed method.Finally, we organize newly gained knowledge in this thesis, and discuss a new application of PUF-based technologies.電気通信大学201

    Lightweight Protocols and Applications for Memory-Based Intrinsic Physically Unclonable Functions on Commercial Off-The-Shelve Devices

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    We are currently living in the era in which through the ever-increasing dissemination of inter-connected embedded devices, the Internet-of-Things manifests. Although such end-point devices are commonly labeled as ``smart gadgets'' and hence they suggest to implement some sort of intelligence, from a cyber-security point of view, more then often the opposite holds. The market force in the branch of commercial embedded devices leads to minimizing production costs and time-to-market. This widespread trend has a direct, disastrous impact on the security properties of such devices. The majority of currently used devices or those that will be produced in the future do not implement any or insufficient security mechanisms. Foremost the lack of secure hardware components often mitigates the application of secure protocols and applications. This work is dedicated to a fundamental solution statement, which allows to retroactively secure commercial off-the-shelf devices, which otherwise are exposed to various attacks due to the lack of secure hardware components. In particular, we leverage the concept of Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs), to create hardware-based security anchors in standard hardware components. For this purpose, we exploit manufacturing variations in Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) and Dynamic Random-Access Memory modules to extract intrinsic memory-based PUF instances and building on that, to develop secure and lightweight protocols and applications. For this purpose, we empirically evaluate selected and representative device types towards their PUF characteristics. In a further step, we use those device types, which qualify due to the existence of desired PUF instances for subsequent development of security applications and protocols. Subsequently, we present various software-based security solutions which are specially tailored towards to the characteristic properties of embedded devices. More precisely, the proposed solutions comprise a secure boot architecture as well as an approach to protect the integrity of the firmware by binding it to the underlying hardware. Furthermore, we present a lightweight authentication protocol which leverages a novel DRAM-based PUF type. Finally, we propose a protocol, which allows to securely verify the software state of remote embedded devices

    Envisioning the Future of Cyber Security in Post-Quantum Era: A Survey on PQ Standardization, Applications, Challenges and Opportunities

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    The rise of quantum computers exposes vulnerabilities in current public key cryptographic protocols, necessitating the development of secure post-quantum (PQ) schemes. Hence, we conduct a comprehensive study on various PQ approaches, covering the constructional design, structural vulnerabilities, and offer security assessments, implementation evaluations, and a particular focus on side-channel attacks. We analyze global standardization processes, evaluate their metrics in relation to real-world applications, and primarily focus on standardized PQ schemes, selected additional signature competition candidates, and PQ-secure cutting-edge schemes beyond standardization. Finally, we present visions and potential future directions for a seamless transition to the PQ era

    Integration of Hardware Security Modules and Permissioned Blockchain in Industrial IoT Networks

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    Hardware Security Modules (HSM) serve as a hardware based root of trust that offers physical protection while adding a new security layer in the system architecture. When combined with decentralized access technologies as Blockchain, HSM offers robustness and complete reliability enabling secured end-toend mechanisms for authenticity, authorization and integrity. This work proposes an ef cient integration of HSM and Blockchain technologies focusing on, mainly, public-key cryptography algorithms and standards, that result crucial in order to achieve a successful combination of the mentioned technologies to improve the overall security in Industrial IoT systems. To prove the suitability of the proposal and the interaction of an IoT node and a Blockchain network using HSM a proof of concept is developed. Results of time performance analysis of the prototype reveal how promising the combination of HSMs in Blockchain environments is.Infineon Technologies AGEuropean Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program through the Cyber Security 4.0: Protecting the Industrial Internet of Things (C4IIoT) 833828FEDER/Junta de Andalucia-Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades B-TIC-588-UGR2