3,545 research outputs found

    A cloud adoption framework for South African SMEs

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    Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have been touted as key enablers to the economic development of most countries. Despite growing evidence that most SMEs fail within their initial years, ICTs have been found to add substantial value in facilitating their success. However, in most developing countries, ICT adoption by SMEs has been plagued with a plethora of challenges ranging from poor electricity supply, high ICT costs, lack of ICT expertise to lack of government support. While this might seem problematic for SMEs, the adoption and the use of cloud services mitigates some of these challenges. The problem, however, is that a limited amount of literature has provided guidance with regard to how the cloud adoption process should be carried out by SMEs. The objective of this research, was therefore, to address this by developing a framework that can be used by SMEs to guide them through the cloud adoption process. To this end, thirteen (13) semi-structured interviews were conducted across nine (9) SMEs in the Eastern Cape. The resultant interview transcripts were analysed using an established thematic approach; the result of which allowed for the development of a rich interpretive narrative about SME cloud adoption. Combined with theory from extant literature, this culminated in the development of a framework for cloud services adoption for SMEs in the Eastern Cape

    DevOps Adoption: Challenges & Barriers

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    As a modern software engineering paradigm, DevOps has recently gained increasing acceptance in the industry as a set of practices and cultural values to address daily dynamic software demands. While the rising trend of DevOps and its characteristics and challenges have often been characterized by practitioner communities and academic research circles, there is still a lack of a thorough understanding of how to tackle DevOps adoptions. This paper aims to help fill this gap by identifying, discussing, and summarizing current academic and practitioner DevOps adoption & implementation research. Our findings provide a basis for theoretical, empirical, or design-oriented research for IS scholars, that has the potential to be of practical importance. Our goal is to improve understanding of DevOps adoption by uncovering ambiguities in terms, conceptual conflations, and ideas underlying different uses of the concept as well as providing methods to deal with common challenges in the adoption process

    Data Usage in Talent Management – Challenges for SMEs in the Field of Skilled Crafts

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    The main purpose of this study is to analyze the main challenges and opportunities in the context of the use of innovative technologies in the management of talent in small and medium-sized craft enterprises. The systematization of literary sources and approaches has shown that the complexities of talent management processes in the personnel management system are related to the consequences of socio-economic, demographic and climatic changes in society, the activation of globalization processes, and the rapid development of information technologies

    Effect Of Technology, Organization, And External Environment On Business Performance Mediated By The Adoption Of Technology 4.0 In SMEs

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    Background – SMEs are very important for a country's economic growth and are recognized as one of the main contributors to economic development, which results in job growth. However, Manding SMEs in Bantul Regency find it difficult to survive in the current economic environment, especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic. This study analyzes the issue of deteriorating performance due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Bantul. Aim – This study aims to re-analyze the relationship between Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) and SME business performance. Design / methodology / approach – This research is a census study with the number of respondents as many as 30 UKM Leather Manding in Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The method of data collection is done by distributing questionnaires. The analytical tool used in this research is Partial Least Square (PLS). Results and Discussion - This study has found a positive and significant relationship with each hypothesis. The results of hypothesis 1 in this study found that technology factors were positively and significantly related to SME business performance. hypothesis 2 has the greatest value compared to the variables of technological factors and external environmental factors. hypothesis 3 has a relatively small original sample value compared to technological factors and organizational. hypothesis 4 in this study indicate that the direction of the relationship is positive and significant. hypothesis 5 found that organizational factors affect SME business performance mediated by the adoption of technology 4.0. Conclusion - The results of the research that have been carried out show that the Leather Manding SME in Bantul has SME business performance which is influenced by the adoption of technology 4.0. On the other hand, the adoption of technology 4.0 itself is influenced by technological factors, organizational factors, and external environmental factors. Research implication – Provide direction for SME Kulit Manding in Bantul to strengthen and sustain organizational growth by enhancing and collaborating on SME's distinct image, goals, strategies, and core values as well as facilitating consistent relationships within and outside of ICT interactions in order to compete and excel in the leather craft industry. Limitations – Based on the findings of this study, this study has several limitations, the sample in this study was limited to certain areas, namely Manding, Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Although this study establishes a cognitive model of the TOE and SMEs business performance consistent with the theoretical basis used, however, based on theoretical aspects, the study of technology adoption 4.0 in SMEs still provides development opportunities to test the cognitive model TOE and SMEs business performance

    Understanding the Role of Information Technology for Sustainable Development in Small Businesses and Micro-Enterprises

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    Small businesses, including micro-enterprises, represent the majority of all firms in the world. This study investigates how Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) can impact the performance of small businesses, including micro-enterprises. This research introduces an updated Information Technology for Development (IT4D) framework to investigate the key factors that influence the adoption of technology in small businesses. Through structural equation modeling (SEM) and factor analysis of 118 microenterprises in China, facilitating conditions, attitude toward using technology, and anxiety is positively related to the behavior intention to use IT. Also, the usage of ICTs and human capital have a positive effect towards the development of small businesses. In order to understand why, in-depth case analysis of China and the United States based microenterprises was carried out using a qualitative research strategy. Case study data was gathered from 11 Chinese, Native American, African American, and Caucasian owned micro-enterprises and small businesses in the United States and China. In order to find out how the growth of those micro-enterprises varies, a comparative analysis was carried out. The results suggest that the characteristics of ICTs, the access to ICTs, and personal inequalities impact the process of economic development and empowerment of the small businesses. Contributions of the dissertation are as follows: the theoretical contribution of this dissertation is an updated framework for IT4D. The practical contribution is in the interventions that providing IT training opportunities are critical for the growth of small businesses. Finally, this research identifies gaps in the IT4D in small businesses and proposes a framework to guide future research

    Successful Operational Cyber Security Strategies for Small Businesses

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    Cybercriminals threaten strategic and efficient use of the Internet within the business environment. Each year, cybercrimes in the United States cost business leaders approximately 6billion,andglobally,6 billion, and globally, 445 billion. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the operational strategies chief information security officers of high-technology companies used to protect their businesses from cyberattacks. Organizational learning theory was the conceptual framework for the study. The population of the study was 3 high-technology business owners operating in Florida who have Internet expertise and successfully protected their businesses from cyberattacks. Member checking and methodological triangulation were used to valid the data gathered through semistructured interviews, a review of company websites, and social media pages. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis, which supported the identification of 4 themes: effective leadership, cybersecurity awareness, reliance on third-party vendors, and cybersecurity training. The implications of this study for positive social change include a safe and secure environment for conducting electronic transactions, which may result in increased business and consumer confidence strengthened by the protection of personal and confidential information. The creation and sustainability of a safe Internet environment may lead to increased usage and trust in online business activities, leading to greater online business through consumer confidence and communication

    DevOps adoption : challenges & barriers

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    As a modern software engineering paradigm, DevOps has recently gained increasing acceptance in the industry as a set of practices and cultural values to address daily dynamic software demands. While the rising trend of DevOps and its characteristics and challenges have often been characterized by practitioner communities and academic research circles, there is still a lack of a thorough understanding of how to tackle DevOps adoptions. This paper aims to help fill this gap by identifying, discussing, and summarizing current academic and practitioner DevOps adoption & implementation research. Our findings provide a basis for theoretical, empirical, or design-oriented research for IS scholars, that has the potential to be of practical importance. Our goal is to improve understanding of DevOps adoption by uncovering ambiguities in terms, conceptual conflations, and ideas underlying different uses of the concept as well as providing methods to deal with common challenges in the adoption process

    A framework for cloud computing adoption in small and medium-sized enterprises : a case of the Accra - Tema metropolis in Ghana

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    Cloud computing adoption and usage is important to achieving business competition. This is done by making it a competitive tool for firms. The adoption of cloud computing enables firms to achieve greater business competency, improve performance, and allows them to maintain their competitive advantage. Since its emergence, there has been a surge in the adoption of cloud computing with research into its adoption primarily concentrated on bigger firms. However, a major characteristic of cloud computing is the anticipated possibilities it holds for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). SMEs typically operate differently from larger firms and are not limited by resource constraints. For SMEs, the reduction in the financial burden normally associated with the adoption of new technologies is a significant benefit of cloud computing due to their financial constraints. In Ghana, SMEs mostly use obsolete technologies and have a slow response towards new technologies. Thus, they are unable to harness the numerous opportunities technology presents to them to stay competitive. Cloud computing is still regarded as a new technology in the business world, therefore research that focuses on its adoption by SMEs to help them stay competitive is minimal. Available research on cloud computing in Ghana does not provide clear guidelines for ensuring a successful adoption process and the continued use of cloud computing services. This study seeks to investigate how a framework can assist SMEs in their use of cloud computing in the Accra-Tema metropolis of Ghana. A knowledge of the factors associated with adoption decisions and those that significantly influence the decision are required to ensure a successful adoption process. The empirical data was gathered using a questionnaire and face-to-face interviews developed from literature and administered to users and potential users of cloud computing. The questionnaire and interviews primarily investigate key adoption factors and the findings are reported in this research study. The findings reveal interesting insights into understanding issues that affect the overall decision to adopt and use cloud computing services by SMEs. The findings show that the adoption of cloud computing can improve information management practices within SMEs. The findings also reveal that several factors need to be considered in the overall decision to adopt and use cloud computing to ensure a successful adoption process. An initial cloud computing adoption model was proposed based on the empirical findings. Key adoption factors of the initial adoption model include adoption benefits and drivers, concerns and barriers, adoption interventions, and information management in the cloud. computing adoption framework. The proposed adoption framework aims to assist SMEs to adopt and use cloud computing services and make them relevant in the global market