48 research outputs found

    Truly modular (co)datatypes for Isabelle/HOL

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    We extended Isabelle/HOL with a pair of definitional commands for datatypes and codatatypes. They support mutual and nested (co)recursion through well-behaved type constructors, including mixed recursion–corecursion, and are complemented by syntaxes for introducing primitive (co)recursive functions and by a general proof method for reasoning coinductively. As a case study, we ported Isabelle’s Coinductive library to use the new commands, eliminating the need for tedious ad hoc constructions

    Truly modular (co)datatypes for Isabelle/HOL

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    We extended Isabelle/HOL with a pair of definitional commands for datatypes and codatatypes. They support mutual and nested (co)recursion through well-behaved type constructors, including mixed recursion–corecursion, and are complemented by syntaxes for introducing primitive (co)recursive functions and by a general proof method for reasoning coinductively. As a case study, we ported Isabelle’s Coinductive library to use the new commands, eliminating the need for tedious ad hoc constructions

    Proofs about Network Communication: For Humans and Machines

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    Many concurrent and distributed systems are safety-critical and therefore have to provide a high degree of assurance. Important properties of such systems are frequently proved on the specification level, but implementations typically deviate from specifications for practical reasons. Machine-checked proofs of bisimilarity statements are often useful for guaranteeing that properties of specifications carry over to implementations. In this paper, we present a way of conducting such proofs with a focus on network communication. The proofs resulting from our approach are not just machine-checked but also intelligible for humans.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2023, arXiv:2308.0892

    Translating Scala Programs to Isabelle/HOL, Automated Reasoning

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    We present a trustworthy connection between the Leon verification system and the Isabelle proof assistant. Leon is a system for verifying functional Scala programs. It uses a variety of automated theorem provers (ATPs) to check verification conditions (VCs) stemming from the input program. Isabelle, on the other hand, is an interactive theorem prover used to verify mathematical specifications using its own input language Isabelle/Isar. Users specify (inductive) definitions and write proofs about them manually, albeit with the help of semi-automated tactics. The integration of these two systems allows us to exploit Isabelle’s rich standard library and give greater confidence guarantees in the correctness of analysed programs

    Foundational (co)datatypes and (co)recursion for higher-order logic

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    We describe a line of work that started in 2011 towards enriching Isabelle/HOL's language with coinductive datatypes, which allow infinite values, and with a more expressive notion of inductive datatype than previously supported by any system based on higher-order logic. These (co)datatypes are complemented by definitional principles for (co)recursive functions and reasoning principles for (co)induction. In contrast with other systems offering codatatypes, no additional axioms or logic extensions are necessary with our approach

    Authenticated Data Structures as Functors in Isabelle/HOL

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    Merkle trees are ubiquitous in blockchains and other distributed ledger technologies (DLTs). They guarantee that the involved systems are referring to the same binary tree, even if each of them knows only the cryptographic hash of the root. Inclusion proofs allow knowledgeable systems to share subtrees with other systems and the latter can verify the subtrees\u27 authenticity. Often, blockchains and DLTs use data structures more complicated than binary trees; authenticated data structures generalize Merkle trees to such structures. We show how to formally define and reason about authenticated data structures, their inclusion proofs, and operations thereon as datatypes in Isabelle/HOL. The construction lives in the symbolic model, i.e., we assume that no hash collisions occur. Our approach is modular and allows us to construct complicated trees from reusable building blocks, which we call Merkle functors. Merkle functors include sums, products, and function spaces and are closed under composition and least fixpoints. As a practical application, we model the hierarchical transactions of Canton, a practical interoperability protocol for distributed ledgers, as authenticated data structures. This is a first step towards formalizing the Canton protocol and verifying its integrity and security guarantees

    Modal Logics for Nominal Transition Systems

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    We define a uniform semantic substrate for a wide variety of process calculi where states and action labels can be from arbitrary nominal sets. A Hennessy-Milner logic for these systems is introduced, and proved adequate for bisimulation equivalence. A main novelty is the use of finitely supported infinite conjunctions. We show how to treat different bisimulation variants such as early, late and open in a systematic way, and make substantial comparisons with related work. The main definitions and theorems have been formalized in Nominal Isabelle

    Foundational Extensible Corecursion

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    This paper presents a formalized framework for defining corecursive functions safely in a total setting, based on corecursion up-to and relational parametricity. The end product is a general corecursor that allows corecursive (and even recursive) calls under well-behaved operations, including constructors. Corecursive functions that are well behaved can be registered as such, thereby increasing the corecursor's expressiveness. The metatheory is formalized in the Isabelle proof assistant and forms the core of a prototype tool. The corecursor is derived from first principles, without requiring new axioms or extensions of the logic

    Deriving Proved Equality Tests in Coq-Elpi: Stronger Induction Principles for Containers in Coq

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    We describe a procedure to derive equality tests and their correctness proofs from inductive type declarations in Coq. Programs and proofs are derived compositionally, reusing code and proofs derived previously. The key steps are two. First, we design appropriate induction principles for data types defined using parametric containers. Second, we develop a technique to work around the modularity limitations imposed by the purely syntactic termination check Coq performs on recursive proofs. The unary parametricity translation of inductive data types turns out to be the key to both steps. Last but not least, we provide an implementation of the procedure for the Coq proof assistant based on the Elpi [Dunchev et al., 2015] extension language

    A formalized general theory of syntax with bindings

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    We present the formalization of a theory of syntax with bindings that has been developed and refined over the last decade to support several large formalization efforts. Terms are defined for an arbitrary number of constructors of varying numbers of inputs, quotiented to alpha-equivalence and sorted according to a binding signature. The theory includes a rich collection of properties of the standard operators on terms, such as substitution and freshness. It also includes induction and recursion principles and support for semantic interpretation, all tailored for smooth interaction with the bindings and the standard operators