316,552 research outputs found

    On the distribution of some Euler-Mahonian statistics

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    We give a direct combinatorial proof of the equidistribution of two pairs of permutation statistics, (des, aid) and (lec, inv), which have been previously shown to have the same joint distribution as (exc, maj), the major index and the number of excedances of a permutation. Moreover, the triple (pix, lec, inv) was shown to have the same distribution as (fix, exc, maj), where fix is the number of fixed points of a permutation. We define a new statistic aix so that our bijection maps (pix, lec, inv) to (aix, des, aid). We also find an Eulerian partner das for a Mahonian statistic mix defined using mesh patterns, so that (das, mix) is equidistributed with (des, inv).Comment: 9 page

    On the Security of 2-Key Triple DES

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    This paper reconsiders the security offered by 2-key triple DES, an encryption technique that remains widely used despite recently being de-standardised by NIST. A generalisation of the 1990 van Oorschot-Wiener attack is described, constituting the first advance in cryptanalysis of 2-key triple DES since 1990. We give further attack enhancements that together imply that the widely used estimate that 2-key triple DES provides 80 bits of security can no longer be regarded as conservative; the widely stated assertion that the scheme is secure as long as the key is changed regularly is also challenged. The main conclusion is that, whilst not completely broken, the margin of safety for 2-key triple DES is slim, and efforts to replace it, at least with its 3-key variant, should be pursued with some urgency.Comment: Typos in v1 fixe

    Propuesta de inclusión del criptosistema triple des 96en ssl/tls record protocol

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    TESIS DE INVESTIGACIÓN CIENTIFICA EL PRESENTE TRABAJO DE INVESTIGACIÓN SE CENTRA EN EL SSL/TLS RECORD PROTOCOL DONDE SE CONSTRUYE LA INCLUSIÓN DE TRIPLE DES 96 EN LA MENCIONADA SUITE DE CIFRADODebido a la seguridad requerida al momento de intercambiar información delicada a través de internet, es necesario el uso de algoritmos y protocolos criptográficos complejos como es el caso de Secure Sockets Layer y Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS), el funcionamiento de éste está dividido en cuatro sub protocolos; Handshake Protocol, Change Cipher Spec Protocol, Alert Protocol y Record Protocol. El presente trabajo de investigación se centra en el SSL/TLS Record Protocol, donde se construye la inclusión del algoritmo Triple DES-96 en la suite de cifrado de SSL/TLS. Con este objetivo, se desarrollan en lenguaje de programación Java los algoritmos Triple DES y Triple DES-96, se realizan pruebas de cifrado y descifrado sobre 1000 archivos de diferentes tipos y tamaños, se mide el tiempo de cada algoritmo en cifrar y descifrar la información, se registran todos los resultados experimentales obtenidos y por último se comparan los resultados. Al descubrir que los resultados son favorables, en disminución de tiempo y mayor robustez en el cifrado, se plantea la inclusión del algoritmo Triple DES-96 en la suite de cifrado SSL/TLS Record Protocol.CONACY

    Java Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Some Cryptographic Ciphers under WinXP and Linux Operating System Platforms

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    In this article we present a performance comparison of four symmetric block ciphers namely DES, Triple-DES, AES, and Blowfish. Performance evaluation based on CPU execution time is conducted under WinXP and Ubuntu /Linux version 8.10 operating system platforms. The study is conducted using Java programming language, Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) and Java Cryptography Extension (JCE). The evaluation of the performance of these algorithms is done for encryption, decryption and key generation operations. Keywords: DES, Triple-DES, AES, Blowfish, Performance Evaluation, Cryptography, JCA & JCE, Operating Systems


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    El número 18 de la revista Quaderns de Filologia. Estudis literaris dedica el monogràfic a la investigació, l’anàlisi i la reflexió sobre el relat des d’una triple perspectiva: des de la literatura, des de la lectura i des de l’escriptura. Aquest triple vessant de la narració conflueix de manera habitual en un context particular: el de l’educació secundària. De fet, la presència del relat com a narració literària i alhora com a forma de lectura i d’escriptura en els documents dels diferents nivells educatius ha generat multitud de reflexions i estudis

    Dynamic Selection of Symmetric Key Cryptographic Algorithms for Securing Data Based on Various Parameters

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    Most of the information is in the form of electronic data. A lot of electronic data exchanged takes place through computer applications. Therefore information exchange through these applications needs to be secure. Different cryptographic algorithms are usually used to address these security concerns. However, along with security there are other factors that need to be considered for practical implementation of different cryptographic algorithms like implementation cost and performance. This paper provides comparative analysis of time taken for encryption by seven symmetric key cryptographic algorithms (AES, DES, Triple DES, RC2, Skipjack, Blowfish and RC4) with variation of parameters like different data types, data density, data size and key sizes.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Fifth International Conference on Communications Security & Information Assurance (CSIA 2014) May 24~25, 2014, Delhi, Indi

    Intégrales de Selberg complexes et p-adiques et identités de Dyson-Macdonald

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    Cette thèse fait partie d'un programme de recherche sur la théorie conforme des champs et les représentations de l'algèbre de Lie dollar\frak{sl}_2dollar (réelle, complexe, dollarpdollar-adique, dollarqdollar-déformée). Nous étudions des versions réelle, dollarpdollar-adique et dollarqdollar-déformée d'une intégrale triple apparaissant en physique en connection avec le modèle de Liouville de la théorie conforme des champs. Ces intégrales se trouvent être aussi reliées aux identités de terme constant de Dyson-MacDonald. Et puis, nous donnons une approche différente pour calculer la version comlexe, qui utilise la technique de Bernstein-Reznikov. L'idée principale est d'appliquer des fonctionnelles invariantes à des représentations de séries principales de dollarG=SL(2,\mathbb{C})dollar. Enfin, nous définissons une dollarqdollar-déformation de Jacquet-Langlands de représentations de séries principales de dollarGL_2(\mathbb{R})dollar et nous prouvons l'unicité d'une fonctionnelle triple invariante sur ces objets en utilisant la méthode de H.Y.Loke. Nous trouvons aussi des relations semblables aux équations différentielles de [NSU].This thesis is part of a research program on Conformal field theory and representations of Lie algebra of dollar\frak{sl}_2(real,complex,dollarpdollaradic,dollarqdollarderfomed).Westudyareal,dollarpdollaradicanddollarqdollardeformedversionsofatripleintegralappearedinphysicsinconnectionwiththeLiouvillemodeloftheConformalfieldtheory.TheseintegralsturnouttobeconnectedwiththeDysonMacdonaldconstanttermidentities.WealsogiveanotherapproachtocomputethecomplexcasebyusingBernsteinReznikovstechnique.ThemainideaistoapplyinvariantfunctionalsonprincipalseriesrepresentationsofdollarG=SL(2,C)dollar.Finally,onedefinesadollarqdollardeformationofJacquetLanglandsprincipalseriesrepresentationsofdollarGL2(R) (real, complex, dollarpdollar-adic, dollarqdollar-derfomed). We study a real, dollarpdollar-adic and dollarqdollar-deformed versions of a triple integral appeared in physics in connection with the Liouville model of the Conformal field theory. These integrals turn out to be connected with the Dyson-Macdonald constant term identities. We also give another approach to compute the complex case by using Bernstein-Reznikov's technique. The main idea is to apply invariant functionals on principal series representations of dollarG=SL(2,\mathbb C)dollar. Finally, one defines a dollarqdollar-deformation of Jacquet-Langlands principal series representations of dollarGL_2(\mathbb R) and prove the uniqueness of an invariant triple functional on them by using method of H.Y.Loke. Alongside, we find out some relations to similar differential equations in [NSU]

    Capacity Building in Accounting in an Australian University – Lessons for South East Asia

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    Consideration is given to the promotion of and barriers to developing the intellectual capital of academics in triple bottom line accounting for countries in South East Asia. A range of considerations that promote intellectual capacity building in accounting are outlined. The main problems associated with development are also outlined. Le but de cet article est d’analyser le pour et le contre de la formation des universitaires en comptabilité, tout en adoptant une vision de responsabilité sociale (ou de Triple Résultat) dans les pays du sud est asiatique. L’auteur discute des moyens nécessaires pour promouvoir le développement de compétences en comptabilité. Il offre aussi une élaboration des problèmes principaux associés au développement