156,119 research outputs found

    The Impact of Service Quality on Cooperative Customer Satisfaction (Case Study: of Jakarta Cooperatives)

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    Cooperatives have provided quality service for their members but the steps taken by cooperatives for members are not very easy, over time it has provided the best service benefits for members, and some members disagree with providing services and some agree to give service. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method which is useful for providing facts and data. Then the techniques used by researchers are source triangulation techniques, data collection technique triangulation, and time triangulation. In this study, the Jakarta Cooperative of educators and education staff has explained the analysis of service quality and satisfaction of cooperative members, expert judgment on service quality must be made on all services available at cooperatives, service treatment and satisfaction of cooperative members must be (equalized) both Honorary, civil servants as well as government employees with work agreements. Meanwhile, all members, employees, and administrators to further enhance the cohesiveness of togetherness to advance the cooperation of educators and education staff in Jakarta

    A calculus for ideal triangulations of three-manifolds with embedded arcs

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    Refining the notion of an ideal triangulation of a compact three-manifold, we provide in this paper a combinatorial presentation of the set of pairs (M,a), where M is a three-manifold and a is a collection of properly embedded arcs. We also show that certain well-understood combinatorial moves are sufficient to relate to each other any two refined triangulations representing the same (M,a). Our proof does not assume the Matveev-Pergallini calculus for ideal triangulations, and actually easily implies this calculus.Comment: 32 pages, 30 figure

    Non ambiguous structures on 3-manifolds and quantum symmetry defects

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    The state sums defining the quantum hyperbolic invariants (QHI) of hyperbolic oriented cusped 33-manifolds can be split in a "symmetrization" factor and a "reduced" state sum. We show that these factors are invariants on their own, that we call "symmetry defects" and "reduced QHI", provided the manifolds are endowed with an additional "non ambiguous structure", a new type of combinatorial structure that we introduce in this paper. A suitably normalized version of the symmetry defects applies to compact 33-manifolds endowed with PSL2(C)PSL_2(\mathbb{C})-characters, beyond the case of cusped manifolds. Given a manifold MM with non empty boundary, we provide a partial "holographic" description of the non-ambiguous structures in terms of the intrinsic geometric topology of ∂M\partial M. Special instances of non ambiguous structures can be defined by means of taut triangulations, and the symmetry defects have a particularly nice behaviour on such "taut structures". Natural examples of taut structures are carried by any mapping torus with punctured fibre of negative Euler characteristic, or by sutured manifold hierarchies. For a cusped hyperbolic 33-manifold MM which fibres over S1S^1, we address the question of determining whether the fibrations over a same fibered face of the Thurston ball define the same taut structure. We describe a few examples in detail. In particular, they show that the symmetry defects or the reduced QHI can distinguish taut structures associated to different fibrations of MM. To support the guess that all this is an instance of a general behaviour of state sum invariants of 3-manifolds based on some theory of 6j-symbols, finally we describe similar results about reduced Turaev-Viro invariants.Comment: 58 pages, 32 figures; exposition improved, ready for publicatio

    A glimpse of the conformal structure of random planar maps

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    We present a way to study the conformal structure of random planar maps. The main idea is to explore the map along an SLE (Schramm--Loewner evolution) process of parameter Îș=6 \kappa = 6 and to combine the locality property of the SLE_{6} together with the spatial Markov property of the underlying lattice in order to get a non-trivial geometric information. We follow this path in the case of the conformal structure of random triangulations with a boundary. Under a reasonable assumption called (*) that we have unfortunately not been able to verify, we prove that the limit of uniformized random planar triangulations has a fractal boundary measure of Hausdorff dimension 13\frac{1}{3} almost surely. This agrees with the physics KPZ predictions and represents a first step towards a rigorous understanding of the links between random planar maps and the Gaussian free field (GFF).Comment: To appear in Commun. Math. Phy

    Extremal properties for dissections of convex 3-polytopes

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    A dissection of a convex d-polytope is a partition of the polytope into d-simplices whose vertices are among the vertices of the polytope. Triangulations are dissections that have the additional property that the set of all its simplices forms a simplicial complex. The size of a dissection is the number of d-simplices it contains. This paper compares triangulations of maximal size with dissections of maximal size. We also exhibit lower and upper bounds for the size of dissections of a 3-polytope and analyze extremal size triangulations for specific non-simplicial polytopes: prisms, antiprisms, Archimedean solids, and combinatorial d-cubes.Comment: 19 page

    On canonical triangulations of once-punctured torus bundles and two-bridge link complements

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    We prove the hyperbolization theorem for punctured torus bundles and two-bridge link complements by decomposing them into ideal tetrahedra which are then given hyperbolic structures, following Rivin's volume maximization principle.Comment: This is the version published by Geometry & Topology on 16 September 2006. Appendix by David Fute
