174 research outputs found

    Lo standard LTE

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    Per il sempre crescente traffico dati la rete mobile, attualmente basata sul sistema UMTS, sta cominciando a dimostrare i suoi limiti. Per questo il 3GPP (third Generation Partnership Project) ha avviato la standardizzazione di un nuovo sistema di telecomunicazioni mobile, chiamato LTE (Long Term Evolution), che migliora il precedente ponendo ambiziosi traguardi in quanto a prestazioni. Attualmente il sistema Ăš ancora in fase sperimentale e le prime applicazioni commerciali si avranno solo tra il 2010-2011. Questa tesi ha lo scopo di studiare le principali caratteristiche del livello fisico dell'LTE e valutarne le prestazioni offert

    Evaluating the effectiveness of Cooperative/Coordinated Multipoint (CoMP) LTE feature in uplink and downlink transmissions

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    Shannon demonstrated that the channel capacity depends of the ratio of the received signal power to interference plus noise power (SINR). Inter-cell interference caused by neighbouring base stations (BSs) has been identified as one of the most severe problem towards the deployment of LTE technology as it can significantly deteriorate the performance of cellside User Equipment (UE). However, because of regulatory and radiation restrictions as well as operational costs, signal power may only be increased only up to a certain limit to reduce the interference. The other common radio propagation impairment is multipath. Multipath refers to a scenario where multiple copies of a signal propagate to a receiver using different paths. The paths can be created due to signal reflection, scattering and diffraction. As will be discussed later the effects of multipath contribute little to intercell interference because multipath characteristics such as delay spread are compensated for using cyclic prefixes. In this work, we will limit our scope to interference as it has been identified as the main cause of performance degradation for cell edge users due to the full frequency reuse technique used in LTE. To mitigate interference 3GPP devised options of increasing the capacity in LTEAdvanced Release 12 which include the use of spectral aggregation, employing Multiple Input and Multiple Output (MIMO) Antenna techniques, deploying more base stations and micro and femto cells, increasing the degree of sectorisation and Coordinated Multipoint (CoMP). We are primarily interested in evaluating performance improvements introduced when uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) coordinated/cooperative multipoint (CoMP) is enabled in LTE Advanced Release 12 as a way of reducing interference among sites. The CoMP option of reducing interference does not require deployment of new equipment compared to the other options mentioned above hence network deployment costs are minimal. CoMP in theory is known to reduce interference especially for cell edge users and therefore improves network fairness. With CoMP, multiple points coordinate with each other such that transmission of signals to and from other points do not incur serious interference or the interference can even be exploited as a meaningful signal. In September 2011 work on specifications for CoMP support was started in 3GPP LTEAdvanced as one of the core features in LTE-Advanced Release 11 to improve cell edge user throughput as well as the average network throughput. We set to do field measurements in the evaluation of the effectiveness of CoMP in LTE. 3GPP LTE Release 12 was used and cell edge users' performance was the focus. The network operates in 2330 - 2350 MHz band (Channel 40). From the field measurements, it was demonstrated that the CoMP (Scenario 2) feature indeed effective in improving service quality/user experience/fairness for cell edge users. CoMP inherently improves network capacity. A seven (7) percent throughput was noticed

    The new enhancement of UMTS: HSDPA and HSUPA

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    During the last two decades, the world of the mobile communications grew a lot, as a consequence of the increasing necessity of people to communicate. Now, the mobile communications still need to improve for satisfies the user demands. The new enhancement of UMTS in concrete HSDPA and HSUPA is one of these improvements that the society needs. HSDPA and HSUPA which together are called HSPA, give to the users higher data rates in downlink and uplink. The higher data rates permit to the operators give more different types of services and at the same time with better quality. As a result, people can do several new applications with their mobile terminals like applications that before a computer and internet connection were required, now it is possible to do directly with the mobile terminal. This thesis consists in study these new technologies denominated HSDPA and HSUPA and thus know better the last tendencies in the mobile communications. Also it has a roughly idea about the future tendencies

    Power control for WCDMA

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    This project tries to introduce itself in the physical implementations that make possible the denominated third generation mobile technology. As well as to know the technology kind that makes possible, for example, a video-call in real time. During this project, the different phases passed from the election of WCDMA like the access method for UMTS will appear. Its coexistence with previous network GSM will be analyzed, where the compatibility between systems has been one of the most important aspects in the development of WCDMA, the involved standardization organisms in the process, as well as the different protocols that make the mobile communications within a network UTRAN possible. Special emphasis during the study of the great contribution that has offered WCDMA with respect to the control of power of the existing signals will be made. The future lines that are considered in the present, and other comment that already are in their last phase of development in the field of the mobile technology. UMTS through WCDMA can be summarized like a revolution of the air interface accompanied by a revolution in the network of their architecture

    Link level performance evaluation and link abstraction for LTE/LTE-advanced downlink

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    Els objectius principals d'aquesta tesis sĂłn l'avaluaciĂł del rendiment a nivell d'enllaç i l'estudi de l'abstracciĂł de l'enllaç pel LTE/LTE-Advanced DL. S’ha desenvolupat un simulador del nivell d'enllaç E-UTRA DL basat en la tecnologia MIMO-OFDM. Es simulen els errors d'estimaciĂł de canal amb un model d'error de soroll additiu GaussiĂ  anomenat CEEM. El resultat d'aquest simulador serveix per avaluar el rendiment a nivell d'enllaç del LTE/LTE-Advanced DL en diferents entorns . La idea bĂ sica dels mĂštodes d'abstracciĂł de l'enllaç Ă©s mapejar el vector de SNRs de les subportadores a un valor escalar, l'anomenada ESNR, la qual Ă©s usada per a predir la BLER. Proposem un innovador mĂštode d'abstracciĂł de l'enllaç que pot predir la BLER amb bona precisiĂł en esvaĂŻments multicamĂ­ i que inclouen els efectes de les retransmissions HARQ. El mĂštode proposat es basa amb l'estimaciĂł de la informaciĂł mĂștua entre els bits transmesos i els LLRs rebuts.The main objectives of this dissertation are the evaluation of the link level performance and the study of link abstraction for LTE/LTE-Advanced DL. An E-UTRA DL link level simulator has been developed based on MIMO-OFDM technology. We simulate channel estimation errors by a Gaussian additive noise error model called CEEM. The result of this simulator serves to evaluate the MIMO-OFDM LTE/LTE-Advanced DL link level performance in different environments. The basic idea of link abstraction methods is to map the vector of the subcarrier SNRs to a single scalar, the ESNR, which is then used to predict the BLER. We propose a novel link abstraction method that can predict the BLER with good accuracy in multipath fading and including the effects of HARQ retransmissions. The proposed method is based on estimating the mutual information between the transmitted bits and the received LLRs.Postprint (published version

    IST-2000-30148 I-METRA: D3.1 Design, analysis and selection of suitable algorithms

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    This deliverable contains a description of the space-time coding algorithms to be simulated within the I-METRA project. Different families of algorithms have been selected and described in this document with the objective of evaluating their performance. One of the main objectives of the I-METRA project is to impact into the current standardisation efforts related to the introduction of Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) configurations into the High Speed Downlink and Uplink Packet Access concepts of UMTS (HSDPA and HSUPA). This required a review of the current specifications for these systems and the analysis of the impact of the potential incorporation of the selected MIMO schemes.Preprin

    QoS management in UMTS terrestrial radio access FDD networks

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    This work investigates the role and importance of some of the key aspects of QoS planning, provisioning, monitoring and optimisation (QoS Management) for UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access (UTRA) FDD networks within the framework of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). Firstly, the differences between Quality of end user Experience (QoE) and Quality of Service (QoS) are explained. This is followed by a review of 3GPP requirements for QoS concept and architecture. Then all models and the main assumptions in this dissertation are presented. Based on these, original QoS mechanisms in the radio access network domain, means and methods for QoS provisioning, planning, monitoring and "optimisation" are discussed. Simulation results showed substantial spectral efficiency gains provided by service (or user) differentiation in UTRAN by means of priorities and differentiated parameter settings. When appropriately configured, the proposed QoS mechanisms can greatly reduce the need for bandwidth. Performance results proved also the proposed virtual time simulator to be an appropriate tool for service driven WCDMA radio interface dimensioning and detailed radio network planning. It is also shown that measuring QoS performance by a proper classification of counters (and or gauges), based on a particular subset of radio access bearer attributes, is a promising technique for assessing performances of service applications through WCDMA networks. With this new method there is no need to trace upper layer protocols at different interfaces or dumping data in mobile terminals. The proposed metrics allow operators to measure the bandwidth required for robust statistical reliability, to assess and exploit statistical sharing of resources, to configure QoS functions effectively, and to monitor QoE. The application of the proposed technique is not limited to the WCDMA Radio Network Subsystem (RNS), yet it can be deployed in any radio access and packet core network supporting mapping of performance indicators onto a particular subset of QoS attributes. Finally, in order to maximise the performance of the available services in UTRAN, at a given QoE, simulation results showed clear needs for the network administrator to adapt the parameter settings to diverse input application traffic conditions and the proposed genetic approach to be an appropriate solution space search algorithm for this purpose.reviewe

    Models of Control Channels in the LTE System

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    DizertačnĂ­ prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ zpracovĂĄnĂ­m signĂĄlu fyzickĂœch ƙídicĂ­ch kanĂĄlĆŻ systĂ©mu LTE a vyĆĄetƙovĂĄnĂ­m bitovĂ© chybovosti pƙi pƙenosu ƙídicĂ­ informace z vysĂ­lače do pƙijĂ­mače v zĂĄvislosti na podmĂ­nkĂĄch pƙíjmu. PrĂĄce je rozdělena do dvou hlavnĂ­ch částĂ­. PrvnĂ­ část prĂĄce je zaměƙena na simulaci pƙenosu ƙídicĂ­ informace LTE v zĂĄkladnĂ­m pĂĄsmu. Jsou zde prezentovĂĄny vytvoƙenĂ© simulĂĄtory ƙídicĂ­ch kanĂĄlĆŻ ve směru uplink i downlink. Simulace jsou provedeny pro vĆĄechny druhy nastavenĂ­ systĂ©mu a zĂĄkladnĂ­ modely pƙenosovĂ©ho prostƙedĂ­. Jsou zde popsĂĄny vĂœsledky vlivu pouĆŸitĂ­ MIMO technologiĂ­ na kvalitu pƙíjmu ƙídicĂ­ informace pƙedevĆĄĂ­m v ĂșnikovĂœch kanĂĄlech. DruhĂĄ část prĂĄce je zaměƙena na moĆŸnost nasazenĂ­ systĂ©mu LTE ve sdĂ­lenĂ©m pĂĄsmu ISM (2.4 GHz). Jsou zde pƙedstaveny zĂĄkladnĂ­ koncepce pouĆŸitĂ­, na jejichĆŸ zĂĄkladě je vytvoƙen scĂ©náƙ simulacĂ­. Kapitola dĂĄle popisuje tvorbu simulĂĄtoru koexistence LTE a systĂ©mu Wi-Fi v pƙenesenĂ©m pĂĄsmu ISM 2.4GHz. Jsou zde uvedeny vĂœsledky simulacĂ­ koexistence LTE a ruĆĄivĂ©ho systĂ©mu Wi-Fi provedenĂœch dle vytvoƙenĂ©ho scĂ©náƙe. VĂœsledky simulacĂ­ koexistence LTE a Wi-Fi jsou ověƙeny měƙenĂ­m v laboratornĂ­ch podmĂ­nkĂĄch. Toto porovnĂĄnĂ­ je dĆŻleĆŸitĂ© z hlediska optimalizace simulĂĄtoru koexistence. Dle vĂœsledkĆŻ obou typĆŻ simulacĂ­ a měƙenĂ­ jsou stanovena provoznĂ­ doporučenĂ­, kterĂĄ majĂ­ pƙispět k bezpečnĂ©mu a spolehlivĂ©mu vysĂ­lĂĄnĂ­ a pƙíjmu ƙídicĂ­ch informacĂ­ LTE i pƙi nepƙíznivĂœch podmĂ­nkĂĄch pƙíjmu.The doctoral thesis is focused on a signal processing in the LTE physical control channels and performance analysis of control information transmission according to receiving conditions. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part deals with simulation of the transmission of control information in baseband. The created simulators for uplink and downlink are presented. The simulations are performed for all possible system settings and various channel models. The MIMO influence on a quality of control information reception under fading channels is also presented. The second part of the thesis is focused on LTE utilization in shared channel ISM (2.4 GHz). The basic LTE application concept for ISM band is presented. This concept is fundamental to created simulation scenario. The chapter also presents the LTE and Wi-Fi coexistence simulator in 2.4 GHz ISM passband. The coexistence simulation are presented according to simulation scenario and the results are shown. The simulated coexistence analysis results are verified in laboratory environment. The comparison of the simulated and the measured coexistence analysis results is crucial for further optimization of the coexistence simulator. Recommendations for optimal and reliable operation of LTE are specified according to the simulated and the measured results. Recommendations should be useful to the reliable transmission of LTE control information in bad receiving conditions.

    Esquemas de cooperação entre estaçÔes base para o LTE no sentido descendente

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    The explosive growth in wireless traffic and in the number of connected devices as smart phones or computers, are causing a dramatic increase in the levels of interference, which significantly degrades the capacity gains promised by the point-to-point multi input, multi output (MIMO) based techniques. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly clear that major new improvements in spectral efficiency of wireless networks will have to entail addressing intercell interference. So, there is a need for a new cellular architecture that can take these factors under consideration. It is in this context that LTE-Advanced arises. One of the most promising LTE-Advanced technology is Coordinated Multipoint (CoMP), which allows base stations to cooperate among them, in order to mitigate or eliminate the intercell interference and, by doing so, increase the system’s capacity. This thesis intends to study this concept, implementing some schemes that fall under the CoMP concept. In this thesis we consider a distributed precoded multicell approach, where the precoders are computed locally at each BS to mitigate the intercell interference. Two precoder are considered: distributed zero forcing (DZF) and distributed virtual signal-to-interference noise ratio (DVSINR) recently proposed. Then the system is further optimized by computing a power allocation algorithm over the subcarriers that minimizes the average bit error rate (BER). The considered algorithms are also evaluated under imperfect channel state information. A quantized version of the CSI associated to the different links between the BS and the UT is feedback from the UT to the BS. This information is then employed by the different BSs to perform the precoding design. A new DVSINR precoder explicitly designed under imperfect CSI is proposed. The proposed schemes were implemented considering the LTE specifications, and the results show that the considered precoders are efficiently to remove the interference even under imperfect CSI.O crescimento exponencial no trĂĄfego de comunicaçÔes sem-fios e no nĂșmero de dispositivos utilizados (smart phones, computadores portĂĄteis, etc.) estĂĄ a causar um aumento significativo nos nĂ­veis de interferĂȘncia, que prejudicam significativamente os ganhos de capacidade assegurados pelas tecnologias baseadas em ligaçÔes ponto-a-ponto MIMO. Deste modo, torna-se cada vez mais necessĂĄrio que os grandes aperfeiçoamentos na eficiĂȘncia espectral de sistemas de comunicaçÔes sem-fios tenham em consideração a interferĂȘncia entre cĂ©lulas. De forma a tomar em consideração estes aspectos, uma nova arquitectura celular terĂĄ de ser desenvolvida. É assim, neste contexto, que surge o LTE-Advanced. Uma das tecnologias mais promissoras do LTE-Advanced Ă© a Coordenação Multi-Ponto (CoMP), que permite que as estaçÔes base cooperem de modo a mitigar a interferĂȘncia entre cĂ©lulas e, deste modo, aumentar a capacidade do sistema. Esta dissertação pretende estudar este conceito, implementando para isso algumas tĂ©cnicas que se enquadram no conceito do CoMP. Nesta dissertação iremos considerar a implementação de um sistema de prĂ©-codificação em mĂșltiplas cĂ©lulas, em que os prĂ©-codificadores sĂŁo calculados em cada BS, de modo a mitigar a interferĂȘncia entre cĂ©lulas. SĂŁo considerados dois prĂ©-codificadores: Distributed Zero Forcing (DZF) e Distributed Virtual Signal-to-Interferance Noise Ratio (DVSINR), recentemente proposto. De seguida o sistema Ă© optimizado com a introdução de algoritmos de alocação de potĂȘncia entre as sub-portadoras com o objectivo de minimizar a taxa mĂ©dia de erros (BER). Os algoritmos considerados sĂŁo tambĂ©m avaliados em situaçÔes em que a informação do estado do canal Ă© imperfeita. Uma versĂŁo quantizada da CSI associada a cada uma das diferentes ligaçÔes entre as BS e os UT Ă© assim enviada do UT para a BS. Esta informação Ă© entĂŁo utilizada para calcular os diferentes prĂ©-codificadores em cada BS. Uma nova versĂŁo do prĂ©-codificador DVSINR Ă© proposta de modo a lidar com CSI imperfeito. Os esquemas propostos foram implementados considerandos especificaçÔes do LTE, e os resultados obtidos demonstram que os prĂ©-codificadores removem de uma forma eficiente a interferĂȘncia, mesmo em situaçÔes em que a CSI Ă© imperfeita
